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our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Defence, &c.

GOD, the author of peace and lover of concord, in knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life, whose service is perfect freedom; Defend us tby humble Servants in all assaults of our enemies ; that we, surely trusting in thy defence, may not fear the power of any adversaries, through the might of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

If there are any Prayers or Thanksgivings proper for the day, they may be inserted here, or substituted for one or more of those that follow. Prayers for Children, &c. are to be found in the Second Part.

For the Church, the Queen, and the Nation.

LESSED Lord, who hast called Christian


Princes to the defence of thy Faith, Look down upon our gracious Queen. Give her, we beseech thee, all those heavenly graces that are requisite for so high a trust; Let the work of thee her God prosper in her hands; And make her a blessed instrument of protecting and advancing thy truth, wherever it is persecuted and oppressed; Let not Heresies and false Doctrines disturb the peace of the Church, nor Schisms and causeless Divisions weaken it; But grant us to be of one heart and one mind in serving thee our God, and obeying her according to thy will: For the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Priests and Deacons.

ALMIGHTY God, giver of all good things, who

by thy Holy Spirit hast appointed divers or

ders of Ministers in the Church; Mercifully behold thy servants called to the Office of Priesthood in thy Church, (especially him who is set over us in this place) and replenish them so with the truth of thy doctrine, and adorn them with innocency of life, that, both by word and good example they may faithfully serve thee in their Office, to the glory of thy Name, and the edification of thy Church; make them give diligence always to minister the Doctrine, and Sacraments, and the Discipline of Christ, and maintain and set forwards as much as lieth in them, quietness, peace and love, among all Christian people; and look down also, O Lord, we beseech thee on all Deacons, make them to be modest, humble, and constant in their Ministration, to have a ready will to observe all spiritual Discipline; that they having always the testimony of a good conscience, and continuing ever stable and strong in thy Son Christ, may so well behave themselves in this inferior Office, that they may be found worthy to be called unto the higher Ministries in thy Church; through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. For the Heathen.

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MERCIFUL God, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live; Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of thy Word; and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock, that they may be saved

among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.


Let us praise the name of the Lord.
And offer unto our God thanksgiving.
Unto thee do we give thanks, O Lord.
Yea, unto Thee, O God, do we give thanks.

ALMIGHTY God, Father of all mercies, we

thine unworthy servants do give thee most humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and loving-kindness to us, and to all men; We bless thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life (especially); but above all, for thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And we beseech thee, give us that due sense of all thy mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we shew forth thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives; by giving up ourselves to thy service, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end.

Praised be the Lord daily.

Even the God who helpeth us.
And poureth his benefits upon us.

Concluding Prayer.


LORD, we beseech thee mercifully to receive the prayers of thy people which call upon

thee; and grant that they may both perceive and know what things they ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to fulfil the same; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Benedictory Prayer.

THE HE Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make his face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. The Lord lift up his countenance upon us, and give us peace, both now and everAmen.



Evening Prayer.

At the beginning of Evening Prayer, the Master may read the following sentences, unless there are any proper for the day.

WILL arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. St. Luke xv.

DEARLY beloved, the Scripture moveth us in sundry places to acknowledge and confess our manifold sins and wickedness; and that we should not dissemble nor cloak them before the face of Almighty God our heavenly Father; but confess them with an humble, lowly, penitent, and obedient heart; to the end that we may obtain forgiveness of the same, by his infinite goodness and mercy. Wherefore I pray and beseech you, as many as are here present, to accompany me with a pure heart,

and humble voice, unto the throne of the heavenly grace, saying after me;

¶Then the General Confession, to be said by the whole family, kneeling.

ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father; We have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against thy holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done; And there is no health in us. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Spare thou them, O God, which confess their faults. Restore thou them that are penitent; According to thy promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesu our Lord. And grant O most merciful Father, for his sake; That we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life, To the glory of thy holy Name. Amen.

Prayer for Pardon.

LORD, we beseech thee, absolve thy people from their offences; that through thy bountiful goodness we may all be delivered from the bands of those sins, which by our frailty we have committed: Grant this, O heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ's sake, our blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen.


Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.

Then the Lord's Prayer, to be said by all.

UR Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will

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