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Two notes for 9d. each

One do. for 1s. 6d.

do. for 1s. Id., or one thirteen

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There, Sir,' said he, are no less than six

teen of your promises to pay, for the amazingly large sum of fifteen shillings and ninepence, sterling money,'

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By the powers, then, it's yer honour may say that thing; for, if sterling means true to the back-bone, it's the Killarney notes will keep out for the year round, without no changing at all at all.'

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"No doubt, no doubt,' said our spokesman ; but we are upon the eve of departure, and shall require change on our journey.'

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By Jasus, ye will require that same thing, 'sure enough; but, I vow to my God, I've no

more silvur money

in the place nor these four

tinpinnies, and a few harpurs,* as isn't worth yer lordship's notice.'.

"Good Heavens! Sir,' returned the gentle


man, how is it possible that you can carry on the banking business on so slender a capital?'

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O, by the hokey! aisy enough, my dear,' replied the banker; the craturs are delighted to have my beautiful notes; for there is very little other money stirring in these parts, and they buy their potatis and butter-milk with them; and may be a sheep and a pig or two, now and then ; and so the notes pass on from one to the other very comfortably.'

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But you are continually liable to have them sent in upon you for their value,' observed one of the company.

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By the holy Paul, and St. Peter to boot! that's true enough, yer wurchip: wheniver any of the farmers wants a horse-collar, or a straddle, or other harness, they brings me a handful of the paper; and it's myself niver refuses to give them a good article in exchange.'

* Irish halfpence, having the harp impressed on one side.

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Do you mean to say, then,' continued the gentleman, that your notes are never required

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to be cashed?'

"Cashed!' echoed the banker;

changed ye mane?’

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Certainly,' replied the querist.

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By the powers of Venus! it's that same is a great expense to me! The craturs bring me back the notes when they get ould and ragged; and it's myself never yet refused to change them for beautiful new ones, fresh from Dublin city; and I puts my name to them to make them go

the faster.'

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Here the whole party, finding it impossible to restrain their mirth, set up a loud shout of laughter; upon which the banker thus continued:

"Upon my say so, I'm right glad to find so worchipful a company enjoy their merriment; but it's myself knows well the power o' money it costs to get them engraved so beautiful, and to get them printed on such nice thick paper-ay, five hundred at a time, by Jasus!'

"Do you mean to say, then,' said the first

gentleman, that the holders of your notes never demand the lawful money of the country in exchange for them?'

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Sure, yer lordship, isn't the notes themselves lawful enough any how? But is it silver ye mane?'

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Certainly,' returned the querist.

"Oh, by the powers!' replied the banker, the people hereabouts wouldn't insult me by axing the question: if they did, may be the bank would stop payment; and then there would be no money at all at all. No, by Jasus! they would be sorry to do any such thing; they give the notes to one another, when they're tired o'keeping them, or when they want to buy any thing. I get more bodher, axing yer honur's pardon, in changing the notes for the gentry as comes to see the Lakes, than from all the rest o' my paper put together. The big divil fly away with the Lakes o' Killarney! say I.'

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Then, I presume, Sir,' said the gentleman, holding out the notes, we have no occasion to waste more time in endeavouring to obtain payment for this parcel of paper of yours?'

I should be sorry, most noble,' returned the banker, 'to waste any more of your lordship's time, or of those sweet, beautiful ladies and gentlemen; but, I have an iligant bridle here, as isn't to be matched in Yoorup, Aishy, Afrikey, or 'Merikey its lowest price is 15s. 61⁄2d.—we'll say 15s. 6d. to yer lordship. If ye'll be plased to accept of it, there will be twopence halfpenny, or a threepenny note coming to yer lordship: and that will close the business at once.'

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Really, Sir,' said the gentleman, laughing, I have no occasion for the bridle: it would only be an incumbrance to me.'

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May I have the bouldness, then, to ax when yer lordship will lave town?' inquired the banker.

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Our carriages are at the door of the inn,' replied the gentleman, and we only wait for the adjustment of this affair with your bank.'

"By the Holy! how unfortunate!' exclaimed the banker, scratching his head: 'but, as naether saddle nor bridle lie in yer lordship's way, if ye could but just delay yer journey till the Cork mail comes in, I expect, by the coach,

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