Could reach them: I have seen a medecine That's able to breathe life into a stone, With sprightly fire and motion; whofe fimple touch To give great Charlemain a pen in's hand King. What her is this? Laf. Why, doctor she: my lord, there's one arriv'd, In this my light deliverance, I have spoke King. Now, good Lafeu, Bring in the admiration, that we with thee May spend our wonder too, or take off thine, By wond'ring how thou took'ft it. Laf. Nay, I'll fit you, And not be all day neither. [Exit Lafeu. [bringing in Helena. King. Thus he his fpecial nothings ever prologues. This is his majesty, say your mind to him: Medecine is here put for a fhe-physician. [Exit. SCENE SCENE III. King. Now, fair one, does your bufinefs follow us? Hel. The rather will I fpare my praises tow'rds him; Safer than mine own two; more dear I have fo: King. We thank you, maiden; cure, When our most learned doctors leave us, and To empiricks, or to diffever fo Our great felf and our credit, to esteem A fenfeless help, when help past sense we deem. A modeft one to bear me back again. King. I cannot give thee lefs, to be call'd grateful; Thou thought'ft to help me, and fuch thanks I give, As one near death to thofe that wish him live: VOL. II. Y y But But, what at full I know, thou know'ft no part, I knowing all my peril, thou no art. Hel. What I can do, can do no hurt to try, Oft does them by the weakest minister : So holy writ in babes hath judgment fhown, When judges have been babes; great floods have flown Where most it promises: and oft it hits Where hope is coldeft, and despair most fits. King. I must not hear thee; fare thee well, kind maid; But know I think, and think I know most fure, Hel. The greatest lending grace, Ere twice the horses of the fun shall bring Moift Hesperus hath quench'd his fleepy lamp; What What is infirm from your found parts fhall fly, Hel. Tax of impudence, A ftrumpet's boldness, a divulged shame King. Methinks, in thee fome bleffed fpirit doth fpeak, In common sense, sense faves another way. Hel. If I break time, or flinch in property Of what I fpoke, unpitied let me die; And well deferv'd: not helping, death's my fee; But, if I help, what do you promise me? King. Make thy demand. Hel. But will you make it even? King. Ay, by my fceptre, and my hopes of heaven. Hel. Then fhalt thou give me, with thy kingly hand, What hufband in thy power I will command. Exempted be from me the arrogance To choose from forth the royal blood of France ; Y y 2 King. King. Here is my hand; the premises obferv'd, More fhould I question thee, and more I must; [Exeunt. Count. Enter Countess, and Clown. OME on, fir, I fhall now put you to the height of your breeding. COM Clo. I will fhow myself highly fed, and lowly taught; I know my business is but to the court. Count. To the court? why, what place make you special, when you put off that with fuch contempt ? but to the court! Clown. Truly, madam, if god have lent a man any manners, he may eafily put it off at court: he that cannot make a leg, put off's cap, kifs his hand, and fay nothing, has neither leg, hands, lip, nor cap; and, indeed, fuch a fellow, to fay precisely, were not for the court: but for me, I have an anfwer will ferve all men. Count. Marry, that's a bountiful answer that fits all questions. Clo. It is like a barber's chair, that fits all buttocks; the pin-buttock, the quatch-buttock, the brawn-buttock, or any buttock. Count. Will your answer ferve fit to all questions? Clo. As fit as ten groats is for the hand of an attorney, as French crown for taffeta punk, as Tib's rufh for Tom's your fore-finger, as a pancake for fhrove-tuesday, a morris for may-day, your as |