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there must be an immense religious power in portions of it. A cool inculcation of Christian moralities upon the mass, is not enough; there must be enthusiasm somewhere. The rivers will dry up when the rains are stayed, unless there are fountains to feed them. So if you would influence communities by religious motives, you must be assisted by those deep experiences in many persons which belong to the highest types of godliness. The patriot who thinks he can educate the people in schools, without the churches; the Christian who thinks that the churches can be powerful without an intense Christian life among some of its members,-have never learned the laws of influence. As in every human being there must be a strongly pulsating heart in order to vigor in the limbs, so there must be vast numbers of devoted Christian people-a strong central religious life-if you would have a general religious life, or expect to restrain and guide a community by a sense of religion.

Not only as a Christian minister, but as a patriot, I would urge on all good citizens the wisdom of encouraging an earnest Christianity, in all the religious denominations of the State. from the Farewell Address of the

Country should never be forgotten:

This sentence

Father of his


may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality may prevail in exclusion of religious principle."

To His Excellency the Governor, I respectfully turn, with confident assurance that by him, and the distinguished gentlemen immediately associated with him, the leading sentiments of this discourse will not be disowned. The patriotism, the patronage of education, the energy, and most of all the humanity which mark the administration of the preceding year, add strength to our faith when we pray, "God save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts."

Gentlemen, Legislators of the Commonwealth, I cannot lose this opportunity of commending to your regard the interests of our country, though it may be sufficiently dear to you. Patriotism is a characteristic of noble minds. The rustic Bard of Ayr turned aside his weeding-plough and spared the rough burr-thistle "for dear old Scotia's sake " and one far greater than bard or statesman wept for his country, when he foretold the evils which

were coming upon it. And shall not the American

citizen love his native land?

"Land where our fathers died,

Land of the Pilgrims' pride,

Sweet land of Liberty."

Some among us have thought it pleasant and becoming to die for it; shall not we who survive most earnestly live for it? As you look upon your country," the strong staves broken and the beautiful rods," let me say to each of you, gentlemen, in higher words than human, "Behold thy mother." She asks the help of her sons. Of you, among the chosen rulers, she asks wisdom in legislation, integrity of intention, patriotism, devotion. "Be of good courage, and let us play the men for our people and for the cities of our God," and His providence will smile upon us. The war will be brought to a righteous close. Liberty and law will be established, and we may hope for the time when the whole nation will become what Milton said a Commonwealth ought to be-"ONE HUGE CHRISTIAN


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