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account of their dispositions and characters; for it is sufficiently clear from experience, that those people who are great eaters of flesh, are in general more fe rocious and cruel than other men. This observation

holds good of all times and places.

Milk, tho' elaborated in the body of an animal, is nevertheless a vegetable substance. It's analysis de monstrates this; it turns easily to acid, and far from shewing the least appearance of volatile alkali, as aņ. imal substances do, it gives, like plants, the essence of neutral salt. Women prefer bread and milk, and vegetables. The female of the cat and canine species do the same; even wolves browze upon the field. Here we have vegetable juices for their milk. If we consider the quantity, every body knows that farinaceous substances make more blood than animal; they must therefore make more milk. Can it be that a vegetable diet is most proper for the infant, and an animal regimen most proper for the nurse? Much inconvenience has been apprehended from milk turning to curds; this is an idle apprehension, because it is well known that milk always curdles in the stom ach. Hence it is that it becomes an aliment solid enough to nourish infants and other animals; whereas, if it remained fluid, it would pass off, and afford them no nourishment at all. [Although the juices contributing to our nourishment are all liquid, it is yet necessary they should be expressed from solid aliments. A working man, who should live only on broths, would soon be emaciated. He would be sup ported much better on milk, because it curdles, and assumes solidity in the stomach.] We may cook up milk in what form soever we please, mix it with a thousand absorbents, it will be all to no purpose; whoever takes milk into the stomach, will infallibly

digest cheese. The stomach, indeed, is particularly calculated to curdle milk; it is in the stomach of a calf that we find the rennet.-Rousseau.

"The constant use of bread and animal substances excite an unnatural thirst, and lead to the immoderate use of beer and other stimulating liquors, which generate disease and reduce the lower orders of the people to a state of indigence.-Buchan on Diet, p. 7.

Experience has shewn that a diet consisting solely of animal food, excites thirst and nausea, occasions putrescence in the stomach and bowels, and finally brings on violent griping pains with cholera and dy sentery. Animal food is less adapted to the sedentary than the laborious, and least of all to the studi. ous, whose diet ought to consist chiefly of vegetables. Indulgence in animal food renders men dull, and unfit for the pursuits of science, especially when it is accompanied with the free use of strong liquors. I. dem, p. 10.

I am inclined to think that consumptions, so common in England, are in part owing to the great use of animal food. Tho' the phthisis pulmonalis is not, properly speaking, an inflammatory diease, yet it generally begins with symptoms of inflammation, and is often accompanied with them through it's whole progress. But the disease most common to this country is the scurvy. One finds a dash of it in almost every family, and in some the taint is very deep. A dis ease so general must have a general cause, and there is none so obvious as the great quantity of animal food devoured by the natives. As a proof that the scurvy arises from this cause, we are in possession of no remedy for that disease equal to the free use of fresh vegetables. By the uninterrupted use of ani

mal food a putrid diathemis is induced in the system, which predisposes to a variety of disorders. I am fully convinced that many of those obstinate complaints for which we are at a loss to account, and find it still more difficult to cure, are the effects of a scorbutic taint lurking in the habit. Improper diet affects the mind as well as the body. The choleric disposition of the English is almost proverbial. Were I to assign a cause, it would be their living so much on animal food. There is no doubt but this induces a ferocity of temper unknown to men whose food is chiefly taken from the vegetable kingdom. There is a continual tendency, in animal, as well as in the hu man body itself, to putrefaction, which can only be counteracted by the free use of vegetables. The excessive consumption of animal food is one great cause of the scarcity of grain. The food that a bullock affords, bears but a small proportion to the quantity of vegetable matter he consumes."-Idem, page 11 &


"The salutary effect of a vegetable diet, as to it's influence on the bile, (which has been proved by analyzation to be the same compound in all animals having stomachs and intestines) seems to be applicable to the case of men: and perhaps the greater number of persons who suffer from habitual constipation, would experience more relief from a due attention to such a cooling system of diet, judiciously proportioned to other kinds of food, than from any medicine, that has ever imposed on the credulity of the public. Do not degrade and beastalize your body by making it a burial place for the carcases of innocent brute animals, some healthy, some diseased, and all violently murdered. It is impossible for us to take into our stomachs putrefying, corrupting, and diseased animal

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substances, without becoming subjected to horrors, dejections, remorse, and inquietudes of mind, and to foul bodily diseases, swellings, pains, weakneses, sores, corruptions, and premature death; all of which are the necessary and inseparable consequences of unnatural, gross, and inordinate indulgencies, in eating, drinking, and communications.-James Graham,

M. D.

It will be found that the vegetable diet is the only congenial food of man, for tho' many nations subsist upon the animal diet, and support a vigorous life, of health and animal powers; the human system is, however, deprived of intellectual capacity, and worn into premature dissolution by the violent heat of a precipitate circulation ossifying the finer ducts. To those nations, 80 years is a period of extreme longevity. Vegetable diet, on the contrary, by keeping the circulation regular and cool, tempers the passions, throws it's congenial and subtle fluid into the nervous ducts, and forms the intimate connection of the mind and body, which leads man to a perfect mode of being, or intellectual existence, consisting of physical and moral health, producing longevity and wellbeing.

Gibbon, while complaining of the cruelties of the Tartarians, adverts to European refinements, where the ox, or the sheep, are slaughtered by the same hand from which they are accustomed to receive their dai ly food; and the bleeding limbs are served, with very little preparation, on the table of their unfeeling murderer !-Decline and Fall, iv, 344.

The indifference and in some instances aversion to animal food, even when it has undergone the culinary process, which children have, and the preference which they give to vegetable aliments, such as milk-meats,


pastry, fruit, &c. is a proof that flesh meat is unnat.


I know not how it is possible to denominate any of the teeth of man canine. Where are his project. ing fangs or tushes?

From the tenderness of man's skin, and the great care that is required for many years, to rear him ; from the form of his jaws, the evenness of his teeth, the breadth of his nails, and the slightness of both, it is evident that nature has not designed him for rap. ine.

That man is wholly adapted to vegetable sustenance, is evident from his anatomy, which, especially the form and disposition of the intestines, is very sim ilar to the Orang Outang, which lives on fruits and vegetables in so vigorous a state, that half a dozen men are required to hold him when taken.

The kangaroo has canine teeth, and yet it's only food is vegetables.

It is stated, in books of anatomy, that a change takes place in the contents of the cœcum after they have proceeded into the colon. May not this change be effected by partial absorption? If so, it may be productive of most important consequences to the health, whether the matter absorbed be animal mat, ter or whether it be, as providence has intended, vegetable. It is a fact that the absorption which takes place in the lower intestines is such that a man may be supported several weeks, by means of clysters a lone. Is it then too much to assert, that a subtle poison thus continually passing into the frame may profusely account for the ulceration, the abscesses, the thickening of the coats, the cancer, the mortification to which these viscera are liable. The cœfum of children is proportionably larger than that of men,

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