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changes, which it is unneceffary to point out. Inoculation has had but a very flight effect.

In the bills of mortality for London, from the year 1730 to 1775, there died, on an average each year, under two years of age, 8450 out of 15890 that were baptized, the proportion of which is nearly as 8 in 15: by the fame bills of mortality, from 1775 to 1785, there died annually, under two years of age, 6800, and were baptized annually, 17250, which fhews the proportion to be not fo much as 7 in 17.

Throughout England, the proportion in large towns is fimilar; in remote villages, the deaths are fewer in proportion; in those parishes near, more than in thofe in populous towns, numbers being continually fent to be nurfed in the adjacent country. This obfervation is one that Buffon takes notice of; by the number of infant deaths being proportionably more in parishes in the vicinity of Paris than in the parishes in that city.'

Practical Obfervations on the Puerperal Fever. By Philip Pitt Walsh, M. D. 8vo. Is. 6d. Dilly.

When we found that the author spoke with fo much confi<. dence on the fuccefs of his method of treating this very dangerous difeafe, we fufpected that, in many inftances, he had miftaken trifling febrile complaints, in the puerperal state, for the true fever. Our fufpicion was not, however, well-founded ; yet, with a very fimilar method, we cannot boast of so much fuccefs: this perhaps may have arifen from the difeafe having been neglected in its first stages.

Dr. Walsh thinks the fever a common putrid one, changed in its appearance, from the peculiar circumftances of the puerperal ftate. In this opinion we entirely agree: we had adopted it very early, when the difeafe became firft the fubject of public difcuffion; and, if neceffary, could fupport it by numerous obfervations. The circumftances which influence its symptoms are, extreme irritability, and an inflammation of the peritonæum or omentum, from the previous preffure.

Dr. Walsh first recommends an emetic, in imitation of M. Doulcet; but thinks naufeating medicines increase the irritability. Tartar emetic is joined with the ipecacuanha; a cooling laxative glyfter fucceeds; then an opiate in a moderate dofe; and, the following morning, a cooling purging medicine of the faline kind is given. The opiate is accompanied with the anodyne liquor of Hoffman, and is not increafed in dofe : in fome inftances it feems to be leffened, and at last omitted. The laxative is, however, continued, and the dofe of the anodyne liquor is frequently increased. Bleeding, he thinks, injurious; and, if at all admiffible, it is fo in the early stages, in Atrong robuft patients, where the fever is not epidemic, or at tended with great malignancy. At the first attack, fomentations were used with freedom; and, during the operation of the falts,

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cordials are given in proportion to the proftration of ftrengths The bark and blifters, in our author's hands, feem to have been of little fervice, or feldom employed. This method is eafily practifed, and we have no reason to think that it will not often fucceed. The difeafe is happily not common; but it is fo often fatal, that we have thought of employing other meafures they cannot be lefs fuccefsful. Dr. Walth would have no reason to fear that opiates would increase the irritability, if given in full dofes, and with proper additions. We were led to think them ufeful by finding that no medicine, with equal fuccefs, prevented topical congeftions during the course of fevers.

On the whole, as a practical work, thefe Obfervations are very valuable: in other refpects we cannot fpeak of them with great commendations. The Preface is confufed and incorrect; nor is the language of the pamphlet, in general, fo perfpicuous and exact as we wished to have found it.

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The Sorrows of the Heart. A Novel. In Two Volumes. 12me. 5s. ferved. Murray.

The editor tells us that these letters are original ones; and we fee no reason to distrust his account. The letters are well written; and, though the adventures are fuch as may be fup pofed to happen frequently, yet they are related in a manner that renders the ftory interelling and affecting. Of the hero, it may be truly faid that

Misfortune claim'd him as her own:"

His own conduct was blameless; yet he is betrayed in his love, and deprived of the fympathetic feelings of a friendly heart clofely attached to him. At laft hê dies. We parted with him with lefs regret, as he had reached the defired haven where the wicked ceafe from troubling. We have nothing to reprehend in these volumes, except that fuicide is fpoken of too favourably. We have much to praise in the conduct and the fentiments of the hero.

Lord Winworth; or, the Memoirs of an Heirs A Novel. In Three Volumes. 12mo. 75% 6d. Allen.

This is faid to be the author's first production, and, fo far as he knows, on an entire new plan. There is indeed fome novelty in the conduct of the ftory, and in the delineation of the characters. The latter are not new; but they are fufficiently difcriminated from the usual company to which we are intro duced in fimilar productions. The author's addrefs, in cone cealing the event, deferves great commendation: in fome parts the interruptions given to the explanation are too artificial, too obviously intended; yet curiofity is kept in anxious expectation, and we are not fatisfied but in the very moment when Vol. LXIII. March, 1787.


the explanation cannot any longer be advantageously concealed. The plot is alfo unfolded with great dexterity; and the denouement is an interefting part of the work. The author's poetry, which is very frequently interfperfed, feldom rifes above mediocrity.

Lucinda Ofborn. A Novel. In Two Volumes. By a Young Lady.. 12mo. 5s. Jewed. Geary.

We fhall trouble our good friend, Mr. Peters, to put on his full fuit of regimentals, that he may transform his favourite Lucinda, and your favourite Sophia, from a pair of infignificant fpinfters, into a pair of wives. Heavens, what a transformation! a greater I verily think there cannot well be, nor a more agreeable.

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This is one of the concluding paffages which have dropt from the pen of our Young Lady,' who feems to fpeak with much confidence on a fubject of which we must fuppofe her ignorant. Yet, on the whole, we cannot feverely blame her, because one of her heroes is forty years old: we hope that, in her next work, fhe will make him fixty; and then the reviewer may perhaps be tempted to take off his fpectacles and lifp his paffion, with an attempt, at leaft, at youthful ardour, and the lady be enabled to speak fill more pofitively. We fhall wait with impatience for this moment. We would pay our court in any thing confiftent with our integrity; but we cannot highly praife this novel. The ftory and the characters are common, the language never rifes to elegance, and the events are anticipated. The denouement is entitled to fome praife: the method is common; but it is managed with an addrefs which renders it interefting.


The Advantages of Sunday Schools; a Difcourfe. Preached for the Benefit of that useful and excellent Charity, at St. Mary's Church, in Manchefter. 4to. 15. Cadell.

This Difcourfe is very animated and eloquent. The best of the old topics applicable to charity schools, and some newer ones fuggefted by the Sunday establishments of this kind, are prefented in brilliant and pathetic language. What is faid in the notes, on the good old method of catechizing in the churches, deferves attention. All the notes we do not think equally judicious. One, however, in which is mentioned a method adopted at Manchefter, toward the fupport of the Sunday fchools, we fhall fubjoin, for the confideration of those worthy and benevolent perfons in other parts of the kingdom, who are inclined to favour this promifing fcheme of reformation.

There is one regulation in Manchester which deserves the attention of every other part of the kingdom where it may not happen to be already adopted. It is not unufual, in many places, for the church-warden or minifter to diftribute the offer


tory money amongst the poor and neceffitous people that may cafually attend the fervice. It was once fo here. But the be nefaction to any individual, in fuch a cafe, could be but small; the relief, of confequence, could be but very tranfient and inadequate; clamorous might take place of modeft poverty, and artificial forrow is often louder than real; and it was fometimes obferved, that the facred pittance was only abufed to improper purposes of drunkenness and disorder. Hence a refolution was formed of devoting it to the purpose of educating poor boys and girls; one of these charity fchools is annexed to every church; and, in this decent and orderly town, where the facraments are monthly, and where it is not uncommon to fee 150 communicants at the altar, the fund is generally found fufficient for this excellent purpose. The children are, occafionally, catechized by their minifter, and grow up into useful members of society, citizens, and Chriftians.'

Sunday Schools, recommended. A Sermon. By John Bidlake, A. B. 4to. Is. Law.

This Sermon is an elegant performance, to which the bene volence of the defign adds an additional luftre. The author recommends the new inftitution, from the beft motives, with confiderable eloquence. He fpeaks, however, of enlarging the defign. We must proteft against any addition to the earliest plans. To read correctly, to be inftructed in the tenets of a true, a focial, a benevolent religion, fhould be the only object. To praise God and to keep his commandments, to learn their Mafter's will and to do it, will make them better men, and enable them to become good citizens. We were forry to fee a work which breathes fo much philanthropy, debafed by the author's expreffing a strong prefumption' that the punishment of the wicked is to be as eternal as the happiness of the good.' Six Letters to a Friend, on the Establishment of Sunday Schools. By Philip Parfons, A. M. 15. 6d. Becket.

In thefe Letters the benevolent author gives fome account of the original of Sunday fchools, warmly recommends, and eagerly defends them from the objections of their oppofers. His zeal in their favour makes him rather diffuse; but it adds a spirit and animation to his arguments. We have already obferved, that reading only should be taught, together with the principles of a liberal, focial, and benevolent religion: Mr. Parfons thinks the fame, and fupports his opinion by various arguments. His addrefs to parents is clear and pointed; that to children plain and affectionate, though we think fomewhat too long. We shall select a part of his answer to those who fuppofe the charity may fuperfede, the Sunday fchools. To this anfwer we may add, that the number educated in moft charity fchools is much more limited than that of the objects of this new inflitution.

I make not the leaft doubt, but that if the keen opposers of this benevolent plan were to fee what I have here written,

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they would ask me with fatirical afperity-" And, pray, what more can your Sunday fchool do?" What more, my good friend!' I fhould anfwer, with God's bleffing it may do much more-it certainly attempts much more ;-it attempts to make. a rational impreffion on the minds of children ;-it pays pecu. liar, and gentle, and affectionate attention to them ;-it puts proper books into their hands, and kindly guides their underftanding-it encourages them, by the occafional vifits of their minifter and well-difpofed neighbours.-What! and are all thefe advantages nothing?-are all thefe no more, and of no greater weight, than may be expected in the common routinein the heavy mill-horfe round of charity fchools —Oh, you know but little of human nature if you think so.'—But you, my friend, do not think fo: such a judgment is only to be formed by thofe who look no deeper than the furface: they who know the depths of the human heart, know that there are advantages on which may be built the most rational and durable hopes." We think this work capable of doing much fervice.

The Chriftian Paftor's Review of his Life and Labours. A Sermon. By Samuel Palmer. Published at the Request of the Hearers. 8vo. 6d. Buckland.

This Sermon is a fenfible and practical performance. Its chief intereft muft have arifen from its being preached on the author's completing the 20th year of his miniftry in his own congregation. In that fituation, it is a pathetic and affecting review' of the changes which had happened, of the incidents to which mortality is fubject. The text, for this purpose, is well chofen; it is from Acts xxvi. 22. Having, therefore, obtained help of God, I continue to this day, witneffing both to fmall and great.'-We fee lefs propriety in its being felected in the fubfequent fituations. On the whole, we think with the author, who tells us that, after he had tranfcribed it for the prefs, he could not fatisfy himself that there was any thing in it worthy of publication.' Authors are feldom fo candid. A Sermon on Profane Swearing. By S. Smalpage, M. A. 4to. IS. Wallis.

An elegant and forcible exhortation to avoid a crime for which there is no temptation; a vice highly offenfive not only to those whofe religion is untainted, but to every one whose tafte is refined, and whofe companions have been the wife, the virtuous, and the elegant. It was well obferved, that no one fwore whofe understanding was not deficient, and who, unable to fill up a fentence, had recourfe to expletives, in which he was equalled, perhaps excelled, by the lowest of the mob. Will our young men of fashion and ability fubmit to an imputation fo opprobrious? Apoftolical Conceptions of God, propounded in a Courfe of Letters to a Friend. 8vo. 25. Dodfley.

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Since our conceptions' are not quite fo apoftolical as thofe of the author, we find ourselves fometimes at a lofs to comprehend

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