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THOMAS CHANDLER. DIED at Kirby Malzard, in the Ripon Circuit, July 23rd, 1851, aged twentyfour years, Thomas Chandler. He was

a young man of considerable promise; and his parents and Christian friends had cherished expectations of his future usefulness both to the world and the Church. From an early period he was a subject of divine strivings; and holy purpose, then inspired, showed itself by his conscientious scruples regarding truth and propriety of conduct. Had he early been sedulously guarded against corrupting influences, he would in all probability sooner have manifested decision of character, and united himself with the Church. He was convinced of the propriety of a religious course of life; but the evil principle suggested to him, what is suggested to tens of thousands with whom the Spirit powerfully strives, "Soon enough yet! soon enough yet!" and in effect he said, with one of whom we read in the Scriptures, "Go thy way for this time, and when I have a convenient season I will send for thee." He knew he was in error and a guilty sinner, and his fears became terrific. He knew the path into which he had been drawn was the broad way that leadeth to destruction. At length, through Almighty mercy, he was arrested, and he paused to consider his ways. Caught, however, in the snare of the Wicked One, he was in.. duced again to procrastinate; and purposed that, when he became a man, he would fully yield and consecrate his body and soul to God's service and glory.

When our young friend had attained the age of twenty-one years, it pleased God to bless our Society with a rich and copious outpouring of his Holy Spirit, and a blessed revival was the result; and the people with astonishment cried, "We never saw it on this fashion!" The Divine Being chooses his own instruments, and, as it is written, "It is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord." A revivalist, as he is called, from Scotland, in the order of Providence came to Kirby, and preached in our chapel and in the villages adjacent, and weeks of protracted services were held. The result was that a number, both young and advanced in life, were caught in the gospel net, and numbers of profligate and notorious sinners were convinced and converted. Considerable numbers were added to the Churches, and especially our Society was greatly increased; so that from twenty-three the numbers were advanced to near seventy, When, however, the

excitement was past, many grew weary and cast off the yoke, but a goodly number remain to this day, and are ornaments to the Church of Christ. Among this happy number Thomas Chandler was conspicuous. His change was real, his pardon was sealed, and his faith in the great atonement was firm and unshaken; and he went on his way rejoicing. He had so clear and sound a conversion that he stated the time and the place where his bonds were broken, and when he emerged from darkness to light; and when he sweetly sang, "O Lord, I will praise thee," &c. Here we may remark that many truly pious Christians are frequently held in bondage by the temptations of the Wicked One, and they fear they are deceiving themselves because they cannot give date to their adoption. If, however, good fruit is produced, the tree from which it is taken must be a good tree; and our Saviour has said, "By their fruits ye shall know them." The fruits of the spirit are peace, righteousness and joy in the Holy Ghost. These grow not in nature's garden. Thomas, however, was enabled to say, "On the 8th day of April, 1848, God in mercy set my soul at liberty." He then could adopt the sentiments of the poet : No condemnation now I dread, &c. The means of grace, which were then numerous, were regularly attended; they were wells of salvation to his soul. He hungered and thirsted after righteousness, and was filled. He laboured, and prayed, and related his experience, and used various means to convert his companions; nay, he felt such a love to religion and to souls that, if he could have done so, he would have brought all the world to Christ. He used to say, If all the world my Saviour knew, Sure all the world would love Him too.

Our young friend was an active teacher in the Sabbath-school, and was much respected for his regular and punctual attendance. His agreeable presence, his gentle spirit and his diligence in each department of duty, gave him many advantages, and had it pleased God to preserve his life, would, no doubt, have produced more useful results.

For some time our young friend went on his way rejoicing. Not a cloud intervened between him and his Saviour. He walked in the light of God's countenance; but depending too much upon feeling, and too little upon watchfulness and a steady faith, he was led to Doubting Castle, as Bunyan has it; and he was in sore bondage to his fears, and he walked

in darkness and was in heaviness through manifold temptations, and unhappily became lukewarm, and dealt with a slack hand. He never designedly omitted the means of grace, but his enjoyments abated and his zeal was damped. He was soon, however, laid aside by affliction; and symptoms of an alarming kind appeared, and fears of the worst kind entertained concerning him. His dear parents, who had been visited with multiplied bereavements within a short period, had their fears respecting Thomas, concerning whom their expectations had been raised, that he would be the staff of their declining age.

The symp

toms at first of decline were not so strong as to preclude hope either in them or himself. He had an impression he should soon be restored; we, who saw his wasting flesh, and witnessed the hectic flush, believed otherwise. In his short affliction the power of religious principle was manifested; and he contemplated his approaching end without fear. He became meek, patient and resigned; he gave up father and mother and dear friends: the world had lost all its attractions. His affections were fixed on things above, and he expressed a desire to depart that he might be with Christ, which he felt would be far better. He was visited by many of his young companious, whom he exhorted to give their hearts to God, and to prepare to meet him in heaven.

For the last week or ten days of his life his company was truly animatingnay, delightful. His visitors were numerous, and their conversations and devotional exercises had an exhilirating influence upon him. A neighbour, an excellent man, and a local preacher with our Wesleyan brethren, was his most frequent and attentive visitor; and being a Christian of long, deep and various experiences, his instructions and prayers were greatly blessed, and the mind of Thomas was kept in a state of buoyancy. His death-bed sayings were numerous, and worthy of record.

All who knew him, and especially those intimately acquainted with his capabilities and his experience in divine things, consider his early removal a loss to the Church. But it must be soothing to his afflicted parents to know that his sun set in a clear sky, and that he is

Far from a world of grief and sin,
With God eternally shut in.

On Lord's day, August 17th, his death was improved in our chapel to a very crowded congregation, by his friend Mr. G. Dawson, from Revelations xxii. 4:

[blocks in formation]

[Our community has been called to sustain another loss, in the death of our estimable friend, Mr. W. Makinson, of Manchester. The loss of a friend so excellent and influential will be long and deeply felt, not only by his family and the Circuit in which he resided, but by the whole Connexion, of which he was Я pillar and an ornament. The following letter from Mr. Donald affords the particulars of this mournful bereavement. These repeated shafts from the quiver of the Destroyer, call upon us all to "work while it is day," and to be constantly ready for our summons to the eternal world.]

MY DEAR SIR,-It is my painful duty to inform you of the death of our venerable and much-esteemed friend W. Makinson, Esq. For about forty-five years he has been identified with the Methodist New Connexion, during which time, as you will be well aware, he has filled some of the most important offices in our community. As a leader, local preacher, and Connexional officer, his services have been of the most valuable character; and in his removal the Circuit and the Connexion have lost one of their most devoted and efficient members. His death was somewhat sudden and unexpected, and has produced a very painful impression on the minds of an extensive circle of friends. During the last few years of his life he suffered from an affection of the heart. About five weeks ago, his disease assumed a serious aspect, and we were apprehensive of his sudden removal. But from that attack he partly recovered, and on Sabbath morning last he attended service at Salem Chapel. On Monday morning he seemed still improving, but at noon was taken worse. In the afternoon he was considerably relieved, but in the evening, while sitting in his chair and surrounded with his family, he was again suddenly seized, and in about five minutes after he fell asleep in Jesus, in the 66th year of his age.

During his affliction his mind was uniformly tranquil and happy, and often did he engage in conversation on the joys of heaven. On the day on which he died he was perfectly composed, and several times he said to his family and friends, "All is right. If the Lord should be pleased to take me, all will be well.

I am in the hands of the Lord, and cannot be in better." To us this dispensation is painful and mysterious; but we bow submissively to the will of God, and our prayer is that divine grace may be communicated to the bereaved family and friends, and that the bereavement may have a sanctified effect on both.

I remain my dear sir,
Yours, &c.

Manchester, Feb. 18, 1852.

P.S. A more extended memoir may be expected.

ELLEN GRIFFITHS departed this life Feb. 24th, 1852, aged fifty-six years. At an early age she became the subject of serious impressions; and by following the leadings of the Holy Spirit she was induced to attend the public services of the sanctuary, by which means she was gradually made acquainted with the truth as it is in Jesus. During a period of between twenty and thirty years she was a member of our Society, and lived in the enjoyment of the saving grace of God. In her general deportment she gave continual evidence of the power and excellence of true religion by a spirit of love, meekness and gentleness, which gained the esteem and affection of her family and friends, and which recommended religion to her neighbours. Her conduct was so exemplary that she was never known to give way to angry emotions, or to resent an injury. She was distinguished by the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is of great price.

In August 1842 she was visited with an affliction which defied all medical skill, and under which she lingered for eight years. In this protracted and sometimes extremely heavy affliction, she exercised that spirit of meekness and patience by which her former life had been distinguished; she never murmured, but patiently endured as seeing Him who is invisible. A few months before her demise she suffered a severe shock in the death of an affectionate daughter, who had watched over her, and who had been a great comfort and support to her in her affliction. This painful bereavement was too much for her feeble and sinking frame to bear. She sank under the burden, and shortly after followed her beloved daughter to her long home. A few days before her death she desired that one of her sons should be sent for; and, upon his entering the room, she lifted up her hands and said, "I am going home; I have received the summons, and in a few more hours I shall be in

heaven." After relating a few matters which she desired him to pay attention to, she added, "I have now done with the things of this life, and I am anxiously waiting to depart and be with Christ, which is far better." Death had now lost his sting, and the grave its terror, and shortly after her emancipated spirit entered triumphantly into heaven. Jan. 20, 1852. H. GRIFFITHS.

JOHN STEPHENSON of North Shields exchanged time for eternity, December 22nd, 1851. In early life he became seriously disposed, but subsequently yielded to the influence and power of sin. About three years ago he united with our Society in connexion with Mil. burn-place Chapel, and resolved to give his heart to God. By his regular observance of the means of grace, his active exertions in the cause of God, and his consistent deportment, he gave satisfactory evidence of the genuineness of his piety. His affliction was short but severe; and he frequently assured the friends who visited him that he was happy in the prospects of eternity. His last words were, "I am going to see Jesus!" The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. W. HUGHES.

MARGARET ANN HALL, of Whitehillpoints, near North Shields, died in the Lord, January 1st, 1852. From a child she had been taught the way of salvation by faith in Christ Jesus; and about eighteen years ago she sought and found the pearl of great price. Anxious to secure the advantages of Christian communion, she became a member of our Society at Milburn-place Chapel, and, amid domestic cares and engagements of no ordinary kind, she adorned her Christian profession, and furnished indubitable evidence of the reality and strength of her piety. While suffering most acutely, owing to the peculiar nature of her affliction, her mind became be clouded and she was deprived of those manifestations of the divine favour which she had usually enjoyed. This was a source of inexpressible grief to our beloved sister, and earnestly did she pray that all her doubts and fears might be removed. The Lord heard and answered her prayers, and, before she was called away from her family and the Church, her soul was filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory. W. HUGHES.

WILLIAM LOVEBY, of South Shields, fell asleep in Jesus, December 27th, 1851,

aged thirty-seven years. When only fifteen years old he joined the Primitive Methodists' Society, and became a sincere disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

About three years afterwards he deemed it his duty to unite with the Methodist New Connexion, and for a period of eighteen years was a consistent member of the Society and an intelligent and useful local preacher. His kind disposition, his agreeable manners, his fervent piety and his unbending integrity, rendered him the object of general esteem and affection. About eighteen months ago signs of consumption made their appearance; and, although the usual remedies were employed, yet the disease progressed, and his Christian friends feared the result. At length nature yielded to the power of disease, and he died in sure and certain hope of a resurrection to eternal life.


DIED at Hunslet, December 13th,1851, very suddenly, Mary, the wife of one of our respected leaders, Mr. Samuel Peel, aged 48. She had attended the ladies' sewing-meeting on the Thursday, two days before, apparently in her usual health, and continued so up to a late

hour on the Friday evening; but on the Saturday bearing the above date, after a few hours' illness, her spirit was called to enter the eternal world. She had been a member of our Society a number of years. A numerous family and a large circle of friends mourn her departure, and revere her memory. May they regard the admonition, "Be ye also ready." R. H.

JOSEPH PEAKE, on Monday, January 5th, aged seventy-two, of this town, entered into rest. Up to the Saturday night previous he was well and lively as usual, when he was seized with a paralytic stroke, which prevented him from seeing or distinctly speaking afterwards, although he gave satisfactory indications that his soul was resting on the Rock of ages. He had been about fifty years connected with our community, aud about forty the leader of a class. A fuller account of our esteemed brother may be expected. Newcastle-under-Lyme,

G. G.


THE CITY OF ROME: Its Edifices and its People. With numerous Engravings. 32mo, pp. 252. London: The Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster-row.

This volume is a fit companion for its predecessor. As intimated in the preface, all who rightly appreciate the value of history, who are delighted with searching into antiquity, or who find pleasure in the examination of works of art, must take an interest in everything that relates to the city of Rome. For the devout student of divine revelation, the metropolis of the ancient world must also possess an extraordinary interest. There it was that a Christian Church arose, composed of those who were "beloved of God, called to be saints;" and whose "faith was spoken of throughout the world." It was the members of this Church that Paul longed to see, and for years cherished the desire to visit. It was to them, too, that he addressed that important epistle which is placed first among his inspired writings. And as Christianity, in its simplicity and purity, is associated with that city, so is also its grossest corruption. The Church of Rome has stood forth for ages in its most appalling apostacy, the prolific parent of superstition

and infidelity, throughout the range of its influence. The aim of the present volume is to present a brief view of the principal objects of this memorable city, intermingled with those truths which are the most powerful counteractions of error, and which are calculated, under the divine blessing, to "make wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus."

The topics introduced and illustrated are the following: The rise, progress and decline of the city of Rome-The ancient Romans in their domestic and social condition-The arts, language literature, oratory, and moral condition of the ancient Romans-The city of Rome; its Pantheon, baths, St. Peter's, the Vatican, the Catacombs and other public buildings of notoriety-The religion of the Romans-The domestic and social character of the modern Romans'The recent state and ultimate destiny of Rome. These various subjects are set forth in a most interesting manner, and illustrated with seventeen engravings. The two last chapters are of peculiar interest to the Christian, setting forth the abominations of Rome in her religion, and the enormous crimes which have pol

luted her character, in the most graphic form. The volume is a valuable accession to that kind of literature which is adapted to the present times.

THE RELIGION FOR MANKIND: Christianity, adapted to Man in all the aspects of his Being. By JAMES SPENCE, M.A. London: J. Snow.

The work is divided into nine chapters, in which respectively the author descants on Christianity in its several aspects, in its adaptation to man, as an intellectual being, a moral being, an emotional being, a social being, a suffering being, an immortal being-as the religion of a sound mind, and as the reign of God in the soul. The subjects are all of vital importance, and on each the author is calm, intelligent and conclusive. While the style is clear and elegant, the doctrine is generally sound and Evangelical. There is one sentiment, however, to which we demur, though it is often reiterated in popular lectures and discourses-that "Man is a religious being. Although he has separated himself from God, he retains his religious nature. He has never altogether lost the idea of his origin and destiny." That the intellectual and moral faculties of man are adapted to religion we admit and maintain with our author; but that man is, in the natural tendency of his affections and dispositions," a religious being," is, in our view, the opposite of Scripture statement and historic fact. Nor are we able to reconcile the sentiment with our author's doctrine of man's depravity in page 15. It is probable the author does not intend exactly what the words in question really express; and we would respect. fully suggest that in a subsequent edition he would make such a revision as would divest the phraseology of all ambiguity and apparent collision with doctrinal truth. The work will be read with interest by the intelligent Christian, and will be especially valuable to young men whose opening minds delight to see the beauties and harmonies of gospel truth.

MORMONISM SEEN THROUGH ITS OWN GLASS; being an Exposition of the Unsound and Dangerous Doctrines held forth by that Sect called Latter-day Saints. A discourse delivered in the Methodist New Connexion Chapel, Lye Waste, by S. HAMBLETT. Published by request. 12mo, pp. 30. May be had at our Bookroom or from the author.

This is the production of a plain, sensible, good man, a local preacher amongst us in the Stourbridge Circuit. It is a faithful exposure of that fanatical, licentious and abominable thing called

Mormonism, and all the better for the homely and unpretending style in which it is written. We are glad to learn that already about 700 copies of the tract have been called for, and we shall rejoice if as many thousands could be put into circulation. Its price may be seen from our list of books on the JUVENILE wrapper for this month. This tract against Mormonism, and Silas Henn's against Unitarianism, should be widely circulated. They are both written by working-men, and are good homethrusts against the pestiferous and malignant heresies they expose.

NOTES ON THE SCRIPTURE LESSONS FOR JANUARY, 1851. 12mo, pp. 150. London, Sunday-school Union, Pater


We have here a list of lessons for one year, accompanied with short hints and notes, explanatory, doctrinal and practical. The list embraces a consecutive outline of Christian doctrine and duty. The passages have been selected in the hope of illustrating the subjects, respectively, by Scripture narrative as far as practicable. There are two reading-lessons for every Sabbath, mostly one from each Testament. Having examined the book with some care, we are prepared to say that the attempt is every way worthy of the object. The hints and explanations are sound in doctrine, clear and judicious, free from sectarianism, and well adapted to assist the Sunday-school teacher in his great work of imparting instruction to the rising generation.

LIVES OF THE POPES, from the Age of Gregory VII. to the Dawn of the Reformation; A.D., 1046-1431. Part II. 18mo, pp. 192. London: Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster-row. 1851.

A faithful exhibition of Papal usurpation, idolatry and crime, as presented in the corrupt and ambitious lives of the enthroned and mitred occupants of the Vatican. Short and succinct, but clear and sufficiently copious for general circulation; and to secure this, it is published at a price remarkably cheap.



PICTURES OF LIFE IN MEXICO, in 2 vols. Illustrated with Etchings by R. H. MASON.

MORNING; or Darkness and Light. By the Rev. GEORGE B. SCOTT.

THE "AMAZON." A Sermon preached by the Rev. WILLIAM BLOOD, one of the Survivors.


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