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We know what we are, but we know not what we may be.



We know what we are, but we know not what we may be.


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A Sheriff's Sale. - Faithful Mattie. · Stella.. The Sudden Project. — Ernest Rosenvelt, the Tragedian. A Mourner without Hope. · Stella's Startling Disclosure to Mrs. Rosenvelt. — Apathy of the Mother, and Fixed Resolution of the Daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Oakland. Stella's Visit to their Cottage. Mr. Oakland's Repugnance to the Theatrical Profession. Futile Endeavors to discourage his Impetuous Pupil. A Reluctant Consent. The Study of Juliet. The First Lesson. — Effects upon Stella's Highly-wrought Imagination. The Widowed Mother's Alarm. - Losing one's Identity. The Expected Letter. Disappointment. · Enthusiasm that Runs Riot. Genius and Mediocrity.

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"MUST you hang that red rag from the drawingroom window? Couldn't you choose any other?

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Mattie ventured to touch the elbow of the man whom she thus querulously addressed. He was in the act of securing the pole that suspended a scarlet flag in front of a stately mansion in one of the most fashionable localities in Boston.

"It's a sheriff's sale!" was the brusque reply.

"All the world knows that, without your reddragon token!" sighed Mattie. She looked disconsolately around the spacious apartment, in which the costly appliances of wealth were ranged, not in their customary order, but as best fitted their display for an auction.

Thirty years before the period alluded to, Mr. Rosenvelt, an American merchant, visited London with his youthful wife. Mattie chanced to be employed by the lady as assistant dress-maker. The English girl became a widow one year after her marriage, and a few months before the book of her teens was closed. She had never contemplated entering service, but soon conceived a warm attachment for Mrs. Rosenvelt, and was induced to accept the situ ation of lady's maid. A year afterwards, the devoted attendant accompanied her master and mistress to America. Very great was her astonishment when she was first thrown in contact with the Boston "helps," who are so horrified at the word " servant" that they would gladly have the expression "thy man-servant and thy maid-servant " erased from the decalogue. Mattie was puzzled to comprehend how honest servitude could be considered a degradation. "Must not some rule, and some serve?" she would "It is my lot to serve, and I take pride in serving faithfully. If I begin to think myself too good to serve my mistress, I shall soon think myself too good to serve my God."


The policy of leaving a tried situation for one more profitable-an idea of peculiarly American growth never found its way into her simple, uncalculating mind. She deemed herself grafted upon

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