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of superiorities, simply as gifts in matter, without one atom of power in self or constant quickening; one being the first required for the backing, as in figures needed. to be handled by the lawful ruler, God himself, on the base root of all order for all powers, by the square root on the cubic or force of the sphere, equal in each for or against. Hence, properly speaking, attraction itself has no self-dynamical power, but it is absolute in inertia as a sufficiency for complete immobility against all other properties in nature left alone. Yet attraction is really the only one which has the life aspect of the gift, because while it must be worked by omnipotence all through, its force is so far imperial in the greater mass as of matter in greater governing solidity, drawing and pumping up from the centre the lesser toward death and resurrection.

Thus, discovery in science, as it progresses, without the aid of the divinely-given synopsis, is only making confusion the greater, and all nature sheer mysticism. In God's hands, however, Inertia is the most profound or deep original gift or spiritual property matter required to have by solidity and immensity of the mass acting in unity. Attraction to add and lift by the only natural dynamics next. Fire next, (yet the highest as over the olden ones,) to enable the most refined matters to cut through and unite with the heavy to all parts by accumulation under resistance or refraction. So fire is rather a spiritual than a true dynamical force-a quickener and improver of it in atoms. Dynamical power is never as of the sum said to be in subtraction or even addition in arithmetic, but in the figures as solids on each other. We pray physicists to let the next generation at all events, get some progress out of our studies and sense out of nature.

How do men of science learn to apply gravitation

to the moon, except by observation on a few facts, and inductive reasoning for the others in the consistency of the Creator's will whether they call him God or Nature? They have not visited her to find her parts have weight towards her centre-and where is the difficulty about her motions being subject to all the other common properties of nature as under a scale of justice for guidance, velocity and support. Hence it follows, she and all the stars are upheld by a universal corpuscular medium, or all research into unique truthfulness in natural physics is at an end. So also heat is evolved by bruising fluids and solids however minute. Have not men of science admitted it when saying the action of an infant's foot or voice vibrates to the bounds of the universe, because motion runs out-How? if there be no physical conductor, remains for them to shew; while the experiments of a nursery for children, a hospital, or a green-house prove that the thermal heat must suit the constitution of each body by its relative position around the source of heart-supply, and the whole mass be subject to constant radiation to eternal loss, without a forcing means from without to secure the draft-returns of the cold, in more matter for the body, and keep up drag-wrought friction. As evidence on this question will be constantly turning up in our progress through the astronomic thesis, we shall now look at the evidence the Principia of Newton provides, that the universal medium exists, and find it circumstantially proved by his problems, whether he saw that as one result or not. By a correct attainment of the facts proved there we shall establish the evidence for our already preserved conclusions, if further proof be needed, and leave many of the illustrious mathematician's hypothetical impressions far behind, as far as causes and properties in natural

physics over motion are considered. Indeed, the idea. that one power can be over another, and yet that other its equal, able to do with an equal ratio, selfgenerated, the work of perpetual motion against its master is an absurd use of the idea, force, at all. And however the ratios of unity on inertia-attraction and subtractive fire, for chemical fluid force and all new compounds, are here proved to have such necessary unity within the skin of the universe, yet still, the superior empiry of a seat of peculiarity, and equally distinct line of preponderance need exist for each; and as the line of advantage for any settled force of gravity and inertial solidification is toward the heart-centre for universal rigidity, while that of motive force is extractive, tangential, and radiating, to avoid such fixity as must produce a collapse to stillness, and while the demand on divine wisdom is certain to a covenant action of truth for the agency of his Spirit within, so that the addition line must depend on addition to mass for preserving the force of pressure, onward for ever, against relapse, as the only means to keep the leverage on one path preponderating, the unity of the ratios in the opposing properties are so held by us here that the true laws of justice, in harmony with experiment are asserted without inconsistent mistake as to the rule "to feed" being associated with the rule "to live" and "to move" throughout the universe with "to be." The Almighty preferring to work by miracle here, so that the act is one of justice to the law that is perfect in the natural line of things, which teach men the dependence for the vital flow of the universe under such laws as make it subject to experimental demonstration. Thus science and revelation work together to lead to God; for when we speak of the creation of new matter we may perhaps call it miracle,


although not eccentric to law. Motion, then, is proved to be the passing of a mass of inert substance from place to place in space, against which every atom of matter, whether new, as light from God, or old, requires for the just law of restraint over its forces of motion, that every atom shall have a ratio of resistance to motion in space equal to its solidity; but by the sustained inequality of the balance is, by gravitation, all made to work above it. Thus the solid sphere is built on its own means for an axis and foundation, holding space in God on nothing, and out of nothing, under the property of whole inertia; and God then quickens each atom with a vital spirit of action by the touch of the new stream as a leverage gift of a new grace: so that all the old mass like a dead row of figures become quickened by a new number with the properties of the old nature in bar divisions as ours, thus, () and the rules of truth in power go on. Newton establishes this, although he saw it not. His difficulties, with all others, were based on the supposition that any universal medium must be a hindrance to regularity of motion instead of what sweeps all those difficulties aside—that it is a necessary co-worker and final stamp-press for the of all. The final reguaccuracy lator under God. His definition of the Centrifugal Force is (Principia, Notes to Sec. II, Def. 59.) "Whatever tends constantly to solicit or impel a body towards a fixed point or centre is called a centripetal force. The centripetal force which is found in the sun and planets, is, by way of distinction, called

NOTE. The chemical antipathy law, and its just ratio, are proved efficient to ratios of need in law by the power of two streams of light to pass in opposite lines in the same space without contention: as the reflected light of the moon to us, and ours to her without confusion of character or mixture of volume in resistance of each other.

gravity, or the force of gravity." The word "impel" may do, but "compel" would be over-strong. Mutual attraction can at best be only called mutual solicitation by mutual impulse, or rather as love is a mutual thirst for union. Thus, the increase of matter with this property is really to shew the law of increase in love as the needed stamp feature of God's testimony by the first law of motion in creation; and then the property of fire, for the law of sub-division and separation becomes the law of division, as allowed only under a law of love, which can only go on, as the inferior in power, working for ever; only on a full ratio, as the preventive of dead weight, or death, in preponderating gain, by the need of new matter bringing more inertia in stability, but at first as over-weight one side of the centre. A strange mass. Compulsion only begins when the new weight in love comes from God on the verge of the old, and then its over ratio is prevented from becoming a useless excrescence by its being sucked in as food, and so putting the whole mass at work for the line of the equilibrium. Thus, the universe must be drawn on by the new creation of the hot breath from the mouth of God, in its effort to swallow and digest it within. The suited type of the fire and life in his word, or hot milk of light from his bosom. Newton, in the next passage, gives us the whole question for a success. He says, page 60—"The word gravity is used in three different measures." These, he then defines, so as to give them all the properties requisite for full motion and its regulation. Thus, the question, What overcomes inertia? is begged and jumped over.

Now, no simple property can be its own measurer in reduction, for that would simply be the reduction of its ratio of force altogether, or absurd inconsis

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