Imágenes de páginas
[ocr errors][merged small]

Job 31. 16..21. Is. 58. 7,10.
at.25.35..40. Mar.14 7. Lu.
1. Be.11 37.

$22.7.9. Pr 3 27,28. Mat.
31.-25. 42. 45. Ro. 12. 9. what. See on

14, 19,20,26. 1 Co. 13.3,13.
M... 2 Pe.1.5.,9. alone.
rer.14,22 Ro.14.23. 1Co.13.
He. 11.5,31. without thy
* copies read, by thy
I will. ver. 22. 25 ch.3.
1. Ro.8.1. 2 Co.5.17.-7.1.
IT 15. Tit. 2.7,11..14.

1.43 10-44 6,8-45.6,21,
6.14.9. Mar 12 29. Jno.17.3.
9.5.4,6. Ga 3 20. Ep.4.5,6.
4. thou doest. ver.8. Jon.
9. the Mat 8.29. Mar.1.
4.34. Ac.16.17.-19.15.-24.
Be 20 2,3,10

ch.1.26. Job 11.11,12. Ps.
12.11. Je 2.5. Ro.1.21. 1Co.
6.3 Col.2.8. ITI.1.6. Tit.
See on ver. 16

3. Jos 24.3. Is 51.2. Mat.
16.24,30 Jno 8.39,53. Ac.
12.16. justified. ver. 18,24.
4. 12.37.-25.31..40. Ro.3.
Go.22.9. 12, 16.18.

how. or, Thou seest. faith.
56 He.11.17..19.


ripturs. Mar. 12.10.-15.28.
16. Ro.9.17-11.2. Ga.3.
13.16. 1Pe 2.6. Abraham.
$4.3..6,10,11,22.24. Ga 3.6.
Ex 33 11. 2Ch 20.7. Jobl6.
48. Jno 15 13..15.
18,21,22. Ps.20.12.
J. 2. 1. Mat. 15, Rachab.
Mat. 21.31. justified. ver.
i. Jun.2.19.2ĺ.-6.17,22..25.

$34.14,15. Ps. 104.29-146.4.
12.22 Lu.23.46. Ac.7.59,60.
breath. 40. See on ver. 14,

СНАР, 111.

trashly or arrogantly to
others, 4; but rather to

he tongue, a little member,
werful instrument of much
great harm, 5-12. They
fruly wise are mild and
without envying and strife,
1.2.12. Mat.9.11.-10.24-23.

3.10. Ac 13.1. Ro 2 20,21.
Ep.4.11 1 Ti.2.7. 2 Ti. 11.
3 knowing. Le 10 3 Eze.
17.9. Lu.6 37.-12.47,49.-16.
4,77. IC 4 2.5. 2Co.5 10. He.
solemnation or, judgment.
-23 14. 1C 11.79. 32. Gr
Ki3.46 2 Ch.636. Pr. 20.9.
18.61.6 Ro.3.10 -7.21. G.3.
Uno 18..10. I. ver.5,6. See
£ P..31.13. Pr. 13.3. 1Pe 3.10.
See on ch. 1.4. Mat. 12.37.
4.12. He. 13.21. 1Pe.5.10. to

3.2 Ki.19.29. P..32.9.-39 1.

driven. Ps 107.25..27. Jon.1.4.

Ex. 5.2-15 9 2 Ki.19.22 24.
4,15-22 17. Ps 10.3-12.2.4.-
2.1,3-73.9,9. Pr 12.18.-15.2.-
193.9-19.18. Eze 28.2.-29.3.
-4.30. 2 Pe.2 18 Jude 16. Re.
matter, or, mood.

6 the tongue. Ju.12.4..6. 2 Sa. 19.43.1
-20.1. 2C1.10.13.16.-13.17. P.64.3-
140.3. Pr. 15.1.-16.27.-26.20,21. Is.30.

27. a world ch.2.7. Ge 3.4.6. Le.24.
11. No.25.2-31 16. De, 13.6. Ju.16.15..
20. 1S.22.9..17. 2 Sa. 13 26. 29.-15.2.6.
-16.20..23.-17.1,2. 1 Ki.21.5.15. Pr.1.
10..14.-6.19-7.5,21.23. Je 20.10.-28
16. Mat.12.24,32 36-15.11..20. Mar.7.
15,20 .22-14.65..57. Ac. 6.13.20 30.
Ro.3 13,14-16.17,18. Ep.5.3,4. Col.3.8,
9. 2 Th.2.10. 12. Tit.1.11. 2Pe 2.1,2.-3.
3. 3o. 10. Jude 8..10,15..18. Re 2.14,
15.-13.1..5,14 18.23-19.20. it is.
Lu. 16.24. Ac 5.3. 2 Co.11.13..15. 2 Th.
2.9. R 12.9.

7 kind. Gr. nature. is tamed. Mar.
5.4. Gr. mankind. Gr. the nature of

8 an unruly. ver 6. Ps.55.21-57.4.-
69.7-61 3,4 full. De.32.33. Ps.58.4.
-140 3. Ec. 10.11 Ro.3 13. Re 12 9.
9 Therewith Ps 16 9-30.12.-35.28.
-51.14-57.8.-€2.4.-71.24-108.1. Ac.
2.26. bless. ICh.29.10,20. Ps.34 1-63.
4.-145.1.21. Is 29 13. Ep.1.3. 1 Pe 1.3.
therewith curae. Ju.9.27. 25.16.5.-19.
21. Ps. 10.7-59.12.-109.17,18. Ee.7.22.
Mat 5.44.-26.74. Ro 3.14. made. Ge.
1.20,27-5.1-9.6. IC.11.7.

10 of. Ps.50 16.20 Je.7.4..10. Mi 3.
11. Ro.12.14. 1 Pe 3.9. these. Ge.20.
9. 2 Sa. 13 12. ICo.3.3. ITI 5.13.

11 place. or, hole.

12 the fig tree. Is..2.4.Je.2.21.Mat.
7.16..20.-17.33. Lu 6.43,44. Ro.11.16..

business, but mindful ever of th
uncertainty of this life, to commit
ourselves and all our affairs to
God's providence, 13-17.

1 whence, ch 3.14.18. fghtings. or,
brawlings. come they. ch.1.14. Ge.4.
5.8. Je 17.9. Mat.15.19 Mar.7.21.3.
Juo 8.44. Ro.8.7. Ti.6.4..10. Tit.3.3.
I P.1.14.-2.11.-4.2.3. 2 Po.2.18.-3.3.
1 Jno.2.15..17. Jude 16.18. lusto. or,
pleasures. So ver. 3. in. Ro.7.5,23. Ga.
3.17. Col.3.6.

2 lust, cb. 5.1..5. Pr. 1. 19. Ee. 4.8.
Hab 25. 1 Ti 6.9, 10. kill. or, envy.
because ch.1.5. 1s.7.12. Mat.7.7,8. Lu.
119.13. Jno.4.10.-16.94.

3 ask, and. ch 16,7. Job 27.8.10.-
25.12. Ps. 18.41-66 18,19. Pr 1.28-15,
8.-21.13,27 Is.1.15,16 Je.11.11,14-14.
12. Mi 3 4. Zec.7.13. Mat. 20.22. Mar. 10.
38. 1Jpo.3.22-5.14. ye may. Lu.13.13,
30.-16.1,2. Justs, or, pleasures. ter. 1.


4 adulterers. Ps 50.19-73.27. Is 67.
3. Je 9.2. Ho.3.1. Mat 12 39.-16.4.
friendship. Ino. 7.7.-15. 19,23.-17.14,
Joo.2 15,16. enmity, Ge.3.15 Ro.§.7.
whosoever. Ga.1.10. is the. Ps 21.8.
Lu. 19.27. Jno.15.23,24. Ro 5.10.

5 the scripture. Jno.7.42-10 35.-19.
37. Ro 9 17. Ga.3.8. The spirit. Ge.
Nu 11.29. Pe. Pr. 21.10.
Ec.4.4, 1.11.13. Ae.7.9. Ro.1.29. Tit.3 3.
to envy or, esriously.

6 Ged. Ex. 10. 3,4.-15. 9, 10.-18.11.
1 Sa.2.3. Job 22 29-40.10. 12. P. 138.

18. 80 Ex. 15. 23. 25. 2 Ki. 2. 19..22.6.Pr.3.34.-6 16,17,-29, 12,17,
Eze. 47.8.11.

13 is a ver 1. Ps. 107. 43. Ec. 8.1,5.
Je 9.12,23. Mat 7.24. I Co 6.5. Ga.6.4.
endued. 2 Ch.2.12,13. Job 28 28. Is.11.
3. Da.2 21. let. ch.2.18. 11.60.6. 2 Co.

24. 1Pe 2.9. a good. Phi.1.27. 1 Ti
4.12. H. 13.5. IP 2.12.-3.1,2,16. with
meekness, ver 17. cb.1.21. Nu.12.3. Ps.
25.9.-45.4.-149.4. 1.11.4.-29.19,–61.

Zep.2.3. Mat.5.5.-11.29.-21.5. 2Co.
10.1. Ga.5.23.-6.1. Ep.4.2. Col. 3.12.
ITi.6.11. 2 Ti.2.25. Tit.3.2. 1 P.3.4,15.

14 if ver.16 ch.4.1 5. Ge. 30,1,2-
37.11. Job 5.2. Pr. 14.30-27.4. 18.11.13.
Hab. 1.3 Mat 27.18. Ac 5.17-7.9.-13.
45. Roll9–13 I3, IC, 1.3.–13.4. 2Ce
12.20. Ga.5.15,21,26 Phi.1.15.-2.3, IT.

64. Tit.3.3. 1 P. 2.1.2. glory. Re.2.
17,23,se }Ca 47,5 – 42,6. Ga 6 13
and lie 28.10.16,31. Jno.16.2. Ac.26.9.

15 wisdom ver 17, ch.1.5,17. Jno.3.
27. Co da. Phi119 but 28a.13.3.-
15 31-16.23. Je 4:22. Lu. 16.8 Ro.1.22.
I Co.1.19,20,27,-2.6,7-3.19. 2 Co 1.12.
Jude 19. sensual, or, natural. ICo.2.14.
devilish Ge. 3.1..5. Joo.8.44. Ac 13.10,
2C 11.3,13.15. 1Jne.3.8.10. Jude 19.


16 where. ver. 14. 1 Co.3.3. Ga.5.20.
there. Ge 11.9, marg. Ac.19.29. Co.14.
33. confusion Gr. tumult, or, unquiet-
every 1Jno.3.12.


17 the wisdom. ver. 15. ch.1.5,17. Ge.
41.3M,39 Ex.36.2. 1 Ki 3.9,12,28. 1 Ch.
27.12. Job 28.12,23,28. Pr.2.6. Is.11.2,3.
Da.1.17. Lu. 21.15. 1 Co 2.6,7-12 8.
first ch.4.8. Mal 3.3. Mat.5.9. Phi,4,8,
Tit.1 15.1Jno.3.3 peaceable. ICh.72 9,
marg. Is.2.4-96,7-11.29-32 15.17.
Ro.12 18. He 12.14. gentle Is 40.11.
ICa 13.4.7. 20.10.1. Ga 5 22,23 Ep.5.
9. 1Th 27. 2T).2 24. Tit.3.2. full. Ino.
1.14. Ac 9 36.-11.24. Ro.15.14. 2 Co.9.
10. Phi111. Col 1.10. without. ch.2.

4. Mal 2.9. 1 T 5.21. partiality, or,
wrangling hypocrisy. Is 32.6. Mat.23
28 L 12.1,2. no 1.47. Ro 12.9. 1 Pe.1.
22.-2.1. Uno.3.18.

15 the fruit. cb.1.20. Pr.11.18,28,30.
18.32 16,17. Ho. 10.12. Mat. 5.9. Juo.4.36.
Phi... He.12.11. make. Mat.6.9.


-10.8.14.-16.6,7. Da 4. 37. - 5.20. 23.
Mat 23.12. Lu. 1.52.-14.11-18.14. 1Pe.
5.5 giveth grace 2 Ch.32 26.-33.12,
19,23-34 27. Job 22.29 Ps.9.12. Pr.15.
33.-18.12.-22 4. Is.57.15.

7 Submit. 18a.3.18. 2Sa. 15.26. 2Ki.1.
13.15.2 Ch.30.8-33.12,13. Job 21.-
40.3..5-42.1. 6. P. 32.3..5-66.3.-68 30.
Je.13.15. Da 4 25,32,34.37. Mat. 11.29.
Av.9 6.-16 29 31-26.19. Ro. 10.3 14.
11 Ep.5.21. He.12.9 1P.2.13. Resist.
Mat 43.11. 1.4 2.13. Ep.4-27-6.11,
12. 1 Pe.5 8,9. Re. 12 9. 11.

Draw wigs to God. Ge.18.23. ICh.
28.9 2Ch 15. P. 73.98-145.18. 1s 29.
13-55.6,7. Ho 6.1,2. Zec. 1.3. Mal.3 7.
He.7.19-10.22. Cleanse. Job 9 30,-
16.17.-17.9. P.18.20-24.4-26.6.-73.
13 1.1.15,16.-33.15. Mat 15 2-27.24.
ITI.2.8. 1Pe 3.21. parify Ps 51.6,7,
10. Je 4 14 Eze.18.31 36 25..27. Mat.
12.33-23.25,26. Lo.11.39,40. Ac. 15.9.
Co.7.1. 1P.1.22. 1Jno.3.3. ye double.
See on ch.18.

9 afflicted. ch.5.1,2. Ps. 119.67,71,136.
-1263,6. Ee 7.2.5. 1s 22 12,13. Je 31.
9,13,18 20. Eze.7.16.-16 63 Zec.12 10,
&c. Mat. 2Co.7.10,11 let.
Job 30.31 Pr.14 13. Ee.2.2.-7.6. La.5.
15. Lu 6 25.-16.25 Re 18 7,8.

10 Humble See on ver 6,7. e. 15a.
2.9 Job 22 29 P. 27.6.-29.9.-30.1-
113.7-147 6. Mat.23.12. Lu.14.11.-18.
14. 1 Pe.5 6.

11 Speak Ps.140.11. Ep.4.31. 1 Ti.3.
11. 21.3.3. Tit 2.3. 1 Pe 2.1. and
judgeth. Mat.7.1,2 La. 6.37. Ro. 2.1.-
14 3,4,10.12. 1 Co.4.5 speaketh evil
of the law. Ro 7.7,12,13. a deer. ch.
122,23,25. Ro.2.13.

12 langiver. 1.33.22. able. Mat. 10.
28. Lu 12.5. He.7.25 who. 1Sa 25.10.
Job 38.2. Ro 2.1-9.20.-14.4,13.

13 Go to ch 5.1. Ge.11.3,4,7. Ee.2.
1. Is.5.5. To day Pr.27.1. 1.56.12.
Lu.12 17..20. and buy. Is 24.2.-56.11.

Eze 7 12. 1 Co.7.30.

14 It is. or, For it is. a vapour.
ch 1.10. Job 7 6,7-9. 25,26-14.1,2 Ps.
39.5-89.47.-90.5..7102.3. 1.38.12.

Pe. 1.244.7. 1Jeo.2.17.

15 If 25.15.25,26. Pr. 19.21. La.3.
37. Ac.18.21. Ro.1.10.-15.32. 1 Co.4.19.
-16 7. He 6.3.

We are to strive against covetousness,
1-3; intemperance, 4; pride, 5-10;
detraction, and rash judgment of
others, 11, 19; and not to be con-
fident in the good success of worldly | 22. Ro.1.20,21,32.-2.17..23,—7.13.

16 ch.3.14. Ps.52.1,7. Pr. 25.14.-27.1.
1.47.7,8,10. 1 Co.4 7,8-5.6. Re. 18.7.
17 Lu.12.47,48. Jno.9.41.-13.17.-165.

[blocks in formation]

19 Thou believest that there is one
God; thou doest well: the devils
believe, and tremble,

20 But wilt thou know, O vain man,
that faith without works is dead?

21 Was not Abraham our father justi-
fied by works, when he had offered
Isaac his son upon the altar?


gu Seest thou how faith
with his works, and by works was faith
made perfect?

23 And the scripture was fulfilled which
saith, Abraham believed God, and it
was imputed unto him for righteousness:
and he was called the Friend of God.
24 Ye see then how that by works a
man is justified, and not by faith only.

25 Likewise also was not Rahab the
harlot justified by works, when she
had received the messengers, and had
sent them out another way?

26 For as the body without the spirit is
dead, so faith without works is dead also.

My brethren, be not many masters,
knowing that we shall receive the greater

σ condemnation.

2 For in many things we offend all.
If any man offend not in word, the
Same is a perfect man, and able also to
bridle the whole body.

3 Behold, we put bits in the horses'
mouths, that they may obey us; and we
turn about their whole body.

Mat. 7. 26.
e Ps. 107.43.
Phi. 1. 27.
1 Co. 3.3.

f 1 Jao. 3. 18.
yor natural.
4 by itself.
full, or,


Phi. 4.8.
ICo. 2, 6, 7.
He. 12. 14.
k Ga. 5. 22.

some co-

pies read,
ch. 3. 13.

e or, wren-

[ocr errors]


Mar. 1. 24.


He. 12. 11.
or, brawl-

Ge. 229,12,
or, plea


1 Pe. 2. 11.

or, Thou

9 He. 11. 17.

or, enry.

Ge. 15. 6.
2 Ch. D. 7.

Is. 41.8.

Re. 2. 12,
1Jn. 2. 15.
He. 11. 31.
Mat. 21. 31,

or, breath.

or, envi-
Ec. 4. 4.
Mat 23.8.14.

1 Pe. 5. 3.
z Pr. 29. 23.
e or, judg-

a 1 Ki. 8. 46.
Pr. 20. 9.

4 Behold also the ships, which though
they be so great, and are driven of fierce
winds, yet are they turned about with a
very small helm, whithersoever the go-b1 Pe. 5. 9.
vernor listeth.
c Pr. 13. 3.

1 Jn. 1. 8.

5 Even so the tongue is a little mem-d2 Ch. 15. 2.
ber, and boasteth great things. Behold,
how great a matter a little fire kindleth!

6 And the tongue is a fire, a world
of iniquity: so is the tongue among our
members, that it defileth" the whole
body, and setteth on fire the course of
nature; and it is set on fire of hell.

7 For every xkind of beasts, and of
birds, and of serpents, and of things in
the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed
of mankind:

Is. 1. 16.
Ps. 32. 9.
Mat. 23, 12.
Ep. 4. 31.
1 Pe. 2. 1.
i Pr. 12. 18.

Ps. 12. 3.

or, wood.

Pr. 16. 27.


n Mat. 10.28.
8 But the tongue can no man tame; it wheel
is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. x nature.
9 Therewith bless we God, even the Fa-nature of
ther; and therewith curse we men, which тая.
are made after the similitude of God. o Ps. 140, 3.
10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth
blessing and cursing. My brethren, these
things ought not so to be.


Ro. 3. 13.

For it is.
p Job 7.7.

Both a fountain send forth at the?
place sweet water and bitter?
12 Can the fig-tree," my brethren, bear

Lu. 12, 47.

Bor, hole.
Mat. 7. 16.

olive berries? either a vine, fe'
no fountain both yield salt wate

13 Who is a wise man KIHÍ KÊN
with knowledge and you
shew out of a good centers
works with meekness of wisdo

14 But if ye have hitter eryNERAL
strife in your heart, giay not; and
not against the truth.

15 This wisdom descendeth
above, but is earthly, 7 sesuM, ČETI
16 For where envying and stra
there is confusion and every eril

17 But the wisdom that is from
is first pure, then peaceable part
and easy to be entreated, tu
and good fruits, without #pat
and without hypocrisy,

[blocks in formation]

9 Ye lust, and have not: F
and desire to have, and cap
ye fight and war, yet ye h

cause ye ask not.

3 Ye ask, and receive not, bervalli
ask amiss, that ye may consume
your A lusts.

4 Ye adulterers and adalters,
ye not that the friendship of the
is enmity with God wherever
fore will be a friend of the world.
enemy of God.

5 Do ye think that the s
in vain, The spirit that d
lusteth p to envy?

6 But he giveth mice me
fore he saith, God resist the
but giveth grace unto the

7 Submit yourselves there th
Resist the devil, and be will f

8 Draw nigh to God, and he
draw nigh to you. Cleanse * per base
ye sinners; and purify ar bent

9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weiß
let your laughter be turned to our
and your joy to heat iness

10 Humble yourselves in the netti
the Lord, and he shall fart you np.

11 Speak not evil one of them, het
thren. He that speaketh eri, ein Hr
ther, and judgeth bis brother, the af
evil of the law, and juderte De -**
but if thou judge the law, then a wit
a doer of the law, but a

[ocr errors]

12 There is one Langise.
able to save and to destry? We at
thou that judgest another

13 Go to now, ye that at To-day @
to-morrow we will go soch, a chy
and continue there a year, and
sell, and get gain:

14 Whereas, ye know not what shad i
on the morrow. For what of year 20
It is even a vapour, that age** **
a little time, and then vansietary
15 For that ye ought to say. It me for
will, we shall live, and do this, art
16 But now ye rejoice in youŤ TENŮ
ings: all such rejoicing is evi

17 Therefore to hit that ke
to do good, and doeth not, to bi &

is sin.

10 Jo.3 24. Ese 33 II. MI
7-2.4.7. 1Jno.48.16, 18,
th. or, glorieth.

ver. 16. de. 7. 8.
Ro. 2. 25.
171.9 H..13.9 though.
1.1.22 25.


4 6.49. Ac. 8.13,21-15.9.
822 Ga 5.6,13. Th. 1.3.
11.16-3.8. He 117,8,17.
J-5.4.5. can 1 Co. 15.2.

Jub 31. 16.11 Is. 58, 7,10.
fat. 25 35.40. Mar.14.7. La.
(2 Be. 11.37.

Pr.3 27.28. Mat.
45. Ro. 12. 9.
what. See on

133) — 25. 42.
a 3.16. 18.

* 14, 19,20,20. 1 Co. 13.3,13. ↑
Tiia 2 P..1.5.9. alone.

s 14,22 Ra.14.23.1Ce 13.
B. 11.6.31. without the
copies read, by thy
and I will. ver. 52 25 ch.3.
7 Rs.1. 2Co.5.17.-7.1.
IT. 5. Tit 27,11..14.
4. s 42 10 -44 6,9-45 6,21,
E 14.9 Mar 12 29. Joo. 17.3.
€34,6. Ga 3 20. Ep.4.5,6. |
det. them deest. ver.8. Jun.

the Mai 8.29. Mar.1.
144.34. Ac.16 17.-19 15.-24.
Be 0 2,3,10.

ch.1 26. Job 11.11,12. Ps.
2. 11. Je 25 Ra L21, 1C.
Ga83. Col.2.8 IT.1.6. Tit.
See sa ver. 14.
ham Jos 24.3 Is 51.2 Mat.!
1-16.74.20 3.8.39,53. Ac.
2,16 justified. ver. 15,24.
#41 12.37-25 31..40. Ro. 3.
* Ge
efisk. or, Thou seest. faith.
S. He.11.17..19. faith
25-417, 15.

scripture. Mar. 12.10.-15.28.
14. Ro 9.17-11.2. Ga.3.
253.16. 1 Pe 2 6. Abraham.
B.4 1.6,10,11,22.24. Ga 3.6.
nd 2x 33 11. 2Ch.20.7. Joble.
141 Joe 15 13.15.
1.159,3),22 P.20 12.


[ocr errors]

Mat. 5, Rachab.

riat. M.21.31. justified. ver.
J2.19.21 -6.17,22.25.

[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors]

CHAP, 111
wat rashly or arrogantly to
-*e of bars, 1-4; but rather to
E the tongue, a little member,
• pourful instrument of muc À
sh, and greed barm, 5-12. They
are truly wise are wild and
conakin without envying and strife,
Mai 272. Mat 9 11-10 24-23.

1.10. Ae 13 1 Ro 2 20,21.
24. 1 Ti.2.7. 2 Til II.
Post kaowing. Le 10 3. Eze.

73 L 6 37-12.47,48-16.
1255,27 € 42. 5. 2Co 5 10. He.

condemnation or, judgment.
712-2H. IC 11 29. 32. Gr
1/48 2Ch 6 36. Pr 20 9.
2616. Ro 3.10 -7.21. G..3.

Uno 18.10. If ver 5,6 See
$ P.34.13. Pr. 13.3. 1Pe 3.10.
st be un cb. 1.4. Mat. 12.37.
2412 He.13.21. 1P.5.10. to
Lace 1.9.27.

[ocr errors]

21.19.29. P.32 9.-39 1.

redrines. Ps 107.25..27. Jon.1.4.
127 24 d. 27 14,&c.

5.52-15 9 2 Ki 19.22 24.
14.15-22 17. P. 10 3-12.2.4-
1-11-71.8.9 Pr 12.18.-15 2-
142.3.9-19.18, Ean 28.2-29.3.
425-4.30. 2 P..3.18 Jade 16. Re.
ASA malter, or, sood

6 the tongue Ju.12.4.6 2 Sa 19.43.
-20.1. 2C 10.13.16.-13.17. P.64.3
140.3. Pr.15.1.-16.27.-26.20,21. I».30.

a world ch 2.7. Ge 3.4..6. 1.24.
11. No 25.2-31 16. De.13.6. Ju.16.15..
20. 2 Sa. 13 26. 29-15.2..6.
-16 20.23-17 1,2. 1 Ki 21.5 15. Pr.1.
10..14.-6.197.5,21 23. Je 20.10.-28.
16. Mat 12.21,32 36-15.11.20. Mar.7.
15,2022-14. 55.57. Ae. 6.13.20 30.
Ro 3.13,14-16.17,18. Ep.5.3,4. Col.3.8,
9. 2 Th.2.10.12. Tit. 1.11. 2Pe 2.1,2-3.
3. 3300 10. Jude 8.10,15.18. Re 2.14,
15.-13.1.5,14-18 23.-19.20. it is.
Lu.16.24. Ac 5.3. 2 Co.11.13..15. 2 Th.
2.9. R- 12.9.

7 kind. Gr. nature. is tamed. Mar.
5.4. Gr. mankind. Gr. the nature of

8 an unruly. ver 6. P.55.21-57.4.—
59.7-64 3.4. full. De.31.33. Ps.58.4.
-1403 Ee 10.11 Ro.3 13. R. 129.

9 Therewith Ps 16 9-30 12-35.28.
-51.14-57.8 62.4-71.24-108.1. Ac.
2.20. bless. ICh.29.10,20 P.341-63.
4-145.1.21 1 29 13. Ep.1.3. 1 Pe. 1.3.
therewith curae Ju 9.27. 28.16.5.-19.
21. P. 10.7-9 12-109.17,18. Ee.7 22.
Mat 5.44.-26.74. Ro 3 14. made. Ge.
1.26,27.-5.1-9.6. 1C.11.7.

10 of. Ps. 50 16.20. Je 7.4.10. Mi 3.
11. Ro 12.14 i Pe 3.9. these. Ge.20.
9.2 5.13 12. ICo 3.3. ITI 5.13.

11 place. or, bole.

12 the fig tree. Is 2.2.4. Je 2.21. Mat.
7.16..20-1.33. Lu 6.43,44. Ro.11.16..

[blocks in formation]

Joo 9.44 Ro.8.7. Ti.6.4. 10. Tit.3.3.
I Pe 1 14-2.11-4.2,3, 2 Pe.2 18.-3 3.
1 Joo.2.15.17. Jude 16. 18. lusts. or,
pleasures. So ver. 3. in. Ro.7.5,23. Ga.
5.17. Col.3.5.

2 lust, cb. 5.1..5. Pr. 1. 19. Ec. 4.8.
Hab 2.5. 1 Ti 6.9,10. kill or, envy.
because eb.1.5. 1.7.12. Mat.7.7,8 Lu.
11.13. Jno.4.10.-16.24.

3 ask, and. ch. 16,7. Job 27 8..10.-
35.12. P. 18.41-66 18,19. Pr 1.28.-15.
3.-21.13,27 1.1 15,16. Je 11.11,14-14.
12. Mi 3.4. Zec.7.13. Mat 20 22 Mar 10.
38. 1Jno 3.22-5.14. ge may Lu 15.13,
30-16.1,2. lusts or, pleasures, ver 1.

4 adulterers. Ps 50. i8-73.27. 1. 57.
3 Je 9.2 Ho.3.1. Mat. 12.39-16.4 the
friendship, Juo 7.7-15. 19,23.-17.14.
Jno.2 15,16. enmity. Ge.3.15. Re.8.7.
whosoever. Ga.1.10. is the. Ps 21.8.
Lu. 19.27. Juo. 15 23,24. Ro 5 10.

5 the scripture. Ing.7.42-10 35.—19.
37. Ro 9 17. Ga.3.8. The spirit. Ge.
4.5,6-65-8.21-26.14 30.1.- 37.11.
No 11.29. P. Pr. 21 10.
Ec.4.4, 1.11. 43. Ac.7.9. Ro.1.29, Tit.3.3.
to envy or, enviously.

6 God Ex. 10. 3,4.-15. 9, 10.-18.11.
1 Sa.2.3 Job 22 29-40 10. 12. Ps 138.

18 so. Ex. 15. 23.25. 2 Ki. 2. 19..22. | 6.Pr.3,34.—6 16, 17,— 29 23.1s 2.11,12,17.
Eze 47.8.11.

13 is a ver 1. Ps. 107. 43. Ec. 8.1,5.
Je 9.12,23 Mal 7.24. 1 Co 6.5 Ga.6.4.
endued. 2 Ch 2.12,13. Job 28 28. Is.11.
3. Da.2 21. let. ch 2.18. 1s.60.6. 2 Co.
8 24. 1Pe 2.9. a good. Phi.1.27. 1 Ti
4.12. He 13.5. 1Pe 2.12.-3.1,2,16. with
meekness, ver 17. ch.1.21. No. 12.3. Ps.
25.9-45.4.-149.4. 1.1.4.-29.19-61.

Zep.2.3. Mat.5.5-11.29.-21.5. 200.
10.1. Ga.5.23.-6.1. Ep.4.2. Col. 3.12.
ITi 6.11. 2 Ti 2.25. Tit.3.2. 1 Pe 3.4, 16.

14 if ver. 16. ch 4.1 5. Ge.30.1,2-
37.11. Job 5 2. Pr. 14.30-27.4. Is.11.13.
Hab.1.3 Mat 27.18. Ae 5.17.-7.9-13.
45. Rot29 I3 I3, ICa 3.3 134. Co
125. Ga.5.15,21,26 Phi 1,15,–2.3. Ifi.
64. Tit.3.3.1 P. 2.1,2 glory. Ro.2.
17,23, &e 1 Co. 4.7,8-5.2,6. Ga.6 13.
and lie 2Ki 10.16,31 Jno.16.2. Ac 26.9.

15 wisdom. ver 17. ch 1.5,17. Jno.3.
27. Cord 1. Phi 319. but. 28.13.3-
15 31-16.23. Je 4 22. Lu 16.8 Re 1.22.
I Co.1.19,20,27 -2.6,7-3.19. 2 Co 1.12.
Jude 19. sensual. or, natural. ICo.2.14,
devilish Ge.3 1..5. Joo 44 Ac 13.10.
2Co 11.3,13.15. 1Jno.38 10. Jude 19.


16 where. ver. 14. 1 Co.3.3. Ga 5.20
there. Ge 11.9, marg. Ac.19.29. ICo.14.
33. confusion Gr. tomult, or, unquiet.
ness. every

17 the wisdom. ver. 15. ch.1.5,17. Ge.
41.38,39 Ex.36.2. Ki 3,9,12,28. Ch.
22.12. Job 28.12,73,28. Pr.2.6 Is 11.7,3.
Da 1.17. 16.21 15 1 Co 26,7.-12.8.
first ch.4.8. Mal 3.3. Mat 5.8. Phi 4.8.
Tit 1.15.1Jno 2.3 peaceable, 1Ch.21.9,
marg, 1.2.4.-96,7-11.2. 9-32 15. 17.
Ro. 12.18. He 12.14 gentle. 18.40.11.
1Co. 13.4.7 20.10.1. Ga 5 22,23. Ep.5.
9. 1Th 27 2Ti 2 24. Tit.3.2. full, Ino.
1.14. Ac 9 36-11.24. Ro.15 14. 2 Co.9.
10. Phi 111. Col 1.10. without. cl. 2.
4 Mai 2.9. 1 T5 21.

partiality, or,
wrangling hypocrisy. Is 32.6 Mat 23
28 Lu.12.1.2. Jno 1.47, Ro 12.9. 1 Pe.1.
22.-2.1. 1Jno.3.18.

Is the fruit. ch.1.20. Pr.11.18,28,30.
1.32 16,17 Ho 10.12. Mat 5.9. Jno.4.36.
Phil. He.12.11. make. Mat.5.9.


We are to strive against covetousness,
1-3; intemperance, 4; pride, 5-10;
detraction, and rash judgment of
others, 11, 19; and not to be con-
Adent in the good success of worldly

[merged small][ocr errors]

-10.8.14-16.6,7. Da. 4.37 5.20. 23.
Mat. 23.12. Lu.1.52.-14.11.-18.14. 1Pe.
5.5 giveth grace 2 Ch.32 26-33 12,
19,23-34 27. Job 22.29 Ps.9.12. Pr. 16.
33.-18.12-22 4. 1s.57.15.

7 Submit. 15.3.18. 28a.15.26. 2K1.1,
13.15. 2 Ch.30.8-33.12,13. Job 1.21.-
40.3..5-42.1.6.Ps 32.3..5-66.3-68 30.
Je.13.18. Da. 4.25,31,34.37. Mat. 11.29.
A96-16 29 31-26.19 Ro 10.3 14.
11. Ep.5 21. He, 12.9. 1Pe.2.13. Resist.
Mat. 43. 11. 10.4 2.13. Ep.4 27.-6.11,
12. 1 Pe.5 8,9. Re. 12 9..11.

8 Draw nigh to God. Ge.19.23. 1Cb.
29.9. 2Ch 15 2. P. 73.28-145.18. 1s 29.
13-55 6,7. Ho 6.1,2. Zec. 1.3. Mal.3.7.
H..7.19.-10.22. Cleanse Job 9. 30,-
16 17.-17.9. P.18 20-24.4-266-73.
13 1.1.15,16-33.15. Mat 15 2-27 24.
IT 2.8 1Pe 3.21 purify P. 51.6,7,
10. Je 4 14. Eze. 18.31-36 25 27. Mat.
12.33-23.25,26. Lu. 11.39,40. Ae 15.9.
2Co.7.1. Pe.1.22. IJmo 3.3. ye double.
See on ch.1 8.

9 oflicted, cb 5.1,9. Ps. 119 67,71,136.
--126.3,6. Ee 7.2.5. 1s 12 12,13. Je 21.
9,13,18 20 Eze.7 16.-16 63. Zec. 12.10,
&c. Mat 5.4. 1.6.21. 2Co 7.10,11 let.
Job 30.31. Pr 14 13. Ee 2.2.-7.6. La.5.
15. 16 25.-16.25 Re 18 7,8.

10 Humble See on ver 6,7 he. 1Sa.
29 Job 71 29 Ps 27.6.-28 9.-30.1.-
113.7-147 6. Mat.23.12. Lu 14.11.-18.
14. 1 Pe.5 6.

11 Speak Ps.149.11. Ep 4 31. 1 Ti 3.
11. 2 11.3.3. Tit 2.3. 1 Pe 21. and
judgeth. Mat.7,1,2 La. 6.37. Ra. 2.1.-
14,4,10 12 1 Co.4 5. speaketh evil

of the law. Ra 7.7,12,13.

1.22,23,25. Ro.2.13.

12 lavgiver. Is 33.22.

a doer. ch.
able. Mat 10.

28. Lu 125 He.7.25 who. Sa 25.10.
Job 38.2 Ro 2.19 20-14.4,13.

13 Go to ch 5.1 Ge 11.3,4,7. Ee.2.
1. 1.5.5. To day. Pr. 27.1. Is.56.12.
1.12.17..20. and buy. Is 24.2.-56.11.
Eze 7.12. 1 Co.7.30.

14 It is. or, For it is. a vapour.
ch 1.10. Job 7 6,7-9.25,26-14.1,2. P.
39.5-89.47.- 18.38.12.

IPe 1.24-4.7. 1Jo.2.17.

15 I 25.15.25,26. Pr. 19.21. La.3.
37. Ac.15.21. Ro.1.10-15.32. 1 Co.4.19.
-16 7. He.6.3.

16 ch 3.14. Ps.52.1,7. Pr. 25.14.-27.1.
18.47.7,8,10. 1 Co.4 7,8-5.6. Re. 18.7.
17 Lo.12.47,48. Jno. 9.41-13.17.-16.
22. Re.1.20,21,32-2.17..23-7.13.


13.7. fer. 2 Ch.36.16. Je.2.1. Mes Wicked rich men are to fear God's vengrance, 1-6. 34..39.-23.34.37. La 6-03-13.34 A12. a We ought to be patient in afflictions, after the ex-2.14,15. He.11.32.38 ample of the prophets, and Job, 7-11; to forbear swearing, 12; to pray in adversity, to sing in prosperity, 13; to acknowledge mutually our several faults, to pray one for another, 14-18; and to reduce a straying brother to the truth, 19, 20.

11 we cert. ch.1. 12. Pri Ma 10.22. He 3.6.14.-10.39. Y. Job 12 2.10.-13.15.16-23.10. ad hae Jochaj tá Ps.37.37. Ec.78 1 Pe.16.13. Pe Lord is. Ex. 34.6. Nu.14.18 11: 1 Go. See on ch.4.13. ye, ch. De.89. Ne.9.17,31. P. 25.67-51.1-7241 12..14.-32.15. Ne.9.25,26. Job 20.15..29. Ps.17.14.-103. 8, 13.-116.5-119.192-11-15 -49.6..20-73.3.9,18..20. Pr.11.4,28. Ec.5.13,14. Is.55.6.7.-63.7.9. La.3.00 290 Je.9.23. Mi.6.12. Zep.1.18. Mat.19.23,24. Lu.6. 13. Jon.4.2. Mi.7.18 La120-638AA BE 24.-12.16.21.-16.19..25. 1 Ti. 6. 9, 10. Re.6.15.. 1.6.-2.4. 17. weep. ch.4.9. Is.13.6.-22.12.13. Je.4.8. Eze. 19.2. Joel 1.5,11,13. Am.6.6,7. Zec.11.2,3. Lu.6. 25.-23.28,29.

2 Your riches. Je.17.11. Mat.6.19,90. Lu.12. 33. 1 Pe.1.4. your garments. ch.2.2. Job 13.28. Ps.39.11. Is.50.9.-51.8. Ho.5.12.

12 above. 1 Pe.4.8, 3 Jn 2. mayd Mat.5.33.37.-23.16.00. See votial 20. lest. ch.3.1.9. 1 Co.ILM.

13 any among. 2 Ch.33.12,13 Job 6.-50.15.-91.15.-116.3. 5-1285-14004 A 3.35.56. Ho.6.1. Jon..27. Lo.2044-234e 3 cankered. 2 li.2.17. a witness. Ge.31.48,52. 16.24.25. 2 Co.19.7.10. He 5.7. Jos.24.27. Job 16.8. and shall. Je.19.9. Mi.3.3. 16.23..25. Da.5.4. let him g. Ins Re.17.16.-20.15.-21.8. Ye have, De. 39.33,34. 95.2.-105.2. Mi.4.5. Mat.26301Cel? Job 14.16,17. Ro.2.5. the last. See on Ge. Col.3.16.17. Re.5. 9.14.—71-4Is.2.2. Mi.4.1. Ac.2.17. 2 Pe.3.3.

4 the hire. Le.19.13. De.24.14,15. Job24.10.11. -31.38,39. Is. 5.7. Je.22.13. Hab.2.11. Mal.3.5. Col.4.1. the cries. Ge.4.10. Ex.2.23.24.-,27. De.24.15. Job 34.28. Ps.9.12. Lu.18. 7. Lord. Ro.9.29. Is.1.9. Heb.

5 have lived, 1 Sa.25.6,36. Job 21.11..15. Ps.17. 14.-73.7. Ec.11.9. Is.5.11.12.-47.8.-56.12. Am. 6.1.4..6. Lu.16.19,25. 1 Ti.5.6. 2 Ti.3.4. Jude 12. Re.18.7. been. Is.3.16. Ro.13.13. as in. Pr.7. 14.-17.1. Is.22.13. Eze.39.17. Re.19.17,18.


14 for. Ac.14.23.-15.4. TRIS 21. 2 K1.4.33.-5.11. Ac.9.40.-28. ma Mar.6.13.-16.18.

15 the prayer. See on ver.13.16. JA 17.20,21-31 21,92, Mar1024-1 12.28..30.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

if he. Is.33.24. Med the 11. Jn.5.14. 1 Co.11.30.32 1*574_0 16 Confess. Ge 41.9.10. 25.1910 18.15..17. Lu.7.3,4. Ac.19.181 Th.5.17,23,25. He.13.18. that 30.20. Lu.9.6. Ac.10.3. 23..32.-19.09.-20.7.17.-80 | 17.11.-32.10..14. Nu.11.2.-14 1 De.9.18. 20. Jos.10.12. 1 Sat 1 Ki.4.33.35.-19.15.00-21.316 7 Be patient. or, Be long patient, or, Suffer 14.11,19-32. 20..22. Job 42. 8. PUTABAK with long patience. Lu. 8. 15. Ro.2.7.-8.24,25.-15.-145.18,19. Pr.158,29.13-333. Dao 18 g

6 hare. ch.2.6. Mat.21.38.-23.34,35.-27.20,24, 25. Ju".16.2.3. Ac.2.22.23.-3.14.15.-4.10..12.-7. 52.-13.27,28.-22.14. 1 Tb.2.15,16. and he. Is. 53.7. Mat.5.39.-26.53.54. Lu.22.51..53. Jn.19. 9..11. Ac.8.32. 1 Pe.2.22.23.

15.4 2 Cô64,5. Ga5.5.–6.9. Coll.i. 1 Th.13.

He.6.15.-12.1..3. unto, ver.8.9. Mat.24.27.44.
Lu.18.8.-21.27. 1 Co.1.7. 1Th.2.19.-3.13. 2 Pe.
3.4. until. De.11.14. Je.5.24. Ho.6.3. Joel 2.23.

7.7.11.-21.29. Lu.11.11..13-
Ac.4.24..31.-19.5..11. 1
Ro.3.10.-5.19. He.11.4.7.

8 ye also. Ge.49.18. Ps. 37.7.-40. 1..3.-130.5.-14.15. La.3.25.26. Mi.7.7. Hab.2.3. Ro.8.25. Ga.5.22. 1 Th.1.10. Th.3.5. He.10.35..37. stablish. Ps. 27.14. for. ver.9. Phi.4.5. He.10.25,37. 1 Pe.4.7. Re.22.20.

9 Grudge not. or, Groan not, or grieve not. ch. 4. 11. Le. 19. 18. Ps.59.15. Mar.6.19, marg. 2 Co.9.7. Ga.5.14,26. 1 Pe.4.9. lest. Mat.6.14,15. -7.1.2. the Judge. Ge.4.7. Mat.24.33. 1 Co.4.5. -10.11. Re.3.20.

10 who. Is.39.8. Je.23.22.-26.16. Ac.3.21. He.

17 Elias. 1 Ki.17.1. Elijah, mht. A4% and he. Ro.11.2. Rel or, in prayer. and it rained at LAS 18 1 Ki. Je.14.2, ADJAC 19 err. Ps.119.21.118 Pr. Eve Ta 10,21. 2 Ti.2.18. 2 Pe.3.17. Jude 11 ver.20. Eze.34.4.16. Mat.1815. La He.12.12,13. Jude .B.


20 that he. ver. 19. shall. Pr.. 11.14. 1 Co.9.09. 1 T1.4.16 PES ch.1.15. Pr.10.9.-11.4. Jn 5.4. Re Ps.32.1. Pr.10.12. 1 Pe.4.8


JAMES, the son of Alpheus, the brother of Jacob, and the near relation of our Lord, and a the Less, probably because he was of lower stature, or younger, than the other James, the son of w is generally allowed to be the writer of this Epistle; and the few that have doubted this trail * very slight reasons for their dissent, and advanced very weak arguments on the other side. in ecclesiastical history, and the book of the Acts of the Apostles confrms the fact, the resided at Jerusalem, superintending the churches in that city, and in the neighbouring plars 13:39.08 of his life, which was terminated by martyrdom about A. D. 62. This epistle appears to have m but a short time before his death; and it is probable that the sharp rebukes and awful wings ( **** it to his countrymen excited that persecuting rage which terminated his life. It is strice (x** General, because it was not addressed to any particular church, but to the Jewish nation throughest 198 dispersions. Though its genuineness was doubted for a considerable time, yet its insertion in terta Syriac version, which was executed at the close of the first, or the beginning of the second ersan de the citation of, or allusion to it, by CLEMENT of Rome, HERMAS, and IGNATIUS, and its beng q** ORIGEN, JEROME, ATHANASIUS, and most of the subsequent ecclesiastical writers, as well as a d evidence, are amply sufficient to prove the point.


now, ye rich men, weep and your miseries that shall come


riches are corrupted, and are moth-eaten. gold and silver is cankered; and of them shall be a witness against shall eat your flesh as it were have heaped treasure together st days.

ld, the hire of the labourers reaped down your fields, which kept back by fraud, crieth: and of them which have reaped are into the ears of the Lord of have lived in pleasure on the 1been wanton; ye have nourished rts, as in a day of slaughter. ave condemned and killed the

! he doth not resist you.

patient therefore, brethren, unto ing of the Lord. Behold, the man waiteth for the precious the earth, and hath long patience ntil he receive the early" and



ye also patient; stablish your for the coming of the nigh. udge not one against another, lest ye be condemned: behold, e standeth before the door. te, my brethren, the prophets, spoken in the name of the Lord, xample of suffering affliction,


[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

11 Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the pa tience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.

12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea, and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.

13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.?

14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they and pray one for another, that ye may be shall be forgiven him. healed. The effectual fervent prayer of righteous man availeth much."


16 Confess your faults? one to another,

17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed yearnestly that it might not rain; and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.

18 And he prayed again," and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him,

20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide" a multitude of sins.

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