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not to gratify my own wild desires, but to advance thy glory.

Thou hast an unquestioned right to dispose of me: I am thine by necessary ties, and voluntary engagements, which I thankfully acknowledge, and solemnly renew: deliberately and entirely I put myself into thy hands. Whatever interest I have in this world, I sacrifice to thee, and leave my dearest enjoyments to thy disposal, acknowledging it my greatest happiness to be guided by thee.

"Lord! what is man that thou art mindful of "him?" that thou, who art supremely blessed, and independently happy, shouldst concern thyself with human affairs, and condescend to make our wants as much thy care, as if mortal miseries could reach thee, and interrupt immortal blessedness? Thou wouldst make us sensible of thine indulgence, by the most tender similitudes: a father's gentle care but faintly shadows thine, and all we can conceive of human pity, falls short of thy compassion? Thou dost seem to share in our calamities, and sympathize in all our grief. No friend flies to our assistance with half the speed that love brings thee, nor canst thou ever want methods to relieve those that confide in thee.

Thy providence finds or makes its way through all oppositions: the streams shall roll back to their fountains, the sun shall stand still, and the course of nature be reversed, rather than thou want means

to bring thy purposes to pass. No obstacle puts a stand to thy design, nor obstructs thy method: it is thy will that makes nature and necessity: who can stay thy hand, or say unto thee, "What dost "thou?" Thy counsel shall stand, and thou wilt do all thy pleasure. Nothing is impossible for thee to accomplish wherever I cast my eyes, I see instances of thy power: the extended firmament, the sun and stars, tell me what thou art able to perform; they attest thy Omnipotence, and rebuke my unbelief. The whole creation pleads for thee, and condemns my infidelity.

Almighty God, forgive my diffidence, while I confess it is most inexcuseable. Thy hand is not shortened, nor are the springs of thy bounty sealed; thy ancient miracles have not exhausted thy strength, nor hath perpetual beneficence impoverished thee; thy power remains undiminished, and thy mercy endureth for ever. That dazzling attribute surrounds me with transporting glories; which way soever I turn, I meet the bright conviction : I cannot recal a day of my past life, on which some signature of thy goodness is not stamped.

Oh! who hath tasted of thy clemency
In greater measure, or more oft, than I?
Which way soe'er I turn my face or feet,
I see thy mercy and thy glory meet.

In whatever thou hast granted, or whatever thou hast denied me, thy beneficence has been mingled

with every dispensation; thou hast not taken the advantage of my follies, nor been severe to my sins; but hast remembered my frame, and treated me with the utmost indulgence. Glory be to thy name for ever.

XXIII. Redeeming Love.

ALMIGHTY Love, the theme of every heavenly song! Infinite grace, the wonder of angels! forgive a mortal tongue that attempts thy praise; and yet should man be silent, the mute creation would find a voice to upbraid him.

But, oh! in what language shall I speak? with what circumstance shall I begin? shall I roll back the volumes of eternity, and begin with the glorious design that determined man's redemption, before the birth of time, before the confines of creation were fixed,

Infinite years before the day,

Or heavens began to roll?

Shall I speak in general of all the nations of the redeemed? or, to excite my own gratitude, shall I consider myself, my worthless self, included, by an eternal decree, among the number of those who should hear of a Redeemer's name, and be marked out a partaker of that immense privilege? Before the foundations of the hills were laid, the gracious design was formed, and the blessed plan of it schemed out before the curtains of the sky were

Lord! what is man? what am I, what is all the human race, to be thus regarded? O narrow thoughts, and narrower words! here confess your defects; these are heights not to be reached by you. Adorable measures of infinite clemency! unsearchable riches of grace? with what astonishment do I survey you? I am swallowed and lost in the glo rious immensity. All hail? ye divine mysteries, ye glorious paths of the unsearchable Deity! let me adore, though I can never express you.

Yet, should I be silent, heaven and earth, nay, hell itself would reproach me: the damned themselves would call me ungrateful, should I fail to celebrate that grace, whose loss they are for ever lamenting, a loss that leaves them for ever desperate and undone It is this grace which tunes the harps of heaven, and yields them an inimortal subject of harmony and praise. The spirits of just men made perfect fix their contemplations here; they adore the glorious mystery, and while they sing the wonders of redeeming love, they ascribe sublime and living honours to him that sits on the throne, and to the Lamb for ever. And infinitely worthy art thou, O Lord, to receive the grateful homage : who shall not praise and magnify thy name? who shall deny the tribute of thy glory?

But, alas! what can mortal man add to thee! what can nothingness and vanity give? We murmur from the dust, and attempt thy praise from

the depths of misery; yet thou dost condescend to hear and listen to our broken accents; amidst the hallelujahs of angels our groans ascend to thee, our complaints reach thee; from the height of thy happiness, and from the exaltations of eternal glory, thou hast a regard to man, poor wretched man! thou receivest his homage with delight; his praises mingle with the harmony of angels, nor interrupt the sacred concord. Those natives of heaven, those morning stars sing together in their heavenly beatitudes, nor disdain to let the sons of earth and mortality join with them in celebrating the honours of Jesus, their Lord and ours to him be every tongue devoted, and let every creature for ever praise him. Amen.

XXIV. Pleading for pardon aud holiness. IMMORTAL Spring of life, the fountain of all existence, the first and last, without beginning of days, or end of years; before the heavens were created thou wast, and shalt remain unchanged while they wax old and decay. Thou art infinitely blessed in thyself, thy glory admits of no addition; the praises of angels cannot heighten thy happiness, nor the blasphemies of hell diminish it. I hou canst do every thing, and thy power finds no obstacle. Thou madest heaven and earth, the sea and the fountains of water; thou dost according to thy will

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