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VERY Monday some new pretender to public favour
takes down his shutters and displays his wares. The
power he courts is both inexorable and impartial. If there be
an acknowledged scarcity of the commodity in which he
deals, or if he alone supplies any newly created demand, suc-
cess will crown his venture. If these conditions do not exist,
he must claim his reward upon the ground of superiority over
his competitors, or withdraw into the background from which
he emerged.

Conscious of th e parallel between a literary and a com-
mercial undertaking, the Monday Review comes before the
public, fearlessly and firmly, with an honest purpose and a
hopeful spirit. It asserts its claim to be possessed of the condi-
tions requisite for success. Of its ability the conductors cannot
be the judges:-but it may be permitted them to declare the posi-
tion it proposes to fill, and the policy it is established to support.
Among the obvious benefits of the division of time, none
is greater than the opportunity which is thereby afforded for
prospect and review. The light of the past is the surest
guide in the uncertain path of the future, and at the commence-
ment of the labours of a new week, a faithful record of its
predecessor, an honest comment upon its events, at once
turning back a comprehensive glance at the six days gone,
and casting forward a prescient gaze at those which are to come,
may well deserve to be a popular companion. We have no
desire to establish our own supremacy by disparagement of
our weekly contemporaries, but it is simple truth to say that a
Monday Review can alone aspire to fulfil this especial duty.

There is, then, in the very name of this Review, an implied

purpose sufficiently distinct to gain for it, by a mere casual

introduction, an acknowledgement of being, in the language

of modern politicians, "the right thing in the right place."

Its conductors are thus all the more justified in their anticipa-

tion of success, when this fitness in name, and time of appear-

ance, are but useful adjuncts to the performance of a high

political function, and to the expression of a policy which,

though without a faithful representative in the press, is yet

thoroughly national and most truly popular. This Review

will date its commencement from a period when the tide

of a general Conservative reaction had hemmed within limits

too narrow to be useful the political sentiments of many of

the leading members of the party. The Conservative journals

have chosen to confine themselves to the circumscribed range

of partisanship, regarding their party merely as a jealous

Opposition, and thus becoming rather the advocates of poli-

ticians than the exponents of a policy. It is the fundamenta-

error of certain Reviews also, that they are simply stored with
querulous philosophy, which adopts wholesale the destruc-
tive spirit of analysis with nothing of the hopeful synthetical
restorative. This Review will be the representative of inde-
pendent Conservatism; of a living Conservatism, in harmony
with the healthy and vigorous Constitution of our country, and
with the political sympathies which the enjoyment of such a
constitution engenders.

We aspire to the unoccupied position of interpreters of
English Constitutionalism in a spirit necessarily Conservative
because it is patriotic. This Constitution is Protestant in
its religious, liberal in its political character. We shall not
stultify our adherence to it by becoming anywhere the sup-
porters of despotism, whether clerical or secular. And re-
joicing in the precious blessings of Constitutional Monarchy,
to assimilate her institutions more closely to those so deservedly
we shall sympathise with the efforts which Italy is making
cherished in our own country. Protestant Conservatism can-
not sympathise with Austrian Imperialism, and is essentially
opposed to the doctrine of the Kreuz Zeitung party in Prussia.
As English Constitutionalists, it will be our duty to oppose with
unwavering fidelity the political machinations of the Papacy,
and at the same time to assist in the great work of popularising

of giving life and vigour-to the Church. A Protestant
national policy at home is identical with a liberal policy
abroad; and these, together with a domestic policy conserva-
tive of the well-adjusted balance of the Constitution, will be
the main articles of our political faith. The Monday Review
will be the zealous advocate of Church Reform, and the staunch

opponent of Romanising influences. It desires to see the

Church practically national; and regarding it as composed of the

clergy and laity undivided and inseparable, it will support a

wise admixture of lay agency in the management of its


Free from the misguiding influences of party spirit, this

Review will not seek to dispossess the Government of Lord
PALMERSTON of power, while its policy is animated by
constitutional principle. We should strenuously oppose any
measure of Reform which threatened to deprive the middle
class of their legitimately prominent voice in the legislation.
of the country. Admitting the benefits of universal free
trade, we believe that this, the ultimate destiny of interna-
tional barter, might be approached by steps less fraught with
distress and peril than those by which the Manchester School
marches recklessly towards it. On the great subject of Educa-
tion, the Monday Review will, free from any spirit of bigotry,
demand that the tenets of our faith should be regarded as the
alphabet of instruction. Agreeing in the principle of Civil
and Religious Liberty, we shall defend it against any infringe-
ment, and yet not hesitate to combat it when degenerating into
the rude license of aggression. The present enormous expen-
diture of the country must be regarded as a necessary evil;
but here the continuance of peace, aided by retrenchment and
reform, may work beneficial changes. Believing the real
check upon expenditure to rest rather with the Opposition than
with Ministers, we shall carefully scrutinise the Annual
Estimates. The foundation upon which the public opinion

of the present day is built should be an honest, enlightened,


and well-conducted press. We, in our place as public teachers, at a singular crisis.

promise to abide by the convictions we have owned, and we now appeal to the public on their part to assist us in guarding, improving, and extending that constitutional system of government which has produced among us more than is elsewhere, or ever was, of well ordered liberty, and of national happiness and prosperity.


E take our first view of the Great American Civil War
Until the now reported fall of

New Orleans, the repeated successes of the Federal arms
had been arrested by the doubtful battle of Pittsburgh Land-
ing, and the stand made by the Confederates before Yorktown.
But while Mr. STANTON is the sole purveyor of news, we ad-
vise that a cautious reception be given to reports of Federal
successes. Up to this point, the scales were hanging evenly
in the hands of War, and might incline to either side as For-
tune weighted them. Nevertheless, the North has struck
heavy blows, and the South has receded before them to the
point where courage gives place to desperation. Were mate-

seem impossible for the Southerners to retrieve the losses sustained in Kentucky, Tennessee, and on the sea-board of the Eastern States. But a nation is not defeated in battles; and the Confederate people have shown, and continue to show, a spirit of resistance which must be recognised as national. The planters stack their cotton-bales for parapets along the river-face of Memphis, or burn them in the face of the armies approaching Richmond from the North. Their women contribute gold and silver ornaments, household plate, and all the vanities dear to feminine nature, to make a fund against the

THE HE debate of Thursday night proves how extensive is the realm of modern finance. On this occasion it comprehended not only the past and present fiscal policy of Mr. GLADSTONE, but under the ingenious manipulation of Mr.rial and not moral influences to decide the struggle, it would DISRAELI stretched far away through the dominions of our nearest ally, spreading itself over the unannealed Italian kingdom, absorbing the narrow confines of the POPE's authority, and then crossing the Atlantic, claimed as its peculiar province the warring States of America. All this arose from the remarks of Sir STAFFORD NORTHCOTE on the second reading of the Customs and Inland Revenue Bill. It may be that the member for Stamford, who is rather more addicted to arithmetical than rhetorical figures, was surprised to find that he had opened a channel through which so many subjects could flow. He may have re-invaders. The bells of the churches and the gongs of the gretted that the right honourable gentleman whom he had announced as his seconder should after an accidental absence leave him so soon alone with his financial policy, and soar away into the distant regions of foreign affairs. If so, we cannot join Sir STAFFORD in his regrets, but we shall be omitting a duty if we fail to thank him for having provoked so clear an exposition of policy 'from both sides of the House. He at least has been consistent in his exposition of Mr. GLADSTONE's financial schemes. Mr. DISRAELI did not exaggerate the result of them when he stated "that there were not five members in the House who had a clear conception of what the financial state of the country really was." Mr. GLADSTONE in his character as a financial wizard may receive this as a great compliment to his dexterity. But we agree with Sir STAFFORD that it is not satisfactory to the country, and inasmuch as his comments ended without a substantive motion; as all that he has stated had for its object to prove that Mr. GLADSTONE had dealt imprudently with the national resources, and had left us with the sinews of war tightly strained in time of peace; we think he has every reason to be satisfied with Mr. GLADSTONE's admission, “that for the last three years we have been maintaining the national expenditure by the exhaustion of temporary resources." We do not deprecate a debate of this nature as any waste of Parliamentary time although we question if a mere querulous complaint is a dignified policy on the part of a powerful Opposition. If Sir STAFFORD and his friends had, last year, contented themselves with recommending the substitution of the war duties on tea and sugar for the Paper-duty, and not voted directly for their repeal, at the time when they ignored the existence of a surplus, Mr. GLADSTONE might now be in the enjoyment of the tax upon paper, and would certainly be without one of his best weapons of defence. Mr. GLADSTONE revels in the results of the French treaty, and mounted on his wine hobby it might be supposed that he had made all the street pumps throughout England to run with claret. He would assume to possess a patent for the principle of commercial treaties which by no means belongs to the party with which he is now associated. The "virgin state" of Income-tax, which Mr. DISRAELI rightly considers so desirable a condition to be regained, is, we fear, lost for ever, and from henceforth ways and means may have a simplicity of origin which will please the Manchester party better than ourselves.


plantations are melted down into cannon for BEAUREGARD and
MAGRUDER; and the lead is stripped from the very tea-chests
to cast bullets for the rifles of the South. Such a spirit is
hardly to be defeated, even by the large armies which the
North has set on foot, resistless as they seem. At present
the position of those armies, and of the forces which compose
them, is this. At Corinth, in Mississippi, BEAUREGARD faces
the united troops of GRANT and BUELL; threatened on his
right by the Federal occupation of Huntsville, and only
secure upon his left so long as the forts upon the Mississippi
keep the river-fleet of the Northerners from Memphis. On
him depends the possession of the valley of the great river,
and every nerve will be strained to hold it against the North.
At the same time, in Arkansas, a Federal force pushes along the
right bank of the stream; and the leveés or raised banks have
been pierced to flood the country and stop its progress.
New Orleans is in the hands of the Federals, the Confederates
may have to abandon the Mississippi line of defence for that
afforded by the Alleghanies. In North Carolina, BURNSIDE
advances slowly from the sea, taking towns and arsenals. The
rumour that the fort of that State had conceived the idea of
surrendering it, may be taken as at least a proof how formidable
the diversion of the Federal General has become. But the
chief military interest of the war centres at Yorktown, upon
the peninsula formed by the estuaries of the York and James
rivers. There MCCLELLAN, at last upon the field, has sate down
in front of lines of entrenchment drawn from river to river,
and besieges the advanced garrison of the Confederate capital
itself. That capital is, meantime, threatened by two other
Federal forces advancing from the Potomac under BANKS and
McDowELL; and, probably, not less than 200,000 soldiers in
all thus menace the heart of the Southern Confederacy. Quiet
at her moorings in all this turmoil, like ACHILLES in his tent,
the redoubtable Merrimac watches at Norfolk, ready to repeat
her achievements in Hampton Roads, when the occasion offers.
The crisis is thus one of surprise-the position is like the
crimson diagram of a kaleidoscope, which a touch of the hand
of time may alter into new complications.

Meanwhile, the indirect consequences of the strife press more and more heavily upon the nations which are its unwilling spectators. The congested trade of Lancashire begins to show signs of impatience and inflammation, and France is less and less tolerant of the protracted struggle. The journey

Monday, May 12, 1862.]


of M. MERCIER to Richmond may be taken as a sign of the anxiety of foreign ministers; and although that journey has been disapproved by the Emperor, it was not because it had pacific designs. He has given Mr. SLIDELL no official reception, but he has caused him to be viewed by the Cabinet of Ministers in a manner too marked to be misunderstood. In fact, the cry is peace-the weary struggle is provoking Europe and the best intelligence of America herself into TYBALT's impatient exclamation, "A plague on both your houses." It grows more and more clear that the contest must be a prolonged one, and less and less possible for the embarassed industries of the world to regard it in silence and suffering. The time has come, then, that it should cease, though the difficulties in the way of mediation seem well nigh insurmountable. They might, perhaps, be overcome if England and France were of one mind upon the terms of mediation. Their interest in the matter is one, and their united voice could hardly be disregarded. In all probability the strife of North and South will eventually be settled between London and Paris, and possibly at no great interval of time. It is true that the North has not abated one jot of its pretensions to subjugate the recalcitrant South; but neither has the South relaxed at all in its now sworn resolve to become independent. If the North, too, has the advantage of victories, she is exhausted beyond parallel by the effects of the war, which taxes her resources even more heavily than the South. As it is a crisis in the military history of the contention, so is it also a turning point in its political aspect; and we must look for decisive incidents.


ceived such assurances of loyalty both to his person and
dynasty that we are relieved from the necessity of dispelling
the illusions which had existed as to the wishes of Southern
Italy. Nor is this all. After months of wearying suspense
and damaging inaction, the Emperor has given signs of a de-
cided resolve to draw up the curtain which has so long
shrouded mysteriously the scenes of the last act in the drama
of Italian unity, and at least he has removed from the Papal
the Vatican, had become more of a Romanist than a French-
Court a soldier who, yielding to the enervating atmosphere of
His cousin, who acts as the avant garde to the liberal
dispensations of the Imperial policy, is about to meet the KING
at Naples, where a French fleet has been already engaged in
doing honour to VICTOR EMMANUEL, and confounding the hopes
of the Muratists. We confess that our own sympathies are in
favour of Italian unity, and these are strengthened by the
knowledge that they are shared by the great mass of our coun-
trymen. The future peace of Europe depends largely upon the at-
tainment of this unity, and conscious that Italy cannot be
united without the possession of Rome for her capital, we
should gladly hear the proclamation of VICTOR EMMANUEL from
the Quirinal. The moral force of the English people is always
exercised-we say it with pride-in a Conservative spirit. They
are never the allies of revolution or democratic anarchy. No one
but Sir GEORGE BOWYER will now contend that the reactionists are
not revolutionists, and that the party of peace and order is
not that which marches beneath the banner of Italian unity.
It is futile, perhaps, to indulge the hope that the Ultramontaists
may be converted to this theory; but if they are inaccessible
to reason from the mouths of Protestants, it is possible that
addresses similar to that recently subscribed by the priests of
Pistoja, praying "that the national unity of Italy should be
completed," may at least convince them of the hopelessness

of their cause.

We lament that Mr. DISRAELI has assumed for the Conservative party a policy upon this question at variance with their general sentiments. We regret that the Conservative journals have ran round and round the difficulty, hesitating to follow their instincts merely from fear that they should be found supporting the government of political opponents. And although the redemption of this misapprehension on the part of the right hon. Member for Bucks would have given us sincere pleasure, yet we have studied his We cannot accept it as recent exegesis of Italian affairs without discovering any signs of amendment.

Leaving aside the paralysis of commerce, we question only if the war has paramount interest with cis-Atlantic watchers. That great question, the emancipation of the slaves, presses constantly into the foreground. Forced, in self-defence and by self-interest, to be honest, the Government of Mr. LINCOLN In has passed bill after bill to purchase the freedom of the negro, and concluded a special slave-treaty with this country. any intervention that takes place, the consideration of this subject must stand first. England at least will agree to nothing which rivets afresh the fetters of the slave, while she will certainly be as far from demanding anything like speedy and abrupt manumission. But, in any event, a vast number of freed contrabands must shortly be let loose upon What with those already escaped to the United States. the Federal armies, those which will be freed by purchase and convention, and those left ownerless by the progress of the war, the disposition of them will be a great problem. Indeed, we must not forget that whatever be the issue of this strife, its effect upon the slave population generally is yet to be an exposition of our English foreign policy which the made known. The Southern journals tell us nothing; but it Conservatism of the country will endorse with its approval. it is idle to suppose that the echo of this great struggle, with its Mr. DISRAELI laboured to show that the interests of England hopes and contingencies for the negro, has passed over him without awakening emotions that will not be easily crushed. Every- and France in Italy were precisely identical. By first dething tends to show that one certain, if only eventual, result claring that economical reform was to be obtained only by of the civil war, will be a general surcease of slave-labour. subserviency to NAPOLEON, he then suggested that we should trim our views upon the Roman question, and upon all the What, then, is to become of the slaves? It is a great and knotty question, answered by some of themselves in a curious Italian questions, in order to sail smoothly through the petition lately presented to the Senate of the North. The free coloured" ask therein to be deported to Central channel of events in company with the EMPEROR. For this America; where they may acquire those rights of citizenship cause he was prepared to call the annexation of Southern Peace for the Italy an affair of "mere detail," and to use the moral force which are denied to them in the States. unhappy States-once United: relief for England, France, of England to sustain "the independence of the PorE." We and all the world, injured beyond endurance by their from the same standpoint. The POPE is a power in France, madness, and a future for four millions of enslaved negroes: deny that England and France can view the Roman question which he is not, and never will be, in England. It is forIf the EMPEROR sinthese are the momentous questions which occupy the time. tunate for Italy that this is the case. cerely intends to further the wishes of the Italian people by withdrawing from the occupation of Rome, the policy which this country has adopted will be his greatest support in a step which, it must be allowed, is beset with difficulties. It was one of the ideas nurtured by that NAPOLEON, whose shade-if we may credit his nephew-yet watches over the fortunes of the BONAPARTE dynasty, that the POPE was to be treated as a potentate who had 200,000 soldiers at his beck. The EMPEROR may desire to get clear of this Papal incum



F the key-stone of our foreign policy is as Lord PALMERSTON has said, the alliance with France, its surest test is to be found in our conduct with reference to the affairs of Italy. We are somewhat fortunate in the political situation which exists, when we, for the first time, enter upon the subject. A recent debate has put the country in possession of the sentiments both of Government and of the ostensible leader of the Opposition, while in the Peninsula the KING has re

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