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No. 7.


Because of the saying of Mary, They have taken away the LORD, Simon Peter and the other Initiated-one of CHRIST, whom He loved, ran to the Grave; and they both ran, and found the linen clothes alone within, and of these, the napkin of the head was by itself: wherefore they were again silent, until they saw the LORD.

Glory to the FATHER.

Both now, and ever.


Great and paradoxic things were necessitated through me, O my CHRIST, of-many-mercies: for from a Virgin Maiden Thou wast inexplicably Born, and didst accept the Cross, and enduredst Death; didst Arise therefrom in Glory, and didst free our nature from death. Glory, O CHRIST, to Thy Glory; Glory to Thy Power.

No. 8.

Mary, panic-stricken, beheld two Angels within the Tomb, and not knowing CHRIST, spake to Him as to a Gardener: Lord, where hast thou laid the Body of my JESUS? But He, recalling to her knowledge that it was Himself, the Saviour that was to come, said: Touch Me not, I go away to the FATHER; tell to My Brethren.

Glory to the FATHER.

Both now, and ever.


O Maiden, thou gavest Birth ineffably to One of the TRINITY, in Nature Two, and in Operation Two, yet One in Person: this therefore we ever entreat earnestly for the faithful worshippers, that thou wouldest ransom them from all treachery of the enemy, that all may now flee to thee for Refuge, O Mistress Theotokos.

No. 9.

With closed doors, Thou didst, O MASTER, come near to the Apostles, breathing peacefully on them the All-Holy SPIRIT; to whom also Thou gavest the binding and loosing of sins: and after eight days didst shewforth to Thomas Thy Side and Hands. With him we cry-aloud: Thou art LORD and GOD.

Glory to the FATHER.

Both now, and ever.


Beholding thy Sox, O Divine-bride, most-Holy Virgin, as Risen from the Grave the third-day, all affliction, which was laid on thee as Mother, at what time thou lookedst upon His sufferings, is done away; and filled with joy, with the Disciples, thou honourest Him in Hymns. Wherefore, O Theotokos, save thou now the preachers.

No. 10.


At the catching, the sea of Tiberias had, together with the children of Zebedee, Nathanael and Peter, with two others of aforetime, and Thomas: these CHRIST having commanded to let down on the right side, they drew a multitude of fishes. Whom Peter recognizing, he swam to Him. This is the third manifestation: in Bread, and Fish upon coals, shewing-forth Himself.

Glory to the FATHER.

Both now, and ever.


O Virgin, entreat earnestly the LORD, Risen the third day from the dead, for those who hymn and with fond-desire bless thee. For thee we all have as a Refuge of Salvation, and a Mediatrix therein: for thou art our Heritage and Dwelling-place, O Theotokos, and to thy succour all press around.

No. 11.

After the Divine Awaking, three times the LORD propounded to Peter: Lovest thou Me? appointing him beforehand the Chief-pastor of His own sheep who seeing him, whom JESUS loved, following, enquired of the MASTER But what of this-one? Said He: If I will also that he tarry till I come again, what is that to thee, friend Peter? Glory to the FATHER.

Both now, and ever.

O fearful Mystery! O paradoxic Wonder! completely manifested thro' the Death of death. Who then shall not hymn Thee, and who not worship Thee, O Risen WORD, and her, undefiled, who gave Birth to Thee in Flesh, the Theotokos? through whose intercessions all are ransomed from Gehenna.




Poems of the King, Leo the Wise.

¶ At page 85.
No. 2.

The Women surrounding Mary, coming with ointments, and being quite perplexed as to what should befal them, saw the stone was taken away, and a Divine Youth calming the tumult of their souls, for He said: JESUS the LORD is Risen: wherefore proclaim to the Heralds, His Disciples; run ye to Galilee, and ye shall see Him Risen from the dead, as Lifegiver and LORD.

No. 3.

The Disciples, disbelieving the Resurrection from the dead, and the apparition of the Saviour announced by Mary Magdalene, were reproached for the hardness of their hearts: but supplied with signs and wonders, they were sent forth as Heralds. And Thou, O LORD, hast been taken up to the FATHER, the Author of Light, but those who believed have everywhere proclaimed the Word with wonders. Wherefore we, who by them have been enlightened, Glorify Thy Resurrection from the dead, O LORD, the Lover-of-men.

No. 4.

The Daydawn was deep, and the Women came to Thy Tomb, O CHRIST, but the Body longed for by them was not found: wherefore, being perplexed, those standing in shining garments said: Why seek ye the Living among the dead? He is Awakened, as He before said, why forget ye His Words? At the apparitions' persuading, they made announcement to the Disciples, but their Gospel seemed an idle tale. Thus they were again sluggish, but Peter ran, and, seeing for himself, Glorified Thy Wonders.

No. 5.

Oh! the wisdom of Thy Judgments, O CHRIST! How by Thy funeralclothes alone didst Thou make-known to Peter the Resurrection! How didst Thou proceed together talking with Cleopas and Luke, and talking, didst not directly manifest Thyself! Wherefore Thou wast upbraided as dwelling alone in Jerusalem, and as having no share in these perfect counsels. But for the profit of the whole household which Thou hast formed, Thou didst expound all the prophecies concerning Thyself, and wast known to them in the blessing of Bread: and they, whose hearts before recognizing Thee burned within them, having assembled the Disciples, clearly proclaimed Thy Resurrection: through which, have mercy upon us.

No. 6.

Thou, O CHRIST, Who art truly Peace, to men of GOD Thou gavest peace, when, after Thine Awaking, appearing to the Disciples, they, in fear, supposed they saw a Spirit: but, repressing their disorder of soul, Thou didst shew them Thy Hands and Feet: albeit, unbelieving still, The 1 didst partake with them of food, and, calling to remembrance Thy teaching, didst open their mind to understand the Scriptures: to whom Thou didst also announce the promise of the FATHER, and, blessing them, didst pass into Heaven. Wherefore, with them we worship Thee: Glory to Thee, O LORD.

No. 7.

Lo! dark and early morn: but what, Mary, stoodest thou in the Tomb, with darkness in the senses, seeking JESUS where they had placed Him? But the together-running Disciples, seeing where were the linen-clothes and the napkin, proved the Resurrection, and called-to-mind the Scriptures concerning it. With whom, and through whom, we also believe, hymning Thee, the Life-giving CHRIST.

No. 8.

The tears of Mary were not in vain poured-out warmly, for behold, she was deemed worthy of the teaching of Angels, and of the sight of Thee, O JESUS: but the mind of weak woman turning again towards earth, she was sent away without touching Thee, O CHRIST. But nevertheless, she was sent as Herald to Thy Disciples, to whom she declared the Goodtidings, announcing that He would ascend to the Paternal inheritance. With her, make us also worthy of Thy manifestation, O MASTEr Lord.

No. 9.

As at the end of the times, being the evening of the Sabbaths, the Friends were standing near, O CHRIST, and Thou didst confirm the Wonder of wonders, Thy Resurrection from the dead, by passing through the closed doors: but the Disciples were filled with joy, and the Holy SPIRIT was given to them, and authority to dispense forgiveness of sins; and Thomas, who was not with them, was baptized in the waves of


unbelief. Wherefore, grant also to us knowledge of the truth, and forgiveness of stumblings, O Tender-hearted LORD.

No. 10.

After the going-down into Hades, and the Resurrection from the dead, the Disciples, disheartened, as was likely, upon Thy separation, O CHRIST, departed to serve tables: and returning to ships and nets, they caught nothing. But Thou, O Saviour, didst become manifest as MASTER of all, by commanding the nets to be cast on the right side: and the Word was straightway Work, and they were full of fishes; and a supper for guests being prepared on the land, Thou didst participate with the Disciples. Now, also, make us truly worthy to feed on Thee, O LORD and Lover-of


No. 11.

Manifestly itself to Thy Disciples, O Saviour, after the Resurrection, to Simon was given the Pasturage of the Flock, in requital of his Love; the shepherd's Care of wants, because of the saying: Lovest thou Me, Peter? Keep My lambs, keep My sheep. But straightway, on enquiry, Thou didst shew-forth the tenderness of love concerning the other Disciples. Througn whose intercessions, O CHRIST, guard Thou Thy Flock from wolves' maltreatment thereof.

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