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OR thousands of years a weary waiting world had anticipated the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The

promise of a Savior had been given to the first sinning pair. Priests and prophets had from time to time foretold the advent of the Redeemer of humanity. At length, in the fullness of time, the Son of God, the Divine Man, the incarnate Deity, the Second Person of the Adorable Trinity, was born of a woman in the lowly stable of Bethlehem, the city of David.

His was of humble birth, and his early years were spent in the home of an artisan, and with his own hands he earned his daily bread. But when he came to be thirty years of age, the age at which he was legally capable of entering upon his life work, he was no longer the toiler of Nazareth, he became the Great Teacher and Prophet of the Jewish people. Never man, before or since, spake like Jesus; never man lived a life of such absolutely sinless purity; never man wrought such wondrous and miraculous works; never man died a more shameful and ignominious death; never man rose so gloriously triumphant over death and the grave; never man ascended to the throne of eternal power and dominion as did Jesus, the Son of Mary.

If we

His command to every soul is, "Follow Me." obey the command, we will be no longer servants but friends, and we shall walk with him in close and loving fellowship. It is a blessed thing, a precious experience to walk with Jesus. When the two disciples walked with him, and he unfolded the Scriptures to them, their hearts burned within

them. When John Wesley came into communion with Jesus he felt his heart strangely warmed.

This volume, "A WALK WITH JESUS," takes the reader along the pathway pursued by the Redeemer from the manger-cradle to the tomb of Joseph, and from the tomb of Joseph to the throne of the eternal heavens. Our first glimpse of him is when we enter the dreary stable with the astonished shepherds, and find the Babe and his mother as the angels had declared. Our last view of him is as he rises from the earth, and is enwrapped with a flood of heavenly glory as he passes to the skies and we exclaim:

"Enter incarnate God!

No feet but thine have trod

The serpent down!

Blow the full trumpets, blow,
Wider yon portals throw,
Savior, triumphant go,

And take Thy crown!"

Would that thousands upon thousands might read this book, and thus become familiar with the words of Jesus, so that they may learn to love to walk with him day by day here on earth, and by and by, clad in white, walk with him the streets of gold in the paradise of God!


Boston, November, 1901.

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