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2 For you the purple current flow'd, In pardons from his wounded side; Languish'd for you the Son of God;

For you the Prince of glory died. Believe, and all your sin's forgiven: Only believe, and yours is heaven.


P. M. 87, 87, 77.

The healing Fountain.

Minners ruin'd by the fall;
to Calvary's holy mountain,
Here a pure and healing fountain
Flows for every thirsty soul,
In a full perpetual tide,
Open'd when the Saviour died.

2 Come, in sorrow and contrition,
Wounded, impotent, and blind;
Here the guilty, free remission,
Here the lost, a refuge, find.
Health, this fountain will restore;
He that drinks need thirst no more.
3 Come, ye dying, live forever;
'Tis a soul-reviving flood;
God is faithful; he will never

Break his cov'nant seal'd in blood;
Sign'd when our Redeemer died;
By the Spirit ratified.



Seek Him while he may be found.

son, know thou the Lord;
Thy father's God obey;

Seek his protecting care by night,
His guardian hand by day.

2 Call, while he may be found;
Seek him while he is near;

S. M.

Serve him with all thy heart and mind,
And worship him with fear.

3 If thou wilt seek his face,
His ear will hear thy cry;
Then shalt thou find his mercy sure,
His grace forever nigh.

4 But if thou leave thy God,

Nor choose the path to heaven; Then shalt thou perish in thy sins, And never be forgiven.


He justifieth the ungodly.

C. M.

LOVERS of pleasure more than God,
For you he suffer'd pain;

For you the Saviour spilt his blood:
And shall he bleed in vain?

2 Sinners, his life for you he paid;
Your basest crimes he bore;
Your sins were all on Jesus laid,
That you might sin no more.
3 To earth the great Redeemer came,
That you might come to heaven;
Believe, believe in Jesus' name,
And all your sin 's forgiven.

4 Believe in him who died for thee;
And, sure as he hath died,

Thy debt is paid, thy soul is free,
And thou art justified.


The gospel feast.

COME, sinners, to the gospel feast;

Let every soul be Jesus' guest: Ye need not one be left behind, For God hath bidden all mankind.

2 Sent by my Lord, on you I call; The invitation is to all:

L. M.

Come all the world! come, sinner, thou! All things in Christ are ready now.

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3 Come, all ye souls by sin oppress'd, Ye restless wand'rers after rest;

Ye poor, and maim'd, and halt, and blind,
In Christ a hearty welcome find.

4 My message as from God receive;
Ye all may come to Christ and live:
O let his love your hearts constrain,
Nor suffer him to die in vain.

5 See him set forth before your eyes,
That precious, bleeding sacrifice:
His offer'd benefits embrace,

And freely now be saved by grace.


And yet there is room.

E wretched, starving poor,

YE starring

S. M.

Where mercy spreads her bounteous store For every humble guest.

2 See, Christ, with open arms,

Invites, and bids you come;

O stay not back, though fear alarms;
For yet there still is room.

3 0 come, and with us taste
The blessings of his love:

While hope expects the sweet repast
Of nobler joys above.

4 There, with united voice,

Before the' eternal throne,

Ten thousand thousand souls rejoice,
In ecstasies unknown.

5 Ten thousand thousand more
Are welcome still to come:
Ye longing souls, the grace adore;
Approach, there yet is room.



All things are now ready.

L. M.

SINNERS, obey the gospel word;

Haste to the supper of my Lord;
Be wise to know your gracious day;
All things are ready,-come away.
2 Ready the Father is to own,
And kiss his late-returning son;
Ready your loving Saviour stands,
And spreads for you his bleeding hands.
3 Ready the Spirit of his love,
Just now the stony to remove;
To' apply and witness with the blood,
And wash and seal the sons of God.
4 Ready for you the angels wait,
To triumph in your blest estate;
Tuning their harps, they long to praise
The wonders of redeeming grace.
5 The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Are ready with their shining host:
All heaven is ready to resound,-
The dead's alive! the lost is found!


6th P. M. 6 lines 7s.

Come, and welcome.

FROM the cross uplifted high,

Where the Saviour deigns to die,
What melodious sounds we hear
Bursting on the ravish'd ear:-
Love's redeeming work is done-
Come and welcome, sinner, come!

2 Sprinkled now with blood the throne-
Why beneath thy burdens groan?
On his piercéd body laid,

Justice owns the ransom paid;
Bow the knee,-embrace the Son-
Come and welcome, sinner, come!

3 Spread for thee, the festal board
See with richest bounty stored;
To thy Father's bosom press'd,
Thou shalt be a child confess'd,
Never from his house to roam;
Come and welcome, sinner, come!


All-sufficiency of His grace.

L. M.

His God invites the fallen race: ! every one that thirsts, draw nigh:

Mercy and free salvation buy,—

Buy wine, and milk, and gospel grace. 2 Come to the living waters, come! Sinners, obey your Maker's call; Return, ye weary wand'rers, home, And find his grace is free for all. 3 See from the Rock a fountain rise; For you in healing streams it rolls; Money ye need not bring, nor price, Ye lab'ring, burden'd, sin-sick souls. 4 Nothing ye in exchange shall give; Leave all you have, and are, behind; Frankly the gift of God receive; Pardon and peace in Jesus find.


The joys of penitence.

Cin Christ to paradise restored:
HOME, O ye sinners, to the Lord,

His proffer'd benefits embrace,-
The plenitude of gospel grace:-
2 A pardon written with his blood;
The favour and the peace of God;
The seeing eye, the feeling sense,
The mystic joys of penitence :-

L. M.

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