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"No, my poor child, there will be no Santa Claus for us to-night, I fear." 'Because we are all so sorry, papa? Santa Claus doesn't like to come to houses where people are so sorry. Don't cry, papa and mamma, I will pray the good Lord to let our Geordie live and come home."

The unutterable grief there was in that quiet country parsonage during those days of awful suspense, the reader is left to imagine for himself. A gloom as of midnight settled down on the It was one o'clock Christmas morning. unfortunate household. Mr. Burnett, Yet there they sat, pastor and wife, having taken every measure to bring talking of the happy times gone bysuch influence to bear on the authorities of Geordie's babyhood and his fine as to save his beloved boy from the promise of a noble manhood-his brave extreme and terrible punishment due and gallant behaviour on many a hard to his crime, in spite of the reassuring fought field-and again and again words of friends, settled down to the mingling their tears, and weeping bitfirm conviction that Geordie's days terly as they thought of his danger and were numbered. For hours at a time, the cruel doom that might be awaiting there he would sit in his chair with his him. head bowed on his study table, paralyzed, benumbed, deadened, unable to arouse himself from his sorrow, too full of an inexpressible grief to pray or even to weep. Had their beloved one fallen in the gallant charge, or died of disease, hard as that had been, it could have been perhaps, endured with fortitude, or, at least, with resignation; but this, this was more than heart could bear.

Gloomy indeed was that Christmas time in the household. The poor children, unable to enter into their parents' grief, or even fully appreciate the cause of it, were yet hushed and awed into silence, which strangely contrasted with their customary merriment at that happy season of the year.

And so the merry, merry Christmas Eve of 1864 came on. The sleigh-bells sounded cheerily in the crisp, sharp air, as people drove swiftly by, and all the village was aglow with joy and glee. At the parsonage, the children had been put to bed early, with no prospect, alas, of a Christmas tree greeting them in the morning" because," said Gertie as she tucked herself under the covers, "You see, old Santa Claus don't like to go to houses where people are so sorry.'

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"Yes, he likes people to be glad when he comes," answered Rob.

"Won't Santa Claus come to-night, papa?" Little Madge had climbed out of her crib and gone down in her long night dress to the study door, where her father and mother were sitting in sorrow together.

"How terrible to endure this untold anguish, Martha, on this glad night of our blessed Lord's birth! I fear me the bells, which should ring out joy to the world on the morrow, will do naught but toll and toll for me."

"Come, John," said she, "we should be more trustful, it may not be so ill. Let us hope for the best."

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Hope? Aye, wife, I have hoped and prayed, till God Himself seems utterly to have forsaken me, and left me crushed under this mighty griefthe Lord forgive me my want of faith! Hark! Didn't you hear a noise out there, Martha?"

There was a clanking sound on the porch, followed by a distinct knock thrice repeated. Taking the lamp in her hand, the good wife went out, opened the door-there was a shrieka moan, and a heavy fall to the floor. On rushing out forthwith, judge of the emotions of the worthy pastor on seeing his wife fallen in a swoon on the floor, and bending tenderly over her a man in a cavalryman's uniform!

"Geordie! Geordie! My God, it is Geordie; my son, my son!"

"Yes, father. But it is too much for poor mother, I fear-let me carry her in."

Now, the sleep of children is proverbially light on Christmas night, and so it was no wonder the little ones in the chamber above were awakened by the noise below.

"Rob," said Gertie.
'Well," answered Rob,

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of the line on the extreme left of the army. As usual Joe was put on the post of danger, where I found him when the second relief went out, sick, suffering and utterly exhausted and broken down, and compelling him to go to the rear I took his place. I thought I could keep awake, but, father, I could not. Utterly exhausted, the " grand rounds" found me sound asleep-and the rest you know. When the facts came out, in the course of court-martial, the General said:

"Young man, you have made a narrow escape. It was only your taking the place of a sick and wounded comrade that saved you."

"General," said I, "Joe Winters once gave his life for mine. Should I not willingly give my life for his? And so my furlough, which had been withheld during the court martial, was handed me and here I am."

"Rob," said the pastor, "run and call old Michael over. And, Geordie, you just step over into the other room when Michael comes in, till I call you."

No more sleep was there in the parsonage that night. With the children As Michael entered, the pastor said: on his knee or hanging over his chair," Michael, you will ring the bell, and and his mother lying beside him on the ring it right joyfully, too. There shall lounge, faint yet from her too sudden be no tolling of bells for me this day." joy, George Burnett sat talking with Ring the bell!" exclaimed Michael. his father as the dawn of the Holy Day" And what for, sir? Did you not say came streaming up over the Eastern we were to have no service? Or is it hills. possible you have heard some good news of Geor

"But, Geordie, my boy," said Mr. Burnett, "you have not told us yet how you came to sleep on your post.'


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Whereupon, to Michael's utter and most joyful surprise, in walked the "Well, father, the way of it was this: young and handsome cavalryman. One year ago last night, in a little fight "Aye, Michael," said the pastor: we had with Mosby's men, you remem-"Ring the bells! Ring the bells! And ber I was taken prisoner; you know, ring them full joyfully, too - for too, how, against my will and without this my son, was dead and is alive my consent, I was ransomed by Joe again; he was lost and is found!'" Winters, who gave himself up to Mos by's men in my stead. Oh, a truer, braver, nobler fellow than he never This fascinating story was written several buckled on a sabre! But after he came years ago, for the Christmas number of the back to us he was never the same man Lancaster "Intelligencer." It has since been physically as before. He was broken revised by the author, and is certainly deservdown by prison life and his old wounding of wider publicity. We take great pleasure had reopened; but his high and gallant in presenting it to the readers of THE GUARsoul, that knew no change. Well, about

a month ago we were sent off on a raid, and after having been ahorse continuously for two days and nights without any sleep, save what we could get in the saddle, we were assigned one night to duty on a dangerous and important part



Let nothing disturb thee,
Nothing affright thee;
All things are passing;
God never changeth.

Santa Teresa's Book Mark.

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and so many beautiful shades of character, that we might correctly say, every child is remarkable. The period of child-life is so charming and bewitching, that we cannot fail being both delighted and amazed, as we stand gazing into these opening buds of humanity, ever and anon, catching glimpses of new unfoldings of life and spirit.

In a great measure, childhood-life is the same, in all ages, and in all places; but there was one child, whose life and character were different from all others. Its life and character were different, because the child itself was different from all other children.

The child to which we refer, was promised to the world for 4,000 years. The eyes of many a pious Jewish mother had been filled with tears of joy, in the fond hope that her first-born, might be this favored child. The trembling hopes of a guilty and condemned world, rested upon the coming of this child.

Patriarchs saw the child in promise. Prophets beheld it in vision, and spoke of the manner of its birth, and of its wonderfulness!

Therefore, from the general knowledge of, and longing for, this child, we might infer that a thorough preparation must have awaited its birth. That many hearts must have been ready to rejoice, and worship, and sing praises at its coming. That many homes must have been prepared to receive it, and bestow upon it the greatest care.

But alas! such was not the case. On the contrary, only a pious mother and her faithful husband gave the child a welcome. So humble and unknown were these parents, that no home was open to receive them, no hands were outstretched to help them, and no friends or relatives were near to rejoice with them. In a stable, among humble domestic animals, on a bed of straw, they found a place, and there this child was born, and they called its name


Who will ever be able to realize the peculiar emotions of mingled joy, wonder, and amazement, that took possession of the heart and mind of that mother, as first she gazed into the face of that Remarkable Child? She feared and trembled at the presence of the angel who had appeared to her, and had an

nounced the coming child, but now she looks calmly and lovingly into the eyes of the child itself, knowing and realizing that before her lies the Hope of Israel, the promised Messiah, the world's Redeemer, the Saviour of Mankind, the Son of God.

not understand them, so "she pondered them in her heart." The more she thought on all that had passed, the greater became the problem of her own child.

Wonderful and striking had been all the witness of this Child's greatness up this time; while the babe itself, had shown no evidences of being more than any other promising child. Now, however, from its smiles, and tender looks, there came a power, that drew from the mother's heart, a love and reverence almost divine.

Her soul was now too full for expres-to sion. In her eloquent Magnificat in the presence of her cousin Elizabeth, she had been delightfully wrought upon; but now she possesses what she then expected, now she enjoys what she then hoped for. Intently, she watched every movement of her child, not fully knowing what the processes of development in such a wonderful child might be.

Early in the morning, these parents are startled by the entrance of a company of shepherds, who inquire after the new-born child, and relate a wonderful story about a host of angels, who had appeared to them at night on Bethlehem's hills. Again, they are surprised at the entrance of a company of dusty, travel-stained "Wise Men" from the far East, who also inquire after this child, and they tell a story of a wonderful Star. Next, they are astonished at the mysterious words and eager gaze, of the aged Simeon and Anna, in the temple. Then they must flee into Egypt save the young child's life." Now, through all these soul-trying scenes, we are not told that the mother uttered one word. It would appear as though her joy and regard for her child, absorbed her whole soul, and with her eyes fastened on her darling, she was ready to undergo any privations, receive any revelations, and brave any dangers.

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But soon they are recalled from Egypt, and then, after a long absence, they enter their own home at Nazareth. Here, amidst relatives and friends, they feel at home.

For the first time, the mother receives the congratulations of her friends.

The year-old child, now becomes the centre of attraction. As the parents relate many of the scenes through which they had passed, the people become more interested, and eagerly they insist upon knowing all that had happened in the year of their absence; but Mary the mother-felt constrained to withhold most of the deep and mysterious things, feeling assured that they could

The child Jesus, was born without sin; and a sinless child must love its mother with a perfect love. His obedience to all her commands was also full and perfect; hence, a model for all children. The thought of disobeying her, never entered His youthful mind. Early He began to study how He might please His parents, and a smile of thankfulness from His tender mother, filled His young heart with joy and delight. Kindness, cleanliness, activity, and usefulness, coupled with a spirit of humility and reverence, characterized the boyhood-life of this remarkable child.

In His home at Nazareth, He enjoyed true happiness. The hills and valleys of His native home seemed to gather new charms and beauties from His sweet life, and His hallowed eyes often rested on their calm scenes, while His opening mind wondered from whence they were. From His parents He learned the history of His people; and His young heart was charmed with the story of God's wonderful dealings with Israel. The story of Abraham offering up Isaac, the Psalms of King David, and the prophecies of Isaiah, must have awakened in His unfolding mind some apprehensions-in faint outlines, that these sacred records, in some way, pointed to Him.

In Him, all was to be fulfilled, hence the power of "coming events," in His own life, must have made very early impressions on His young, but wonderful and powerful mind.

In a true sense, Jesus was never ignorant. All that could be known in each successive period of His life, He knew. The growth of His body, and the unfolding of His mind, were normal; hence, at a period, much earlier than was ever

supposed, Jesus began to realize that He was sent to this world on a great mission. That, much as he loved His loving mother, and willing as He was to serve and obey her, yet, there was an inward drawing towards another and higher parentage, whose "business" He must soon be "about."

It would be intensely interesting to know, from the pen of His mother, all about His childhood-life. How He impressed the people of Nazareth with His holy life, perfect obedience, and superior child-knowledge. Of the influence He exerted over His youthful companions and playmates, all of which must have been very great. He who was to become "Our Peace," and the Great Teacher, early practised these virtues in His home, settling difficulties and teaching the ignorant. His loving heart must have won the love and esteem of all who knew Him. Often His face must have shone with a divine glory, as His soul was catching higher ideas of His true mission.

to add, that, of all the children born among men, Jesus was the most REMARKABLE CHILD.



About seventy-five miles west of Davenport, on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad, in Iowa County, Iowa, may be found the above named society. Several times, of late, we have been among this people, and have thought an account of them might not be uninteresting, especially, to the younger readers of THE GUARDIAN. These people came originally from the north of Germany. Nordhoff tells us in his "Communistic Societies in the U.S." that in Germany they did not live in communities, but they claim they did so as much as possible. In the year 1842 they began to make arrangements to emigrate to America. They sent a small company ahead to look up a suitable location, which they found near Buffalo, N. Y., where they purchased about eight thousand acres of land. Between the years 1843 and 1845 the Society arrived in this country and took charge of the land thus purchased. But they soon felt that their territory was too small for their wants. A few of the head men were again sent

Whatever He foresaw of the hard and thorny path that awaited Him, did not make Him shrink from it. A large and powerful soul, demands a large and important mission; and it will not shrink from it, though it be hard and full of perils. Nothing that was good and right, failed to receive His approving smile, and nothing that was evil and wrong, escaped His rebuke and condem-out to look up a new and more desiranation.

ble location. They came west, to their Many of the living ideas in His Par-present home, where they purchased an ables, He gathered in His life at Nazareth. Much of the knowledge of His people's false Messianic hopes, He gained early in His life, and how to overcome these false hopes, so deeply imbedded in the hearts of His own people was a harder problem, than the task of overcoming Satan and the grave.

These few thoughts may awaken in the mind of the reader, other thoughts of Jesus' early life, and our prayer to God is, that the Light, Life, and Love, of the child and youthful Saviour, may find a place and a welcome home in the heart of every reader of the GUARDIAN.

The world has long since been compelled to acknowledge, that the adult life of Jesus of Nazareth, is the most wonderful and amazing human phenomenon known in history, and we desire

entire township containing twenty-five thousand acres, and in 1855 the Society came west and took up this new purchase. The land is among the richest and most productive in the state. It lies on both banks of the Iowa river. On it they now have seven villages and all the people live in these villages. Five are on the north and two on the south side of the river. On the south side is the railroad which strikes one of their towns," Homestead," from whence they ship their products in every direction. Their principal farming lands, however, are on the north side of the river, where the five villages are situated from one-and-a-half to two miles apart. These little towns lie in almost a straight line about one mile from the river. The road connecting them is

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