Imágenes de páginas

nearly a new work. The appearance of this edition has been accelerated by a Belgian reprint of the whole, which is said to be a sad jumble, and utterly unfitted for its object.

The learned society of the Benedictines published, in 1788, the first volume of the works of Gregory Nazianzen, and were about to publish the second, when the French Revolution broke out, and put an end to the society and its labours. The MS. of the second volume having lately been discovered, it is now in the press, and will be published in eight livraisons.

a scientific expedition to the Scandinavian peninsula ard Spitzbergen, the leader of which is M. Gaimard, the naturalist, who conducted the recent expedition to Iceland. It is said that Louis Philippe, who travelled through Sweden and Norway, Lapland and Finland in 1795, takes a particular interest in the expedition, and has himself pointed out the objects most worthy of attention. The Sweedish government lends its cordial assistance, and a body of Norwegian and Swedish naturalists and engineers are to join the French savans. Some of the party are to winter in Hammerfest, near North Cape. The vessel destined for Spitzbergen is to at

De Lamartine has just published a new tempt the passage northwards to the North poem, entitled, La Chute d'un Ange.

M. de Tocqueville has a new work on Ame rica in the press; and his friend and fellowtraveller, M. de Beaumont's long-expected work on Ireland is also announced.

M. Salvador, a Jewish writer, the author of some interesting works, has just published a work on Jesus Christ and his doctrines, with the History of the Church during the first century; of which we hope shortly to give

an account.

A collection of the principal Architectural Monuments in France, in the Byzantine and Gothic styles, is now in course of publication, in 10 livraisons, at 6 francs 50 centimes each. The appearance of such a work, and of a little volume which we have lately read with great pleasure, Les Eglises Gothiques," of which we are happy to see a translation announced, is a proof of the advances now mak-| ing in France towards a better appreciation and care of her valuable remains in Gothic architecture.


Mignet, the author of the History of the French Revolution, is now writing a History of the French Reformation, and has for this purpose applied to the Grand Duke of Weimar for the use of the Ernestine and Saxon Annals, through the French ambassador, Count Larochefoucault.

J. J. Porchat, Professor of Roman Literature at Lausanne, has by his "Glamires d'Esope" proved himself a singularly successful fabu. list. Even French critics allow that he comes nearest of any writer to Lafontaine; and this praise from a Frenchman must be highly flattering to M. Porchat. His ideas and expressions are both novel and well chosen. In the free country in which the author resides, he is at liberty to state his political opinions, which saves much circumlocution.

Colonel Mitchell, author of the Life of Wallenstein, is engaged on a Life of Napoleon, in which he intends directly to combat the received opinions of the high genius of the French Emperor.

Pole. Thus, as M. d'Urville, who sailed last year in command of the Zelée and Astrolabe, had orders to approach the south pole as near as possible, the French government will have to boast that its efforts in behalf of science extended at the same time from pole to pole.


The lovers of the Spanish drama have been put in possession of a valuable selection of the best pieces, from its origin to the present time, by the publication, in 5 vols. 8vo. of the Tesoro del Teatro Espanol, por Don Eugenio de Ochoa. The first volume contains Mora. tins' excellent work on the Origin of the Spanish Theatre, and biographical notices and notes are interspersed, which add greatly to the value and interest of the publication. The work is printed at Paris, by Baudry.

The theatres of Madrid were of late overflowing nightly to see a dramatic curiosity, a play written by an uneducated and wholly illiterate man, a serjeant in the Spanish army. The singularity of the circumstances under which it is produced is said to be the least merit of El Trovador, so the piece is called, which is admitted by competent judges, and there are few so severe as the Spaniards, to develop dramatic talent of a very high order.

Another dramatic effort of even higher, but more cultivated powers, is a production entitled El Amante, or The Lover, the author of which, however, is the son of a German se:tled in Spain, and like the preceding, in rather humble life.

The success of these two dramas has been prodigious.


There has lately been found in the Vatican library a manuscript containing songs written and composed by Abelard, with the original musical notation. The Abbé Baini is employed in rendering them into the modern notes, and a German savant, to whom this curious and valuable discovery is owing, The French government are about sending | hopes shortly to be able to publish it.

The Trieste bookseller, Marenigh, has un-riod of thirteen years. The highest amount dertaken the publication of a splendid edition of gold raised was in 1834, when there were of Tasso's "Gerusalemme Liberata," which obtained 898,000 dollars. Last year only is said to excel every thing that has been lately published in Italy. It will appear in about twenty-one parts, each embellished with a splendid engraving, by the famous Raphael Morghen. Tasso's Life, his Funeral Speech, the parallel of Metastasio between Goffredo and Orlando, and Tasso's Portrait, engraved by one of the first masters, will unite to render this a most splendid and valuable edition.


The Commercial Gazette of St. Petersburg contains a detailed statement of the produce of gold and platina from the mines of the Ural, during 1837; from which it appears that the quantity of gold from the government mines was 131 poods: and from those belonging to individuals, 178 poods 23 lbs. The platina obtained from the government mines was only 16 lbs., and that from those belonging to individuals 118 poods 12 lbs. The aggregate quantity of gold from the Ural mines, including fractions, was therefore 309 poods 23 lbs.; and of platina, 118 poods 28 lbs. The same journal also states that the gold mines of Siberia produced 130 poods, and that 30 poods more were extracted from the silver mines of Altai and Nertchinsk, which, added to the produce of the Ural mines, made the total amount of gold obtained during the year, in Russia, 470 poods, being 48 poods more than in 1836. The pood is equal to about 40 lbs.

282,000 in gold were obtained from the mines of the United States. The mines of Georgia, North and South Carolina, and Virginia, have produced the greater portion of gold. The total quantity raised in the period stated is 5,126,500. The official return states, the production of the mines went on increasing from 1824, when the first gold was collected in North Carolina, to 1834, when it had reached its maximum, namely, 898,000. From this time it has declined, so as to have been reduced in the last year to 282,000.

A human skeleton has been brought to Baltimore from the Rocky Mountains. It is perfect, and 8 feet 9 inches high. "There were giants in the earth in those days!" Antiquarians have been of opinion that this continent was inhabited by a gigantic race of men, antecedently to the Indians, who were the ancestors of the present so-called "Aborigines;" and the circumstance of colossal skeletons and human bores being found in the ancient mounds of the far west, clear that the ancient animals of North would seem to favour the supposition. It is

America were of immense size, the Masto

don (Mammoth), to wit, the bones of which are quite common; and the Indian tribes have traditions of the great beast that crushed the pine trees in his walk, and fed upon the tall branches of the forest, or devoured

men and cattle.

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THE EGYPTIAN SOCIETY.-An Egyptian Society has been formed at (Cairo) Kahira, of which Alfred S. Walne, Esq. her Majesty's Vice-Consul, is honorary secretary. The first annual Report has appeared.

It states that a literary union is now formed where nothing of the kind existed before, and will only require time to render it eminently serviceable to antiquarian, literary or scientific research.

The number of members (twenty) is com plete, and twenty-three honorary or associate members have joined the society already. Many interesting volumes on the East have been contributed by various persons. The funds are

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P. 3,599 9,028 10




in relation to Egypt, or from gentlemen who have especially promoted the objects and interests of the society. With the exception of taking a part in the government of the society, associate members enjoy the same privileges as the members. To be eligible as an associate member, a gentleman, if not usually resident in, must at least have visited Egypt, and have passed two months either in this country, or in those parts of Africa and Asia which are immediately connected with, or tributary to it. It is necessary that he be recommended in writtng by two members; the election must take place at a general meeting and be by ballot, two black balls to exclude. Associate members pay an annual subscription of one guinea. The contribution of five guineas at once constitutes a life associate member. The president, treasurer, secretary and council of management, are annually elected from the members.

Honorary Members, The Right Honoura12,627 10 ble Lord Prudhoe; J. G. Wilkinson, Esq.President, A. C. Harris, Esq.-Treasurer, P. Taylor, Esq.-Honorary Secretary, A. 1,359 23 Walne, Esq,-Members, H. Č. Agnew, Fsq.; T. Bell, Esq.; M. Bonfort; Lieut.-Colonel Campbell; M. Laurin; M. Fresnel; G. Glid298 10 don, Esq.; J. Hanny, Esq.; Hikekvan Effen34 20 di; J. Laidlaw, Esq.; Rev. R. T. Leider; M. Linant; W. Peel, Esq; M. Piozin, Esq.; A. Thurburn, Esq.; R. Thurburn, Esq.; M. Tippel; J. Traill, Esq.-Non-resident Associate Members, R. Corden, Esq.; Dr. W. F. Cumming; R. Goff, Esq.; M. A. De Holynsky; M. E. De Holynski: Sir F. Hopkins, Bart.; E. K. A. Hume, Esq.; Lord Lindsay; W. W. Ramsay, Esq.; Hon. M. Rowley; Lieut. Wellsted, R. J. N.; Dr. Wilson; Rev. J. Wolffe.-Resident Associate Members, M. le Chevalier D'Anastasy; M. Caviglia; M. Dumreicher; M. De Lesseps; M. Lubbert; M. Matthieu; Dr. Pruner.

4,614 15 The balance, P. 8,012: 35 is available for the purchase of standard works for the library.


The society invite communications. The objects of the association are:-1st. To form a rendezvous for travellers, with the view of associating literary and scientific men who may from time to time visit Egypt. 2d. To collect and record information rela. tive to Egypt and to those parts of Africa and Asia, which are connected with, or tributary to this country. 3d. To facilitate research, by enabling travellers to avail themselves of REMARKABLE ANTIQUITIES OBTAINED BY DR. such information as it may be in the power LöwE.-Since our last Dr. Löwe writes from of the society to obtain, and by offering them Thebes, under date of January 21st, that he the advantage of a library of reference con- has been as far as Darr and Samneh in Ethitaining the most valuable works on the opia, and might have gone farther, but found, East. The Egyptian Society is open to after eight days spent in the Ethiopian desgentlemen of all nations, and is composed of ert, that for whatever he wanted he could get Members, Honorary Members, and Associate nothing from his servants but the words rach, Members. The members (the number of maksour, matt-stolen, broken, dead! whom is at present limited to twenty) are the met Dr. Bowring at Esneh, in his way from trustees of the institution, direct the disposal Essouan to Kahira, and says that that gentleof the funds, and have the general govern-man had obtained from the pacha letters to ment of the society. To be eligible as a abolish the slave-trade entirely, and expected member, a gentleman must have been at similar success regarding the Abyssinian least one year an associate member, and be war. recommended in writing by three members. The learned Doctor further states, that The election must take place at a general could he read hieroglyphics as freely as meeting, and be by ballot, one black ball to his mother tongue, there are enough in · exclude. Members pay an annual subscrip- scriptions to employ him for six months at tion of one guinea, but those elected after the Thebes, which city he very happily desig25th March, 1837, will pay in addition an nates, "a forest of monuments"-" the admittance fee of one guinea. The contribu- London of Egypt." He has also picked tion of ten guineas at once constitutes a life- up much information respecting the Karamember. Honorary members will be elected ites (lately in London), and trusted to only from literary and scientific men, who learn something of their literati in Kahira. have particularly distinguished themselves Among the antiquities in Dr. Löwe's



possession are, he writes, a ring at least 1253 years old, with the cufic inscription, TO HIM IS THE RELIGION OF IBRAHIM. The im-likely to come under the notice of learned The language of this country is at last pression of this ring is on the wax of the Europeans, Dr. Löwe having, during his Doctor's letter. The Arabs, he observes, residence there, completed a called themselves so before the introduction of Islam. (See also Foreign Quarterly Review, Oct. 1836, Art. “Arabia.") He has also, he states, 66 a beautiful polished case, belonging to Rameses the Great, 3338 years old." Likewise, "a ring to which all the instruments of masonry are attached;" it is "cleverly executed," and is intended by Dr. Löwe as a present to his royal highness the Duke of Sussex.

The German traveller, Albo von Katte, who, from Arabia passed over to Abyssinia in July, 1836, returned in December last to Cairo, where he is engaged in writing the history of his adventures. He is said to be a man of some science, and to have been well provided with instruments; yet, as we know that he was soon robbed of these, that he was a long time afflicted with ophthalmia, and never penetrated beyond Tigre, we do not expect to find much that is valuable or novel in his narrative. His losses and sufferings, however, have by no means damped his courage. Incited, we are told, by the accounts which he has received from the black merchants and pilgrims in Egypt and Nubia, respecting the facility of penetrating into the heart of Africa from the east, by the way of Darfúr, Beghirmé, Bornú, &c. to Timbuctú, he has determined to make the attempt. There is no doubt that the portion of this route which was once most formidable, is now become safe and easy under the sway of Mohammed Ali.

SINGULAR DISCOVERY BY COLONEL VYSE. Colonel Vyse, who is carrying on excavations at the Pyramids of Ghizeh on a magficent scale, has already been rewarded for his labours as they best deserve. He has discovered no less than three chambers over the king's chamber in the Great Pyramid: they are, however, mere entresols to take off the superincumbent weight, and contain nothing. Colonel Vyse has designated two of these chambers by the names of Nelson and Wellington; the third he has devoted to a lady of rank. The last is remarkable as containing this cartouch; vide "e" of the unplaced kings in Wil· kinson's plates. Rosellini, who found the name in one of the tombs, reads Seamphis.

This curious discovery establishes that the Pyramids were not built anterior to the

use of hieroglyphics, and that Sephis was the builder, as stated by Manetho.

Many other highly interesting things are also brought to light, but cannot be enumerated here.

Grammar and Vocabulary, the first ever
compiled, as the language has never be-
fore been reduced to writing, and which
ed author's return to England.
will be published immediately on the learn-

Berber dialects of Algiers or Dongola, or
This tongue bears no resemblance to the
any other known to Dr. Löwe.

The Doctor has also procured some specimens of Nubian poetry.


Rev. Dr. Marshman, the Chinese scholar
We regret to announce the death of the
and missionary, at Serampore on the 5th
December, 1836, in his seventieth year.

Leigh, in Wilts, of an obscure parentage,
He was born in April, 1768, at Westbury
but traced his decent back to an officer in
Oliver Cromwell's army, and who, at the
restoration, abandoned the service.

The father of Dr. Marshman was originally a tailor, but settled at Westbury as a weaver, and married there. At the age of eight, young Marshman displayed an extreme propensity to reading; his studies, though from his circumstances necessarioften travel ten or twelve miles to borrow ly desultory, were unremitting. He would and accurate knowledge of history were a book. At the age of twelve his memory astonishing. This faculty he retained to the last. Åt fifteen he was placed with a bookseller in London; at seventeen he returned to the country, and by the time he was eighteen years of age he had perused more than 500 volumes.

He now studied Latin, and applied himself to reading works on divinity, without any distinction of sect. At twenty-three he married Miss Clarke, the daughter of a Baptist minister, and at twenty-five succeeded in obtaining a mastership in a school at Bristol, with a salary of 401. per annum. His leisure hours were occupied by a school of his own, and Mr. Rich, the late learned and assiduous British Consul at Bagdad, was one of his pupils. Marshman subsequently entered as a student, at Dr. Ryland's Baptist Seminary, where he applied himself to Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, and Arabic.

In 1799 he went out as a missionary to join Dr. Carey in India, and landed at Serampore in October of that year. The mischiefs created by excess of missionary zeal in various places, were however a subject of just apprehension to Lord Wellesley at that time: and the more, as several French priests were acting as emissaries of their government in India, and an invasion of the English dominions there

was expected. A whimsical error added ertions in the sscred cause of religion were to those suspicions: the arrival of Marsh- unremitting to the last, though his mind man was announced as that of a Papist, was deeply affected by the demise of Mr. instead of a Baptist missionary, and the Carey in June, 1834, after a close co-opevigilance of Lord Wellesley refused the ship ration of thirty-five years; and the painful a port clearance, unless the captain would death of his daughter, Mrs. Haviland, in engage to take back the obnoxious Papist. October last, gave a final blow to his sysThe mistake was explained; but Marsh- tem, from the effects of which he never man, with his companions, found it more thoroughly rallied. eligible to remain under the shelter of the Danish authorities. Dr. Carey soon after joined them, and hence originated the Serampore mission.

Tall, strong, and of an iron constitution, Dr. Marshman braved the climate of India without any ill effects. He arose at four to commence the business of the day. Ilis The difficulties experienced previous to knowledge and amiability rendered him a obtaining the charter of 1813, which grant- delightful companion; to his interiors he ed free access for missionaries to India, conducted himself with gentleness and humihad probably the salutary effect of re- lity; and as a husband and a parent, he was straining the superincumbent zeal of that unsurpassed and unsurpassable. Mrs. Marshclass generally, and which has led to such man, who died, we believe, about ten years disastrous results in places where the vi- before her husband, bore him twelve children; gilance of the authorities has unhappily five of whom have survived their father. slumbered. The conduct of the joint-la-! Piety, firmness, energy, and preseverance, bourers, Ward, Marshman, and Carey, were the characteristics of Dr. Marshman. was, however, above all praise; and, in To the labours of the mission he was a deaddition to his sacred duties, the subject votee without bigotry; and evinced singular of this notice undertook in 1806 the study personal disinterestness in all pecuniary matof Chinese, and published subsequently a ters. translation of the Scriptures into that tongue and also a grammar. He princi

The wild Khonds of the Ghoomsoor country bring up children expressly for sacrifice; above 100 have lately been rescued by a recent expedition under Col. Campbell.

Near Madras children are stolen for a re. gularly established traffic by the natives.

THUGGEES.-The readers of our last numpally contributed to the efficacy of the ber (XL.) will be suprised to learn that a noLoli-Bazar Chapel in Calcutta, by going torious Thug has arrived at Madras, where, from house to house to solicit contribu- it is stated, two hundred of the same craft tions, for which he was personated "as a are to be found "practising their vocation!" pious missionary begging subscriptions" at a masqued ball given to Lord Minto. The jest was extremely successful, and the pious representative was said to have reaped an ample harvest by his ingenuity, Marshman, who appears to have viewed the matter in a serious light, and was probably ignorant that similar freaks in Eng-| land have had equal success, endeavoured idly, but with honest simplicity, to discover his rival of an hour,* and render him a fellow-labourers of the vineyard in earnest, by inducing him to refund his acquisitions. The Bishop of Calcutta is collecting mateDr. Leyden, however, though acquainted rials for the Early History of Christianity with the name of the pseudo-missionary, in India, and has procured various documents, would never disclose it, and seems to it is said of considerable importance, as have considered the affair in its real light. throwing a light upon the difficult and obThis appears to have offended Dr. Marsh- scure question of the antiquities of the Nestorian and Armenian churches.


The establishment of the admirable Benevolent Institution at Calcutta was the joint work of Leyden, Hare, and Marsh man; the latter became secretary, and retained the office during his life. He also assisted Dr. Carey in translating the three volumes of the Ramayuna, published in English.

An Anglo-Persian map of India, by Mr. Tassin, has been recently published at Calcutta, in six sheets.

BOMBAY.-The last dawk (or post) from Bombay to Calcutta weighs about two maunds or 160 lb., containing 1500 covers, including newspapers. An extraordinary increase of communication.

In the Chamber of Commerce at Calcutta, In 1826 he returned to England, and it was proposed to petition government for urged every where in public addresses continuing the commerce by the Red Sea, while travelling throughout the United even if steamers should be dispatched to the Kingdom the cause of missions. He Persian Gulf.

thence proceeded to Denmark, and recei

ved from Frederick VI. a Charter of Incor- A petition has been signed by thousands poration for the College of Serampore, to of natives praying the government to instiwhich he returned in May 1829. His ex-tute Sanscrit schools, in order that one ge neral language may supersede the many dialects of Bengal.

* Asiatic Journal, May.

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