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[The plague is begun, hath penetrated into, made an entrance among the people.] To enter upon action, Gen. xi. 6.iii. Profanare, figuratively, 1. to break, to diffolve the ⚫ texture or force of an obligation; to ftab, flay, or make it void, Numb. xxx. 2. Pfal. lv. 20.-lxxxix. 34. [agreeably to this fenfe Bishop Pearson on the Creed, (after Grotius) faith; "one ancient custom of cancelling bonds was "by ftriking a nail through the writing;" to which the Apostle may allude, Col. ii. 14.] 2. To diffolve, ftab, or flay the real or relative holiness of perfons or things; to de• fecrate, to profane, pollute, defile. Applied to the Jewish nation, whom God treated as if they had not been his peo⚫ple and inheritance, when they were carried into captivity, Ifai. xlvii. 6. Lam. ii. 2.-to the Temple when destroyed, or treated as a common building, Ezek. xxv. 3-to a priest who was profaned, when he did any thing that difqualified him for his office, Lev. xxi. 4. to any hallowed thing, < which was defecrated by being eaten contrary to the law, Lev. xix. 8. to a place or thing that is common or unholy, · as diftinguished from that which is holy or confecrated, Lev.

x. 10. Ezek. xxii. 26.—xlviii. 15. particularly it is ap*plied to the fruit of a tree, when first eaten of by the owner, • after the fourth year, in which it was confecrated to God, was expired, [Lev. xix. 23, 24, 25.] Deut. xx. 6. [eaten of it profaned, defecrated it,]-xxviii. 30. [gather, profane, the grapes thereof,] Jer. xxxi. 5.-to the Sabbath, or any ordinances profaned by not being duly observed, Lev. 'xxii. 9. Pfal. lxxxix. 31. Ezek. xx. 16.-to God profaned by the violation of his conftitutions, Ezek. xxii. 26. -to the name of God, profaned by fwearing falfely, Lev. • xix. 12.—to chastity, and the marriage bed profaned by lewdnefs, Gen. xlix. 4. Lev. xix. 29. to juftice, honour, goodness, profaned by acting contrary to them. Hence an • action is termed profane, or profaneness, pollution, which is • void of honour, juftice, and goodness, Gen. xliv. 7. [God forbid that thy fervants should do (profanenefs would be to thy fervants from doing, or if they fhould do) according to this thing; i. e. it would be unjust and dishonourable in us to do this thing.] Sam. xxiv. 6, 7. [the Lord forbid, that I fhould do this thing, it would be profanenefs to me from the Lord (or the highest degree of difhonour and injustice) if I fhould do this thing.] iii. To diffolve, flay, annul dignity and fplendor, by finking the honourable and illuftrious, ⚫ into a contemptible, vile condition, Pfal. lxxxix. 39. Ifai. xxiii. 9. Ezek. xxviii. 7.

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• IV.


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• IV. Tripudiare; a piece of wood penetrated with a tool, and perforated; a pipe or flute, whofe mufic exhilerated not only common mirth, but also facred and religious joy, Pfal.' • cxlix. 3. Ifai. v. 12. a dance peculiarly correfponding to the mufic of the flute, in contradiftinction to dancing without any mufic, or with other mufic; the flute-dance, the most • brifk and lively, and expreffive of the highest joy, 1 Sam. • xviii. 6. Pfal. xxx. 11. Cant. vi. 13. [as if it were the company of two armies, as it were the dancing, joy, exultation of two companies, mutually congratulating each other' upon fome fignal occafion.

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V. Feneftra; caves, which are formed by penetrating into the fubftance of the earth, Ifai. ii. 19. windows, which C are confidered as cut out of the walls of a building, Jer. xxii. 14. [and cutteth him out windows, my windows, God's ⚫ windows; fo called, because they were windows in an upper chamber, fet apart for prayer and devotion, looking towards Jerufalem, and thro' which they looked when praying to God. Such a chamber, and such windows, Daniel had and used in Babylon, Dan. vi. 10.

VI. Placenta; a cake. The fhew-bread confifted of cakes of this fort, Lev. xxiv. v. And if they were like the • unleavened cakes which the Jews now make, and may at · any time be seen at London, the connection with the root is very apparent. For thefe are broad cakes, perforated all over, with holes like a honey-comb, to prevent any fer⚫mentation. And from the force of this root, it seems pro

bable, that this was the form (whatever was the fize) of the • cakes mentioned in the texts that follow.' See Lev. Num. Exod.

Some think, as it fignifies to dance, alfo, a pipe, may, with more propriety, be referred to, which Mr. Taylor interprets exfultare gaudeo, to rejoice with a joy

which expreffes itfelf in the geftures of the body.' And, perhaps, a cake, fhould be derived from the fame word in Arabic, which fignifies dulcis fuit. See Golius col. 647.

dulcis et fuavis fuit. edulium ex melle vel faccharo confectum. Dulciarius piftor aut eduliorum dulcium venditor. And the Grand Signor's confectioner is called in the Turkish language Helwagi.

We fhall exhibit another inftance of our Author's skill and ingenuity, in arranging the feveral fignifications of a word in their proper order, giving the full force of its ufage in every paffage, and fhewing the connection of the several fenfes with the primary one.


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Page 882.886th root, hath feven fignifications. i. Picare, pice obtegere: propitiatorium. To cover, to cover by imearing; to fmear over, to obliterate or annul a com• pact, Ifai. xxviii. 18. to cover with pitch, in order to se<cure a vefiel from leaking; pitch; the mercy-fcat, or cover of the ark of the covenant. ii. Expiare, placare; to atone; to cover sin, or to secure the finner from punishment. iii. Pagus, vicus; a small village; a covert, retired place in the country. iv. Crater, pelvis; a large cup or bowl, probably with a cover or lid, ufed in the Temple service; I suppose to hold wine for the priests and facrificers, when they did eat there before the Lord; Deut. xiv. 26.—xv. 19, 20. vi. Cyprus arbor. Liguftrum Egyptiacum. Arab. Henna or Alhenna; a fhrub ten or fifteen foot high, like a Privet, whofe flowers grow in bunches, and have a very fweet and grateful fmell. With the powder of the leaves or flowers, mixt with water, women smeared their hands, feet, &c. to give them a golden colour. Celf. Hierob. parti. p. 225. Hiller Hieroph. part i. cap. 54. Raii Hift. Plant. tom. ii. p. 1604. vii. Leo juvenis; a young lion that has done fucking the lionefs; and leaving the covert begins to feek prey for himfelf. Bochart; being juft come out of the covert, and naturally frequenting it more • than other lions, he may be called the covert - lion. • See Pfal. xvii. 12. Jer. xxv. 38. He has forfaken his covert, as the [young] lion.'

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The meaning of the word Cherub having been greatly controverted of late, we apprehend our readers will not be difpleafed with the following extract, which contains Mr. Taylor's fenfe of that word.

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889th root.

Cherubh, Cherubinus. It is evident that the four living creatures in Rev. iv. 6, 7, 8. ← are the fame with the four living creatures, called alfo Cherubims, in Ezek. i. 5, &c.—x. 1, &c. But the four living • creatures, and the four and twenty Elders, Rev. v. 8, 9, * joined in finging a new fong to the Lamb, faying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the feals thereof; for thou waft flain, and has redeemed US unto God by thy blood, out of every KINDRED and TONGUE and PEOPLE and NATION. The angels joined in the chorus which follows ver. 11, 12, • But none but fuch as belong to the church of God in this world, none but MEN, could join in this fong. The twenty-four Elders, it is generally agreed, reprefent the Priests,. or Minifters of the Church, and then the four living creatures, or Cherubim, must reprefent the people, or body of

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the church, of God upon earth. This fuits Ezekiel's Che• rubim very well: they reprefent the church of God attended with the wheels, or revolutions, of his providence. And fo the Cherubim in the Temple, efpecially thofe over the mercy-feat, may properly denote the church on earth, where God hath fet his throne, and in the midst of which ⚫he dwells or reigns, Numb. vii. 89. Pfal. xcix. 1. Ezek. ix. 3. In this view the Cherubim must be confidered as bieroglyphical, denoting the perfection or combination of all • fpiritual and moral excellencies, which conftitute the cha⚫racter of God's faithful fervants or fubjects, under the biereglyphical forms of a man, a bullock, a lion, an eagle, all with wings, full of eyes, &c. [1 Kings vii. 29. lions, oxen, and other Cherubims; or the other forms which con• ftitute the Cherubim.] But this will not take in the sense of • Cherub and Cherubim in other places. Some general notion that will fuit all cafes, fhould, if poffible, be found out; as suppose to be perfect, or perfectly accomplished. Applied to a bullock in full vigour, (Exek. x. 14.) as that among the herds, is the moft perfect in ftrength and usefulness.— To the Prince of Tyre (Ezek. xxviii. 14.) compleat (at ⚫ leaft in his own proud conceit) in dignity, power, policy, • wealth, splendour; [anointed, inaugurated, duly established in royalty; covering, foaring above and protecting others.]-To that which is moft perfect and powerful in velocity, Pfal. xviii. 10.-To the guard upon the tree of life, Gen. iii. 24. Poffibly it may here be applied to angels; but we can only fay, with certainty, that the Cherubim and flaming fword, which turned every way, denote • fome perfect and irresistible power, which rendered the tree of life, here upon earth, quite inacceffible. But, through Chrift, bleffed be God, free accefs is granted to it in the future world, Rev. ii. 7.-xxii. 2.'

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Aben Ezra, Chafkuni, and Bar Nachman, upon the fe cond chapter of Numbers, where mention is made of the children of Ifrael pitching, every man by his own ftandard, with the enfign of their father's houfe, fay, that the creatures in the Cherubim were the ftandards of Ifrael: Reuben had on his ftandard the figure of a man, Juda a lion, Ephraim the ox, and Dan the eagle. The reasons why these animals were chofen by these tribes, are taken from circumstances pofterior to the ufe of the ftandards. Jofephus and Philo are both fi'lent on this head. The conjecture, therefore, for it is no more than a conjecture, refts upon the probability of this use of the animals. There is no other account of them so probable

bable as this. The general notion, therefore, comprehended under the word Cherubim will be that of a guard. Hence you will be able to account for their fituation in the Temple, near the presence of the Lord, and round about the throne, Rev. iv. 6, 7, 8. Alfo for the ufe of it in expreffing the guard upon the tree of life, whatever that guard was, whether it was a perpetual flame arifing from pits of fulphur and bitumen, as was the opinion of Grotius, or was no other than what is called Deut. xxxiii. 2. the fire of the law for them. very learned and fagacious Mr. Mede has adopted the explication of the Cherubim given by Aben Ezra. Bochart, Launæus, Heidegger, and particularly Witfius in his Ægyptiaca, have all strenuously oppofed it.


We fhall with pleafure embrace the earlieft opportunity of giving our readers an account of the fecond volume of Mr. Taylor's Concordance; which, we hear, will be published next winter.

The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica.

In three

Parts. Containing, 1. An accurate defcription of that ifland, its fituation and foil; with a brief account of its former and prefent ftate, government, revenues, produce and trade.-2. A history of the natural productions, including the various forts of native foffils, perfect and imperfect vegetables, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles, and infects; with their properties and ufes in mechanics, diet, and phyfic.-3. An account of the nature of climates in general, and their different effects upon the human body; with a detail of the difeafes arifing from this fource, particularly within the tropics. In three differtations. The whole illuftrated with fifty copperplates: in which the most curious productions are reprefented of the natural fize, and delineated immediately from the objects. By Patrick Brown, M. D. Folio. 21. 2s. Printed for the Author, and fold by Osborne and Co.


HIS work was published by subscription, and tho' the fubfcribers are not very numerous, yet among them appear more than a few truly refpectable names. Befides feveral of our own countrymen, juftly eminent for their literary abilities, Burmannus, Gronovius, Linnæus, Mufchenbroek, Schwenke, Trew, and Wackendorff, learned foreigners, have honoured Dr. Brown's labours: Labours indeed! fuch as required no lefs qualifications (a) than what our Author declares

(a) Our Author fpeaks of himself as being happy in a large • fhare of health and ftrength; enured to the climate; and having a mind strongly difpofed to the cultivation of natural knowlege.'

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