Imágenes de páginas

1. a fresh ruddy and beardless french youth replied 2. maj, cal, bu, p m, rev, no, hon, ft, w, e, oz, mr, n y, a b, mon, bbl, st 3. o father o father i cannot breathe here 4. ha ha that sounds well 5. the edict of nantes was established by henry the great of france 6. mrs, vs, co, esq, yd, pres, u s, prof, o, do, dr 7. hurrah good news good news 8. the largest fortunes grow by the saving of cents and dimes and dollars 9. the baltic sea lies between sweden and russia 10. the mississippi river pours into the gulf of mexico 11. supt, capt, qt, ph d, p, cr, i e, doz 12. benjamin franklin was born in boston in 1706 and died in 1790.

Direction. Correct all these errors in capitalization and punctuation, and give your reasons:

1. Oliver cromwell ruled, over the english People, 2. halloo. i must speak to You! 3. john Milton, went abroad in Early Life, and, stayed, for some time, with the Scholars of Italy, 4. Most Fuel consists of Coal and Wood from the Forests 5. books are read for Pleasure, and the Instruction and improvement of the Intellect, 6. In rainy weather the feet should be protected by overshoes or galoches 7. hark they are coming! 8. A, neat, simple and manly style is pleasing to Us. 9. alas poor thing alas. 10. i fished on a, dark and cool, and mossy, trout stream.




1. By the streets of By-and-by,* one arrives at the house of Never. Spanish Proverb.

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* By-and-by has no real streets, the London journals do not actually thunder, nor were the cheeks of William the Testy literally scorched

2. The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators. Gibbon.

3. The axis of the earth sticks out visibly through the center of each and every town or city.


4. The arrogant Spartan, with a French-like glorification, boasted forever of little Thermopylæ. - De Quincey. 5. The purest act of knowledge is always colored by some feeling of pleasure or pain.


6. The thunder of the great London journals reverberates through every clime. - Marsh.

7. The cheeks of William the Testy were scorched into a dusky red by two fiery little gray eyes. - Irving.

8. The study of natural science goes hand in hand* with the culture of the imagination. -- Tyndall.

9. The whole substance of the winds is drenched and bathed and washed and winnowed and sifted through and through by this baptism in the sea. Swain.

10. The Arabian Empire stretched from the Atlantic to the Chinese Wall, and from the shores of the Caspian Sea to those of the Indian Ocean. Draper.

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11. One half of all known materials consists of oxygen. - Cooke.

12. The range of thirty pyramids, even in the time of Abraham, looked down on the plain of Memphis. — Stanley.

by his fiery gray eyes. Streets, house, colored, thunder, and scorched are not, then, used here in their first and ordinary meaning, but in a secondary and figurative sense. These words we call Metaphors. By what they denote and by what they only suggest they lend clearness, vividness, and force to the thought they help to convey, and add beauty to the expression.

For further treatment of metaphors and other figures of speech, see pages 108, 164, 186, 187, 199, and Lesson 150.

*Hand in hand may be treated as one adverb, or with may be supplied.



Direction. Parse the sentences of Lesson 25 according to this Model for Written Parsing.

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TO THE TEACHER. Until the Subdivisions and Modifications of the parts of speech are reached, Oral and Written Parsing can be only a classification of the words in the sentence. You must judge how frequently a lesson like this is needed, and how much parsing should be done orally day by day. In their Oral Analysis let the pupils give at first the reasons for every statement, but guard aganist their doing this mechanically and in set terms; and, when you think it can safely be done, let them drop it. But ask now and then, whenever you think they have grown careless or are guessing, for the reason of this, that, or the other step taken. Here it may be well to emphasize the fact that the part of speech to which any word belongs is determined by the use of the word, and not by its form. Such exercises as the following are suggested:

Use right words.

Act right.

Right the wrong.
You are in the right.

Pupils will be interested in finding sentences that illustrate the different uses of the same word. It is hardly necessary for us to make lists of words that have different uses. Any dictionary will furnish abundant examples. It is an excellent practice to point out such words in the regular exercises for analysis.



TO THE TEACHER. See suggestions, Lesson 16.

Direction. Review from Lesson 17 to Lesson 21, inclusive. Give the substance of the "Introductory Hints" (tell, for example, what such words as long and there may be expanded into, how these expanded forms may be modified, how introduced, what the introductory words are called, and why, etc.). Repeat and illustrate definitions and rules; illustrate fully what is taught of the position of phrases, and of the punctuation of phrases, connected terms, and exclamatory expressions. How many parts of speech are there?

Exercises on the Composition of the Sentence and the Paragraph (SEE PAGES 183-188)

TO THE TEACHER. See notes to the teacher, pages 44, 179.



Introductory Hints. In saying Washington captured, we do not fully express the act performed by Washington. If

we add a noun and say, Washington captured Cornwallis, we complete the predicate by naming that which receives the act.


Whatever fills out, or completes, is a Complement. As Cornwallis completes the expression of the act by naming the thing acted upon the object we call it the Object Complement. Connected objects completing the same verb form a Compound Object Complement; as, Washington captured Cornwallis and his army.

DEFINITION. The Object Complement of a Sentence completes the predicate, and names that which receives the act.

The complement with all its modifiers is called the Modified Complement.

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3. The invention of gunpowder destroyed feudalism. 4. Liars should have good memories.

5. We find the first surnames in the tenth century. 6. God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.

7. Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning-rod.

8. At the opening of the thirteenth century, Oxford took and held rank with the greatest schools of Europe.

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