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ings we endure for Chrift, then certainly we are Cap. 38. to glory in the fufferings that Christ hath indured for us: if there be riches in our fufferings for Chrift, what riches are in Chrifts fuffering for us? I have fhewn in eight particulars the riches of fufferings for Chrift; I might in as many par ticulars fhew the riches of Chrifts fufferings for us. First, riches of the infinite deep wifdom of God. Secondly, the riches of the infinite love of God to mankinde. Thirdly, the rich patern of humility. Fourthly, there is riches of honor that is put upon the Children of men, fuch a price is paid for them, and fuch great things are done by the Lord for them. Fifthly,there is a rich fountain of mercy, cleanfing of all pollution, and the healing of all fouls in Chrift. Sixthly, there are the riches of the fprings of all graces. Seventhly, there are the riches of the rich treasure of all confolations. Eighthly, a rich purchase; thus our fufferings for Hac pul Chrift are riches, and Chrifts fufferings for us are cherimi riches. Chryfoftom* fpeaking of Chrifts reproaches, glorichath this expreffion, Thefe things which we fuffer-unt, in his ed, are most beautiful and glorious to me, in these go fummo I do principally glory; neither is my spirit lefs raifedere glorio by the thousands that be raised from the dead, then me hi fui by the dolours that fuffered. How rich is a Chri-lores. ftian in regard of fufferings; as men ufe to look at efferunt, their riches, and be thinking of their riches, fo let us uam milic be viewing and looking at our riches, the riches of our fufferings; and Chrift makes us to glory vit, in our riches. It is an expreffion of Chrysostom Chryfoft. upon the Sermon in Matthew 26. fpeaking of the in cap. 26. fufferings of Chrift, fays he, They are glorious Mat.






quos exci

Hom. 86.

Cap.38. things, he glories more in them, then in raifing thousands from the dead, Chrift glories in them; And that is obfervable in the ninth of the Acts, where Chrift appears to Saul, fays he, Saul, Saul, why perfecuteft thou me? fays Paul, Who art thou? I am Fefus of Nazareth; why does he fay, fefus of Nazareth? does any good come out of Nazareth? he does not fay, I am the fecond perfon of the Trinity, the Son of God, the King of the Church; no, but I am fefus of Nazareth, that was a reproach that was caft upon Chrift, and Chrift glories in that, furely we should glory in it

use 10.


Laftly, if there be fo many riches in suffering for Chrift in reproaches, what riches are there in the Crown, in the reward of the reproaches, and fufferings? men do dig riches out of dark holes and mines in the Earth; here is a hole, though it be dark, yet it is a mine, where-out you may dig great riches, if you have wherewithall to dig, if you have a true Christian Spirit; you fee out of this deep dark pit you may dig riches.



There is glorious reward for the people of God.


Ut what was the ground that made Mofes thus efteem reproaches? He had respect unto the recompence of reward: From whence the point of Doctrine is this, That

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There is a glorious reward for the people of God, the Point. respect unto which is a great encouragement to Gods Servants,to go on in a way of fuffering and hardship for him.

It was this that helped David in the midst of his fore temptation, that did arise from his affliction in the way of God, Pfalm 37. 24. Thou shalt guide me mith thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory as if he fhould fay, Howsoever it be with the men of the world, who enjoy their profperity according to their defires; and howfoever it be with me, that I am afflicted, and muft endure hard things here, yet this is that which upholds me through all, Thou shalt afterward receive me to glory. This is that which upheld the Spirit of Saint Paul, 2 Cor. 4. 17. where he brings in a most notable and high expreffion of the glory that is to come, for the upholding his fpirit in his fuffering; For our light affiction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. This is that which Saint Paul propounded unto Timothy, to uphold his heart in all his fufferings, 2 Timothy 2.12. If we fuffer, we shall also reign with him. This is that which ftrengthned the Spirits of the Chriftians, that suffered in the times of


Cap.39. the Maccabees, Heb. 10. 34. As thofe clusters of Grapes that were brought from the land of Canaan, that thewed to the people, what the fruitfulness of that land was,was an encouragement to them, to pafs through all difficulties that they were like to meet withal in the poffeffion of the land,to fight against the children of Anak,fo that which God hath revealed of Heaven, is like those clusters of grapes, those little things that we have made known to us (in comparifon of the glory that is to come) are to that end revealed to encourage us in our way here. In the handling of this point, there are thefe five things we shall endeavor to do: Firft, to fhew that there is a reward for the righteous. Secondly, how far a Chriftian may have an eye unto this reward. Thirdly, fhew fomewhat what this reward is. Fourthly, wherein lies the power of the believing of this, to help us to endure any hardship. Lastly, make Application of all.


That there is a reward. Certainly, there is a more bleffed condition for Gods people hereafter,they have not received that which is prepared for them, there are other maner of things to be revealed, then thofe that you fee. Pfal. 58. 11. Verily there is a reward for the righteous furely it is fo: notwithstanding a carnal fenfual heart doth not fee it, yet verily there is a reward, though the ways of Gods providence do feem outwardly to work otherwife, yet furely there is a reward: notwithstanding our unbelieving hearts are ready to queftion it, yet furely there is a reward, verily there is a reward for the righteous. There is a great deal of power in this one thing to raise up our hearts from the creature,from grovelling here below,


to make us at leaft to look upward to know our hap- Cap 39 piness is not here, to know that there are glorious things to be expected, and that appears :

Firft, God hath infinite riches of glory, infinite treasures of happiness, there are infinite great things in God, and God takes infinite delight to communicate himself, and let out himself unto the creature now if there be fuch infinite riches with God, fuch glorious treasures of happiness, and he delights to communicate himself, certainly there are great things to be communicated then; for wherefore is it that God hath fuch infinite riches in him, but that in due time he will make them known, and reveal them, and communicate them? it is but little that is revealed and communicated for the prefent; therefore there are other things to be revealed and communicated from God.

Secondly, God hath made mankinde to be of fuch a nature,as to have a kinde of infinite capacity,whereby it is made capable of happiness, beyond that which any creature, befides Angels, is capable of: Properly no creature but the rational creature is capable of happiness at all, but befides it hath a kinde of infinite capacity, whereby it is made capable of the highest happiness that belongs to the capacity of a Creature: and certainly God hath not made this in vain, God does intend to fill this capacity.

You will fay, An infinite capacity of happiness, how is that? Thus, for there are two things in the rational part of man, his understanding, and his will: now the capacity of this part, muft be judged according to the objects that are fuitable unto thefe two facul

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