enchain', complain', explain', domain', refrain', &c.; twain, swain, wain, vain, stain, &c. (ain, s. an, in) chil'blain, porcelain, mort'main. (ain, s. en, in) again', against'. 50. ain, unaccented, s. in, in villain, chap'lain, chamberlain, mur'rain, qua'train, chief'tain, plan'tain, quin'tain, fountain, mountain, &c. (ain, s an, in) cas'tellain cockswain and boatswain are pronounced kok'-sn and botswan, or bo sn. 51. ion, preceded by lor n, accented, s. yun, in battalion, vermilion, pavilion, medallion, rebellion, billion, million, postil'ion, &c. companion, min'ion, domin'ion, opinion, on'ion, &c. 52. sion, preceded by a, e, i, o, or u, s. zhun, in occasion, eva'sion, invasion, persuasion, dissuasion: adhesion, inhe'sion, cohe'sion, exe'sion: decision, precision, incisi'on, collision, division, provision: effo'sion, displosion, explosion, ero'sion, arro'sion, corro'sion: fu'sion, diffusion, infu'sion, confusion, conclusion, &c. 53. sion, preceded by any of the consonants, s. shun, in impulsion, compul'sion, expansion, comprehension, dimen'sion, mer'sion, aversion, incursion, &c. 54. ssion, s. shun, in passion, compassion, cession, concession, professi'on, egression, pression, session, possession, &c. 55. tion, s. shun, in constitution, solution, elocution, caution, por'tion, op'tion, perception, attention, contriti'on, addition, &c. 56. tion, preceded by s, or x, s. tyun, in ambus'tion, combustion, question, conges'tion; mix'tion, admix'tion, commix'tion, &c. 57. xion, s shun, in flex'ion, complex'ion, annex'ion, connex'ion, prefix'ion, affix'ion, crucifix'ion, commix'ion, flux'ion, deflux'ion, afflux'ion, efflux'ion. 58. son, s. zn, in rea'son, trea'son, sea'son, den'ison, ven'ison, foi'son, poi'son, empoi'son, counterpoison, disinher'ison, pris'on, impris'on, dam'son, crim'son. (son, s. zun, in) diapa'son, or'aison, ben'ison, advow'son. (son, s sun, in) son, grand'son, god'son, u'nison, caparison, comparison, (son, s. sn, in) ma'son, garrison, par'son, per'son, les'son. (son, s. sûn, in) caisson'. 59. own, s. own, in down, adown', upside-down', gown, lown, clown, renown', brown, &c. (own, s ōn, in) own, shown, blown, flown, high'flown, known, unknown', grown, sown, disown', unsown'. 60. ear, s. ēr, in ear, dear, endear', fear, gear, hear, rehear', overhear', shear, blear, clear, tear (n water), &c. (ear, s. ār, in) bear, bug'bear, upbear', underbear', overbear', forbear', pear, tear (v.), tear, (n. a rent), wear, swear, unswear', forswear', outswear'. (ear, s. ear, in) lin'ear, rectilinear, curvilinear. 61. er, s. ěr, in am'ber, cham'ber, october, cum'ber, of'ficer, offend'er, pretend'er, finger, lin'ger, lexicographer, geog'rapher, orthographer, biographer, historiographer, cosmog'rapher, &c. (er, accented, s. er, in) defer', refer', prefer', infer', misinfer', deter', &c. (eer, s. ēr, in) beer, deer, rain'deer, cheer, fleer, mountaineer', engineer', domineer', &c. (eer, s. er, in chan'ticleer -e'er, s. ār, in) e'er, ne'er, whene'er, where'er'. (ier accented, and in one syllable, s. ēr, in) pier, cashier', cavalier', chandelier', gondolier', carabinier', cannonier', &c. 62. or, s. ur, in ambassador, me'teor, an'chor, metaphor, au'thor, ma'jor, se'nior, ju'nior, inferior, superior, interior, warrior, sail'or, demean'our, minor, &c. (or, s. or, in) or, a'chor, i'chor, nor, sa'por, pre'tor, fiu'or, for, unlooked for, unhoped for, &c. (or and oor, s. ōr in) louis d'or', corridor', door, bat'tiedoor, back'door, trapdoor', death's'door, floor, ground floor, thrash'ingfloor. (oor, s. ûr, in) boor, moor, poor, unmoor',--oor, s. ŭr, in black'amoor.--or, s. Ar, in abhor. 63. our, s. ur, in la'bour, ta'bour, arbour, harbour, suc'cour, ran'cour, splendour, vig'our, valour, col'our, &c. (our, s. owr, in) our, scour, hour, flour, deflour', sour, devour. (our, s. ûr, in) amour', par'amour tour, contour'.--the verb to pour, s. pûr, põr, or powr.four, s. fōr.--your, s. ur, or ür.--zour, s. yur, in behaviour, saviour. 64. ass, s. ass, in ass, lass, class, glass, looking glass, i'sing-glass, tin'glass, weath'erglass, hourglass, mass, amass', pass, repass', surpass', brass, vant'brass, grass, sparrowgrass, scurvygrass. (ass, 8. ass, in) carcass, cut'lass, compass, encompass, trespass, har'ass, sas'safras, cuirass', morass', can'vass: băss, a mat, bass, in music. 65. ous, s. us, in tremendous, stupendous, hid'eous, spontaneous, plen'teous, terra'queous, analogous, o'dious, studious, pi'ous, va'. rious, jealous, perilous, frivolous, credulous, trem'ulous, &c. 66. ceous, s. shus, in faba'ceous, herbaceous, folia'ceous, coriaceous, argilla'ceous, poma'ceous, membrana'ceous, arena'ceous, &c. 67. ious and eous, preceded by d, s. yus, in te'dious, perfid'ious, fastid'ious, insidious, invid'ious, compendious, o'dious, melodious, commo'dious, &c. hideous, lapid'eous.-ious, s. eus, in studious. 68. cious and scious, s. shus, in efficacious, audacious, saga'cious, falla'cious, tenacious, pertinacious, spacious, gracious, voracious, &c. omnisci'ous, conscious, luscious, &c. 69. tious, s. shus, in ostentatious, vexa'tious, fac'tious, ambitious, propitious, fictitious, adventitious, superstitious, conscientious, sententious, contentious, cap'tious, cautious, incautious, &c. 70. ous, s. uus, in conspicuous, innocuous, promiscuous, assiduous, ar'duous, ambiguous, contiguous, mellifluous, super fluous, ingen'uous, &c. (quous, s. kwus, in) siliquous, multisil'oquous, ambil'oquous, multiloquous. (uous, s. ŭus, in) con'gruous, incon'gruous. 71. eat, s. ēt, in eat, beat, brow'beat, feat, defeat', heat, cheat, escheat', bleat, meat, neat, peat, repeat', &c. eat, s. et, in sweet'neat.-eat, s. et, in threat, sweat-eat, s. at, in great. eat s. eat, in ca'veat.--hereat', thereat', whercat', s. her at', thar at', hwar at'. 12. ct, s. kt, in act, enact', compact', defect', infect', per'tect, deject', select', aspect, respect', inspect', prospect, &c. (ct has the same sound when s is added, thus) acts, enacts, defects', intects', dejects', respects', inspects', prospects, directs', &c. (iot, s. it, in endict', and indict'. 73. ight, s. īt, in dight, bedight', fight, hight, light, alight', blight, delight', flight, enlight', moon'light, plight, &c. (ight, s. ït, in) twilight, mid'night, fort'night, birth'right, down'right (adj.), up'right, fore'sight, in'sight, o'versight. seven-night, s. sen'nit.) 14. eight, s. āt, in freight, weight, pen'nyweight, troy'-weight, weight'ily, weight'iness, weight'y, eight, eighteen, eight'fold, eighth, eight'score, eighty. (eight, s. It, in) height, sleight. 75. aught, s. At, in aught, caught, haught, naught, fraught, ful'fraught. (aught, s. aft, in) draught, rough'draught. 16. ought, s. Ất, in ought, bought, dear-bought, fought, thought, methought', fore' thought, af'ter-thought, mer'ry-thought, nought, brought, wrought, high' wrought, inwrought', unwrought', overwrought', sought, besought. (ought, s. owt, in drought.) 77. scent, s. sent, in scent, ascent', renas'cent, herbes'cent, descent', quies'cent, convalescent, evanescent, crescent, excrescent, &c. 78. ow, s. o, in elbow, rainbow, meadow, shadow, overshadow, wid'ow, wind'ow, bow'-window, &c. (ow, s. ō, in) bow (n.), to shoot arrows; imbow', show, ra'ree-show, foreshow', pup'petshow, low (adj. or adv), blow, overflow' (v), glow, slow, mow (v.), know, overthrow' (v.), strow, sow, (v.), tow, stow, bestow', &c. (ow, s. ow, in) bow (n. an act of reverence, or v. to bend), cow, endow', how, some'how, low (v.), to bellow; allow', disallow', mow (n), now, enow', brow, eyebrow, prow, sow (n.), vow, avow'. 79. ay, s. ā, in bay, decay', alack'aday', noon'day, fay, gay, delay', relay', allay', inlay', play, display', &c. (ay, s. à in) mon'day, tues'day, wednesday, thursday, fri'day, saturday, sun'day, yes'terday, hey'-day, holy'day, nose'gay, round'elay, &c.-ay, s. ǎe.quay, s. kē. 80. fy, a verbal termination, s. fi, in justify, rectify, purify, tes'tify, pac'ify, crucify, not'ify, ter'rify, for'tify, calefy, tu'mefy, beau'tify, sanctify, sig'nify, qualify, glorify, &c. fy, or fi, in the participles of such verbs, has the same sound, thus) justifying, justified; rec'tifying, rectified; pu'rifying, pu'rified, &c. (the same sound of fi prevails in the nouns derived rom such verbs as these signifying an actor, thus) justifier, rectifier, pu'rifier, &c. (but in nouns from these verbs signifying an act, fi takes the sound of fe, thus) justification, purifica'tion, testification, &c. (fi has the sound of fe also in such words as) justifica'tor, testificator, &c. (fy sounds fi, in the verbs defy and affy, also in the interjection fy.-fy sounds fe, in the adjectives lea'fy, chaf'fy, draf'fy, puf'fy, shelf'y, gulf'y, turf'y. 81. ly, unaccented, s. le, in a'bly, probably, af'fably, remarkably, sea'sonably, du'rably, suitably, learn'edly, sa'credly, assuredly, i'dly, friendly, time'ly, humane'ly, &c. (ly, accented, and in monosyllables, lī, in) supply', apply', comply', reply', ply, july', ally', fly, outfly', S. rely'. 82. ably, s. ablė, in probably, am'icably, laud'ably, peace'ably, af'fably, variably, remarkably, conform'ably, rea'sonably, sea'sonably, com'parably, alterably, tol'erably, &c. (the adverb a'bly, s. āblė.) 83. ibly, s. ėble, in invincibly, forcibly, credibly, au'dibly, leg'ibly, intelligibly, infallibly, terribly, vis'ibly, sen'sibly, possibly, plau'sibly, compatibly, perceptibly, contemp'tibly, convertibly, &c. 84. ily, s. ėlė, in read'ily, steadily, gaud'ily, wor'thily, luck'ily, fam'ily happily, primarily, ordinarily, solitarily, voluntarily, satisfac'torily, tran'sitorily, bus'ily, &c. ily, s. Dė, in shily, slily, wily. ily, s. ilė, in lily-aily, s. ālė, in daily, gai'ly. 85. iety, s. Lete, in nullibi'ety, ubi'ety, society, medi'ety, nimi'ety, pi'ety, impiety, contrari'ety, variety, ebriety, sobriety, insobriety, notoriety, propriety, impropriety, sati'ety, anxiety. (aiety, s. äètė, in gai'ety. oiety, s. oy-é-tė, in moi'ety. 86. ity, s. et, in prob'ity, ascer'bity, sagac'ity, capacity, felicity, duplicity, velocity, atrocity, valid'ity, rapid'ity, florid'ity, profundity, de'ity, corpore'ity, verbal'ity, frugal'ity, liberal'ity, plurality, fatality, ability, &c. (ity s. itė, in) cit'y, pity. 87. osity, s. osėtė, in verbos'ity, morbosity, curiosity, sententios'ity, glandulos'ity, animos'ity, tenebrosity, numerosity, generosity, moros'ity, monstrosity, aquos'ity, flatuosity, unctuos'ity, &c. The NATIVES OF IRELAND should frequently pronounce the following words, as they commonly give them an improper sound. rm, at the end of a word, which the Irish pronounce in two syllables, must form only one. arm, farm, harm, charm, alarm', disarm', warm, swarm, sperm, term, misterm', firm, affirm', infirm', confirm', unfirm', form, deform', reform', efform', 'difform', cu'biform, inform', misinform', conform', perform', transform', platform, worm, glow'worm, turm; born, corn, scorn, adorn', horn, shorn, thorn, lorn, morn, torn, worn, sworn, burn, adjourn', mourn, spurn, turn, return', overturn', &c. Im, at the end of a word, must also be pronounced in one syllable. balm, embalm', calm, becalm', realm, halm, shalm, palm, psalm, qualm, elm, whelm, overwhelm', film, sea'holm. ey, in monosyllables, or when accented, sounds like ay in day, or ā. obey', disobey', fey, hey, they, whey, grey, prey, trey, convey', purvey', survey'.-key, and ley, s. kē, lē. a, accented, at the end of a syllable, sounds ā, or like ay in day. ra'diance, ra'diant, ra'dius, ra'diate, pa'tron, ma'tron, commenta'tor, a'lien, a'lienable, a'lienate, a'corn, a'ga, a'gency, a'gent, a'gio, a'gue, a'guish, pa'pacy, pa'pal, pa'pist, paper, pa'gan, pa'god.-father, papa, mamma, s. fa'ther, papa', mamma'. When a consonant follows the vowel a in the same syllable, and the accent is on the consonant, the vowel a has always its short sound, as in hat, man. mal'ice, man'age, man'cipate, man'ful, man'ner, man'ifold, man'sion, man'ual, hap'less, happy, haz'ard, hazardous, an'nals, an'nual, an'swer, an'tedate, an'them, ban'ish, banner, bat'tle, calam'itous, &c. The diphthong ea sounds ē when the vowel e is accented, as in sea'son, rea'son, &c. sea, sea'man, sea'port, sea'sonable, sea'soning, trea'son, trea'sonable, trea'tise, wea'ry, wea'risome, bea'ver, crea'ture, &c. (ea, s. ā, in) great a pear, a bear, to bear, to forbear', to swear, to tear, to wear. ei, sounded ā by the Irish, sounds ē in English. deceit', deceitful, deceive', deceiv'er, receive', receivable, receiv er, receipt', conceit', conceited, conceivable, conceive', perceive', perceivable, nei'ther, either, deceiv'ing, deceived', receiv'ing, received', conceiting, perceiv'ing, perceived', &c. (ei, followed by g, s. a, thus) reign, feign, deign, &c. (ei, s. ā, also in) rein, reins, vein, drein, veil, heir. C The final e mute makes the preceding e in the same syllable, when accented, have the sound of ē, as in supreme, sincere, replete. scheme, blaspheme', theme, supreme', extreme', sincere', insincere', severe', persevere, delete', replete', complete', incomplete', mete, secrete', concrete', discrete', &c.-ere, s. ār, in there and where. The following words are pronounced differently in IRELAND from what they are in ENGLAND. cheer'ful, fear'ful, door, floor, gape, gath'er, beard, bull, bush, push, pull, pulpit, calf, catch, coarse, course, court, malicious, pud'ding, quash, leisure, clam'our, drought, search, source, strength, length, strove, drove, ten'ure, ten'able, wrath, wroth, farewell, rode, strode, shone, schism, where'fore, therefore, breadth, cold, bold, cof'fer, endeav'our, foot, mischievous, on'ion, put, reach, squad'ron, zealous, zealot. FAULTS of the ENGLISH in PRONUNCIATION, and particularly of the LONDONERS. The letters sts, or tes, the plural of nouns, or the singular of verbs, must all be distinctly heard in one syllable. casts, out'casts, fasts, enthusiasts, blasts, masts, boasts, con'trasts, chests, jests, nests, for'ests, con'tests, guests, requests', con'quests; abates', ded'icates, com'plicates, sup'plicates, dates, mitigates, in'stigates, hates, me'diates, ex'piates, sa'tiates, ob'viates, relates', &c. v must never be pronounced for w, nor w for v. vale, valiant, valid, val'ue, van, var'nish, vast, vaunt, vehemence, vein, ven'erate, ven'ture, verge, vest, vic'ar, vice, view, village, vine, vin'egar, vi'olet, vir'tue, viv'id, wood, wood'land, word, work, worthy, &c. h after w must always be sounded. whale, wheat, whelm, when, whence, where, whereat', whereby', whereas', whereunto', whet, whether, whey, which, while, whilst, whim, whine, whip, whirl, whist, white, who, whoev'er, whole, &c. h must be sounded in such words as the following: hab'it, hail, hair, half, hall, halt, ham'let, hand, hang, hank, happy, harangue', har'ass, harbour, hard, hardheart'ed, harm, harmony, harp'er, har'row, haste, hate, hate'ful, haughty, haz'ard, head, head'long, heal, health, heap, hear, heart, heart'whole, heat, heath, hea'then, heave, heav'en, heed, height, height'en, hei'nous, held, helm, &c. In the following words the h is silent. heir, heir'ess, herb, herb'age, hon'est, hon'esty, honestly, hon'our, hon'ourable, honourably, hospital, hos'tler, hour, hourly, humble, hum'bles, hum'bled, hum'bly, hu'mour, humorist, hu'morous, hu'morously, hu'morsome. In the pronunciation of the following words the NATIVES of SCOTLAND are very liable to err. of, off, in'to, with, within', without', beneath', ere, erelong', erenow', erewhile', ne'er, e'er, and, man, an, wax, waft, are, were, have, hast, has, hath, had, do, dost, doth, does, might, could, would, should, shall, length, strength, long, strong, na'tion, nationa na'ture, natural, naturally, bold, hold, cold, sold, told, yet. |