3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, And behold thee on thy throne,— Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee.
Now is the day of salvation.
WHY not now, my God, my God?
Ready if thou always art,
Make in me thy mean abode,- Take possession of my heart: If thou canst so greatly bow, Friend of sinners, why not now?
2 God of love, in this thy day, For thyself to thee I cry; Dying,-if thou still delay, Must I not forever die? Enter now thy poorest home: Now, my utmost Saviour, come.
Pleading the Saviour's vicarious sacrifice.
PROSTRATE, with eyes of faith, I see My Saviour nail'd upon the tree, For me a victim made; Himself presenting to the skies The grand vicarious sacrifice, And on the altar laid.
2 Well pleasing to our God above, His sacrifice of life and love
I plead before the throne: Father, a prodigal receive, And bid a pardon'd rebel live,— The purchase of thy Son.
412 Pleading the sacrificial death of Christ.
4th P. M. 886, 886.
LAMB of God, for sinners slain, I plead with thee, my suit to gain,- I plead what thou hast done :
Didst thou not die the death for me? Jesus, remember Calvary,
And break my heart of stone.
2 Receive the purchase of thy blood, My Friend and Advocate with God,- My ransom and my peace: My Surety! thou my debt hast paid, For all my sins atonement made,— The Lord my righteousness.
30 let thy Spirit shed abroad The love of my redeeming God, In this cold heart of mine: O might He now descend, and rest Forever in this troubled breast, And keep me ever thine.
The sacrifice of a broken heart.
THOUGH I have grieved thy Spirit, Lord, Thy help and comfort still afford;
And let a wretch come near thy throne To plead the merits of thy Son.
2 A broken heart, my God, my King, Is all the sacrifice I bring;
Thou God of grace, wilt thou despise A broken heart for sacrifice?
3 My soul lies humbled in the dust, And owns the dreadful sentence just: Look down, O Lord, with pitying eye, And save a soul condemn'd to die.
To thee I humbly pray
HOU Lamb of God, for sinners slain,
O heal me of my grief and pain,— And take my sins away.
Now from this bondage, Lord, release, And give the wand'rer rest: Redeemer, Saviour, seal my peace, And take me to thy breast.
2 Thou wilt not cast a sinner out, Who humbly comes to thee; My gracious Lord, I cannot doubt Thy mercy is for me:
O let me now obtain the grace, And find my long-sought rest: Redeemer, Saviour, seal my peace, And take me to thy breast.
3 Mere worldly good I do not want; Be that to others given: While only for thy love I pant,
My all in earth or heaven:
This is the crown I fain would seize,- With which I would be blest:
Redeemer, Saviour, seal my peace, And take me to thy breast.
12th P. M. 76, 76, 78, 76.
poor, and blind, and naked.
WRETCHED, helpless, and distress'd,
whither shall I fly;
Ever gasping after rest,
I cannot find it nigh:
Naked, sick, and poor, and blind,— Fast bound in sin and misery,- Friend of sinners, let me find My help, my all in thee.
2 Jesus, full of truth and grace, In thee is all I want;
Be the wand'rer's resting-place,- A cordial to the faint:
Make me rich, for I am poor; In thee may I my Eden find; To the dying, health restore, And eye-sight to the blind.
3 Clothe me, Lord, with holiness, With meek humility; Put on me that glorious dress,- Endue my soul with thee: Let thine image be restored;
Thy name and nature let me prove; With thy fulness fill me, Lord, And perfect me in love.
The conquering love of Jesus.
THAT I could my Lord receive, Who did the world redeem; Who gave his life that I might live A life conceal'd in him.
2 O that I could the blessing prove,- My heart's extreme desire; Live happy in my Saviour's love, And in his arms expire.
3 Mercy I ask to seal my peace, That, kept by mercy's power, I may from every evil cease, And never grieve thee more.
4 Now, if thy gracious will it be, E'en now my sins remove, And set my soul at liberty By thy victorious love.
W That find my all in thee?
THEN, gracious Lord, when shall it be
The fulness of thy promise prove,- The seal of thine eternal love?
2 A poor blind child I wander here, If haply I may feel thee near: O dark! dark! dark! I still must say, Amidst the blaze of gospel day.
3 Thee, only thee, I fain would find, And cast the world and flesh behind; Thou, only thou, to me be given, Of all thou hast in earth or heaven.
4 When from the arm of flesh set free, Jesus, my soul shall fly to thee:
Jesus, when I have lost my all,
I shall upon thy bosom fall.
Waiting at the cross.
ATHER, I dare believe
Thou wilt my guilty soul forgive,— My fallen soul renew.
2 Come, then, for Jesus' sake, And bid my heart be clean; An end of all my troubles make,- An end of all my sin.
3 I cannot wash my heart,
But by believing thee,
And waiting for thy blood to' impart The spotless purity.
4 While at thy cross I lie,
Jesus, the grace bestow;
Now thy all-cleansing blood apply, And I am white as snow.
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