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" To the tent-royal of their ( emperor; Who, busied in his majesty, surveys The singing masons building roofs of gold, The civil citizens kneading up the honey, The poor mechanic porters crowding in Their heavy burdens at his narrow gate, The sad-eyed justice,... "
The Quintessence of English Poetry, Or, a Collection of All the Beautiful ... - Página 19
por William Oldys - 1740
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King John ; King Richard II ; King Henry IV. Part 1 ; King Henry IV. Part 2 ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 588 páginas
...Pillage, they with merry march bring home To the Tent-Royal of their Emperor: Who bufied in his Majefty, furveys The finging Mafon building Roofs of Gold,...Delivering o'er to Executors pale The lazy yawning Drone. I this infer, That many things having full reference To one confent, may work contrarioufly : As many...
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Six Volumes. Adorn'd with ..., Volumen3

William Shakespeare - 1709 - 590 páginas
...bring home To the Tent- Royal of their Emperor : Who bufied in his Majefty, furveys The finging M»fon building Roofs of Gold, The civil Citizens kneading up the Honey ; The poor M«chanick Porters, crowding in Their heavy Burthens at his narrow Gate: The fad-ey'd Juftice, with...
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The Works of Mr. William Shakespear;: In Eight Volumes. Adorn'd ..., Volumen4

William Shakespeare - 1714 - 460 páginas
...Pillage, they with merry march bring home To the Tent- Royal of their Emperor: Who burled in his Majefty, furveys The finging Mafon building Roofs of Gold,...narrow Gate : The fad-ey'd Juftice, with his furly hum, Miming o'er to Executors pale ' The lazy yawning Drone. 1 this infer, That many things having full...
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The Complete Art of Poetry ...

Charles Gildon - 1718 - 394 páginas
...Pillage they with merry march bring home To the Tent-Royal of their Emperor : Who, bulled in his Majefly, furveys The finging Mafon building Roofs of Gold,...up the Honey ; The poor Mechanick Porters crowding iu Their heavy Burthens at his narrow Gate: The fad-ey'd Juftice, with his furly hum, Delivering o'er...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Seven Volumes, Volumen4

William Shakespeare - 1733 - 532 páginas
...pillage they with merry march bring home To the tent-royal of their Emperor : Who, bufied in his majefty, furveys The finging mafon building roofs of gold ;...crowding in Their heavy burthens at his narrow gate : (8) fet that is but a curs'd Neceffity ;] So the old 4to. The folio's read trufifd : Neither of the...
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The Works of Shakespeare ...: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volumen4

William Shakespeare - 1740 - 498 páginas
...march bring home. To the tent-royal of their Emperor : Who, bufied in his majefty, furveys The tinging mafon building roofs of gold ; The civil citizens...Delivering o'er to executors pale The lazy yawning drone. I this infer, That many things, having full reference (6) Ttt that it tut * curs'd Ntctffuy ; ) So...
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The Works of Shakespear: In Eight Volumes, Volumen4

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 544 páginas
...furveys " The finging mafon building roofs of gold ; " 6 The civil citizens kneading up the honey j " The poor mechanick porters crowding in *' Their heavy...Delivering o'er to executors pale " The lazy yawning drone. I this infer, That many things, having full reference 4 Creatures, that iy t RULE in NATURE teach~\...
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The works of Shakespear, with a glossary, pr. from the Oxford ed ..., Volumen5

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 352 páginas
...pillage they with merry march bring home To the tent-royal of their Emperor i Who bufied in his Majefty, furveys The finging mafon building roofs of gold,...The poor mechanick porters crowding in Their heavy burdens at his narrow gate t The fad-ey'd Juftice with his furly hum, ' Delivering o'er to executors...
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The Works of Shakespeare, Volumen4

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 580 páginas
...they with merry rrfarch bring home To the tent-royal of their Emperor : Who, bufied in his majefty, furveys The finging mafon building roofs of gold ;...Delivering o'er to executors pale The lazy yawning drone. I this infer, That many things, having full reference (6) Yti that is but a curs'd tfece/ny;} So the...
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The beauties of Shakespear: regularly selected from each play ..., Volumen2

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 268 páginas
...pillage they with merry march bring home To the tent-royal of their emperor i Who, bufied in his majefty, furveys The finging mafon, building roofs of gold...crowding in Their heavy burthens at his narrow gate i , The fad-ey'd juftice, with his furly hum, Delivering o'er to executors pale The lazy, yawning drone....
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