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imagine that a certain moderate course SERM. may be held in vice, by means of which, men, without throwing altogether aside the restraints of reason, may enjoy an easy and pleasureable life. By reasoning thus, my friends, you flatter and deceive yourselves to your own destruction. Be assured, that by every vicious indulgence you are making an approach to a state of complete slavery; you are forfeiting a certain share of your liberty; how soon the whole of it may be forfeited, you are not aware. It is true, that all which has now been said of the servitude of sin, applies only to a character corrupted in the extreme. But remember, that to this extreme no man ever arrives at once. He passes through many of those intermediate stages, in one of which Vice always you are now perhaps found. creeps by degrees; and insensibly twines around us those concealed fetters by which we are at last completely bound. As you value therefore your liberty and your happiness, avoid every approach to evil. Consider all vicious pleasures as enchanted ground, by entering on which, you will be farther and farther ensnared within the magic


SERM. magic circle, till at length you are precludX. ed from all retreat. The most pure and

virtuous man is always the freest. The religion of Christ is justly entitled the perfect law of liberty. It is only when the Son makes us free, that we are free indeed: and it was with reason the Psalmist said, It will walk at liberty, for I seek thy precepts.




PSALM, xvi. 8.

Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth.


OD is a Spirit, and they that worship sERM. him, must worship him in spirit and XI. in truth. That religion chiefly consists in an inward principle of goodness, is beyond dispute, and that its value and efficacy are derived from its effects in purifying the heart, and reforming the life. All external services, which have not this tender cy, are entirely insignificant. They dege er

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SFRM. ate into mere superstition, equally unacceptable to God, and unprofitable to man. Hence they are so often treated in Scripture, with high contempt, when substituted in the room of the important duties of a virtuous life.

Notwithstanding this, it is certain that external services have their own place, and a considerable one too, in the system of religion. What their proper place is, no one can be at a loss to discern, who will only make a just distinction between the means, and the end in religion. It is evident there is danger in man's erring here, either on one side or other; and it is certain that they have erred on both. After it was observed, that mankind were prone to lay too much weight on the external parts of religion, it began to be thought that no weight was to be allowed to them at all. The time was, when all religion centered in attending the duties of the church, and paying veneration to whatver was accounted sacred. This alone sanctified the character, and compensated every blemish in moral conduct. From this extreme, the spirit of the age seems to



be running fast into the opposite extreme, SERM of holding every thing light that belongs to public worship. But if superstition be an evil; and a very great one it undoubtedly is, irreligion is not a smaller evil: And though the form of godliness may often remain when the power of it is wanting; yet the power cannot well subsist where the form is altogether gone. The holy Psalmist, whose words are now before us, discovers much better principles. Expressing always the highest regard for the laws of God, and the precepts of virtue, he breathes at the same time a spirit of true devotion. Though loaded with the cares of royalty, and encircled with the splendor of a court, he thought it well became him to show respect to the great Lord of nature; and on many occasions expresses, as he does in the text, his delight in the public service of the temple. Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. In discoursing from which words, I purpose to show the importance of the public worship of God, and the benefits resulting from it. I shall consider it in three lights;


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