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and the course of which may be traced by the willows which grow on its banks. Numerous groups of fine old forest trees, which in this part of the country attain to a great size, relieve the eye on every side.

The seats of several wealthy gentlemen can be distinctly seen among the trees on the slope of the hill; and the spire of the little Catholic church, situated in the centre of the village, rises white and clear against the dark woody background. Nor must we forget the old church desecrated in the cruel reign of Elizabeth; for what village in England will you find without one?

It was towards the close of a cold bright day in the month of December that two persons might be seen to leave the small presbytery that was attached to the Catholic church, and to take the road which led to a pretty little cottage situated on the outskirts of the village. A close observer could easily discover that some unusual trouble engrossed the thoughts of each as they walked briskly along for some distance without exchanging a word, and apparently engaged in deep thought. The one was a tall fine-looking young man of twenty years, who seemed to have an habitually pensive expression, though there was a look of determination about his mouth which showed that his character was not wanting in resolution. His companion, a young girl of some seventeen years, had naturally a gay and happy temper, but was evidently at the present time absorbed in melancholy reflections. There was a

decided, though an indefinable, likeness between the brother and sister, for such they were. The latter was of middle height and slight figure. Her face, though pleasing, was not beautiful; the only striking feature being her eyes, which were very large and of a bright gray colour.

"Agnes," at length said the youth, turning towards her, "Father Hudson's words have reassured me. I no longer feel that misgiving which your penetration discovered. I am glad I followed your good advice, as his kind words of encouragement have had so happy an effect upon my spirits."



Why, surely, Walter," exclaimed Agnes, you did not think of abandoning your resolution!"

"Far from it, my dear sister," replied Walter ; "the only thing that unnerved me was the thought of leaving my mother and sisters without a protector. For myself, I cannot possibly have any fear in so good a cause. Your kind godfather will, I know, in part supply my place; but I could not help feeling that you would be somewhat unprotected in the little cottage."

While Walter and his sister continue their walk home, we must inform our readers of the position in life of the two characters with whom we have commenced our story.

Mr. Falkland, their father, who had died some years previously, had been a barrister with a good practice. Though not a very wealthy man, he had given his two eldest children a first-rate

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