Imágenes de páginas
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powers, 538-primary result of their
alliance, preparation for war by the
rest of Europe, 539-European wars
traced to that alliance, 540.

French literature (ancient), an immense
body of epic poetry, 283-Chanson
de Roland, 284-subjects of Chansons
de Geste, 285-defeat of Charle-
magne's rear-guard at Roncesvaux a
subject of song for three centuries,
287-rules for understanding ancient
French, 288-poems descriptive of
the wars of Charlemagne with his
vassals, 300-poem on Charlemagne's
war with Beuve, Duke of Aigremont,
301-embassy to demand homage of
him, 303-the four sons of Aymon
the Duke's brother, 305-Karl's wars
with them, 307-heroic qualities of
Renaud the eldest, 309-supernatural
powers of his horse Baiart, ib. (See
Roland)-story of Bertha 'aux grans
piés,' mother of Charlemagne, 310-
substitution of a Servian woman for
Bertha on the night of her marriage
with Pepin, 312-detection of the
impostor by Queen Blanchefleur, 315
-other romances of the Carlovingian
cycle, 316.


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Galleys and galley slaves under Louis
XIV., description of the galleys, 46
-punishments of the cowhide and
bastinado, 48-nature of the labour
of a galley slave,' 49-horrible scenes
on board a galley, ib.-striking ac-
count of a galley in a storm, 51-de-
scription of a battle between an
English frigate and French galleys,
52-gallant conduct of the English
captain, 53-a journey of galley
slaves described, 57.

Gainsborough's injustice to Sir J.
Reynolds, 133.

Gardiner's travels from Herat to Kaf-
feristan, 473.

Garrick's histrionic excellence, 125.
Gladstone's (Mr.) faults of manner and
tactics reduced his majority of
seventy-five to a minority of eleven,
261-his arguments framed to please
not the moderate but the extreme
wing of his party, 264-his sin-
cerity and self-deception, 206-his
Reform measure made to pass,' 268.
Gleig's Life of Wellington' contains
more personal details than are given
by any other writer, 2.

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Gondokoro, a depôt for the slave trade,


Gordon, how far implicated in the
Jamaica rebellion, 245.

Gothic architecture, characteristics of,

Grand Monarque (the), his cruelty to
the Hugonots, 39.


Greek criticism, three stages of know-
ledge of ancient authors, 325-the
Scaligers, 326-history of classical
literature in England, 327-Bentley
the prince of English critics, ib.-
Porson created a new epoch in Greek
scholarship, 328 Elmsley and
Dobree, 329-study of Sanscrit, 330-
comparative grammar, 331-infinite
variety of Greek, 334-relation be-
tween antiquarian and critical studies,
336-corrupt texts, 338-methods of
criticism, 341-illustrations of errors
in manuscripts, 343-blunders of
copyists, 344-Dutch school of Greek
criticism, 348-Dr. Badham its ex-
ponent, 349.

Guizot's meditations on the essence of
Christianity, 420.

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ib.-commerce with India greater
than with any other nation, 201-
table of the increase of British trade
with, 202-Indian contributions to
the wealth of England, 203-table
of payments to England by, 204–
steam communication with, .—
equivalent advantages to, 207-in-
creasing wealth of India depending
on English rule, ib.--70,000 English
troops required for its security, 209
-5000 recruits a year the only strain
upon England's resources, ib.-false
analogy between our colonies and
Indian possessions, 211-illustrations
of the difference between India and
our colonies, 212-Indian legislative
council not a representative body,
213-particulars of Indian revenue,
215-future resources of India, 216
-whether public works should be
carried on by Government or by
private enterprise in, 218-introduc-
tion of Christianity into, 220.
Iranians (Eastern), the founders of
Central Asian civilization, 490.
Iron trade, growth of the, 72-variety
in the applicability of iron, 73-dif-
ference of wrought iron, steel, and
cast iron, ib.-smelting iron-ore in
Central Africa, 74-smelting process
in Borueo, 75-bronze and iron of
ancient Egypt, 76 Roman iron-
works in Britain, 77-substitution of
pit-coal for charcoal in smelting, 79
-pig or cast iron, ib.-puddling ex-
plained, 80-story of Henry Cort,
inventor of puddling, 80-invention
of hot-blast, 81-carboniferous iron-
stone or wild coals, 81-black-band
iron-stone, ib.-saving effected by
hot-blast, .-Bessemer's invention,
87 Indian Wootz, 88- inquiry
into the brittleness of iron, 103-
production of iron in relation to the
exhaustion of coal, 104. See Steel,
and Bessemer.

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Jamaica, negro population to European
as thirty to one, 221-the mulatto
class, 223 examination of Mr.
Underhill's letter to the Secretary of
State, 224-inflammatory appeals to
the negroes, 226-history of the out-
break, 227-atrocities of the insur-
gents, 229 vigorous proceedings
against the rebels, 230-case of
Gordon, 231-Royal Commission of
Inquiry, 232-Report of the Com-


missioners, 233-effects of the anti-
pathy of races, 234-parallel with
the Irish rebellion of 1798, 235-the
negro character, 236- justification
of severe measures of repression, 228
- former risings of the negroes,
238 - Mr. Eyre not completely
cleared, 240-levity of officers with
respect to their dealings with the
negro, ib.-two lines of defence of
Mr. Eyre, ib.-his differences with
General O'Connor, 242-pernicious
influence of Baptist missionaries, 247
-grievances alleged by Mr. Underhill,
ib. considerations on the alleged
poverty of the population, 248
striking admission of the Jamaica
Baptist Union, 250-answer to Mr.
Underhill's charge on taxation, 252
-immigration of coolies, 253-dis-
creet suicide of the colonial assembly,
254-qualifications for voters, ib.
inadequate administration of justice,
254 - viciousness of the labouring
class, 255-measures necessary for
improved government, 256-gloomy
future of Jamaica, 258.
Jesuit logic of persecution, 59.
Jongleurs distinguished from Trouba-
dours and Trouvères, 323.


Keble's (Rev. J.) Life of Bishop
Wilson,' 171-suggestion of a memo-
rial to Mr. Keble, 198.

Kennedy's (Miss) portrait by Sir J.
Reynolds, its mournful expression
accounted for, 140.
Kingfisher's nest, 365.

Kirghiz, present condition of the, 494.


Ladies' square waists, 116.
Langue d'oc, sweet songs of, 322.
Lawrence's (Sir John) policy in India,


Lima (bivalve), habitation of the, 385.
Louis XIV., architectural taste of, 459.


McDougall's (Col.) military works,


Man (Isle of), history of, 174-expla-
nation of its coat of arms, 175-
Kings of Man, ib.-the thirteen
Stanley Kings, ib.-falls to the Duke
of Atholl, ib.-purchased by the
Crown for 416,1147., ib.-its consti-
tution, ib.-the Keys of Man, ib.—

"breast-laws" (ecclesiastical) of, 180
-early feudal service, 189-ruins of
the Church of St. Patrick, 192-
Bishop's Court, 193-Kirk Michael
Church, ib.

Manx Society, 176.
Maroons of Jamaica, 239.
Marteilhe (Mémoires of the Hugonot),
a valuable contribution to Martyro-
logy, 42-his attempt to get beyond
the frontier, 43-sufferings in a dun-
geon at Tournay, 44-condemned to
the galleys for life for professing
the Reformed Religion, 46-escape
from death in an action with an
English frigate, 55-sufferings in
the prison of La Tournelle, 56-
liberated, 61-triumphant reception
of the martyrs at Geneva, ib.-ac-
companies a mission to Queen Anne
from the Walloon Church, 62-See

Melicerta ringens, an animalcule
scarcely visible to the naked eye, the
most wonderful of all house-building
creatures, 383.

Metallurgy, practice and science of, 64
-Agricola 'De Re Metallica,' 66.
Milaners and millinery, 69.

Mill (Mr.), transformation of, on his
return for Westminster, 555.
Miners (German) encouraged to settle
in England before Elizabeth, 66-
mining terms of German origin, ib
-numerous bodies of foreign miners
invited by Elizabeth, 67.

Mole (the), its habits, 357-the fiercest
and most active mammal in Britain,
ib.-its encampment described, 358.
Müller (Max), Professor, 333.
Munro's Lucretius, 349.


Napoleon Bonaparte, interpretations of
the names, 402-etymology of Napo-
leon, ib., note.

Neilson, inventor of hot-blast, 82.
Nile, its two sources the Victoria and
Albert Lakes, 166-discovery of its
source not complete, 167-its sources
according to ancient maps, 168.
Northcote's admiration of Reynolds,
anecdote of, 127-his cynical wit,
132-early career, 141-not of a
high class of painters, 143.


O'Connor's (Maj.-Gen.) correspond-
ence with Mr. Eyre, 242.

Ocypode, swift-footed crab of Ceylon,


Oxford, eminent classical critics of,


Ouvry's (Miss) two tales of Hugonot
martyrs, 42.


Parties (Parliamentary), their fixed
nucleus and floating tail, 262.
Patent rights, opinions on the expedi-
ency of, 84-arguments against in-
discriminate granting of, 87.
Penance, a punishment prescribed by
canons and statute, 183.
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Com-
pany, fleet of, 205.

Percy's (Dr.) Metallurgy,' 64-me-
chanical accuracy of the woodcuts,


65 the first satisfactory British
treatise on metallurgy, 66.
Petrel (Stormy), an accomplished
miner, 367.

Pholas, its excavations in hard rocks,

Pichiago, its flexible coat of mail, 362.
Pin-making (English), A.D. 1400, 68.
Poisoned arrows of the Barri of Gon-
dokoro, 157.

Pope (Alex.) and Sir J. Reynolds,
anecdote of, 127.

Porson's Greek scholarship, 328.
Portrait, its place in art, 138.
Prairie dog, its habits, 361.
Primogeniture, law of, defended, 560.
Puffin or sea-parrot, 367.

Purgation (canonical) illustrated by

Mrs. Puller's case, 183-one of the
last remnants of an age of supersti-
tion, 184.

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Railways, necessity for steel rails, 98-
experiments proving their superiority,
101-their adoption by the London
and North-Western Company, ib.
Rat (pouched) of Canada, 361.
Reform (Mr. Gladstone's Bill), arranged
to give the working men the power
to demand the rest when they chose,
268 the measure pregnant with
revolution, 270-a Reform act must
not involve the deposition of the
middle and upper classes or of the
landed interest, 271-the settlement
of the question depends on
working men's accepting participa-
tion in the constitution without pre-
dominance, 273-a glance at the


history of the Reform Act of 1832,
275-lateral and vertical extension of
the franchise, 277-guarantees neces-
sary to prevent the predominance of
numbers, ib.-arguments in favour
of a Conservative Reform Bill, 278
-no one of the three parties can
command a majority without the
help of one of the other two, 280-
the question will determine the
future character of the Constitution,
282. See Gladstone.

Reform (fresh Parliamentary), 545-
Reform Act of 1832, 546-balance of
power effected by the Chandos clause,
ib.-faggot votes, 547-representa-
tion of land an essential element in
the representation of England, 548-
county franchise of 14, instead of
107., unfavourable to the increase of
voters in rural villages, 548 - the
question is between the mixed con-
stitution of England and the rude
democracy of manhood suffrage, 549
-concessions made by Conservatives
accepted, but their counterpoises
rejected, 551-English freedom dis-
tinguished from a levelling de-
mocracy, 559.
Rembrandt's colours, anecdote respect-
ing, 129.

Rennie's Insect Architecture,' 355.
Reynolds (Sir Joshua), Leslie and

Taylor's Life of, 105 friendship
with Johnson, 108-low and licen-
tious tastes of the artists of his day,
110-rapidity, freedom, and boldness
of his portrait painting, 111-drapery-
men in his employ, b.- his time
'worth five guineas an hour,' 112—
contributions to Johnson's 'Idler,'
113-his theory of beauty, 114—his
chariot decorated with allegorical
figures, 116-as fond of London as
Dr. Johnson, 118-the human face
his landscape,' ib.—his dinner-giving
described, ib. · flimsy evidence of
domestic parsimony, 120-aspersions
by Allan Cunuingham, ib.-his be
nefactions, 120 anecdote of his
benevolence to a convict and others,
121 amount of his fortune, ib.



- originates an annual exhibition,
124 portrait of Garrick between
Tragedy and Comedy, ib.-parallel
between Garrick and Reynolds, 127
-description of the portrait of Gar
rick, 126-Pope (the poet) and Rey-
nolds, 127-first President of the
Academy, 128-never mixed in poli
tics, 129 his biennial discourses,


-their style, 130 unsound criti-
cisms on the 'Discourses,' ib.-answers
to A. Cunningham's charges against
Sir Joshua, 131--Reynolds's behaviour
towards established painters, 132-
Gainsborough's injustice to him, 133
-Reynolds's kindness and liberality to
artists, 139-portrait of Miss Ken-
nedy, 140 - the Ugolino his best
historical picture, 143-principle in
depicting strong emotions, ib.-his
historical pictures, 144-the Dido,
ib.-admirable allegorical figures, ib.
-the Infant Hercules a masterpiece,
145 his historical pictures seldom
satisfactory, ib. degree of D.C.L.
conferred on him by Oxford, ib.-
chosen mayor of Plympton, 146-
competition with Gainsborough and
Romney, ib. Mrs. Siddons's the
finest portrait ever painted, 148-
anecdote of her and Sir Joshua, 149
-compelled by impaired sight to
abandon his profession, 149-his final
Discourse, 151-death and public
funeral, 153-personal appearance,
ib. bequest to Burke, ib.
character nearly faultless, 154.
Roland, Chanson de, discovered by
M. Bourdillon, 284-account of the
poem, 288-Ganelon the traitor sent
ambassador from Charlemagne to the
Sultan of Saragossa, 291-art of the
poet in relating the interview of
Ganelon with the Sultan, 292
Roland's refusal to sound his mar-
vellous horn, 295-his defeat, 297-
the sound of his horn reaches Charle-
magne at thirty leagues' distance,
298-Roland's address to his sword
Durendal, and his death, 299.
Romney the painter, morbid sensitive-
ness of, 132.



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Sanscrit, study of, 330.
Scaligers' (the) services to Greek lite-
rature, 326.

Smith's (Dr. W.) dictionaries collect
the results of present knowledge of
antiquity, 332.

Sodor and Man, full title of the bishop-
ric of, 190-antiquity and early his-
tory of the see, ib.-meaning of Sodor
or Sudreyjar, 191-ruins of the ca-
thedral, 191. See Man.
Somerset River (Speke's Nile), 163.
Sophia (St.) at Constantinople, archi-
tecture of, 449.

Spiders, habits of, 380.
Spider's (trap-door) nest, 372.
Steel, varieties of, 87-modern methods
of producing, 88-Huntsman's inven-
tion of cast steel, 90-value of Besse-
mer steel, 96.

Steelyard Merchants, Company of, 70.
Sterling, origin of the word, 69.
Suphis, builder of the first Pyramid,
429, 430.

Sussex, once the great seat of the iron
manufacture, 105.

Sword-blades, wonderful temper of
Eastern, 88.

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