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a Christian's strength, she would often say, consisted in being much alone with God, and prizing His presence above all others.

It will be remembered how much she was attached to her master and mistress. Her heart yearned over them, and feeling that she was about to go to that land where all distinctions are unknown, she one day, when very ill, told me of her earnest desire to write to them. She then dictated to me a most faithful and touching letter, whic she requested me not to post till after her death. I need scarcely say that the confidence thus reposed in me was sacred.

Anne was only entirely confined to bed for about ten days before the silver cord was loosened. I visited her on the 22d of September, and found her very ill, so ill that she could scarcely speak to me. Mind and body seemed almost prostrate. As is not unfrequently the case where "the prey

has been taken from the mighty, and the lawful captive delivered," (Isa. xlix. 24,) Satan took advantage of great weakness to try his fiery darts, and to disturb the dying believer, though the power to destroy was gone. There was a disturbed expression on her usually placid face, and after reading a portion of God's Word and sitting by her in silence for a time, she said, "Oh, ma'am, I was sorely tempted last night, and was in great distress, till that verse was borne in upon my soul so sweetly, The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.' (John xiv. 30.) In me he has everything, but in my Surety nothing; and it is in Him I stand acquitted. Oh, that verse was precious to me!"

Saturday, Sept. 24, she had rallied in a slight degree, but was still in much suffering. Her mind, however, was as clear as ever. I spoke of the foundation laid in Zion, and of its preciousness when heart and flesh faileth.

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She looked earnestly at me, and said, "Satan says, I'll go to hell, because I am such a sinner. Jesus says, No. His precious blood cleanseth from all sin.' (1 John i. 7.) True," she added, "I am a sinner, a vile sinner, but Jesus died for me."

I read at her request 1 John i., and prayed with her.

"It will not be long now," I said, you see Jesus."


Her eye brightened. "And, oh, maʼam, how grand the awaking will be! And to join the glorious throng, and the harpers harping upon their harps! I have read of one who said he would like to creep into heaven at Manasseh's back, but I'll not get leave to creep in, because I am hid in Jesus."

Monday, Sept. 26, she was very ill, and scarcely spoke. I read at her request Rom. iii., a favourite chapter of hers. She enjoyed it much. "Oh," she exclaimed, "what a glorious chapter for poor sinners! What

the law could not do, Jesus did, to shew forth His righteousness."

Wednesday, Sept. 28, death was evidently drawing near, or rather her entrance into life. She had sent for me, fearing if I did not call that day, she might not see me again, I stood by her bed, I must own, with sorrowful feelings at the prospect of so soon losing her. She fixed her eyes upon me with a grateful, loving expression, and thanked me for all I had done for her.

"It will soon

Truly I felt I was her debtor. "I am very ill," she said. be over. Will you read me the 23d Psalm ?" As I read the 4th verse, she exclaimed, "Yes! Thou art with me-Thou art with me!"

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Satan does not trouble you now," I said.

Not much," she replied, " and the Lord's Word is faithful. I am not going to be cheated by Satan's lies now-the Lord's presence is very precious." She asked for the hymn commencing,

"Shall I distrust my Saviour's love,
Or doubt His promised grace?"

One of her dearest friends, a servant who had been absent in the country with her mistress for some time, Anne had been longing to see, and had been counting the days for her return. They were very closely united in Christian love. Knowing how anxious she had been regarding this, I said to her, "Jane returns to-morrow—perhaps you may yet be spared to see her."

"I seem scarcely to care now," was her reply, "though I love her dearly, for I shall see Him. Oh, ma'am, perhaps I may see Jesus to-day!"

In the afternoon of the same day, I saw her again, when she was much in the same state.

Sept. 29, Miss B and I went together to see her. Miss B- read the first chapter of 1st Peter. She could only speak a word or two at a time, and with great difficulty.


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