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The picture snows one of the lava fields in the crater of Kilauea, the great volcano of the Hawaiian Islands, which is now active. The area of this vast lava bed is said to be nearly 2,700 acres. In its center is Holemaaman, the active part of the crater. The lava, it is reported, is honeycombed with galleries, "some of them miles in length

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IN THE UNITED STATES ASSAY OFFICE AT NEW YORK CITY Vast quantities of foreign gold have come to the Assay Office since the beginning of the war. This gold is assayed, melted down, and recast into gold bars. The picture shows a detail of the process of electrolysis. The bin contains more than $100,000 worth of gold


thousand dollars for a trip from London to Manchester.

Carlstrom's flight is obviously only a forerunner of the many long cross-country flights which will be made in the near future in the United States either under the auspices of commercial concerns or the Government. Carlstrom's flight, for instance, is a notable contribution towards the development of the aeroplane as a carrier of the post. It will be remembered that the Postmaster-General is authorized to spend three hundred thousand dollars a year for the carriage of the mails by aeroplane. As one step that has been taken in this direction it is to be noted that mail is now carried by almost daily flights from Columbus, New Mexico, to General Pershing's headquarters, a distance of more than one hundred and forty miles.


At the Albright Art Gallery in Buffalo there has now been opened a very impressive exhibition. It comes from the Luxembourg Gallery at Paris, and has been lent to Miss Cornelia Sage, Director of the Albright Art Gallery, by the French Government. On the occasion of this opening the address was made by no less a personage than Madame Sarah Bernhardt. The opportunity of hearing the great actress on such a unique occasion attracted an immense crowd. Some twenty-five thousand persons were in or near the Albright Gallery on the occasion.


Madame Bernhardt spoke first of the "touching honor" to her, for, though far away from her own country, she found herself surrounded by the very soul of France" in the works of art about her. She also called attention to the fact that the pictures and sculptures lent by the Luxembourg Museum were an expression of not only one but many French schools of art-the school of Rodin, for instance, representing "infinite idealism" in sculpture; the Besnard school in painting, with its immense decorative significance; and then the school of impressionists, represented by Monet and others.

The speaker also called attention to particular painters as worthy of greater attention, for instance, Bastien Lepage, who died in 1884, "at the very time when his admirable talent rendered him the peer of Millet." As Madame Bernhardt. said, the painting of Bastien-Lepage is "of a delicate, luminous


coloring and a simplicity full of grandeur." She might have called the attention of her hearers to the masterpiece by that artist, the "Jeanne d'Arc," in the Metropolitan Museum, New York City. She did call particular attention. to the work of Dagnan-Bouveret, of Bonnat, of Gérôme, of Henner, "who died taking with him the secrets of the luminous treatment of flesh painting," and of Gustave Moreau, whose painting "seems composed of precious stones." She concluded:

I am only the humble interpreter of the great family of artists, but I have the great pleasure and joy of thanking Miss Sage. She has been the means of bridging two continents; she has been the ideal link to bind together the two great sister republics. And at this time, so full of grief and sadness all over Europe, America is an oasis to our brains, so tensely watching the great events that are taking place; to our hearts, bruised by so many sorrows. America is the blue sky toward which all our hopes are turning. Vive l'Amérique!

We welcome every such opportunity that brings the French spirit home to Amer



At the close of a cable despatch from Copenhagen printed recently in a New York paper was the following:

"Among the passengers [of the Norwegian American Line steamer Christianafjord] were many American laborers who are to be employed by large manufacturers in Norway. Several more are expected later."

Emigration from the United States to Europe! Who could have foreseen this as among the results of a European war ? And away from a market crying desperately for laborers !

The statement is not as paradoxical as it may at first appear. Norway has prospered as a result of the war. As of old, the Norsemen are eager to sail the wide seas over. They have seized the opportunity to share in the immense profits to be gained in the carrying trade. They now rank third in volume of commerce. Norway has money to invest as a result. With the influx of capital it has been turned into many useful channels. Manufacturing has been stimulated. Ship-building has increased. Part of the abundant water power has been turned to the task of snatching

nitrogen from the air. Thousands of men are engaged in this work.

With the expansion of industry have come demands for larger plants, additions to transportation facilities, ship-building, and the erection of many buildings, including better homes for workingmen. In the Middle West are many Norwegians. A large percentage of them are naturalized American citizens. Naturalization, however, has not driven from their memories the scenes of their early lives. Now and then they have longed for a glimpse of the mountains and fiords and cataracts of their native land. Letters and papers from Norway are filled with news items showing the great demand for labor in the old home. Some are now succumbing to the temptation, for the wages offered are twice what were formerly paid. Carpenters, for instance, are receiving approximately five dollars a day.


In Norway, despite the war, and the consequent high cost of living, five dollars a day means more than it does in America. Rent is lower there than here. The workman can live near enough to his place of employment to walk to it. He has no car-fare to pay. The Government has taken pains to see that the necessities of life are sold to him at a moderate rate. The great profits of the carrying business, Norway's chief industry, have been called upon to bear a burden of taxation for the benefit of the laborer. The profits of the shipping companies have been drawn upon to supply funds for cutting down the cost of household supplies. By way of illustration, it may be stated that the price of British coal in Norway is prohibitive. Yet coal is urgently demanded in this northern land.

So the Government applies the results of its taxation of the carrying business to the reduction of the price. The worker is thus enabled to obtain his fuel for less than five dollars a ton. The worker in America living within two hundred miles of the great anthracite region of Pennsylvania, where no one is pressing to buy, pays one-half as much again for one precious ton.

Fish is one of Norway's contributions to the commerce of the world. This product is in great demand in Great Britain and Germany. Norwegian fishermen can obtain high prices in either country for their catches. The Norwegian Government, however, requires the fishermen to set aside a certain

percentage of the product of their labors for home consumption, to be sold at half the export price. Norway does not produce all the grain she requires. Grain, of course, is among those items of food supply which are high. This progressive little Kingdom, following the example of Israel of old, sent into another country for grain. This country was the United States. Sugar was also sought here. A part of the proceeds of the tax on shipping was applied to the charges for transporting the grain and sugar from the United States to Norway. Thus were the people of that country furnished with food supplies at a moderate price.

The law of supply and demand in its relation to immigration has not failed to operate in this instance. It is serving Norway just as it has served the United States and other countries.


Americans who feel that we are not concerned with the fortunes of Mexico and that our only duty toward that country is to ignore it will find food for thought in Great Britain's recent note to the Mexican Government warning Carranza not to be anything but strictly neutral toward German submarines which may wander into the Gulf of Mexico.

The note itself is not so significant as the manner in which it was delivered. Although England maintains a Minister in Mexico City, the note to Mexico was sent through the British Ambassador at Washington and the American State Department. This means that England considers us to a large degree the guardian of Mexico.

England is justified in this attitude by the Monroe Doctrine. We have told the European nations that we will tolerate no aggressions from them on this hemisphere, and that therefore we will assume responsibility for the acts of our small brother American nations. But for our repeated enunciations of this Doctrine and our willingness to support it in the past the French might be in Mexico to-day, and but for it it is more than likely that other European nations would have intervened to punish Mexico for injuries to their subjects.

Either we must abandon the Monroe Doctrine entirely or we must abandon the doctrine that the fate of Mexico is none of our business.





What does the Presidential election mean?

It is a little over one hundred and thirty years since the organization of this Union by the adoption of the Federal Constitution. Then the United States consisted of thirteen colonies along the Atlantic seaboard. It now consists of forty-eight States, extending from Sandy Hook to the Golden Gate, and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. It then contained a population of less than four million. It now contains a population of about a hundred million. With the exception of the Negro race this was a homogeneous and intelligent population. It has now a more heterogeneous population probably than inhabits any other land on the globe. Here are represented nearly every nation, race, religious faith, written language, and historical tradition. Nowhere will one find greater wealth or greater poverty, culture more refined or ignorance more crass; nowhere classes more sharply separated, though happily not as yet by hereditary barriers. Here are employers differing from feudal lords chiefly in name, and workingmen differing from feudal servants more in their spirit than in their condition. Here great and growing cities with compact manufacturing populations, and here wide stretches of country occupied by rural populations in widely separated homes.

The recent election emphasizes the fact that the most important problem of America to-day is to make out of this heterogeneous population, with its apparently conflicting interests and its certainly conflicting prejudices and prepossessions, a homogeneous people, united in their hopes and in their purposes, as they are certainly united in their destiny.

The folly of the Republican party in the reconstruction period immediately following the Civil War widened and made enduring the gap between North and South which the Civil War had, strange as it may appear, done so much to close. That widened gap still remains, and the Southern States, still afraid of Negro domination, though the peril of it has long since passed away, vote as a unit regardless of National perils that are near at hand.

In the North the old party lines have broken down. States that were counted surely Republican, like Kansas, have voted the Na


tional Democratic ticket, and other States, like California, have curiously divided their vote, electing Republican United States Senators by unmistakable majorities, and so dividing on the National election that at this writing it is still questionable whether they have chosen Republican or Democratic electors.

To the Far Western States, like Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Montana, and Washington, the terrible tragedy of the Lusitania in the North Atlantic has seemed as remote as to the whole Nation the more recent tragedy of the Arabia in the Mediterranean Sea. And California, which not long ago was feverishly excited over the remote peril of Japanese immigration, has shown itself singularly apathetic respecting the more immediate peril of sub-sea warfare against American commerce.

To the urban populations, especially in the Eastern States, the necessity and duty of protecting Americans on the high seas has seemed instant and urgent. To them safety first and duty first were almost synonymous terms. To the rural populations, especially in the regions west of the Missouri River, the protection of Americans on the sea, and even of American cities on the seaboard, has seemed a matter almost of indifference, and "he has kept us out of war" a final and conclusive reason for supporting and continuing the imperiling policy of the last four

In the one section getting $1.75 a bushel for wheat has been an argument for Democracy; in the other section paying $12 a barrel for flour has been an equally cogent argument against it.

A comparatively small number of highpriced workingmen on the railways have demanded higher wages under guise of demanding a shorter labor day, regardless of the almost inevitable effect of that demand on the economic welfare of the great mass of their fellow-citizens. But the legislation enacted in their behalf has proved a boomerang. At least, it is a question whether it has not lost more votes than it has gained for the Democratic party.

The greatest need of America, though perhaps not its most immediate need, is not a protective tariff or a larger navy, or a better organized army or a wiser or a more economic Administration, important as all these are. It is a united people, who realize that America is one Nation, who desire that Americans shall be one people, with one allegiance, and who see that the interests of the Nation are paramount, never to be discarded or forgot

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