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These pretty plants are usually grown as annuals with us, for summer decoration in the flower garden, but they also make fine window plants. For this purpose, sow the seed in August in pots; as the plants grow, transplant one to each pot, and train the slender shoots on a neat trellis. Give plenty of sun, and syringe very often, for the plants are very subject to attacks of red spider. They will show bloom about the middle of January, and produce a profusion during the winter and spring months. The plants will show bud very early, but if they are allowed to bloom, growth will stop; therefore it is best to pick off all the flower buds until the plant is of the required size, when they may be allowed to open.

Cuttings root very freely in sand, under a bell glass. The soil should be, one part turfy loam, one part peat, one part well-rotted manure. Water moderately.

The varieties are,

T. alata, buff yellow, with a black centre; T. alata aurantia, deep orange, with black centre; T. alata alba, white, with black centre.

There are also some superb hot-house species.


A half-hardy deciduous shrub, from Chili; the only species is A. citriodora, commonly called Lemon Verbena. It is valuable only for the fragrance of the leaves, the flowers being small, whitish lilac, and of little beauty. As a winter plant it is of no value, as it needs a season of rest, which must be given it in a cellar free from frost.

The best treatment is, to plant it out in spring in the flower border, where it will make vigorous growth. In the fall, before the first frost, remove the plant with a ball of earth to the cellar. In spring, trim the plant into a neat shape, and re-plant it. If grown in pots, the proper soil is, two parts of loam, two of leaf mould, and a slight mixture of sand. While the plants are growing, give plenty of water, but withhold it entirely during the winter.


The only plant of this genus, worthy of cultivation, is the well-known Calla Lily (Richardia Ethiopica). It is too familiar to our readers to need description. To bloom the plants well, they should have a season of rest, which may be regulated so as to have bloom at any season, if we have sev

eral plants. They naturally rest after the blooming season. When they again begin to grow, re-pot them; if a plant with a single stem is required, remove all suckers, otherwise they will do no harm to remain; but the plant requiring frequent re-pottings, will soon become so large as to be unmanageable.

The foliage is peculiarly fine, and the plant is worth growing for this alone.

If bloom is particularly desired, the best way is to plant. some six or eight roots in the half of an oil cask. Paint it green, and put on two iron handles; you thus have a very cheap, pretty, serviceable, and durable tub. Fill this with the richest loam, and set the plants, the largest in the middle, the smaller around the sides, and set the tub on the piazza or in a grass plat. The plants will bloom during the summer very freely, and may be wintered in a light cellar without difficulty.

The proper soil is richest loam and peat well mixed. When growing, you cannot give the plants too much water. In the window, if the plants are set in a saucer kept constantly filled with water, they will be the better for it. In summer, the plant will grow well, and flower profusely out of doors in a tank.


The only plant of this family, desirable for a window plant, is the little Mexican C. ignea or platycentra. This is a sparkling little gem of a plant, always in bloom. Plant it in the flower border in summer, re-pot in autumn, and all winter it will gladden you by a profusion of its bright scarlet tubes tipped with a ring of black and white. The plant never grows above a foot in height, and is just suited for the window. Soil, about three parts loam, one each of sand and manure. Water freely, but do not allow the soil to become sodden.


There are seven families of Cacti, containing each a great number of species. Those chiefly grown as parlor plants come under the families Cereus and Epiphyllum. The former family is a native of all dry, tropical regions of the western continent.

The soil most suitable is, two parts peat, one part broken potsherds, broken coarse, one part loam or old mortar rubbish, and one part manure; mix these well together and secure good drainage.

During the summer, the plants should stand out of doors


in a sheltered place, from the time they have done flowering until September. Then remove them to the house, all parts of shoots having no bloom buds (they are easily seen along the leaves) being cut back to just beyond the buds. The plants should be confined to six or eight strong stems; while these are in good health, the growth of shoots from the roots is not to be encouraged.

Give the plants no water from September until February; while in growth, water moderately. They bloom from May to August.

Some of the varieties are,

C. Speciosissimus. Crimson and purple flowers.

C. Flagelliformis. Rose flowers. This variety should be allowed to droop, and not be pruned.

C. Grandiflorus is the night-blooming Cereus; flowers yellowish white. This variety will not bloom until it is old.

C. Maynardi. Deep orange red flowers.

C. Triangularis. Cream color; immense flower.

All varieties will do well as window plants. The first is the best for general culture.

We now come to the latter family, Epiphyllum, all natives of tropical America. This branch of the Cactus family is distinguished by flat shoots, and leaves without spines. The soil and treatment is identical with that of the Cereus. The best varieties are,

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