Imitated in the Language of the NEW TESTAMENT, Christian STATE and WORSHIP. By I. WATTS, D. D. The TWENTY SECOND EDITON. LUKE xxiv. 44. All things must be fulfilled НЕВ. Хі. 32-David, Samuel, and the Pro- : LONDON: Printed for T. LONGMAN, C. and R. WARE, MDCCLXIX. TO THE READERS On the following HEADS. Of the different Editions of this Book. THE larger edition is prefaced with a discourse on the right way of fitting the Pfalms of David for Christian worship; wherein a plain account is given of the author's general conduct in this imitation of the pfalms, together with some evident and convincing arguments to support it. There are also particular notes added at the end of a great number of the pfalms, which explain their evangelical fenfe, and shew the reason why they are either paraphrafed or abridged in fuch a manner here. At the request of many friends, the au thor has permitted this edition in a smaller form, to render it more portable and convenient for public worship; he therefore defires, and may reasonably demand this piece of justice of all his readers, that they 41×603 A 2 ZH Bibi |