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The prayer of the upright is His delight.-Prov. 15: 8.

LORD, teach us how to pray; for we know not how to pray as we ought. Thou hast bidden us in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, to make our requests known unto Thee. Thou hast given us so many wonderful promises in respect of prayer that we cannot but believe that prayer is the open way between us and Thee.

Thou art our Father, and we trust Thee and know that Thou canst never contradict Thy love for us as manifested in the coming and living and dying of our Lord Jesus Christ. How shalt Thou not with Him freely give us all things? No withholding or even denial of our requests can make us doubt Thee. And then we remember that Thy "No" is just as real an answer to prayer as Thy "Yes," as when Thou didst say to Moses and Paul "No"; and yet, later, how wonderfully Thou didst answer those seemingly unanswered prayers.

Be Thou our light in darkness; our comfort in sorrow; our wisdom when we are perplexed; our strength when we are in weakness. Our desire is to be used of Thee. We do not want to be idle or unfruitful in Thy service, even when limited in our opportunities. Grant this our prayer, O Father, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

Philadelphia, Penna.

The God of love and peace shall be with you.
-II Cor. 13:11.

OUR Father in Heaven, Thou Who carest for all

the families of the earth, grant to this family a consciousness of Thy presence and love. May we be ever careful lest by word or deed we bring dishonor to Thy matchless name. Follow us as we go to the tasks of today. May we be strong in Thy strength; courageous because of Thy promises; and humble, in view of our constant dependence upon Thee.

May the Angel of the Lord encamp round about the absent ones; guard them from evil, and inspire them for service. Give us all hearts of pity for those who are in need, sympathy for the weak, and willingness to lift up the fallen. Forbid that we should be content with our own plenty, or proud in our own accomplishments, but as children may we ever be anxious for the glory of our Father's name, and thankful for His care. Forgive us for that wherein we have failed; forgive us for willfulness and downright sin.

When the great homecoming takes place, and we are in the Father's house, may every member of this family be among the "multitude that no man can number," serving Thee as we cannot here. This we ask for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Saviour. Amen.


Peterborough, Ont., Canada.

Believe ye that I am able to do this?-Matt. 9:28.

GOD, our Heavenly Father, we give Thee thanks

for all that makes Thee known to us, and for all the good things that Thou hast given us. We praise Thee that our household has once more been preserved to meet in health and to join in common thanksgiving unto Thee, the Most Holy God, the Eternal Providence.

We pray Thee to forgive all our sins, and to cleanse our hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit. Accompany us into the duties of each day, and give us strength for every need.

Preserve us from all danger, defend us from all error of heart, deliver us out of every temptation, save us from murmuring against our lot or grieving over our losses, save us from envy and pride, from hate and untruth, from waste of time and excessive pleasure, and from all worldliness. May we be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving Thee, our Lord. We pray Thee in behalf of our neighbors and friends. May both we and they be blest in our mutual intercourse. Bless the poor and needy, the sick and desolate and defenseless, and bring back the lost ones to Thy home and heart.

We ask it all in the name of Thy dear Son, our Saviour and Lord. Amen.

W. T. G. BROWN, B.A., B.D.,

Toronto, Canada.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, faith.-Gal. 5: 22.


UR Heavenly Father, we turn to Thee in gratitude for Thy goodness, and in loving dependence upon Thy grace. Thou art our shield, our strength, our guide. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Thou dost forgive our sins. We trust in Thee alone. Our feeble strength can give no security in temptation, nor firmness in trial. We humbly pray for Thy sustaining grace today. May Thy companionship transform our daily tasks and make our weakness strong.

Grant to us hearts of compassion for the sorrowing, tempted, hopeless ones whose lives shall touch ours today. May we follow our Saviour in helpful ministry, and may His Spirit go out from us to lead men unto Him Who alone can bless.

May Thy Holy Spirit enable us to set ourselves firmly against the evils which destroy the souls of men, and do our part of the work that is needed for the coming of Thy Kingdom. Help us to be faithful and true in thought, word and deed, that we may not add to the sum of the world's evil, but may purify and enlighten all the life about us.

These things we ask in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Austin, Texas.

My tongue shall speak of Thy righteousness and praise. -Ps. 35: 28.

O UR Heavenly Father, we rejoice in Thy love. The knowledge of Thy love for us casts out all our fear as we approach Thee in prayer. Thy love has redeemed us, and moment by moment we are kept by the power of Thy love. That we may glorify Thee, that the world may know that we love Thee, help us to be kind and courteous and honest in all the relations of life. Give us the mind that was in Christ Jesus. Show us our duty and privileges as His followers. Help us with open eye to see the truth, and with open heart to receive it, and grant us grace in all things to do Thy holy will. We thank Thee, Heavenly Father, that Thou hast supplied all our needs. We have wanted for no good thing. We confidently trust Thee for the future. We put our all in Thy hands, knowing Thou wilt never fail us. Be about our homes and loved ones today. Beat back all that disturbs human peace and mars human happiness. Deliver us from all evil.

Bless and prosper the cause of Christ our Saviour in the Church and throughout the world. Bring many today, by the way of the cross, into Thy Kingdom. Save the lost. We ask all this, with the forgiveness of our sins, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Baltimore, Maryland.

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