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at the time fifteen young ladies (boarders), belonging to Methodist families in different parts of the kingdom. The battle was fought near her house, the front windows of which were all demolished. I proposed going to see her; but was told that the military were firing at all who appeared in the streets in coloured clothes. We were, however, soon relieved from our anxiety by her arrival at brother Fox's with her fifteen pupils, escorted by Ser geant Johnston and his party, and all safe and well. It would not be easy to describe our feelings when we met. We joined together in praising our great Deliverer, and on our knees heartily magnified his mercy to us, and his care over us.


'When we had resumed our seats, I requested Sergeant Johnston to give us an account of his proceedings from the time we had parted after preaching the preceding even ing. The Sergeant then gave us the following particulars: After we left you we went to the commandingofficer for our orders; but he abused us, and told us we might do as we pleased, for neither soldier nor yeoman would fight with us. I told him we were resolved to aid in defending the town, and wished to be taken under his command. He then ordered us to take our post on the bridge, and prevent the rebels from entering at that quarter. This was sending us on a forlorn hope, for he knew that was the point at which they must attempt an entry, coming in the direction from which they were expected. We, however, made no remark, but took our position on the bridge. The night, which was mostly spent in alternate singing and prayer, passed over quietly; and the sun shone forth beautifully in the morning. Nothing remarkable occurred till about five o'clock, when there appeared a dark cloud, or heavy fog, in the direction from which we expected the rebels to come. It moved gradually towards us, and spread all around, till at length the sun was completely concealed from our view. After some time we heard a noise, as if a great number of cars were coming from the quarter in which the cloud

arose, while the cloud, or fog, became thicker as the noise increased. We now stood ready for a discharge. The noise still approached, till at length we could hear the sound of innumerable voices. At that time the darkness had so increased that the men, with their guns in the posi tion for making a charge, could scarcely discern the points of their bayonets. When the rebels, as well as we could judge, had advanced sufficiently near for us to fire effectively, I gave the word of command. Volley followed volley, and all the while the enemy made no advance. Had they been aware of the smallness of our number, they would have swallowed us up; but not knowing what force was opposed to them, they were intimidated. Still we kept up our fire, till, the darkness dispersing, we could see that the rebel host was thrown into complete confusion. By this time our commanding-officer, knowing by the firing that an attack had commenced, came up with all his forces, and the rebels fled in all directions. Thus did the Lord deliver us out of the hands of our enemies, and not one of us has received the slightest scar! But,' added he, poor Simpson has fallen! shot from the enemy, after they commenced their retreat, struck him, and he is no more!' Simpson had been a member of our Society, and having joined the yeomanry, he continued, contrary to all remonstrance, to unite with them in their military exercises on the Lord's day. One of the most important facts relative to this affair is, that God signally honoured and defended those who had honoured him in the observance of the Sabbath." (See Memoir, p. 197.)


What a singular providence! And what an evidence that the watchful eye of God is over his people! Ten righteous men would have saved the cities of the plain; and here we find that ten pious men actually saved Monasterevan. Their conscientious observance of the Sabbath would not allow them to profane its sacred hours, even under a pretence of preparing to defend their native town. And yet their loyalty was unquestionable, and their names deserved a

place amongst the most brave and courageous of Erin's noble and patriotic sons. Their deference to the Sabbath exposed them to reproach and persecution, and a worthless officer placed them in the very heart of danger. They suffered for Christ's sake, but

The mount of danger is the place Where we behold surprising grace. And so it was with them. They were required to stand on that very bridge over which the enemy intended to force their way into the town. Their position was exceedingly perilous, but "the cloud" was their defence. It rose as by a miracle, and literally covered them in the day of battle. Well might David say, “Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman Iwaketh but in vain." Here we find the Lord was singularly present with his servants. He was there not only to defend, but to deliver them. And when the Lord thus interposes, he can save by many or by few. Eleven

pious men, under the shadow of divine protection, not only repelled a furious rebel host, but actually saved the whole town from destruction. So true it is that "they who know their God shall be strong and do exploits."

But what was the result? No doubt many perished, but not one of those devoted men suffered. They fought valiantly to the very last, and then left the field without a wound. But Simpson! that poor recreant who bartered his conscience, his brethren, and his God, fell lifeless at their feet. What a spectacle! The Sabbathbreaker was shot dead on the spot! but those who kept the holy day escaped unhurt! Such a fact deserves our notice; and we cannot but regard it as a striking comment on the language of a just and holy God, who has said, "Them that honour me I will honour, but they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed."


Liverpool, Dec., 1851.




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"TREAD Softly, brother Thompson is dying," I said to myself, when entering this good man's room. His estimable partner, and their everaffectionate friend Miss Doyle, now Mrs. Thomas Bradburn, were watching over him with the deepest solicitude. All was silent. Indeed, they were too much affected to speak, but a significant shake of the head appeared to say, "He's almost gone I walked gently round to the foot of the bed, and stood gazing on our dying friend. He was evidently engaged in prayer. His eyes were closed and hands uplifted, as if in the very act of commending his soul to God who gave it. In a short time I was recognized, and he wished to tell me all his mind. He was both happy and resigned. The Lord was with him. The blissful realities of eternity were opening to his view, and he longed to depart and be with Christ. I prayed with him and then withdrew, not expecting that we

should meet again until "the resurrection of the just."

Years have passed away since then, but the scenes witnessed at William Thompson's death-bed are still fresh in my recollection, and can never be forgotten. It may be proper to remark here, that our departed brother joined our Connexion in Birmingham, when there were but few to patronize its principles, or even to own its name. Such a man would be a blessing to a Church at any time; but especially so when its limited numbers and feeble interests required more than ordinary attention and energy to keep it alive. His enlightened mind and superior talents qualified him for extensive usefulness; and to his co-operation with such early and valued friends as Harris, Linegar, Beswick, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Hodgkinson, Mrs. Warren, and others, we are much indebted for our present position both in Birmingham and the surrounding district. He


was a local preacher, and exercised his talents in that capacity for years with great acceptance. One of his errands of mercy to Woodside, now in the Dudley Circuit, no doubt laid the foundation of that serious and protracted affliction which brought him to a premature grave.

His long-tried and confidential friend Mr. Pember, now of Manchester, prepared some valuable memorials of him, which were useful to the writer when preaching his funeral sermon in Oxford-street Chapel, Birmingham. Those papers are still in our possession; but as this brief account is not intended to assume the form of a memoir, we shall pass over the entire sketch of his useful life, and simply furnish a few brief reminiscences of his triumphant death.

For several years brother William Thompson walked on the borders of the grave. His friends and medical attendant thought of every successive affliction, "This will take him off; he cannot survive this." But though they were frequently mistaken, it was evident that every attack loosened a pin in his frail tabernacle, and at length it was dissolved.

On several occasions, when he thought his end was near, and having only his wife or a particular friend with him, he would say, "Tell them, I die in the faith. I feel the blood of the Atonement is efficacious on my behalf. I believe the Saviour died to atone for sin, and above all that he died for me! His favourite lines


God is love! I know, I feel, Jesus weeps and loves me still. And, at other times, when exposed to great sufferings, or severe temptations, he would exclaim,

With Christ in the vessel, I'll smile at the


As the summer closed, and cold, damp, winterly weather came on, our brother was attacked by his old complaint a disease of the lungs. Confirmed dropsy followed, and thus all hope of his recovery passed away.

Mr. Pember says, "I was called up on the 23rd of November, about half-past two o'clock in the morning,

as Mr. Thompson wished to see me, supposing he had not many hours to live. Not expecting such a sudden summons from my friend, and being informed as soon as I awoke that he was dying, I hurried to him with feelings better imagined than expressed. When I entered his room, a scene presented itself which cannot be described. My weak and dying friend, Mr. Thompson, was there, with a body emaciated and worndown, but with a mind as strong as a giant. His pious ejaculations, his fervent prayers, his expressions of confidence in God, and his hope of glory, almost overwhelmed me. Mr. Pember,' he said, 'I am glad you are come. I have had such a manifestation from God! I thought my tabernacle would have sunk under it. The Lord has been pleased to reveal himself to me so that my cup runs over. I've glory in view.

Come, ye angelic convoys, come,

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And lead the willing pilgrim home, &c. I want to sing one of the songs of Zion. If my wife had not restrained me, I would have sung her such a song as she never heard before.' And such were his feelings that, if allowed, he would have aroused the whole neighbourhood with expressions of his happiness and glorious prospects.

"But such exertions soon overpowered him. When relieved, however, from the oppression of his heart and lungs, he would break out again—

Ye wheels of nature, speed your course,
Ye mortal powers decay;
Fast as ye bring the night of death
Ye bring eternal day.

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And again, in rapturous exultation, he exclaimed, Glory! glory be to his holy name; he is precious, I feel his grace is sufficient. Many times have I been fearful that in this hour my faith and confidence would not support me, and that in the prospect of death I should be overcome with perplexing fears; but, through the abundant mercy of my gracious Redeemer, I have obtained the victory over death, hell, and the grave. grave, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?' I have obtained the victory through Jesus Christ my Lord. Oh!' he exclaimed, ‘this precious moment has cost me many

prayers and strong cries. I have prayed long and fervently that he would give me grace to sustain me in this trying hour.'

"To a young gentleman who had showed him some attention during his illness, and who was then present, he said, 'O Mr. -9 allow me to recommend to you the religion of Jesus Christ as the best portion you can possess in this world. It will serve you in health and affliction, in prosperity and adversity, in life and in death. Oh, what should I do now without it? Seek it, then, while you are young.'

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After this he began, contrary to expectation, to revive a little but in a few weeks his affliction returned with renewed violence, and on the 5th of February he gave up all hope, and supplied his friend with a list of persons whom he wished to carry him to the grave. On the 9th he thought himself a little better, but, fully aware of the deceitful nature of his complaint, he said, “I have given up everything that I love: I have given up my wife; I have also given up the love of life, which is the dearest thing in the world, but I have given that up; and I cannot see what purpose could be accomplished in my continuing longer in the body, except it be to show the strength of grace and the goodness of God."

"That night I was again called up about half-past one," continues Mr. Pember, "as he expected to be gone. I found him weak and languid; but though faint he was still pursuing." Soon after five o'clock he had a severe fit, and when recovering from it he said, with apparent disappointment, "What! are the angels gone without me? Is the blessed convoy returned without me? Well," said he, evidently trying to compose himself to resignation, "if it pleases Him to continue me a little longer in the body, I'll suffer all his righteous will, and to the end endure." At another time, looking at his weak and emaciated body, he said, "It will soon be glorified, and made like unto Christ's glorious body, according to his mighty working, whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself,"

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On another occasion his friend entered the room, and gently inquired, Is all well?" Mr. T. heard him, and immediately replied, "Not quite." "I was somewhat surprised," said Mr. Pember, "fearing the enemy had gained some advantage over him, but I was happily mistaken; for on reminding him that the Redeemer was still the same, and that he could save to the very uttermost, he said, with much composure, 'It will soon be better. I shall soon be in glory, through mercy; and the fact that he can cleanse a poor, wretched and polluted soul like mine, and admit it into his presence, is almost overwhelming.'


On Thursday, Feb. 11th (continues our friend), I found him in his chair between eight and nine o'clock in the morning. His eyes were closed, and he breathed just like a dying man. After a short time, he revived a little, and proceeded to express, though faintly, his unshaken confidence in God. 66 Glory! glory! I have glory in view! I believe,' said he, God is answering our prayers, and that I shall this day be in glory. Yet I pray that I may wait all his righteous will. I have been more favoured by the Lord than any man. He has answered my prayers, and yet it seems mysterious that he should grant me the greater blessing and yet withhold the lesser, by delaying to cut short his work in righteousness and taking me to himself. I have the testimony of his Spirit that I am accepted through the Beloved.

Oh, how I will shout his praise, When I do get to heaven!" The same day, about two o'clock, I found him very weak; but, as he said, still in the body. "I am," he said, "as happy as a man can be that is worn down by suffering and affliction. I must be excused entering upon a description of those joys that now present themselves to mind; that must remain as an introduction to my song should I get on the other side Jordan. I feel I am about to go into those dark waters, but I have obtained the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord."

At night I left him, but it was

with an impression that I should shortly be summoned to his room again; and so it was, for I had scarcely retired when he became much worse. He was attacked by an apoplectic fit, and wished to see me. I went, and found him rather extravagant in some of his expressions, though perfectly rational, and still holding fast his faith in Christ. He said to me, with some emotion, "I have been in the waters; I have been in the waters of Jordan. They are rather cold, but I shall go in again soon; I long to pass over to the other side." Another attack came on, and it was with difficulty he could be kept in bed; when he said, in a manner peculiar to himself, "I want to spring, I want to spring upwards, why restrain me?

O Jesus, lover of my soul,

Let me to thy bosom fly!"

He recovered a little towards three or four o'clock, and remained better for a while.

Next morning he was gasping for life, but still panting for immortality. At one time he said, "I would not change my lot for all the world calls rich or great. No; I will not now turn back, I would rather go forward." At another time, when there was thought to be some little hope of life, he prayed that, if it were the will of God, he might be raised up again, and enabled to provide for his

aged mother and affectionate wife. How natural was such a feeling! and yet, on further reflection, he was afraid he had sinned by cherishing it, and the only thing which appeared to comfort him was, that he knew he had asked, not on his own account, but on theirs, and that in submission to the will of God.

He lingered about a week after this, but he had done with the world. His eyes were generally closed; and if friends came to see him, they were requested not even to whisper in his hearing, as he wished to have his thoughts constantly fixed on things above.

In this happy frame he continued till the 26th of February. He could not say much; but his mind was stayed on heaven, and he calmly waited for the coming of the Lord. A short time before his change came, his affectionate wife said to him, "William, are you happy?" To which he emphatically replied, "Oh, yes! happy, very happy!" The same day, at about a quarter to eight o'clock, he breathed his soul into the hands of the Redeemer, and thus gained that exceeding weight of glory for which he had so long and zealously contended.

Genuine piety always insures a reward. Here it gives peace, and in the world to come a crown of life which fadeth not away.



I. The care of my heart.

1. I will endeavour to keep the Sabbath holy. I will avoid conversation on worldly topics, and will not allow myself to think on any matter of common business, nor to read literary or professional books on this holy day.

2. Special hindrances excepted, I will endeavour to maintain secret devotion statedly, at least twice a-day. 3. I will recollect every day that I am mortal.

4. When any doubtful thing is to be done, I will ask myself," How will it bear the eye of God's omnis

cience?-how will it appear at the judgment?"

5. I will endeavour to repress all undue regard to the praise or censure of men, by recollecting that God is a witness of all that I do or think.

6. I will guard against selfishness as the "abominable thing which the Lord hates." When I detect myself in being especially pleased with a good action, because it is done by myself, or done by another through my advice, I will condemn the littleness of such feelings as below the dignity of Christian principles. In all such cases, I will not speak of

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