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Loyalty as can be accommodated therein, with all possible dispatch-It is therefore Our will and Pleasure, that you do cause all such Lands within the same as are undisposed of, to be run into small Allotments, and that you do allot the same to such of the Non-Commissioned Officers and private Men of Our Forces who may have been reduced in Our said Province, or to such other of Our Loyal Subjects as may be inclined to settle and improve the same, in such Proportions as you may judge most conducive to their Interest and the more speedy Settlement of Our said Seigneurie. The Lands so allotted to be held of Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, Seigneurs of Sorel upon the same Conditions and under the same reserved Rent at the Expiration of ten years, as the other Tenants of Seigneuries now hold their Lands and pay to Us, and also of taking the Oaths and making and subscribing the Declaration as herein before is mentioned and directed; The Expence of making the said Allotments and of Admission thereunto be also paid and defrayed in like manner as those in the Seigneuries directed to be laid out by these Our Instructions. It is nevertheless Our Will and Pleasure that the Allotments to be made to such of Our Loyal Subjects from the Provinces or Colonies now the United States of America, as may be disposed to settle and improve Lands in Our said Province of Quebec, shall be limited to those only who may have withdrawn themselves from the said Provinces or Colonies after the signing of the definitive Treaty of Peace with the said United States, & no other.

And it is Our Will and Pleasure that a Record be kept in the Office of the Receiver General of Our Revenue of every Admission into Lands as well by Virtue of these Our Instructions with respect to Our Loving Subjects retiring from the Provinces & Colonies, now the United States of America, and to Our Forces disbanded as aforesaid, as in Cases of future Admission by Alienation or otherwise, A Docquet of which shall be transmitted yearly to Us, thro' one of Our principal Secretaries of State, & also a Duplicate thereof to Our High Treasurer or the Commissioners of Our Treasury for the time being.

44....It is Our Will and Pleasure however that no Grants or Allotments be made of any Lands, on which there is any considerable Growth of White Pines fit for Masting Our Royal Navy, and which lie convenient for Water Carriage, but that you do cause all such Lands to be set apart for Our Use and proper Regulations to be made and Penalties inflicted to prevent Trespasses on such Tracts and the cutting down or destroying of the Trees growing thereon.

45....And whereas it appears, from the Representations of Our late Governor of the District of Trois Rivières, that the Iron Works at S'. Maurice in that District are of great Consequence to Our Service, It is therefore Our Will and Pleasure that no part of the Lands upon which the said Iron Works were carried on, or from which the Ore used in such Works was procured, or which shall appear to be necessary & convenient for that Establishment either in respect to a free Passage to the River St. Lawrence or for producing a necessary Supply of Wood, Corn and Hay, or for Pasture for Cattle, be granted to any private person whatever; And also that as large a District of Land as conveniently may be, adjacent to & lying round the said Iron Works, over & above what may be necessary for the above purposes, be reserved for Our Use to be disposed of in such manner as We shall hereafter direct and appoint.

46.... And it is Our further Will and Pleasure that you do consider of a proper and effectual Method of collecting, receiving and accounting for Our Quit Rents, whereby all Frauds, Concealments, Irregularity or Neglect therein may be prevented, and whereby the Receipt may be effectually checked and controlled-And if it shall appear necessary to pass an Ordinance for the more effectually ascertaining, and the more speedily and regularly Collecting Our Quit Rents, you are to prepare the Heads of such a Bill as you shall think may most effectually conduce to the procuring of the good Ends proposed, and to transmit the same to Us by One of Our Principal Secretaries of State for Our further Directions therein, and you are also to transmit a Duplicate thereof to the Lords of the Committee of Our Privy Council for Trade and Plantations for their Information.

47.... You are to use your best Endeavours in improving the Trade of the Province under your Government by settling such Orders & Regulations therein, with the Advice 18-3-36

6-7 EDWARD VII., A. 1907

of Our said Council, as may be most acceptable to the Generality of the Inhabitants; And it is Our express Will and Pleasure that you do not on any pretence whatever, upon pain of Our highest Displeasure, give your Assent to any Law or Laws for setting up any Manufactures and carrying on any Trades which are hurtful & prejudicial to this Kingdom, and that you do use your utmost Endeavours to discourage discountenance & restrain any Attempts which may be made to set up such Manufactures or establish any such Trades,

48.... And it is Our Will and Pleasure that you do not dispose of any Forfeitures or Escheats to any Person until the Sheriff or other proper Officer has made Enquiry by a Jury upon their Oaths into the true Value thereof, nor until you have transmitted to Our Commissioners of Our Treasury a particular Account of such Forfeitures & Escheats and the Value thereof; And you are to take care that the produce of such forfeitures and Escheats, in case We shall think proper to give you Directions to dispose of the same, be duly paid to Our Treasurer or Receiver General of Our said Province, and a full Account transmitted to Our Commissioners of Our Treasury or Our High Treasurer for the time being, with the Names of the persons to whom dispo-ed of.

49.... And Whereas Commissions have been granted unto several Fersons in Our respective Plantations in America for the trying of Pirates in those parts pursuant to the Acts for the more effectual Suppression of Piracy and by a Commission already sent to Our Governor there is impowered, together with others therein mentioned, to proceed accordingly in reference to Our Will and Pleasure is that you do use your best Endeavours to apprehend all Persons whatever, who may have been guilty of Piracy within your Government, or who having committed such Crimes at other Places may come within your Jurisdiction, and until We shall think proper to direct the like Commission to be established for Our Government of Quebec, you are to send such Pirates with what Proofs of their Guilt you can procure or collect to Our Governor of to be tried and punished under the

Authority of the Commission established for those Parts.

50.... And whereas you will receive from Our Commissioners for executing the Office of High Admiral of Great Britain & of Our Plantations a Commission constituting you Vice Admiral of Our said Province, you are hereby required and directed carefully to put in execution the several Powers thereby granted you.

51.... Whereas great Inconveniences have happened heretofore by Merchant-Ships and other Vessels in the Plantations wearing the Colours borne by Our Ships of War under pretence of Commissions granted to them by the Governors of the said Plantations, And by trading under those Colours, not only among Our own Subjects, but also those of other Princes and States, and committing divers Irregularities, they may very much dishonour Our Service; For the preventing thereof you are to oblige the Commanders of all such Ships, to which you shall grant Commissions, to wear no other Colours than such as are described in an Order in Council of the 7th Jan 1730 in relation to Colours to be worn by all Ships & Vessels, except Our Ships of War.

52....And whereas there have been great Irregularities in the Manner of granting Commissions in the Plantations to private Ships of War, you are to govern yourself, whenever there shall be Occasion, according to the Commissions & Instructions granted in this Kingdom, but you are not to grant Commissions of Marque or Reprisal against any Prince or State or their Subjects in Amity with Us to any Person whatever without Our special Command.

53. Where s We have been informed that during the time of War Our Enemies have frequently got Intelligence of the State of Our Plantations by Letters from private Persons to their Correspondents in Great Britain taken on board Ships coming from the Plantations, which has been of dangerous Consequence, Our Will and Pleasure therefore is that you signify to all Merchants, Planters and others, that they be very cautious in time of War, whenever that shall happen, in giving any Accounts by Letters of the Publick State and Condition of the Province under your Government; And you are forthwith to give Directions to all Masters of Ships or other persons to whom you may intrust your Letters that they put such Letters into a Bag with a sufficient Weight to sink the same immediately, in case of imminent Danger from the Enemy; And you


are also to let the Merchants and Planters know how greatly it is for their Interest, that their Letters should not fall into the Hands of the Enemy, and therefore that they should give the like-Orders to Masters of Ships in relation to their Letters; And you are further to advise all Masters of Ships that they do sink all Letters, in case of Danger in the manner before mentioned.

54.... And whereas the Merchants and Planters in Our Plantations in America have in time of War corresponded & traded with Our Enemies and carried Intelligence to them to the great Prejudice & Hazard of Cur said Plantations, you are therefore by all possible Methods to endeavour to hinder such Trade & Correspondence in Time of War.

55.... Whereas it is absolutely necessary that We be exactly informed of the State of Defence of all Our Plantations in America, as well in relation to the Stores of War that are in each Plantation, as to the Forts & Fortifications there, and what more may be necessary to be built for the Defence and Security of the same, you are as soon as possible to prepare an Account thereof with relation to Our said Province in the most particular manner, And you are therein to express the present State of the Arms Ammunition & other Stores of War belonging to the said Province either in publick Magazines or in the Hands of private Persons; together with the State of all places either already fortified, or that you judge necessary to be fortified for the Security of our said Province, and you are to transmit the said Accounts to Us by One of Our principal Secretaries of State, and also Duplicates thereof to the Lords of the Coinmittee of Our Privy Council for Trade and Plantations for their Information, and also a Duplicate thereof to Our Master General or Principal Officers of Our Ordnance; which Accounts are to express the Particulars of Ordnance, Carriages, Balls, Powder and all other Sorts of Arms & Ammunition in Our publick Stores, and so from time to time of what shall be sent to you or bought with the public Money and to specify the time of the Disposal and the Occasion thereof; And you are half yearly to transmit a general Account of the State of the Fortifications & Warlike Stores specified in the manner abovementioned.

56.... And in case of any Distress of any other of Our Plantations, you shall, upon Application of the respective Governors thereof unto you, assist them with what Aid the Condition & Safety of Our Province under your Government can spare.

57.... If any thing shall happen which may be of Advantage or Security to Our Province under your Government, & which is not herein or by your Commission provided for, We do hereby allow unto you, with the Advice and Consent of Our Council, to take Order for the present therein, giving unto Us by one of Our Principal Secre taries of State speedy Notice thereof, that you may receive Our Ratification, if We shall approve the same; Provided always that you do not, by Colour of any Power or Authority hereby given you, commence or declare War without Our Knowledge and particular Commands therein, and you are also to transmit a Duplicate of such Notice as aforesaid to the Lords of the Committee of Our Privy Council for Trade and Plantations for their Information.

58.... And whereas We have by the first Article of these Our Instructions to you directed and appointed that your chief Residence shall be at Quebec, you are nevertheless frequently to visit the other parts of your Government in order to inspect the Management of all public Affairs, and thereby the better to take care that the Govern ment be so administered that no disorderly practice may grow up contrary to Our Service and the Welfare of Our Subjects.

59.... And whereas great Prejudice may happen to Our Service & the Security of the Province by your Absence from those Parts, You are not upon any Pretence whatever to come into Europe without having first obtained Leave for so doing from Us under Our Sign Manual & Signet, or by Our Order in Our Privy Council, Yet nevertheless in Case of Sickness you n ay go to any of Our Islands in the West Indies including therein the Bermuda and Bahama Islands, and there stay such a space of time, as the recovery of Your Health may absolutely require.

60.... And whereas We have thought fit by Our Commission to direct that, in case of your Death or Absence from Our said Province, and in case there be at that time

6-7 EDWARD VII., A. 1907

no Person within Our said Province commissionated or appointed by Us to be Our Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief, the eldest Councillor, being a natural born Subject of Great Britain, Ireland or the Plantations and professing the Protestant Religion, who shall be at the time of your Death or Absence residing within Our said Province under your Government, shall take upon him the Administration of Government and execute Our said Commission and Instructions and the several Powers and Authorities therein directed; It is nevertheless Our express Will and Pleasure that in such case the said President shall forbear to pass any Act or Acts, but what are immediately necessary for the Peace and Welfare of the said Province, without Our particular Örder for that purpose.

61.... And whereas We are desirous that a proper Provision should be made for the Support of Our Government within Our said Province of Quebec, We do therefore hereby declare it to be Our Royal Intention, that the following Annual Salaries & Allowances be discharged & paid out of any Revenues arising to Us within the same, or out of such Monies as shall be granted or appropriated to the Uses and Services of Our said Province of Quebec, that is to say,'

To the Governor pr Annum

Lieut Governor

To the Chief Justice.

To 6 Judges of Common Pleas £500 each..

To the Judge of the Admiralty...

To the Attorney General.

To the Clerk of the Crown & Pleas

To two Sheriffs at £100 each

To the Secretary & Register
To the Clerk of the Council

To the Surveyor of Lands

To the Surveyor of Woods

To the Commissary for Indians ..

To the Captain of the Port.

To the Naval Officer

To the Receiver General of the Revenues

To twenty three Councillors at £100 each.

To the Lieutenant Governors or Superintendants.

at Detroit...

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

To one Judge of the Inferior Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas

at each of the above Posts, at £100 each Judge....

To an Assistant or Assessor at each Post, at £50 p' Ann :.

To a Sheriff for each District at £20 pr Annum

To a Grand Voyer..


To a French Secretary.

To 4 Ministers of the Protestant Church at £200 p2 Ann: each ..

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors]

To 2 Ministers of the Church of England settled at Sorel and Cataraqui
£100 each

[merged small][ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

To an Allowance to the Persons licensed to superintend the Romish Church
To Pensions to the Officers of a Corps of Canadians employed in the last
War and discharged without any Allowance, as follows, Vizt:
To Mons Rigauville the Commandant of said Corps..

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

To 5 Captains at £100 each....

[blocks in formation]

To 10 Lieutenants at £50 each.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

1 On comparing this list with the one given in the Instructions of 1775, (see p. 432), it will be found that several changes have been made, but without much alteration in the salaries. In the case of the Lt. Governors or Superintendents of the western Posts, though the Posts mentioned in the Instructions of 1775 were nearly all within the territory ceded to the United States by the treaty of 1783, yet as they had not been given up, these positions were still to be filled. The names of the Posts, however, with the exception of Detroit, are left blank.


62.... And whereas We have made sufficient Provision for the Support of Our Lieutenant Governor of Our said Province of Quebec for the time being by the Allowance inserted in the foregoing Estimate, It is Our Will and Pleasure, when it shall happen that you shall be absent from Our said Province, that no Part of the Salary or any Perquisites and Emoluments, which are due unto you, shall during the Time of your Absence be claimed by, or paid and satisfied to such Lieutenant Governor; And it is Our further Will and Pleasure that if Our Lieutenant Governor of the said Province of Quebec should happen to die during such your Absence, and the Administration of the Government thereby devolve on the President or Eldest Member of Our Council, such President or Councillor shall, during his continuing in the Chief Command, receive the Salary or Allowance hereby provided for Our Lieutenant Governor, and no other allowance, Perquisite, or Emolument whatever.

C.O. (Quebec 1768

1787, Vol. 1.)

ENDORSED: 1786 Quebec Draught of General Instructions. [L.S.]



Additional Instruction1 to Our Right Trusty & Welbeloved Guy Lord Dorchester Knight of the most Honorable Order of the Bath, Our Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over Our Province of Quebec &c. &c. in America or to the Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief of Our said Province for the Time being. Given at Our Court at St. James's the Twenty first Day of March 1787. In the Twenty Seventh Year of Our Reign.

Whereas We did by Our General Instructions to you bearing Date at S. James's the Twenty third Day of August 1786 declare Our Koyal Will and Pleasure that sundry Salaries and Allowances therein mentioned should be discharged and paid out of any Revenues arising to Us within Our said Province of Quebec or out of such Monies as should be granted or appropriated to the Uses and Services of Our said Province; And whereas We thought fit, by Our Warrant under Our Signet and Sign Manual bearing date the Sixteenth day of March 1781, to authorize and require Our Trusty and Welbeloved Frederick Haldimand Esq (now Sir Frederick Haldimand Knight of the most Honorable Order of the Bath) at that Time Our Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over Our Province of Quebec, to cause Letters Patent to be passed under the Seal of Our said Province, constituting and appointing Our Trusty and Welbeloved William Pollock Esq' Clerk of the Crown of & in Our said Province in the Room of William Gordon Esq' deceased-And whereas the said William Gordon did over and above the Salary of One Hundred Pounds p Annum, as directed by the 56th Article of Our Instructions to Our aforesaid Captain General and Governor in Chief to be paid to the Clerk of the Crown, receive and enjoy the further Sum of Two Hundred Pounds per Annum, and which said additional Allowance the said William Pollock hath also received from the Date of his Appointment to the said Office of Clerk of the Crown of Our said Province of Quebec, untill the last usual half yearly Period of Payment, Viz. the first day of November last.—And Whereas it is Our Intention that the said additional Allowance should be continued unto him for certain good Causes and Considerations. It is Our Will and Pleasure

and We do hereby direct and appoint that the said Salary and Allowance of two hundred Pounds per Annum, in Addition to the One Hundred Pounds p Annum, which We have directed to be paid to him as Clerk of the Crown by the Sixty first Article of Our General Instructions to you, should be paid to him until such Time as Our further Royal Will and Pleasure shall be signified to you.

G. R.

1 Canadian Archives, M 230, p. 280.

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