CELSUS, fee Grieve. 682 402 CHRISTIAN Apology, St. Pe ter's 247 CHRISTIAN's Political Difcourfe 675 CIBBER's two Differtations 195 COLLECTION of fevera! Pamphlets, &c. relative to Admiral Byng 677 COMPARATIVE Theology 313 CONDILLAC'S Effay on Human Knowlege, tranflated by Nugent 43-105 CONDUCT of the Ministry 524 CONFIRMATION, fee Minifters. -, fee Reply. CONSIDERATIONS on the Addreffes 518 on the prefent State of Affairs COUNTERPOISE 423 128 EGYPT, fee Norden. ELECTRICITY, fee Hoadley. fee Lovett. EMBARGO, of Irish Beef, &c. Obfervations on 627 ENQUIRY into the Similitudes of the Lord God 415 EPISTLE to the D. of N. 311 poetical, to W. Pitt, Efq; 652 669 652 Cox's Narrative of the ThiefTakers 89 FAUQUIERE, fee Observations. FAWCET's Grand Enquiry 200 FERGUSON'S Aftronomy 236 FLEMING'S Letter to Pike 315 FLEU A ADVERTISEMENT. Succinct Account of FOREIGN PUBLICATIONS having been defired by several Friends to our Review, we take this Opportunity of acquainting them, and the Public, that this Tafk is undertaken by a Set of learned and ingenious CORRESPONDENTS. These Articles will be regularly continued, every Month, unless prevented by the Accidents to which a foreign Correspondence is liable. No Performance worthy of Attention shall be overlooked, and all due Regard will be paid to the most important. As to the Reviewers themselves, a competent Account of our domeftic Productions, furnishes full Employment for all their Leisure, and all their Faculties: To continue the faithful Discharge of which, is all they can propose, or expect to accomplish. The foreign Articles will commence in the Review for Fe bruary, 1757. |