Imágenes de páginas

A Letter to George Stacpoole, Efq. 8vo. 15. 6d. Bell.

This Letter contains a review of the most important occurrences in Ireland during the last three years; comprifing, 1. The Proceedings of the National Convention affembled in Dublin, November 1783, and the fucceeding Year. II. Rife and Progrefs of the Bill for effectuating a Commercial Intercourfe between the two Nations, on permanent and equitable Principles. III. His Grace of Portland's Reafons for oppofing the Twenty Propofitions fent from the Commons to the Lords of England, for their Confideration. IV. Proceedings of the Irish Legislature on the Twenty Propofitions tranfmitted from England. V. Opinion of Mr. Fox's minifterial Character. VI. The probable Confequences of any Propofition in the Bri tifh Parliament, tending to an Union with the Sifter Nation. VII. The Prefent State of the Prefs in Ireland confidered. Most of these fubjects are already known to the public. The narrative appears to be faithful; and, in delivering his opinion, the author is candid and ingenuous.

An Addrefs to the Nobility and Gentry of the Church of Ireland, as by Law eftablished. 8vo. 25. Kearsley.

This Addrefs relates to the late infurgents in the fouth of Ireland, who, if the author's reprefentation be juft, must have been truly formidable to that kingdom. They openly profeffed themselves to be Papists, affembled at their respective masshouses, and bound themselves by oaths, at the feet of their altars, to abolish tythes, or to establish fome very inadequate commutation in their place; fuch, in fact, as would almost annihilate the fupport of the parochial clergy in Ireland, and ultimately prove the utter fubverfion of the conftitution, both in church and state.

The infurgents having attempted to palliate their proceedings with a charge of oppreffion and exaction on the established clergy, their agents, and proctors, the author of the Addrefs begins by difproving this invidious accufation. He next endea vours to fhew that the abolition or reduction of tythe by law, as Ireland is fituated, will be in effect a translation of property from the clergy of the established church to the popish ecclefiaftics. Thirdly, that the abolition or reduction of tythe will increase, inftead of diminishing the burdens of the landlord and farmer. Fourthly, that the prefent method of raifing a maintenance for the national clergy, by payment of tythe, in the manner established by law, is the propereft mode of raifing a maintenance for them; and that it is difficult, and almost impracticable, to fubftitute any other mode of fubfiftence in its place, confiftently with juftice and reafon. Fifthly, that the methods of recovering ty the by the law of the land, as it now ftands, have been devised with great equity and moderation, and are neither vexatious, oppreffive, nor expenfive. Thefe various arguments are urged with great force by the author, who concludes with fome obfervations, tending to elucidate the caufe

caufe and progrefs of the disturbance relative to tythes, and to prove that any compliance with the infolent and factious demands of a popifh banditti, fpirited up by agitating fryars and Romish miffionaries, would be as inconfiftent with justice as with found policy and the fafety of the conftitution of Ireland. An Abftra&t of the Bill for manning the Royal Navy with Volun teers. 8vo. IS. Nicoll.

This Abstract is accompanied with a full Defence of the Principles and Operation of the Bill, as contained in Six Letters addreffed to William Pulteney, Efq. and in Ten Letters to the Right Hon. William Pitt. Mr. Stevenfon, the author, ftrenuoufly defends the rights of the British feamen, and endeavours to refute all the objections made to the bill, both in and out of parliament.

An Addrefs to Captain Evelyn Sutton. 8vo. 25. Nicoll.

As the difpute between captain Sutton and the commodore is fill undetermined, it would be improper for us to make any obfervations on this pamphlet.

Inftructions for Merchants, Ship Owners, Ship Mafiers, &c. 4to. IS. Faulder.

These Inftructions are extracted and digefted from the Navigation, the Manifeft, Newfoundland, and Wine Acts of Par liament, paffed laft Year, and from the Smuggling Act, paffed in 1784. As the laws of trade are intricate, and the acts of parliament voluminous, an abridgement of this kind must certainly be ufeful to thofe for whom it is intended.

A Retrospect of the Portraits lately delineated in a Pamphlet called A Short Review of the Political State of Great Britain. 8vo. 15. 6d. Stockdale.

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We have already observed, that the feveral pamphlets relative to the production entitled, A Short Review,' appear to have been written entirely from the motive of deriving a little temporary emolument; and there is nothing in this Retrospect which can exempt it from the fame charge.

The Speech delivered, by the Order and in the Prefence of the King, in the Affembly of Notables, held at Verfailles, the 22d of February, 1787. By M. De Calonne. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Stockdale. It is an inconvenience attending a free government, that the ftate of its finances, however much they may happen to be de. ranged, is immediately known to all the world; but a public difclofure, by the royal authority, of the embarraffed revenues of France, is a memorable incident in the civil hiftory of that nation. M. De Calonne begins his Speech with enumerating the most confpicuous tranfaétions in the French administration, of late years; among which is mentioned the feparation of America from Great Britain, in the following terms: After having established a marine, and rendered the French flag respectable throughout the ocean; after having protected and eftablished the independence of a new nation, which, difmembered from a rival power, is become our ally; after having


terminated an honourable war by a folid peace, and approved himself to all Europe worthy to be the moderator, the king has not delivered himself up to a fterile inactivity.'

With regard to the treaties of commerce, he expreffes himself thus:

Already have the treaties of commerce, concluded almoft in the fame moment, with Holland, with England, and with Ruffia, banished thofe prohibitory principles, which were equally repugnant to the laws of fociety and to the reciprocal interefts. of nations; cemented the basis of public tranquillity; and demonftrated to all Europe, how much may be done by a prince equally just and powerful, endued with the fpirit of peace and moderation, towards multiplying and ftrengthening the precious. bonds of this univerfal good understanding, so much to be defired for the general intereft of humanity.'

It appears, that at the end of the year 1783, when M. De Calonne was promoted to the administration of the finances, they were in a very critical ftate; but fince that time their fituation is improved, though the plan of economy established by this minifter has not yet been able to reduce them into perfect good order. At the end of the year 1776, the deficiency of the revenue was, in fterling money, 1,618,750; and fince that period, to the end of 1786, the French government has borrowed 54,687,5 ol. fterling.

As this Speech was delivered in the prefence of the king, fome allowance may be made for the panegyric bestowed on his virtues. In fact, he is defcribed as the father of his people; and if we may judge of M. De Calonne's abilities as a financier, from this fpecimen, he seems to be a minifter worthy of such a fovereign.

MISCELLANEOUS. The Converfations of Emily. Tranflated from the French of Madame la Comteffe a' Epigny. 2 Vols. 12mo. 55. Jewed. Marshall. We cannot give a better account of this work than in the words of the very able tranflator.

The Converfations of Emily, by mad. la comteffe d'Epigny, a tranflation of which has been undertaken for the ufe of young ladies, do not form one of thofe fyftems of education offered to the examination of learned men and philofophers, though the book has received from both the most flattering teftimonies of approbation; the best reward an author can either expect or defire: they are the refult of a tender mother's obfervations, who gave up every other pleasure for that of difcharging the most interefting of all duties, fuperintending the education of a beloved daughter. As nothing efcaped her attention that could affect the fuccefs of her cares, the foon perceived the infufficiency of the ufual means to attain the end the purpofed, She difcovered in her young pupil an unconquerable averfion to thofe books which are commonly put into the hands of children, and a peculiar inclination to converfe with a mother whom the



confidered as a friend. This was a ray of intelligence which pointed out to the difcerning parent the path prefcribed by nature. She then threw afide fuch books as fatigued without improving the understanding of her child, and composed these Converfations, in which her daughter found the most useful leffons, while fhe only fought the gratification of a curiosity natural to her age.

'Her learned friends (among whom was J. J. Rouffeau) witneffes of the fuccefs of her plan, engaged her to communicate it to the public.'

The work has been in general well received on the continent, and it merits the fuccefs which has attended the publication. The great object of the author is to improve the young mind, by inducing it to reflect properly on every common fubject which occurs. This is not done by didactic dogmatic rules: the young pupil gives her opinion, and is led to find that it is not indif putably proper, or strictly juft. She changes her fentiments, and probably arrives nearer to the truth, yet when they are examined, there may still appear an error which should be corrected; or if not erroneous, a propriety of manner may be neceffary which should be attended to. This is not only the moft pleafing, but alfo the most falutary mode of instruction ; for the error which is corrected, is in fome degree crushed in its bud, and the mind acquires strength from the fault. Any extract from converfations of this kind would be too extenfive, fince the youthful mind must be conducted by flow steps. It is fufficient to obferve, that the defign is executed with great address and ftrict propriety, and that the work deferves every

commendation that we can bestow.

The Journal of William Dowfing, of Stratford, Parliamentary Vifitor, appointed under a Warrant from the Earl of Manchefter, for demolishing the fuperftitious Pictures and Ornaments of Churches, &c. within the County of Suffolk, in the Years 1643, -1644. 4to. IS. Nichols.

Zeal,' we have been long fince told, is never so well fatisfied as when it is employed in tearing.' This genuine defcendant of John would ftill frip off every thing in which he refembled Peter: faints and finners, glafs and marble, brafs and canvafs; every thing, which by its form or fashion, by its colouring or arrangement, verged towards popery, was deftroyed by this parliamentary vifitor. Though real good Proteftants in our hearts, we could not read this Journal, full of havock and defolation, without a figh.. We regretted the lofs more, as the temper of the vifitor feems not to have been at all times understood; for instance.

74. Feb. the 23d. At Mr. Capt. Waldegrave's chapel, in Buers, there was a picture of God the Father, and divers other fuperftitious pictures, 20 at least, which they promifed to break, his daughter and fervants; he himself was not at home, neither could they find the key of the chapel. I had not the 6s. 8d. yet pra mifed it. And gave order to take down a crofs.'


In another inftance, as he fays nothing, we fuppofe he had the 6s. 8d.

Feb. the 3d. We were at the lady Bruce's house, and in her chapel, there was a picture of God the Father, of the Trinity, of Chrift, and the Holy Ghost, the cloven tongues; which we gave order to take down, and the lady promised to do it.'

We shall select one other paffage, and leave our readers to make their own comments. In different places the steps were digged up.

106. Froftenden, April the 8th. zo fuperftitious pictures, one crucifix, and a picture of God the Father, and St. Andrew with his crofs, and St. Catherine with her wheel; 4 cherubims on the pulpit; 2 croffes on the fteeple; and one on the chancel. And Mr. Ellis, an high conftable, of the town, told me, “he faw an Irish Man, within 2 months, bow to the cross on the fteeple, and put off his hat to it." The steps were there to levell. which they promifed to do.'

The Hiftory of Henry VII. King of England. Written in the Year 1616. By Francis Bacon, Lord High Chancellor of England. 8vo. 5s. in Boards. Murray.

Bacon's History of Henry VII. is a valuable work; but, from the great change which has taken place in the English language fince that period, it has now loft much in refpect of perfpicuity, as well as elegance of compofition. The prefent voTume, by modernizing the ftyle, is intended to remove those defects; and the tranflator, for fuch we may call him, has executed the task with propriety.

Rope's End for Hempen Monopolifts. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Stockdale.

This pamphlet contains a Dialogue between a Broker and a Rope-maker, &c. in which are reprefented the pernicious effects of the rife of hemp. The object of the author's animadverfion is the conduct of certain merchants and their broker, who, it is affirmed, have done great injury to this country by a late mo nopoly of hemp. The Dialogue is written with good fenfe and vivacity, and represents the transaction as highly prejudicial to the public.

Tracts on Subjects of National Importance. By the Rev. John M'Farlan, D. D. F.R.S. Scot. 8vo. 15. 6d. Murray.

The first of these Tracts is employed in fhewing the advantages of manufactures, commerce, and great towns, to the population and profperity of a country; and in the fecond, the author ftates the difficulties to a propofed affeffment of the landtax; suggesting, at the fame time, another fubject of taxation, not liable to the fame objections with the former. What we allude to is a tax upon stock, which the author affirms to be entirely confiftent with the fpirit and defign of the land-tax, as originally impofed by the legiflature. These Tracts are written in a plaufible manner, abounding with that intelligence

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