Imágenes de páginas

As to the Tuscan islands, the author has arranged and distinguished them as follows:

1. Giannutri e Formiche.

2. Giglio.

3. Monte Cristo.

4. Elba, Palmaiola e Cerboli.
5. Pianosa e Gorgona.

This catalogue, which contains nearly 300 minerals, is interesting, not only to the lovers of natural history, but to all who employ the products of the mineral kingdom in the arts and manufactures.

A Geographical Dictionary of Tuscany is announced as about to appear. It is intended as an accompaniment to the great map of Inghirami, and will form 3 vols. in 8vo.

The only Italian translation that has yet appeared of Lord Chancellor Brougham's Essay on the Objects, Pleasures, and Advantages of Science, was published this year by Pomba, of Turin, and forms part of his Universal Library for General Instruction.

The same bookseller announces a General Biographical Dictionary, in 12 vols. 8vo.


ALEXANDER Ephimovitch Izmailov, the editor of the journal entitled the Blagonamærenii, died at St. Petersburg, January of the present year, in the 50th year of his age. His literary reputation rests chiefly upon his Fables and Tales, which were first published in 1804, since when they have passed through several editions. Although they do not possess any great claim to originality, being chiefly imitations from other languages, they are greatly esteemed for their easy and agreeable style, and for the ingenious characteristic traits they contain. He also wrote one or two prose tales, and contributed many articles to various periodicals.

On the of the same month, died also at St. Petersburg, Baron Delvig, editor of the "Sævernie Tzvæti," and the "Litteraturnaya Gazeta." The former of these publications is the most popular of all the Russian Annuals, nor undeservedly so, as its volumes contain contributions from some of the best writers, and many articles of great interest. To the preceding necrological notices may be added the name of Kozlovsky, the veteran Russian composer, who also died at St. Petersburg, February 27 (March 11); also that of Semen Bronevsky, author of a " Geographical and Historical Account of the Caucasus," 2 vols. 1823, who died at his estate near Theodosia, in the Crimea, December 27, (January 8, 1831,) at the age of sixty-seven.

A small posthumous volume of Poetry by the late Professor Merzliakov, consisting of Songs and Ballads, published a few months ago, is one of the most successful attempts by any modern writer at imitating the national ballad style. Without the rusticity, these pieces exhibit all the simple feeling of their originals; they retain their beauties apart from their defects, and will add fresh lustre to the memory of their author, who may be cited as one of those instances where the impulse of native talent has surmounted the difficulties of unpropitious circumstances. Merzliakov was born at Perm in 1778, where his father was a petty tradesman; at the age of fourteen he addressed an Ode to the Empress Catharine on the conclusion of the Peace with Sweden; and was by her order placed in the University of Moscow, in which he was afterwards appointed Professor of Eloquence and Poetry (1807). Both as a judi

cious critic, and as the translator of Homer, Virgil, and Tasso, his merits are undeniable; nor is he unworthy of the distinction of a public monument, a subscription for which has been set on foot.

A new literary journal, entitled the "Telescope," was commenced at Moscow at the beginning of the present year, and if we may judge from the few numbers that we have as yet seen, bids fair to become a spirited and useful periodical.

Among the historical works that issued from the Russian press last year, was a new edition of Bantiesh-Kamensky's History of Little Russia, 3 vols. 8vo. with a Map and Plates. It is a performance of considerable interest and importance, contains much curious matter, both statistical and ethnographical, and has been greatly improved by the author.

As might be expected, the number of translations from other languages has been by no means inconsiderable; some of the principal ones are, Bandtke's History of Poland; Schlegel's History of Ancient and Modern Literature; several of Van der Velde's and Zhokke's Novels; Victor Hugo's Hernani, by Rotchev, the translator of Shakspeare's Macbeth; and Hajji Baba in England.

Pushkin's long and eagerly expected new Dramatic Poem of Boris Godunov has at length appeared, and for the beauty of its language and the rich vein of poetry that pervades, is generally allowed to be superior to any of his former productions.


AT the last general meeting, in May, of the Asiatic Society of Paris, the following Orientalists were appointed to superintend the works specified below, as about to appear, under the auspices of the society

Georgian Grammar
Mandchou Dictionary

Chinese Dictionary

I. King.

Vendidad Sade

Yu Kiao Li

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M. Reinard.

M. J. Mohl.

M. Burnouf.

M. Klaproth.
M. Stahl.

M. Remusat has also resumed, with fresh activity, his inquiries into Buddhism, and announces the speedy appearance of an extensive memoir on the subject; his principal object being to show how far the researches of Europeans have extended on this sect, and to point out what still remains to be done to place the principal dogmas of its followers in their proper light.

M. Abel Remusat, the celebrated Orientalist, has been engaged for many years in collecting materials relative to the Botany, Zoology, Mineralogy, Medicine, and the other practical sciences of the Chinese, Japanese, and Tartars. Hitherto the natural productions of these vast countries have been very imperfectly known. The works of this description, which are numerous in China and Japan, will form the basis of M. Remusat's, which will form 2 vols. in 4to.




1 La Bible, traduction nouvelle, avec l'Hebreu en regard, accompagnée des points voyelles et des accens toniques, par S. Cahen. Pentateuque, Tome I. 8vo. 6s. 6d.

2 Meditations Religieuses, en forme de discours, pour toutes les époques, circonstances et situations de la vie domestique et civile; traduites de l'Allemand. Tome III. 1re partie. 8vo. 6s. 6d.

3 Tableau du Christianisme, contenant le précis de la vie de Jésus Christ et des mœurs de ses vrais disciples; par Arvisenet. 32mo.

4 T. Scott, la Sainte Bible, renfermant l'ancien et le nouveau testament avec des notes explicatives, etc. 2de Liv. Epitre aux Romains. 4to. 4s.

5 Macholley, Meditations chretiennes. 12mo.

6 De Mey, Le Christianisme en action en face de ses persécuteurs, ou reflexions et modèles à l'usage des chrétiens, etc. 8vo.

7 Fetzer, D. Teutschland und Rom, seit der Reformation D. Luthers. 2 vol. gr. 8vo. Frankfurt. 11. 6s.

8 Paulus, D. aufklärende Beiträge zur Dogmenkirchen-und Religions-geschichte. gr. 8vo. Bremen. 9s.

9 Reichlin-Meldegg, D. von, Geschichte des Christenthums. 2 vol. 8vo. Freiburg. 18s. 10 Hengstenberg, Dr. Beiträge zur Einleitung ins alte Testament. 1r Bd. gr. 8vo. Berlin. 4s.

11 Snabedissen, D. die grundzüge d. philosophischen Religionslehre. gr. 8vo. Cassel. 7s. 6d.

12 Melanchthon, S. Ph. Werke, in einer auf den allgemeinen gebrauch berechneten Auswahl. Herausgegeben von Dr. Köthe. 6 thle. 8vo. Leipzig, 12s.

13 Hartmann, Dr. historisch-kritische Forschungen über die Bildung, das Zeitalter und den Plan der 5 Bücher Moses. gr. 8vo. Rostock. 1l.

14 Hoffmann, Dr. Horæ Belgicæ. Pars 1a. 8vo. Breslau. 3s.

15 Neubig, Dr. die philosophische und christliche Gotteslehre. gr. 8vo. Nürnberg.


16 Pauli, der Brief an die Römer, erläutert von W. Benecke. gr. 8vo. Heidelberg. 9s. 17 Grimm, Dr. Hymnorum veteris ecclesiæ XXVI. interpretatio theotisca. 4to. maj. Göttingen. 5s.

18 Hartmann, A. T., Die enge Verbindung des Alten Testaments mit dem Neuen, aus rein biblischem Standpunkte entwickelt. gr. 8vo. 11. 2s. 6d.

19 Niemeyer, A. H., Theologische Encyclopädie und Methodologie. 8vo. 8s. 20 Theomela oder Hallelujah. 2 vols. 8vo. 14s.

21 Chrysostomi Selecta. Gr. et Lat. de edit. novæ consilio præfatus est, et Annot. subjecit J. van Voorst. 2 vols. 8vo. 17s.

22 Kuinoel, Dr. C. T., Commentarius in Epistolam ad Hebræos. 8vo. 12s. 6d.


23 Collection des Lois Maritimes antérieures au 1r siècle, par T. M. Pardessus. Tome II. 4to. 11. 13s.

24 Dictionnaire des justices de paix, par E. Linehampt. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

25 Noel, Recherches historiques sur l'origine du notariat dans le ci-devant duché de Lorraine, etc. 8vo.

26 Perrot, Atlas Administratif du royaume de France, indiquant les divisions territoriales du service des divers administrateurs, etc. 4to. oblong. 20s. 27 Marc Barreau, Principes du droit de la nature et des gens. 18mo.

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28 Claveau, de la Police de Paris, de ses abus, et des reformes dont elle est susceptible, avec documens anecdotiques et politiques, pour servir à l'histoire judiciaire de la restauration.


29 Ernest de Blosseville, Histoire des colonies pénales de l'Angleterre dans l'Australie. 8vo.

30 Füger, J. das adeliche Richteramt. 3 vol. Wien. 11.

31 Clossius, W. F. Hermeneutik des römischen Rechts. gr. 8vo. Leipzig. 6s. 32 Fleischhauer, G. C. die deutsche privilegirte Lehn-und Erbaristokratie. gr. 8vo. Neustadt. 10s.

33 Franke, Dr. das Recht der Notherben und Pflichtheilsberechtigten. gr. 8vo. Göttingen. 13s.

34 Horst, G. H. van der, Dissertatio Philosophico-Juridica de Juribus summi impe

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35 Lampredi, Prof., Del Commercio dei Popoli Neutrali in tempo di Guerra. Milano.


36 Giordano, Saggio Filosofico di Giurisprudenza, col confronto della legge Romana e della vigente legislazione, ove si espongano i principii delle stesse leggi colle questioni più importanti sull' interpretazione di esse; si sviluppano le cause che han dato luogo alle tante variazioni tra l'antica e moderna legislazione, coll' aggiunzione delle comuni teorie de' giureconsulti ricevate nel foro. 2 tom. 8vo. Napoli.

MORALS, EDUCATION, AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. 37 Rapet, Considérations sur l'éducation; suivies de l'éxposé d'un plan propre à réunir les avantages des educations publiques et particulières, etc. 8vo.

38 Bulletin de la Société des Etablissemens charitables. Tome I. Nos. 2, 3. 8vo. 5s. 39 Schubert, Dr.,die Geschichte der Seele. 2 Bde, gr. 8vo. Tübingen. 11. 1s.


40 Colin, Cours de Chimie, à l'usage de M.M. les élèves de l'école militaire de St. Cyr. 8vo.

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42 Berzelius, Traité de Chimie traduit par A. Jourdan. Chimie minerale, Tome IV. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

43 Fischer, D., Handbuch der Mineralogie. 8vo. Wien. 12s. 6d.

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45 Ephemeriden, Kleine astronomische, für das Jahr 1831. Herausgegeben von Harding und Wiesen. 8vo. Göttingen. 3s.

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Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte von Brasilien. IIIr Bd. 2te Abthlg. gr. 8vo. Weimar.

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fungi austriaci delectu singulari iconibus XIX. observationibusque illustrati. gr. 4to. Wien. 12s. 6d.

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85 Fries, Lichenographiæ Europææ Compendium. 8vo. 17s.

86 Reichenbach, Flora Germania excursoria. 2 vols. 18mo. 85.

87 Visiani, Stirpium Dalmaticarum Specimen. 4to. 14s.

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