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M. Oedman has given a differtation on the phoca vitulina. He finds that this genus comprehends many fpecies; and, to cha racterize them, he advifes us to attend to the colour and manner of living. He mentions five fpecies or varieties found on the coafts of Sweden, as well as many particularities of their manners. In the fecond trimestre there are nine articles only, of no lefs value, which we fhall mention in their order. The firft, by M. Edelfeldt, contains various mineralogical obfervations on the mountains, towards the coafts of Henfingland, of Medelpadia, and Angermania: thefe it is impoffible to abridge.

To the former article M. Marelius has added calculations of the elevation of many of the highest points of thefe mountains above the level of the fea, and propofes methods of rendering them more just.

M. Scheele, in the third article, gives an account of his method of crystallizing the acid of lemons. This paper was originally published by M. Crell, in his Chemical Annals, and it has been fince tranflated into English. The falt commonly fold as that of lemons, is in reality falt of wood-forrel, flavoured flightly with lemon. True falt of lemons cannot be procured in England, in the best circumftances, under two fhillings an ounce, without allowing for labour and profit. It may therefore be easily suppofed, that the fmall boxes cannot contain this falt, though they feldom exceed of an ounce. But, if the profit appear too little, fuppofing it real falt of lemons, it is furely exorbitant, as falt of wood-forrel.

M. Bergman, in the following article, gives an analysis of fome new fpecies of tones, fent to him from different places. Among the rest is fome heavy earth, from Leadhills in Scotland. The fpath barré of Freybourg is barytes faturated with vitriolic acid: the marmor metallicum of Cronstedt. The fingular foffil of Altemburg, which refembles cryftal, is a clay deprived of iron, mixed with quartz and water, of course, a particular fpecies of argillaceous earth. M. Bergman gives a fupplement to the hiftory of zeolithes, in confequence of fome new fpecies found in Sweden. The kind of marle found near London, which the English gardeners employ in their ftoves, to haften the ve getation of plants, is a fort of earthy fand, mixed with clay, con taining a little iron. Our author finds the Derbyshire wad much like the manganefe, with only a little lead ore. The acid earth in the heavy stone, he thinks, on the authority of M. Elhouyar, is of a metallic nature.

M. Gueyer gives an account of his progrefs, in the fufion of precious ftones, and other kinds of earth and itone, after having explained the difficulty attending thefe forts of experiments. He has employed, for this purpose, the air feparated from burning nitre, and of nitrous acid, paffed through hot porcelain tubes. He used this air, with a particular kind of blow-pipe, where it was impelled by the preffure of water. Diamonds of 3 of a carrat foon lofe their brilliancy and polish, with so much of their weight

in a few minutes, that the current of air blows them from their fupport. The ruby preferves its colour in fufion almost unaltered, But fufes with fo much difficulty as never to form a mafs perfectly round. The emerald melts eafily, and forms an opake body of a milky whitenefs. The pierre lardaire (a lapis ollaris, the fteatite of the ancients, the fpeckflein of the Germans) and the lapis ferpentinus melt cafily, and change into an opal glass. The tranfparent fpar changes into opake milky feoriæ.

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In the fixth article M. Bergius gives his obfervations on the laft epidemic of the years 1783 and 1784. The fmall pox was of a putrid nature, but what was extraordinary, came on with fymptoms violently inflammatory. The pus, from a confluent fmall pox, in inoculation, produced a mild difeafe. Thofe who had ufed mercury had a very malignant kind. Free air was ufeful; but it made the eruptions flow in advancing, and the later ones dried away without coming to fuppuration. When the eruptions were rifing to maturity, M. Bergius kept his patients in bed; and he fpeaks of methods of preferving those who vifit them from infection. The fever commonly appears on the fifth, fixth, or feventh day after a communication; by means of a blifter the progrefs is haftened. The ulcers formed by the depofition of pus, our author tells us, may be avoided by means of oil of camphor, or a preparation of lead, mixed with a common liniment, after leeches have been applied. No person, in his opinion, has been infected the second time; but a watery kind of falfe fmall pox (perhaps the chicken pox) he fays, appears like them, and in bad babits form ulcers. 1043 died of this epidemic: Bergius laments the little ufe made of inoculation, and thinks it fould be encouraged by the interpofition of govern


The baron Clas Alftroemer has invented an inftrument, by which a perfon can vifit the bottom of the fea, and other lands concealed by water. The object was to difcover, whether the matters remaining after the oil of files was extracted, had not formed thallows in the neighbouring feas. The water was indeed fomewhat fhallow, and the bottom was covered with a fatty earth.

The eighth article, by M. Nils Landerbeck, explains the method of finding the exponents in a variation of the curvature of curved lines.

In the ninth M. Sparrman describes and delineates the lacerta fputator, a new fpecies, found at St. Euftatia. Its name is taken. from its property of throwing from the mouth a kind of black faliva on the perfon who approaches him, which raises the skin on the part where it falls. The complaint is removed by rubbing the part affected with fpirit of wine and camphor, or even with rum. This little animal has a tail of a moderate fize, covered below with fcales; it is of an afh colour, with streaks across of a white and brown.

The two next parts must be the fubject of a future article.





An Union of England and Ireland proved to be practicabile and equally beneficial to each Kingdom. By John Williams, Efq. 8vo. 15. 6d. Kearsley.


N our laft Review we gave an account of a pamphlet, entitled, • Confiderations on the Political and Commercial Circumstances of Great Britain and Ireland,' in which the author pointed out fome great difficulties relative to a union of the two kingdoms. Mr. Williams, the author now before us, feems to overlook the difficulties amidst the great advantages which would refult from the completion of that measure; but his obfervations are rather fuperficial and declamatory than founded on fuch folid and determinate principles as can recommend, without mature deliberation, the profecution of fo arduous an attempt.

The Crifts of the Colonies. By John Williams, Efq, 8vo. 15. 6d.


This is the third edition of a pamphlet, confidered in our Sixtieth Volume, p. 227. The additional obfervations show that the author is well acquainted with his fubject, but rather too eager to comprehend, at once, the whole. The im portance of free ports is now, however, better understood and their utility will be ultimately evinced by a proper trial: in fome respects we cannot allow that his arguments are very convincing, though we must acknowledge that the distinction between the Irish and English flag, is injudicious and impolitic. It is now time to draw the ties of friendship more closely, not to loosen them.

Curfory Remarks on the Rev. Dr. Pricftley's Letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. By a Layman. 8vo. IS. Denis. This Layman, as he ftyles himself, makes feveral pertinent obfervations on the Letter of Dr. Priestley, whom he accufes of arguing in contradiction to principles maintained by him in other parts of his writings. But whatever difference of opinion fubfifts between the two parties, on fome particular fubjects, unconnected with the doctrines of religion, we find that they perfectly coincide in fentiment, in rejecting a prime article of the Chriftian faith. The doctor had before, unreservedly, declared himself a Unitarian; and the remarker, with equal openness, shakes hands with him cordially on this acknowledgment. We fhall take our leave of them in this friendly attitude, with only recommending a little more reverence for the public opinion, in the propagation of their own doctrines, than they have fhewn by the public, and, in some measure, triumphant avowal of them.



The Marriage Law of Scorland ftated. By John Martin, of Lion's Inn. 8vo. 15. Jamefon.

From fome late trials with refpect to marriages in Scotland, it feems as if the circumftances neceffary to constitute a legal matrimonial contract were not accurately known to all the parties. To afcertain with precision, therefore, the law on a fubject of fuch importance to civil fociety, is the defign of this pamphlet. By fome, the confent of parties, followed by mutual acknowledgment, and reputation for a length of time, has been deemed of fufficient validity to give a union thus contracted the fanction of marriage; but the author before us produces the authority of ftatutes, to prove that the only marriage recognized to be lawful, is that which is conftitated by folemnization and facerdotal benediction; and that every intercourfe of the fexes, whether in confequence of promifes a priori, or confent de præfenti, made in jeft or earnest, though followed by acknowledgment and reputation for any length of time, or other circumftances which may be regarded as fufficient evidence of the intention of the parties to conftitute a marriage, cannot fupply the breach of the law.

Speech of the French King to the Affembly of Notables, held at Verfailles, February 22, 1787. 8vo. 15. Robinsons.

The king makes a very good speech; that is, for a French king, who feldom is accustomed to fay more than fuch is our pleasure. His minifter's amplification of it is not very confiftent. In the first place, he lays he will not speak of himself, but he speaks of little elfe; fecondly, he tells the affembly of all the glories of the late war; of how much the nation was in debt, and how the debts have been paid; but concludes by hinting, that it is ftill more in debt than ever. In fhort, this chancellor of the exchequer has paid the national debts with one hand, and borrowed with the other. The French have a great way of doing things.' It is like Steele's fatirical letter from a French general. Sire! your troops have gained immortal honour. Broglio did wonders; Contades did wonders ; but at laft your army was totally defeated. The notables have fince been difmiffed; whether they were not fufficiently complaifant, or the difeafe was defperate, time only can discover,


The Final Farewell, a Poem; written on retiring from London. 4to. 2s. 6d. Debrett.

The principal defign of this poem appears to be the delineation of characters that are well known in the great or gay world. The author, like Juvenal's Umbritius, takes leave of the town, with which he feems well acquainted, in great indignation; and treats peers and players, authors and opera



dancers, with equal freedom. He praifes fome, however, with the fame warmth and fpirit he condemns others; and profeffes that, if in fome inftances he has widely differed from the public opinion, he can only fay that, regardlefs of the means by which public opinion is ufually biaffed, he speaks as he feels, and as his own judgment directs him.' The means by which public opinion is often mifled in regard to our theatrical heroes, is thus humorously pointed out.

Yet read the papers!-there thefe actors shine

And speak with force and energy divine!

For our stage critics can do wond'rous things,

"Kings they make gods, and meaner creatures kings!"
Bestow nice judgment on the strutting elves,"

Juft to convince us they have none themfelves.
Tis true, by" favours" they may be misled,
And daily critics must have daily bread;
Like learned counsel they for actors plead,
And they, like learned counfel, must be fee'd;
Their potent voice is fometimes cheaply fold,
Or ftrangely alter'd by more potent gold!
Ye fapient critics who with muckle fpeed,"
Like flocks of wild-geese, cross the frozen Tweed,
And ye, ftill wilder! who from Dublin throng;
Ye felf-elected kings of right and wrong!
'Tis your's the cant of critics to dispense,
Half French; half English! any thing-but sense;
Still to diffeminate in foppifh phrafe,

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Your ill-tim'd cenfure, and your ill-judg'd praise !' Neither the author's judgment nor fatiric talents will fuffer by this extract; nor will his defcriptive powers appear contemptible from the following.

I feek not Cytherea's fancied bowers,

Where zephyrs kifs the ever-blooming flowers;
Nor yet Arcadian dells and perfum'd groves,
Where youthful Fancy courts Idalian loves;
But near fome ancient forest's woody fide,
May I, with fweet Simplicity, refide!
In a lone houfe, with ivy overfpread,

Where, in old times, the pilgrim found a bed.
Before my bowery door let jes'mine twine,
With dewy rofe-buds and the eglantine;
While in my little garden there appear
The ufeful products of the various year.
Beyond, let murmuring ftreams their courses keep
To the broad bofom of the general deep:
Ambitious ftreams, from diftant mountains hurl'd,
That quit, like me, the madly-foaming world.
Far to the right, let flocks the hills adorn,
Sweet-fcented clover, and the waving corn.
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