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And, first, the China rose.

While treating of paren

tage, we may also include the tea rose, which, with the China, comes from the same ancestor, the Rosa Indica and its varieties. From this stock come all the China and teascented roses, which, by skilful hybridization, are now so multiplied that already their name is legion. Properly speaking, the three roses which are the oldest, and may be considered parents of the race, are Rosa Indica, the common Chinese rose, R. semperflorens, the crimson or sanguinea rose, and R. odorata, the Chinese or sweetscented tea rose.

The China rose and its hybrids are usually stout growing, and sometimes of a close, twiggy habit. With us they will not endure the winter without protection, but south of Baltimore, stand out uninjured.

They are the common rose of window gardening, and are known as "monthly roses." The colors vary from white to deep crimson or red, running through all the shades of blush and pink.

They are often exposed for sale in early spring at the corners of streets and in the market places, every little


shoot being crowned with a bud or flower. The foliage is generally smooth, glossy, and fine cut, clothing every little twig, and of a lively, fresh appearance.

It will survive almost any treatment, and will live if but a ray of sunlight can reach it. It is the poor man's friend, and clings to him in every vicissitude; yet, while possessing adaptability to circumstances in a remarkable degree, no plant will better repay care and attention. Cleanliness, washing, and syringing are essential to good health; give plenty of light, and it will repay you by abundance of bloom. Though as its common names (daily or monthly rose) imply, it will not bloom every day, yet there will seldom be a day when it will not have a flower or a bud upon it. It will ask you, too, for an occasional smoking; for the green fly is very fond of the delicate juices of its young shoots, and this indeed of all roses.

Do not give it too large a pot. Roses will do well in smaller pots, in proportion to their size, than almost any other plant.


Yet the soil must be rich and well mixed. It should consist of four parts of the richest black loam, or leaf mould, two parts of well-rotted manure, with a slight ad

mixture. of fine sand. This soil should not be sifted, but lumpy, yet well mixed together.

In potting, as much of the old soil as can be taken off without breaking the roots, should be removed, and the plant set just up to the neck or collar, on the new soil; settle the earth well around the plant, and give a gentle watering from the fine rose of a watering pot. Pruning should be done as required; the eyes will break any where; therefore, whenever a branch becomes too long or unsightly, cut it in; there need be no fear of injuring the plant.

If they have been planted out in the garden during the summer, on removal to the house in the autumn they will need a severe pruning. Cut off the young wood to within a few inches of the old wood, and give the plants a little rest, by giving less water and little heat; when you wish them to bloom, bring them into full sunlight, give more heat, and, as soon as the young branches have begun to push, give plenty of water. Every eye will produce a shoot, crowned with one or more buds; after blooming, shorten in the blooming branches about one half; new eyes will push, and a second display of bloom be the result. In watering roses, care must be taken not to render the soil

cold and sodden; water should never stand round the roots; frequent stirring of the surface of the soil is very beneficial. A few bits of charcoal, broken fine and mixed with the earth, will impart the richest brilliancy to the flowers.

The following list of China roses will be found to include the best old varieties. New hybrids are constantly produced, and all of this class make good window plants. China roses are called also " Bengal" roses.

List of China Roses.

1. Agrippina, or Cramoisi Superieur. Rich, velvety crimson, very double.

2. La Superbe. Purple crimson, very double, flowers always opening


3. Eels Blush. A profuse bloomer; flowers large and double, resembling a tea rose.

4. Indica, or Common Daily.. Dark blush or rose color; free grower and profuse bloomer. This is the common "monthly rose."

5. Indica Alba. A white variety of the last, of more slender growth, but double and free flowering.

6. A dwarf form of R. Indica, called "Fairy Rose," Tom Thumb, Lawrenceana, is a pretty little miniature rose, very double, and about as large as a dime or half dime.

7. Mrs. Bousanquet. Creamy blush, very fine; by some classed as a Bourbon, which it seems to be. It is very distinct from other Chinas.

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8. Semperflorens, or Sanguinea." Very double; cupped; rich crimson. Every where grown and appreciated.

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9. Jacksonia. Bright red, very double.

10. Louis Philippe. Dark crimson; globular.

11. Eugene Hardy. White, changing to blush.

12. Eugene Beauharnais. Bright amaranth, very fine form, and fragrant.

There are many others which may be found in florists' catalogues.

For one rose for bloom, choose No. 8; for two, Nos. 8 and 3; for three, Nos. 8, 3, and 12; for four, add No. 4; for five, add No. 2; for six, No. 9 or 1.


The original rose (R. odorata) was only introduced about 1812, and from this have sprung our many fine varieties. The treatment required is identical with that of the China rose; yet a richer soil, and more heat and light, may be afforded to advantage. The former is easily done by increasing the proportion of manure in potting.

They also need more care, and are not so patient under neglect. For summer bedding in the garden, they are unsurpassed. Usually their growth is more delicate and graceful than that of the China varieties.

The following list includes some of the best varieties, which may be relied upon for window or garden growth.

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