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dued and hesitating voice, have learned to sing with more unanimity, cheerfulness, and confi

that this may be done, the minister should be careful to give out such tunes only as the choir THE general plan of this book will be apparent at first sight. It is intended to be used, or other leading singers are able to perform. either alone, or as a companion to the Connec- Indeed it would be well, if he should at first ticut Collection of Psalms and Hymns. When confine his selections to hymns which are conused alone, the left hand number only need to nected with the simplest and most familiar be announced, in giving out a Psalm or Hymn. tunes, until the people who are now accustomed When used in connection with the other book, to keep silence, or to sing only with a subthe number on the right hand should also be announced, which is the number by which it may be found in the book of Psalms and Hymns. No attempt has been made in this edition to preserve any arrangement of Psalms and Hymns in the order of subjects, such an arrangement being incompatible with a proper adaptation to music. An Index of the original arrangement of the Psalms and Hymns has been added constantly in mind the broad difference beat the end of the volume, which it is hoped tween congregational and choir-singing, and will serve every purpose of an arrangement by subjects, and of an Index of topics and uses. A small number of hymns not contained in the Association's collection, have been added as a supplement.

The tunes have been arranged in the order of meters; and under each meter a general regard has been had, in the arrangement, to the rhythmical form of the tunes. The Doxology appropriate to each tune is printed between

dence. After a few months, the whole book will naturally have become familiar to the mass of the congregation, and may be freely used, especially where the voices of the people are properly sustained by an organ.

2. The conductor of the music should bear

not attempt to engraft upon the former the peculiarities of the latter. Choir-singing, (as distinguished from congregational singing, and

from the act of the choir in leading the congregation) is intended to be effective and impressive upon the listener; and, to this end, a proper use is to be made of all those arts of musical elocution which add force and significance to the language of the hymn. Congregational singing, on the other hand, is intended to unite the voices of the assembly unanimously and heartily in worship, and in this any attempt at what is commonly called "expression,”— consisting in crescendoes and diminuendoes, in 1. In order to the successful use of this book, sudden pauses and holds, in the accelerating or it is very desirable that its adaptation of hymns retarding of the movement, &c.,-is not only to tunes should be uniformly followed. And needless and useless, but hurtful, inasmuch as

the staves of the music.


it embarrasses inexperienced singers, and cause | ble in every respect. It is to prepare a perthe whole congregation to sing with a sup-formance of choice pieces of sacred music,pressed and uncertain voice, keeping behind the best that the resources of the place will the choir and organ in time, in order that they afford, and to make this the attraction of the may be able to follow their changes. meeting. Where there is a children's singing

3. Both conductor and organist should never school in successful operation, one or two songs forget that a laggard, drawling movement is the from them will add to the interest of the occamortal enemy of good devotional singing. The sion. These exercises may be interspersed simple and beautiful church-chorals in equal with the practice of congregational singing. notes, instead of the cheerful popular melodies Such meetings, if they can be held, even though which they once were, have become in our no oftener than two or three times a year, will slow traditionary choral time, heavy and dull accomplish a threefold object; first, they will to the hearer, and to the singer positively stimulate the cultivation of the higher forms painful. of sacred music by select choirs; secondly,

It is partly in the hope of remedying this they will insure the interest and success of the great evil, that the compiler has followed the children's school; and thirdly, they will give example and the counsel of the best authorities the most favorable opportunity for congregain church music, and restored to these tunes, tional practice. If neighboring churches can (with a few exceptions) their ancient and origi- unite on such occasions, there will be great adnal rhythmical form. See, for example, Bava, vantage, inasmuch as the congregations will be p. 14, Iosco, p. 18, Canterbury, p. 104. Tunes larger and more enthusiastic, and the singing written in this form, with a long note at the better. beginning as well as at the end of each strain It will appear from some of the above remay be sung in the movement commonly given, marks, that there is no necessary incompatito the second measure of Uxbridge or Peter- bility between the practice of choir singing, and that of congregational singing. The ap


4. The customary organ interludes between pearance of such an incompatibility may have the stanzas of the Psalm may be omitted alto- arisen from the vain attempt to unite them gether, without detriment to the devotional both in the same exercise. If they can be character of the singing; but if used at all, they properly distinguished in the exercises of pubshould never be longer than a single musical lic worship, so that it shall be plainly underphrase of transition from the end of the tune to stood by the whole assembly, in what singings the beginning;—just long enough, in fact, to the choir are to sing to the people, and in what allow all to take breath, and no longer. This the congregation, including the choir, are to is a point of great importance. unite in singing a psalm of worship in an easy 5. It has usually been found difficult to se- and familiar tune,-it may be found, perhaps. cure a general attendance of the congregation that each form of church music will be useful, at meetings for the practice of singing. And it not only for its own sake, but also as a meanɛ may not be out of place here to suggest a of advancing and improving the other. method which has been found useful and agreea


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Be honor, praise, and glory given, By all on earth, and all


in heaven.

1. Praise to God. 1. Mr God, in whom are all the springs

[Ps. 57. i. 4. My heart is fixed: my song shall raise
Immortal honors to thy name;
Awake, my tongue, to sound his praise,
My tongue, the glory of my frame.

Of boundless love and grace unknown, Hide me beneath thy spreading wings, Till the dark cloud is overblown.

2. Up to the heavens I send my cry,

The Lord will my desires perform;
He sends his angels from the sky,
And saves me from the threatening storm.

8. Be thou exalted, O my God!

Above the heavens where angels dwell; Thy power on earth be known abroad, And land to land thy wonders tell.

5. High o'er the earth his mercy reigns,
And reaches to the utmost sky;
His truth to endless years remains,
When lower worlds dissolve and die.

6. Be thou exalted, O my God!

Above the heavens where angels dwell; Thy power on earth be known abroad, And land to land thy wonders tell.

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Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below:

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Praise him above, ye heaven-ly host; Praise Fa-ther, Son, and Ho

ly Ghost.

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