Imágenes de páginas

you would write a criticism upon it, and then perhaps they might be bound up together; and then says I, see how we apples swim down the tide of time: however, it strikes eleven, and I wont begin my book to-night, nor swell this letter to a volume; so I will only add my compliments to Mrs. Drummond, and that I always am, with perfect regard, my Lord, &c. &c.



"Edinburgh, July 8, 1767.

my grovelling reflection? A certain friend, whose opinion I most highly value, came across my thoughts. It immediately struck me, How will that person scorn me for such pusillanimity? I started up, got to the Court in time, delivered my opinion, and my reasons, more to my own satisfaction than usual: and thank God, I am still alive.

"15th July

"I am indeed still alive, and now perfectly well, though weak; for ever since the former date, I have been confined to bed with the illness I mentioned. that means I have been forced to


put off the principal, or rather the only purpose of my letter, which was to lay down measures for repaying the money you so kindly have advanced for my commissions.

"You treat me cruelly, my friend, in giving me a character among your London acquaintance, which I never can hope to support. What else should have led Lord Lyttelton to judge me such a profound critick of stile? In short, to preserve my reputation, I must hide myself, and abandon, among others, one of my favourite projects, which was the passing some time with you at London, and studying you while acting I am, &c. &c. your part in the great world.

"But now that I have given a little vent to my spleen, (occasioned probably by a cold I have somehow contracted), I find my heart a little lighter. I submit cheerfully to Mrs Montagu's superiority; and I am sensible, that the good she does me, far outweighs the ill. I go no farther for an example than this very morning. We are at present deciding the great Douglass cause; and it is expected, that, in a case of such importance, every Judge shall, along with his opinion, give at least a summary of his reasons. In bed this morning, having been feverish in the night, I felt myself weak, dispirited, and without strength or iuclination to rise. Why should I kill myself for the sake of others, was


-Though I shall always be proud of Mrs. Montagu's favours, yet with my good will, the obliga

tions I owe her should be of a rank
that relate to money.—



"Sandleford, July 30, 1767.


"I AM much concerned to hear that you have been so ill. The cause of the orphan, I dare say, would always animate you; but as your life is valuable to many orphans, you must not hazard yourself too much.

"After having convinced the world by many a volume, that you are a perfect master and judge of stile, it is very pleasant that you should attribute an opinion of your being so to me. I think your Lordship will have a great deal of plea.

sure in reading Lord Lyttelton's History. You will like to see a Gothick building by a Roman architect. The story is Gothick, but expressed with majesty, gravity and force, without any thing dark or rude, or perplexed and confused.

"I suppose that as early as business will allow, your Lordship will retire to Blair-Drummond. There I order you to sit on my bench, and think of me, daily, till I come into Northumberland; and then you are to transfer yourself to Kames, from whence Mrs. Drummond and your Lordship may easily make me a visit. My journey to the north is delayed a fortnight longer than I in. tended, by the marriage of a cousin of mine, who desires earnestly that I would attend her nuptials; and the gentleman who is to marry her, is very importunate with me to attend the ceremony; as he is a great match for my cousin, I do not know how to refuse his request. The

bride and bridesgroom are to dine with me on the wedding-day in Hill-street, the 17th of August; so I cannot set out till the 18th or 19th. I shall stay only a day or two in Yorkshire in my way. As your Lordship is in a great hurry to pay your money, be pleased to order it to be paid to Sir George Colebrook in Threadneedle street, and into Mrs. Montagu's account; Sir George honours my bills when I draw upon him; but as he has never received any money of mine, he knows nothing of me, but that I can spend it. I had the pleasure of seeing Lady Elliot-Murray, the night before she left London; I told her I was very jealous of her, and desired she would not coquette with your Lordship; but I suppose she will not be so generous to an absent rival. I beg my most respectful compliments to Mrs. Drummond; and am, with great regard, my Lord, &c. &c. &c. ELIZ. MONTAGU."

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without ascribing to him in their full efficiency and just proportion all those qualities and faculties of heart and mind, which constitute the character of one eminently good and illustriously great.

Mr. Ames's imagination was uncommonly vigorous, and such was its versatility, that he was equally capable of brightening the beautiful to its most brilliant lustre, and darkening the sublime to its most tremendous gloom. Nor was his sagacity less acute than his imagination was vigorous. Mr. Ames was not easily or often deceived; for, though far from regarding the conduct of others with that sullen and malignant suspicion, which too often assumes the name and shape of prudent circumspection, he seldom permitted his vigilance to wink, he never suffered his caution to sleep. Mr. Ames's judgment seemed to arise as an inevitable result from his intellectual energy and perspicacity. It was at once ready and correct. His ratiocination, though not confined to the moods and figures, was predicated on the rules and actions of the soundest and purest logick; and though, in consequence of his warmth of fancy, which delighted to luxuriate in all the pride and pomp of poetry and elo. quence, his reasoning sometimes appeared embarrassed and involved yet his arguments were, with few exceptions, so arranged and conducted, that the inferred conclusion seemed necessarily to follow from the premises assumed.

The consequence of such faculties of mind seemed necessary, and Mr. Ames became not only an elegant scholar, an accurate lawyer, and an orator almost without a superiour, and infinitely above every rival, but a statesman, who, relying on his own unborrowed opinions, disined to take or to hold any place

or office, which he could hardly hope to keep, if he should dare to accuse the people of acting, in a single instance, contrary to their interest or their honour.

The qualities of Mr. Ames's heart were not less amiable than the faculties of his mind were respectable. All the gentle, and all the severe virtues thronged to his bosom, and dwelt and worshipped there, as if his bosom had been their temple and their home. His benevolence was unwearied and indefatigable; his friendship was ardent, constant, and sincere; his temperance was rigid to a degree little short of austerity; and the integrity (it was indeed incorruptible) of Mr. Ames would not have been endangered, if, as they did not and could not, the other constituents of his character had allowed him to aspire to power or grovel for wealth.

The effect of such qualities of heart was natural; and Mr. Ames was not merely an exemplar of filial affection, of conjugal attachment, of fraternal forbearance and forgiveness, of parental tenderness and providence; he was more and better; in his conduct, Mr. Ames was a living evidence of the divine original of christianity.


Madame de Genlis is one of the most voluminous and successful writers of the present day. In the year 1806, she published a volume, entitled Les Souvenirs de Félicie L***, which was followed by a second in 1807. They consist of anecdotes, interspersed with reflections, of celebrated persons in France, towards the close of the reign of Louis 15th, and during that of his successors, and will probably be continued by

her for some years later. I have been much amused in perusing this work, and have translated the following for the Anthology.

"I am very fond of M. de Flahault: he unites to the most perfect civility an original character. Here is a trait which paints him. The Countess of has, as every one knows, a great deal of pride and very little politeness. One evening she arrived at a card party of the late queen's, after the game had commenced: the Countess of would have a place at the top of the circle: she advanced, got up there, and stopped to sit down, but did not find any stool. M. de Flahault, standing in the opening of one of the windows, saw her embarrassment, and very obligingly drew a stool from under a marble table, which he placed behind her: the Countess looked at him, did not thank him, nor even salute him, and sat down. A moment after another lady arrived, they all rose up ; during this movement, M. de Flahault drew away softly the stool which he had given her, and replaced it under the table. The Countess wishing to seat herself again, made a strange overthrow ; but the ladies who were at her side caught her, and softened the fall; when on her feet again, she turned round saying, but who took away my chair? It was me, madam, answered M. de Flahault coldly I had the honour of offering it to you, and, as it did not appear to give you any pleasure, I took it away."


"M. de Schomberg related to me a singular fact of Chirac, the famous physician. Chirac was far gone in the sickness of which he died; after some days of delirium, he partially recovered his senses; all of a sudden he felt his own pulse: I have been called too late, cried he; has

he been bled? No, answered they. Well then! he replied, he is a dead man; and he spoke true.'

"M. de is extremely avaricious. Not having kept house during the summer, his ice-house was quite full in the month of January, the butler asked him what should be done with all the ice? Why, answered he, let it be given to the poor. This was the first act of charity he ever did."

"Some singular instances of ego. tism are told of a M. de Laitre, who died a few years since; the following in my opinion surpasses all the


"M. de Laitre was the friend of Madame de B; and during one winter, having given himself up to the dissipation of the world, he was a long time without seeing her, though he knew she was ill. When he came to see her, he found her sitting up in an easy chair. She reproached him with his absence, adding that she had been constantly unwell, and had suffered the greatest pain. But how long have you been sick, asked M. de Laitre-For six weeks-Good God, six weeks, how time passes !"

"This same M. de Laitre one day related the following story. You know how much I love S: I was hunting with him yesterday, his horse stumbled and fell over upon him: I flew to his relief. I was excessively alarmed. I disengaged S from under his horse; he had no wound, but he was frightfully pale; I saw he was going to faint. Fortunately I always carry with me a little phial of brandy; I drew it from my pocket, and I swallowed it, for I felt as if I should faint myself. Thus, during an emotion of lively pity, this man discovered the most profound egotism."


possesses more

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on horseback at the door of the king's carriage who was going to Choisi. It had rained, and M. de Nedonchel, trotting in the mud, spattered the king, who, putting his head out of the window, said to him, M. de Nedouchel, you muddy me : yes, Sire, in the English fashion, answered M. de Nechondel, with a very satisfied air, who, instead of the word *crotter, had understood trotter. The king, without knowing the mistake, was content with putting up the glass, saying with great goodness, Well! this is rather a strong trait of the Anglomania "

* Crotter signifies to muddy, trotter to




In a sketch, it would be impossible to give a minute account of the different literary institutions of Edinburgh, or to pursue to any length the various remarks which objects of this description aturally suggest to the mind. The college, however, being the most extensive and important of these institutions seems to require a more particular attention; and, I trust, a few observations upon its present state and system of education will not be found uninteresting.

The university of Edinburgh was established in the year 1582, by a royal charter from King James VI. and from that period to the present has been progressively advancing in its reputation as a school of literature and science. The buildings

connected with this institution are situated in the Old Town, on the most southerly of the three ridges.

They were originally constructed on so small a scale, and their plan was found so unsuitable to the subsequent prosperous state of the college, that it was deemed necessary some years ago to erect a new building for the accommodation of the professors and students. A subscription was accordingly opened, a part of the old structure was removed, and the erection of a new one commenced, under the directions of Mr. Adam, as an architect. The plan, however, was so extensive, and so many unforeseen obstacles occurred to its execution, that, not withstanding the large amount of the subscription, and a subsequent royal donation of 10,000. the greater part of the building still remains in an unfinished state, and will continue so, unless some considerable assistance is afforded by parliament for its completion. At present the college

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