Imágenes de páginas
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All the fee - ble gently lead-ing, While the lambs Thy bos - om share; A - MEN.

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Hark! how He calls the tender lambs, And folds them in His arms.


2 "Permit them to approach," He cries, 3 We bring them, Lord, in thankful hands,

"Nor scorn their humble name;

For 'twas to bless such souls as these

The Lord of angels came."

And yield them up to Thee;

Joyful that we ourselves are Thine, Thine let our offspring be.

Rev. Philip Doddridge, publ. 1755

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How sweet the breath be-neath the hill Of Sharon's dew-y

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For Hymns appropriate to the Baptism of Adults, see CONFESSION OF FAITH, Nos. 317-322.

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1 Now I resolve with all my heart, With all my powers, to

serve the Lord;




Nor from His pre-cepts e'er de-part Whose service is a rich re-ward. A - MEN.


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Ashamed of Thee whom an- gels praise, Whose glo-ries shine through end-less days! A

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2 Ashamed of Jesus! sooner far

(See also HEBRON, No. 60)

Let evening blush to own a star:
He sheds the beams of light Divine
O'er this benighted soul of mine.

3 Ashamed of Jesus! just as soon

Let midnight be ashamed of noon:
'Tis midnight with my soul till He,
Bright Morning Star, bid darkness flee.

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4 Ashamed of Jesus, that dear Friend
On whom my hopes of heaven depend!
No; when I blush, be this my shame,
That I no more revere His Name.

5 Ashamed of Jesus! yes, I may
When I've no guilt to wash away,
No tear to wipe, no good to crave,
No fears to quell, no soul to save.

6 Till then nor is my boasting vain
Till then I boast a Saviour slain;
And O may this my glory be,
That Christ is not ashamed of me.
Rev. Joseph Grigg, 1765: alt. by Rev. Benjamin Francis, 1787


1 Now I resolve with all my heart,
With all my powers, to serve the Lord;
Nor from His precepts e'er depart
Whose service is a rich reward.

2 O be His service all my joy;

Around let my example shine, Till others love the blest employ, And join in labors so Divine.

3 Be this the purpose of my soul,

My solemn, my determined choice,
To yield to His supreme control,
And in His kind commands rejoice.

4 O may
I never faint nor tire,
Nor wandering leave His sacred ways:
Great God, accept my soul's desire,
And give me strength to live Thy praise.
Anne Steele, 1760: verse 1, line 1, alt.

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