Imágenes de páginas


THE year 1830 was memorable in Russia for the destruction of Periodicals, as well as for the ravages of the Cholera. Indeed the mortality among the former was in a much greater proportion than that caused by the latter. No fewer than nine journals terminated their existence with 1830, six of which were published in Moscow, viz. -1st, the patriarch of all the Russian journals, that dedicated to History, Statistics and Geography, in the fortieth year of its existence; 2d, the patriarch of all the critical journals of Russia, the European Mercury, commenced by Karamsin, in its twenty-eighth year; 3d, the New Magazine for Natural History, edited by Dwigubski; 4th, the Moscow Mercury, edited by Pogddin; 5th, the Athenæum, by Palon; and 6th, the Galatheer, by Reitsch. As some compensation, however, for this a stagnation in the trade, several new ones have started with the present year, among which the Telescope holds the first rank. With this year also commenced, at St. Petersburgh, a new German journal, intended to afford other nations an insight into Russian literature, geography and history, and also to inform the Russians of similar matters from abroad; but the editor appears to be incompetent to the task.

The Russian Chamberlain, Demidov, in order to promote the interest of literature and science in his native country, has resolved to set aside, every year till his death, the sum of 20,000 rubles, to be awarded in sums of 5000 rubles to such writers as shall have enriched Russian literature, during the preceding year, with some work of distinguished merit. The Academy of Science will decide on the merits of the proposed works. M. Demidov has also, by a subsequent act, confirmed the 20,000 rubles for the same purpose for twentyfive years after his death, and added a further yearly sum of 5000 rubles for the printing of the MSS. that may be judged worthy of the prize. Should this latter sum not be found sufficient for its object, the emperor has engaged, at the express request of the donor, to make up the deficiency from the public treasury, and has given his entire sanction to the noble and patriotic views of M. Demidov.

Two works lately published on Romanticism, discuss the subject very differently the one is a formal dissertation by a Dr. Hadezhdin-De Origine, Natura, et Fatis Poeseos que Romantica audit; the other is an Essay on the Tragedy of the Greeks, the French and the Romanticists, and professes to be written by a 66 land-surveyor" of the name of Tovarnitzky, which is, however, merely a nom de guerre; and the "land-surveyor" ironically commends classicism, as conducting directly to the Temple of Fame; while romanticism, as he says, leads us only into " the chaotic quagmires in which Calderon and Shakspeare floundered about." It is a lively and clever piece of satire, and may, we hope, be of service to his countrymen, who have hitherto been slavish imitators of French models in their dramatic compositions, and, like all imitators, have copied more of the defects than of the merits of their originals. A more manly and liberal spirit of criticism, however, is now beginning to manifest itself even in Russia; and, in fact, some of their journals savour not only of literary, but of political liberalism, and occasionally indulge in a tone which is sufficient to convince us that the censorship of the press must be rather nominal than real.

A small volume of miscellaneous pieces, in prose and verse, by Mad. Lisitzin, is distinguished by the superior purity and elegance of its style, and by the taste and feeling it displays. Of the twenty-nine poetical pieces it contains, the greater part are elegiac compositions.

Pushkin has published another chapter of his poetical romance of Eugenius Onagin, which, although somewhat too much a repetition of the same strain that pervades its predecessors, contains many beautiful passages, and many touches of genuine poetry.

Feodor Glinka has likewise given the public a new literary production, of a rather different stamp from any of his former ones, but well calculated to add to his reputation-namely, a narrative and descriptive poem, entitled Corelia, or the Captivity of the Empress Martha Ivanovna Romanov.

The prolific pen of Prince Shakowsky, the author of Aristophanes, and numerous other theatrical pieces, has dramatized the story of Zagoskine's Yuri Miloslavsky, which has been performed with much success both at St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Two posthumous volumes from the pen of Venevitinov, will, while they excite admiration for the refined sensibility and the generous enthusiasm they breathe, awaken regret at the premature fate of one who, had he lived, would doubtless have become an ornament to the literature of his country. As it is, we can enjoy only the blossoms of his talent, for he died at the early age of wenty-two, on the 15th (27th) March, 1827; yet these blossoms are fraught with a freshness of imagination and feeling that might not have been found in his more matured productions, had he lived to cultivate his talents; and they acquire an additional but melancholy attraction from the presentiments the youthful poet frequently betrays of his approaching destiny. There is one poem in particular which seems to be painfully prophetic of his early death, and to refer to his own feelings, where he says,

"Existence was to him a golden dream

All fraught with rapture, and like rapture-brief." Venevitinov, indeed, possessed, within himself the true elements of poetry, and all those finer qualities that constitute the genuine poet-feelings both ardent and amiable, keen sensibility, a warm sympathy with natural and moral beauty, and an innate delicacy of taste. The second volume, published some time after the first, contains his prose pieces, which exhibit him to hardly less advantage, whether as an elegant writer, or as a judicious and ingenious critic.


A Dictionary of Marine Terms has recently appeared at Madrid, with translations in French, English and Italian of all the Spanish expressions.





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[blocks in formation]

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