he compares with Mr. Barry's, in the fame character; and gives the preference to the latter; who certainly deferved the great applaufe he gained in Lear last season. In his Appendix Mr. Cibber gives us, befides a new edition of his Epistle to Garrick, (fee Review, vol. XIII. p. 467.) copies of fundry papers relating to the laws concerning the theatres; and, particularly, a fpeech againft licencing the ftage, delivered in the House of Lds, by the E. of Ch- d: this is an excellent piece, and Mr. Cibber's readers are obliged to him for fo valuable an addition to their entertainment. X. Reflections arifing from the Immorality of the present Age: In which some self-evident Facts are pointed at, which seem to call for a more immediate Redrefs, than any other Article in our Policy, either at Home or Abroad. 8vo. I S. Cooper. Upon reading the title-page of this piece, we were naturally led to expect, that the Author would lay open the principal fources of the depravity of the times, and point out thofe grand immoralities which call fo loudly for a reformation. Intiead of this, however, he only declaims on the defects of female education, on making water publicly in the ftreets, on finging obfcene ballads, fcribbling bawdy poetry, and drawing obscene portraits, on walls, benches, &c. Such are the fubjects treated of in this performance; and they are treated with much indelicacy of language. The Author, we make no manner of doubt, writes with a good intention, and fays fome fenfible things; but his ftile is without clegance, and his cenfure without dignity. XI. A plain Account of the Caufe of Earthquakes. Being a Supplement to a Treatife, lately published, on Fire. By the fame Author. 8vo. Is. Innys. Having, in the fixth volume of the Review, p. 387, feq. given a pretty large account of the Treatife to which this is a supplement, we shall content ourselves with taking notice, that upon the principles contended for in his former production, Mr. Freke undertakes, in his prefent publication to fhew, ift. That a power may proceed from Nature, fufficient to fhake the world -2dly. To prove, that the water was actuated as we found it, in many parts, by the power of electricity, and not from any fubterraneous caufe.3dly, To explain from whence the various noises procceded, particularly the great Thump that was generally heard ⚫ in the upper part of houses.' XII. An Account of Conferences held, and Treaties made, between Major-General Sir William Johnson, Bart. and the chief Sachems and Warriours of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayngas, Senekas, Tufcaroras, Aughquageys, Skaniadaradighronos, Chugnuts, Mahickanders, Shawanefe, Kanufkagos, Toderighronos, and Oghquagoes, Indian Na tions in North-America, at their Meetings, on different Occafions, at Fort Johnson, in the County of Albany, in the Colony of New-York, in the Years 1755 and 1756. With a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Hawley to Sir William Johnson, written at the Defire of the Delaware Indians. And a Preface, giving a fhort Account of the Six Nations; some Anecdotes of the life of Sir William; and Notes illuftrating the whole: Alfo an Appendix, containing an Account of Conferences between feveral Quakers in Philiadelphia, and fome of the Heads of the Six Nations, in April, 1756. 8vo. Is. 6d. Millar. From this recital of what paffed at these Conferences, we have reafon to hope, that the differences between our brethren in North-America, and the Natives, are, by this time, happily accommodated. Hence the thanks of the public are no less due to Sir William Johnson, for his fervices in these pacific measures, than for his noble conduct in the field.-Nor should we forget to acknowlege the worthy pains taken by the Pennsylvania Quakers, towards attaining the fame falutary purpose; in which, it may be hoped, they are, or will be, entirely fuccefsful: and thereby make amends for the mischiefs which fome have looked upon as derived from the Quaker-principle of Non-refiftance. See the Brief View of the Conduct of Pennfylvania, Review, vol. XIV. p. 208, feq. XIII. The Target: or a Treatife upon a Branch of the Art Military. By a Gentleman who has refided fome time in England. 4to. 12s. Dodfley. The Target here treated of, is not an implement of war, but a particular form into which a certain number of infantry, a batalion for inftance, or 700 men, are to be drawn up, in order to defend themselves when attacked by a fuperior force, either of horfe or foot, or both. The defenfive pofitions of this Target, our Author prefers to the Hollow-fquare and Orb; the defects of which he feems to have fufficiently demonftrated. Upon the whole, this Gentleman, tho' not the happieft writer, appears to be well acquainted with his fubject, and with the art of war in general, both ancient and modern; and the invention he recommends, carries with it the appearance of great utility. He thus enumerates its advantages. "Tho' the Target is divided in feveral divifions, and confequently reaps by it the advantages the Legion did; it can, ⚫ when well conducted, as well as the Legion, act like one entire body: like a man active in all his limbs, and knows how to use them fingly or all together: for it has folidity, agility, variety, and, without confufion, liberty; fecurity on its flanks, dependency, independency, and, above all, quantity of fire; is occafionally active, fearlessly and fafely paffive: effential properties inherited by no fingle figure: the Hollow-fquare and • Orb can lay claim to independency only; if the Orb, fix deep, *Q 3 ⚫ has 1 ⚫ has pretenfions to any more, it can be but to one; which is• folidity.' XIV. The Works of Ben Johnfon. Collated with all former Editions, and Corrected; with Notes critical and explanatory. By Peter Whalley, late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. 8vo. 7 Vols. 11. 15s. Innys, &c. To fay, that we look upon this as the best edition of Ben Johnfon's Works, will be faying enough, for an article of this kind. RELIGIOUS and CONTROVERSIAL. XV. An Apology for certain Gentlemen in the University of Oxford, afperfed in a late anonymous Pamphlet, with a fhort Poftfcript concerning another Pamphlet lately published by the Rev. Mr. Heathcote. By George Horne, M. A, Fellow of Magdalene College in Oxford. 8vo. Is. Rivington. S. We have, in our Review Vol. XIV. p. 392. given fome account of the pamphlet which occafioned this Apology, and as we have no reafon, from any thing Mr, Horne has faid, to change our opinion of the merit of that performance, fo we the think the Author of the Apology might have cancelled the advertisement he has prefixed to his pamphlet, as it can ferve only to give his readers no very favourable opinion of his modefty, by thewing that he has too great a contempt for his adversary. It may be queftioned,' fays he, whether that pamphlet (A word to the Hutchinfonians) either for the matter it contains, or the manner in which it is written, deferves fo much notice as is here taken of it-This Apology (may be) of fome ufe, when the pamphlet which occafioned it is at reft.' The Apology begins with an obfervation that had been made on Mr. Hooker, by the author of his Life, that one of the sharpeft things that ever fell from his pen in controverfy, was the following reproof of his adveríary Your next argument confifts of railing and reafons. To your railing I fay nothing; ta your reafons I fay what follows." This fentence, our Author fays, he is obliged to adopt as the rule of his conduct; and then fets out as if he had nothing to fay but what concerned railing. He declines the name of Hutchinfonian, and fays, none of our acquaintance defire to be complimented as the difciples of any man. The Author of the Enquiry after Philofophy and Theology, has no objection to the name, and why thefe gentlemen, if they are followers of Mr. Hutchinfon, fhould any more object to the being called Hutchinfonians, than the followers of Newton, to be called Newtonians, is not eafy to discover. And fome there are who have declared, they would not, for the world, fet up their weak judgment againft fo able a mafter as Mr. Hutchinfon.* However, it is not right to call names; and the folIn Elibu. lowing obfervation by our Author, upon that practice, is very juftp. 3. Is it not hard measure, that when a Clergyman only preaches the doctrines, and enforces the duty of Chriftianity, from the Scriptures, his character fhall be blafted, and himfelf rendered odious, by the force of a name, which, in fome cafes, always fignifies what the impofers please to mean, i and the people to hate? There are many names of this kind ...now in vogue. ་་ XVI. The Doctrine of the ever-bleed Trinity proved, in a difcourfe on the 18th chapter of Genefis. By George Watfon, M. A. 8vo. 6d. Withers. Mr. Watfon is fpecial orthodox; but his zeal for the revealed mystery, fee p. 2. feems to hurry him away with too much rapidity. He is horribly out of humour with those who difpute the infallibility of our liturgy; and forely laments that the Author of the Effay on Spirit remains yet unexcommunicated. "In a word, we cannot help recollecting, upon this occafion, the difputant in Horace, who de lanâ fæpe caprinâ Propugnat, nugis armatus XVII. A Plain Expofition of the Athanafian Creed. 12mo. IS. Scott. The principal defign of this piece, we are told in the introduction to it, is to furnish pious and well-difpofed perfons with fuch padages of Scripture, as may tend to remove any fcruple, which may. arife in their minds, against the repetition of the Athanafian - Creed, or keep them from attending the public worship of God, when it is appointed to be read. Such is the defign of the piece, which, in our opinion, is much better calculated to raise fcruples, than to remove them. Indeed, an attempt to give a plain expofition of the Athanafian creed, appears to us no lefs abfurd and ridiculous, than an attempt to wash a negro white; for furely a more inexplicable piece of myfticifm never difgraced the public worship of rational Beings. XVIII. Animadverfions on a late Sermon, preached before a Bifhop and a congregation of Clergy, within the diocese of Oxford: together with fome remarks on the Charge that followed it. By a Layman. 8vo. 6d. Owen. Tho' we differ from this Animadverter in many refpects, yet there are two things which he advances, wherein we perfectly agree with him the first is, that his performance is a poor one, for this he himself acknowleges; the fecond is, that he is an unworthy advocate for thofe gentlemen whofe caufe he pleads, viz. Mr. Wetherell, Dr. Patten, Mr. Horne, &c. We likewife very readily allow him all that merit which fuch modest and humble acknowlegements, are entitled to. in difpute engages, With nonfenfe arm'd, for nothing rages. 04 FRANCIS. Well, but modesty and humility in an Author are, it may be faid, rare accomplishments, and are generally marks of uncommon merit, therefore pray give us fome account of what he says. Why then, Reader, this Writer tells thee, that the doctrine of paffive obedience to our governors is the badge of the cross, the characteristic of Christianity, and the glory of the church of England. He is likewise a great enemy to human reafon in matters of religion, and challenges all the advocates for reafon, to produce one principle of natural religion that arifes from reasoning only, without tradition or revelation. He introduces what he fays upon this fubject, with the two following propofitions, which he takes for granted, and with which we shall take our leave of him. The first is, That we can understand nothing but what is made known to us by our fenfes ;' the fecond, That let us under• ftand material ideas ever so nicely, join them, abstract them, &c. ever fo well; yet we do not in the least know which of them reprefents, or gives us a representation of, the invisible and eternal Godhead, or in what manner it does fo, unless the • Creator himself has revealed it to us.' XIX. The Grand Enquiry, Am I in Chrift or not? explained and recommended, in order to help any man to know the state of his own foul. By Benjamin Fawcett. Is. Buckland. 12mo, We have here two plain pious discourses, from these words, Therefore if any man be in Chrift,—With a long preface, recommending the important duties of prayer and felf enquiry. The Author writes like a ferious Chriftian, fincerely defirous of promoting the interests of practical religion. XX. An hiftorical Account of the Rife and Establishment of the People called Quakers, with a brief view of their religious principles, and of their tenets refpecting civil fociety. In which the doctrine of peace, and obedience to government, are confidered. Extracted from writers of the beft authority. By a Friend. 8vo. 6d. Newbery. 6 At a time,' fays the Author, when the public attention is fixed on the steady and refolute conduct of the Quakers in another quarter of the world, an impartial account of the rife, tenets, and difcipline of that people, cannot appear unfeasonable, efpecially as many take the freedom to decide concerning them, who know nothing of them but the name, and are utter ftran gers to their principles.' Such account of the Quakers as the Author thus intimates the expediency of, is given in this pamphlet; and feems to be fairly and candidly extracted from the books of the moft eminent writers of that fect. The compiler feems to be really (with refpect to the people in queftion) what he profefles in his title-page, a Friend; that is to fay, one of thofe proteftants ufually diftinguished by the name of Quakers. |