Imágenes de páginas

at that age. 2. They are particularly fond | adapted to this tender age, when we are of hearing stories and histories, and thus almost incapable of abstraction. they listen with eager attention to their nurses or parents when they relate the absurd fables common amongst the people. Let us avail ourselves of this natural curiosity, and we may advantageously substitute for these foolish and tasteless stories some solid information, as, for instance, a sketch of sacred history, which may besides serve as an introduction to the doctrines of Christianity.

"To moral education and instruction belong the daily prayers in Italian for morning, noon, and evening, and for returning thanks, containing short, but fervent, liftings up of the mind to God, taken from the Scriptures and from the Catholic liturgy, and which are always accompanied with the Lord's Prayer, the Salutation of the Angels, &c. Add to this the explanations of the pictures of sacred his"The children themselves are our best tory, from which we do not fail to deduce guides as to the fittest method of commu- moral principles for the regulation of the nicating this sort of information to their conduct. The very discipline of the school young minds. If we show them a picture too is all a moral education, since it is inrepresenting either a figure or an action, dispensable to exact obedience and subthey eagerly examine it, and immediately ordination from all, by which they are habegin to ask, Who is this? Who is that? bituated to order. Whenever, too, slight What is he about? What's that? &c. Se- differences arise between the children, lecting then the best pictures representing they are taken advantage of to establish scenes of the sacred history, and showing principles of conduct and of mutual kindthem to the children, explaining the sub- ness, which are not slow to strike root in ject and the persons represented, they their tender minds, nor easily lose their inwill acquire with pleasure and insensibly, fluence in after-life. from their earliest years, much important religious knowledge.


"Their moral education is also promoted by the Psalms, which they learn as Again, it is a well-known fact that chil- they sing them. It is true that they may dren are fond of singing, and this exer- not comprehend all contained in these cise, when well directed, serves to give a hymns, but the time will come when they proper tone to the voice, and to communi- will understand their meaning; then, incate to the ear a sense of proper intona- stead of the indecencies and nonsense tion and harmony. It is besides of great contained in the songs of the people, use (and of this the schools afford repeat- they will find themselves instructed and ed examples) in preventing every defect strengthened with sentiments of a divine of the organs of speech, which, if neglect- morality. ed during the first years of childhood, may cause at a more advanced age the habit of stuttering; a most serious defect, which often becomes ridiculous and humiliating to persons of distinguished intellect. Lastly, children like to write, read, and count objects.

In conformity with the above observations, the following plan of education is constructed. As to the education and instruction of the intellect, it is proposed to effect this by the knowledge of familiar objects, and of their names, disposed systematically and distributed into classes; so that, while children learn them, they may be directed to distinguish their likeness or unlikeness, the whole and its various parts, the genera and species. In this part of instruction are comprised the names of the parts of the human body, of our clothes, and of the most common natural objects, divided into animals, vegetables, and earths, of food, of buildings, and of their parts, &c.

"The method employed for the communication of this and all other knowledge, is the demonstrative, that is, by the actual exhibition of the objects themselves, or of faithful representations of them. To this department of education belongs also the study of the alphabet, of reading, writing, and the first rules of arithmetic, as well as of religion, regarded as a principal object, and treated historically, as is most

"We now come to the physical education. The organs of the voice and of hearing are educated by the exercise of singing, and by the inspection of prints (in the choice of which the best and most regular should be selected) the sight is educated to appreciate what is beautiful and well proportioned. The games and gymnastic exercises adapted to their age and strength contribute greatly to give them force and agility. As a part of physical education, we must besides consider the regular life which they lead at the school, their frequent recreations, even the studies being conducted in the manner of a diversion, their eating at fixed hours and of wholesome food, the marching round the school-room, and the walking to and from the school."


Such are the principles upon which the Italian infant-schools are founded. furniture of one of these institutions is composed of few and simple articles. Besides the building and play-ground, with a few implements for gymnastic exercises, there are benches, and desks with slates let into the wood, for the highest class. The mistress has a desk with drawers for the registers, prints, &c.

Everything being taught by means of the sight or of imitation, books are not necessary. The subjects of instruction, besides

paces, their cries, &c., with injunctions to treat them always with kindness. The girls learn to sew, &c., both sexes to knit, and other easy work, whilst the youngest occupy their hands in picking to pieces silk rags.

We may here remark that, in the garden attached to the infant school at Geneva, we remarked beds of shrubs and flowers, protected only by a low slight fence, by which means the children are accustomed to abstain from exercising that destructive dispo sition in which they are naturally inclined to indulge. This would be an excellent idea wherever it could be contrived in England, where, it is a universal complaint, that the working classes, young and old, are more mischievous than those of any other nation.

It is found in Italy that a distribution of prizes in the infant-schools is rather injurious than otherwise, those who obtain them not understanding their value; while the rest, who receive nothing, are hurt and disappointed. Corporeal punishments are entirely unnecessary, and are completely excluded from these schools, the mistress be. ing only allowed to make the offender stand apart from his companions; and to induce him, by kind remonstrance, to feel sorrow for his fault and a desire for pardon.*

the prayers and psalms, are moral stories, illustrated by pictures; about which they are or parts of the Scriptures, related to the chil- questioned as to their uses, their food, their dren in pure and simple language, and after. wards more fully illustrated by pictures painted for the purpose by ladies of the societies, representing the scenes described, which particularly interest the children, and make them very attentive to the story, in order that, when the picture is exhibited, they may be able to understand it. This leads to questions on the scene represented in the picture, the persons, their attitudes, the color of their clothes, and innumerable others, all calculated to give a habit of observation and an idea of art. Pictures also of instruments employed in different trades, and men at work with them, are very interesting to the children, and afford a vehicle for much useful information. The youngest learn to repeat distinctly their own names, the parts of their persons, and of their clothing, the fur. niture of the room, and so on. They are taught to count first single numbers, then two at a time, three at a time, and so on; and the four rules of arithmetic-all by means of a great frame, having twelve wires, stretched horizontally one beneath another, on each of which are strung twelve balls. Numeration, or the value of figures, accord. ing to the place they occupy, is taught by a similar instrument, only having the wires perpendicular, with nine balls on each, all or any of which may be kept out of sight by means of a spring, which retains them behind a board by which the upper part of the wires is covered. The wires, beginning at the right of the spectator, correspond to the places of units, tens, hundreds, &c. Above each. wire may be placed moveable cards having the Arabic numerals on them, so as to exhibit to the children at the same time the actual number by means of the balls, and its corresponding Arabic representative. For teaching fractions another frame may be employed with horizontal wires, on the uppermost of which is strung a cylinder, on the second two cylinders, making, when joined, one of the same length as the first, and thus representing two halves; below is one divided into three equal parts, for thirds, another for quarters, and so on. Syllables, We were struck by an observation on this and then short words, are taught by placing subject made by the excellent director of the institution for schoolmasters at Lausanne. In a on a frame, in view of all the children, move- lecture on the principles of punishments, and the able cards having letters printed upon them. nature of those adapted to schools, he remarked The more advanced are called upon to come that the education of a child was wholly different to the frame and form a given word. They which results merely from fear is of little value, from the training of an animal. Obedience then pick out, one by one, from the case in the great object must be to reach the heart, and which the cards are contained, each letter to excite in the child a true repentance; whereas of the word, and then divide it into syllables, corporal punishment is considered by the child pronouncing each separately. Notions of the natural history of the domestic animals are taught by stories relating to them, and

A great deal of the benefit of these schools arises from the proper selection of the mistress, who keeps a register of any observations or incidents which she may think interesting. Ladies are also appointed by the societies to inspect the schools in turn, and they also keep a register of any interesting facts or reflections which may occur to them, which are read at the meetings of the committee. From this accurate study of a number of children, at an age when previously formed habits have less power to counteract the efforts of the teacher, the most valuable hints for the science of edu. cation may be obtained.

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In the spring of the present year, 1837,

to be in itself an expiation of his fault. On these principles the law on public instruction in the canton of Vaud expressly forbids corporal chastisement in the public schools.

there were in existence in the Lombardo-, ultra-purists raised a cry against the indeliVenetian kingdom, besides the infant-schools cacy of assembling infants of from one and at Cremona above mentioned, another in a half to five years old, of the two sexes, in that province, one in each of the provinces the same room, though they are placed at of Mantua and Bergamo, two at Venice, opposite ends of it. They took some pains to one at Vicenza, and one at Verona, while persuade the parents that it would be highly others were in preparation. On the 16th improper to allow their children to frequent of March, the secretary of the society for a school where such promiscuous associainfant schools in Milan made his report on tion was permitted. Next came the priests, their state in that city, which does the crying out against the scandal of teaching greatest credit to its inhabitants. The pre- children to say their prayers in their mosident of this interesting meeting was the ther-tongue. It gave us great pleasure to son of the great Beccaria a circumstance learn, however, that the evident advantages which could not but suggest to all present of the institution are every day winning to the progress which has been made in the the cause those who at first honestly objectassertion of the claims of humanity since ed to it from ignorance and prejudice. the period when his father raised his voice At the school which we visited we found against the cruelty and absurdity of the two Saurs de la Charité from near Turin, criminal law and procedure in his days. who had come expressly for the purpose of The report commences by detailing the ex- studying the system of instruction, in order, ertions of the committee, in obtaining for the with the approbation of the Sardinian goinfant school society the privileges of per- vernment, to establish a similar school on petuity and other advantages belonging to their return. But to return to our Report. what is called in Lombardy a causa pia. Within a year from the first commencement The first requisite towards this object was a of this new era in the education of Milan, capital properly invested, (patrimonio di there were opened three infant schools, consiabile dotazione,) for which purpose they taining 300 infants, who would shortly be succeeded in raising the large sum of 15,811 increased to 350, and they expected graAustrian lire, about 5271. The institution dually to add to these schools five others, had enjoyed the active support of the go- the building for one of which, to contain vernor of Lombardy, Count Hardig, the 150 children, had already been purchased,. protection of the vice-queen, and the super- so that they will be commensurate with the intendence of the Archbishop of Milan. wants of the population. Each school is These circumstances are of importance, in-under the immediate surveillance of an inasmuch as this is the first instance in Italy spector chosen from among the subscribers, where a similar object has been recognized and also is daily visited by one of the laby the government as of sufficient impor- dies of the society, who take this maternal tance to be ranked as a regular institution duty upon themselves in turn for a week at of public beneficence; having hitherto only a time. Six physicians and two surgeons been tolerated. That this object was not visit gratuitously the three infant schools, gained without considerable exertion may and make a report of the state of health of be supposed from some notices which we the children received, and of the effect of gathered from private sources on the spot. the change in their manner of life after When license was requested of the govern- their entrance. Four druggists furnish ment for the first school of the sort to be gratis the necessary medicines. The comopened at Milan, there were not wanting mittee chosen out of the whole society have those of the highest classes who opposed it the appointment of the mistresses, and of with all their influence, and went so far as the course of education pursued in all the to represent it to the government as an im- schools. moral proposal, and one of which they won. No little indirect advantage has accrued dered that a priest should be guilty. It to the poorer classes in Milan from the was observed to us, that, had it been a plan visits made at their houses by the inspectors for founding a new convent for monks or and the priests of the different parishes, in nuns, or for creating a school to be intrust- order to verify their claims to admission for ed to such hands, every assistance, pecu- their children into these schools, which are niary or of other kinds, would have been entirely gratuitous. The scenes of misery afforded. But to think of introducing an which these visits have revealed would institution copied from the heretics of Great have too often passed unheard of and unreBritain or Switzerland was too bad. When, lieved, but for this happy accident bringing however, by the enlightened support of the charitable persons to their doors. The ingovernment, these objections were over- human custom, which a false charity has ruled, and the school put in operation, the made so common in Italy, of abandoning

their infants to the foundling hospital, has pleasure of perusing one or two of several received a check, as has been the case in incidents mentioned in the Report, in proof other cities, by the establishment of these of the success of these instructions, though schools. "Four mothers," says the Report, commenced only a few months before. "upon the simple promise that their children should be received into the schools, immediately claimed them from the foundling hospital, and were preserved from the necessity of placing their infants there by the relief afforded them in the reception of their elder children into the schools."

The physicians, in their report to the society, express themselves satisfied with the improvement in the health of the children, consequent on their attendance at the schools. Of the school of S. Francesco de Paola it says,

"The improvement in the general health of this school is surprising. A sufficiency of food of good quality, administered at stated hours, the alternation of repose with a judicious exertion of mind and body, and cleanliness in their persons and dress, which is enjoined upon the parents as a particular duty, appear to have produced an effect so great that it may be almost called a prodigy. So that whoever remembers the condition in which we re

ceived these children, and compares it with that which they now present, will be really affected by it, a reward almost too abundant for those who, either with their money or their care, have assisted in restoring to society, as active and useful members, those who otherwise, afflicted with a painful existence, would only have

been a burden to it."

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The mistress of the school of S. M. Segreta having gone into the country on account of her health, the children, quite afflicted at not finding her on their arrival at school one morning, begged the assistant mistress (who was the mother of the other) to allow them to say an Ave Maria. “And for whom," said she, "do you wish to say it?" To which the children answered with emotion, We wish to say it for our dear angel (angioletto) who, we fear, is ill." " And who is this dear angel?" asked the assistant in astonishment. Our good mistress," ," answered the children in distress. They had given this seraphic name to their excellent instructress, for whose restoration to health they were anxious to offer their prayers to the Virgin. Such a spontaneous proof of affection towards her daughter, on the part of sixty infants, was so affecting a spectacle that the mistress declared that she never should forget it.

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On another occasion, the mistress was compelled to employ the only chastisement permitted in those schools, that of making the naughty child stand apart from its companions; and this correction was to be applied to a little girl who was generally the best in the school. Unaccustomedto such a punishment, confused and weeping, she had not courage to move from her place: the mistress had hardly risen to compel her obeTurning now from the physical condi- dience, when all the children together begtion of these infants to their moral and in-ged her to pardon the delinquent. The partellectual training, the Report correctly don was granted to this unanimous intercesstates the true intention of these institutions. sion, and this act of benevolence on the part It consists not so much in a precocious de- of her companions had the happiest effect in velopment of the intellect, as in a well- preventing the little girl from falling again directed preparation for the most useful no inte any offence. tions of practical life, and, more than all, in the fostering religious and moral sentiments, which may be reduced by practice and example to fixed and unshaken habits. The system of Aporți, detailed in the Manual of the Abate Ferranti Aporti, and also in his Guide for Infant Shools, published in 1835, of which we have already given some idea, has been adopted at Milan.

But the chief care is bestowed, in all these exercises, in their amusements, and, on every occasion which presents itself, on creating in them proper feelings, respect for each other's property, abhorrence of falsehood, habits of obedience and docility, gratitude and benevolence to each other, by settling their little disputes, and making them, as far as possible, judges of their own actions. We cannot refuse our readers the

So natural is the taste for singing among the children of Italy, that the introduction of this exercise has been found one of the most ready means of rendering them docile and obedient. The Report says:

"The privileged race which draws its breath under the sky of Italy is born for song; set them singing, and you have already civilized them! From the instinct of imitation, most of them on entering the schools had already caught some of the unrefined songs common among the people. It became then important to substitute for these songs a better kind, and this part of their education has had this happy dren frequent the schools, the elder memeffect that, in those families whose chilbers have learned from the little creatures the hymns which the latter brought home with them, and thus perhaps the praises of

their Maker, and of the virtues of Christians, have forever superseded the indecent airs in which they before indulged.”

On Christmas-day last, the rector of S. M. Segreta allowed the children of the school over which he presides with such activity, to sing Manzoni's splendid hymn on the Nativity, in his church. The innocent voices of those infants moved to tears all the congregation; it was like the song of the angels who first announced the great


by repairing a street leading to one of the schools, and ordered besides a flagging to be laid expressly for the accommodation of children frequenting this establishment. The small expense at which an immense benefit may be diffused by these institutions is proved by the accounts of those of Milan, as everywhere else; 45 Austrian lire, or 17. 10s. English, being sufficient for a year's education for each child, besides supplying them with a sort of frock with sleeves to be worn in school, a dinner in the middle of the day, and medical attendance.

"We know not how to express," says schools that the public spirit of the inhabiIt is chiefly in the infant and Sunday the Report, "the humble joy with which the parents that day took their children tants of Lombardy can manifest itself in the home from church. They had become, furtherance of education, whereas in Tusas it were, sacred in their eyes: they had cany a much wider field is open for the exsung the praises of their Maker in a way ertions of philanthropy, the instruction of which the more advanced in life cannot the lower orders of all ages being very imequal. All the poor people present desired perfectly provided for. The Tuscans have to have some connection, either by relationnot neglected this opportunity of proving ship or by kind offices, with these infants; they were proud of possessing little crea- that the liberality and energy in theprotures so improved. Such a solemn con- motion of public objects, which rendered solation afforded to the poor man is of the their country so remarkable in the history greatest effect in filling his heart with the of former times, is still not extinct. A syscomforting persuasion that his tears are tem of government schools was indeed es wiped away, and his griefs alleviated. He tablished by the great reformer Leopold I., returned home blessing in his heart the and yet exists in the laws, but has been in charity of his country, and blessing the paternal care of the government, which had general allowed to fall into a state of leso steadily supported from its first birth thargy, and where it yet shows some signs this institution of true Christian charity." [of life, is little in unison with the wants of the present age. This state of things has The general interest which these insti- stimulated private beneficence to endeavor tutions are beginning to excite in Milan, to supply the deficiency, according to the now that their claims to public support are wants and means of satisfying them possessmore generally known, may be judged of ed by each locality. Hence, no general by the fact, that, notwithstanding the great description can be given of the means of eduexertion necessary, on the part both of pri- cation in Tuscany, no regular system bevate individuals and of the authorities, for ing established, but each part being differmitigating the terrors of the cholera, which ently circumstanced. Though, however, visited Milan last year, not only were large the population may by this means be less sums subscribed for the permanent founda- uniformly supplied with instruction, this tion and annual expenses of the schools, but others sent presents of linen, furniture, and other necessaries, whilst the very workmen rivalled each other in the moderation of their prices and their rapidity in executing the necessary adaptations in the buildings appropriated to the schools.

It has been before stated, that gentlemen of the medical profession afford their time and skill gratuitously, and the same is done by the architects who furnish plans for the buildings. Ladies (including the vicequeen) have contributed work to be disposed of by lottery for the benefit of the schools, and some of the first painters and sculptors of the city have likewise contributed the fruits of their genius in aid of these excellent institutions. The corporation manifested its interest for their prosperity

state of things favors the development of an originality and independence of ideas, from which the science of education has much to hope, and which may render the schools of Tuscany as eminent in the science of teaching, as its republics of old were in that of government. In this country both infant and Lancasterian schools have taken root in a congenial soil, and flourish with an independent and vigorous growth, quite different from that of an institution merely borrowed from another people.

In the year 1835, the population of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany amounted to 1,421,000.

Omitting the academical instruction afforded in Tuscany by the Universities of Pisa and Siena, (founded in 1160 and 1275, and containing, the first, about 600,

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