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He is faithful that promised.-Heb. 10:23.

UR Heavenly Father, we thank Thee that Thy watchful care has brought us safely into another day with its obligations, labors, delights, and trials. Give us strength to resist evil, and to cleave to that which is good. Help us to let our light so shine that others may see our good works, and glorify Thee. Be with those of us who go to work, and those of us who go to school, and those of us who take care of the home. Bless with us all other families who remember Thee, and grant that in many homes who know Thee not, family altars may be erected, so that Thy Name may be glorified in the family life. Bless the officers, members, workers, and enterprises of our Church, and of all churches that seek to enhance Thy Kingdom. Thrust more laborers into the Kingdom, and through increased missionary efforts let the world speedily be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. Bless our country and those who are directing its affairs. Give them grace, wisdom, and courage to promote righteousness at home and in our relations with other countries. Bless all the other nations of the earth, with their statesmen and rulers. May the spirit of fairness take possession of all of them, so that they will project into all international relationships, peace and harmony. We ask these favors in the name of our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! Amen.


Cleveland, Ohio.

He forgave their iniquity.-Ps. 78: 38.

LORD, who hast proven that we may trust Thee, we seek Thy blessing in the beginning of the day, that we may carry its influence with us into the toil and trial of our busy life. We claim Thy sufficient grace, that we may be equal to every severe test.

Give us wisdom, that we may undertake our tasks and do them as those who have learned of the Divine Workman. Take possession of our minds that to-day they may think Thy thoughts after Thee, and be intent upon working out Thy great plans through the best lives we can live.

So rule us with Thy Spirit that our senses may be harnessed for Thy uses. Save us from falling into shameful sin. Prevent us from being mean, small, disagreeable, irritable, unsympathetic, as we touch other lives. Be our unseen Companion as we earn our daily bread-and help us to earn it honestly.

Make us wholesome; keep us sweet. May others know to-day by our unobtrusive goodness that Jesus lives at our house. May we somehow be instrumental in opening the doors of other homes for the incoming of this Heavenly Guest.

We ask these favors in His Name. Amen.


Harrisburg, Penna.

I have loved thee with an everlasting love.-Jer. 31: 3.


VE thank Thee, our loving Father, for Thy watchful care over us through another night. Thou dost neither slumber nor sleep, and Thy everwakeful eye has been upon us in our unconscious moments, and Thy protecting and upholding hand has been underneath and about us. Thou art setting before us a new day, with all of its opportunities and possibilities for good or evil. This is one of the days concerning which Thou hast promised, "As thy day so shall thy strength be." Is not this one of the days for which Thou hast made such bountiful provision? Let us not venture forth upon the day's duties or difficulties without, Thy guiding, upholding, protecting hand. Thou art able to do for us exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think. Give us strength to conquer every temptation. Surround us with Thy gracious presence as a shield from every danger. Bless with us all whom we should specially remember at the Throne of Thy Grace. Wherever we can send a thought, Thou canst send a blessing. Let Thy blessing be suited to the capacities and needs of every one of them. May every heart be turned to Thee as the morning-glory turns to the light, and may their souls and ours be enlivened, purified, and strengthened by the light of Thy health-giving countenance. Amen.

Pittsburgh, Penna.

Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion and righteous. A good man sheweth favor, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion. Surely he shall not be moved forever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.-Ps. 112: 4-6.

ALMIGHTY GOD, our Heavenly Father, we thank

Thee that Thou hast taught us to call Thee "Father." In the strength of Thy Name we go forth to meet the temptations and the duties of this day. May we be worthy of being called Thy children. May we have Thy patience and tenderness in our dealing with others, especially with the members of our own household. May we have pity for all weak and tempted persons, and lend them our strength, as Thou dost lend Thy strength to us. Clothe us this day with the armor of light. May we have Thy purity, the horror of all evil thoughts and all unholy desires, and may they be overcome and cast out of our hearts by a passion for holiness. Whatever we have to do, may we do it so that it shall be well pleasing to Thee. Help us to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Preserve us in all danger; keep us in the way of life; and bring us at last to our Father's house in peace. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


New York City, N. Y.

Wait on the Lord, and He shall save thee.-Prov. 20:22.

IN the Name of the Lord Jesus we bow in Thy holy presence, O God, to thank Thee for all Thy goodness and mercy to us as a family and a household, and to ask Thy forgiveness for all wherein we have sinned and grieved Thy Holy Spirit.

We pray for grace and guidance that we may so walk as to please Thee. Grant us Thy protecting care to shield us from accident and danger. And above all, we pray that, thus walking in Thy fear and love, we may know the joy of Thy salvation.

And what we ask for ourselves, we pray for all who are dear to us. And very specially we commend to Thy Fatherly goodness any who are in sickness or sorrow or trouble, that Thou wilt graciously bless and sustain and comfort them.

Thou hast given Thine only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him may have eternal life. Such is Thy love to the world. But Thou hast a still tenderer love for those who believe in Christ and are one with us in Him. For them we make our prayer to Thee.

Hear us and bless us, we pray Thee, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

London, England.

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