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from all the local organizations or Unions, by whatever name known, in the cities of the United States, working for City Evangelization and City Church Extension under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

§ 2. The object of the National City Evangelization Union is to promote the efficiency of the local Unions, to bring them into helpful and fraternal relations, to encourage the formation of similar Unions in all the cities, or in communities contiguous to each other where the Methodist Episcopal Church has three or more Charges, and, in general, to keep before the Church its responsibility for the evangelization of the cities. It shall work in coöperation with the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, and shall be entitled to elect not less than three of its members to represent it in the General Committee of Home Missions and Church Extension. Should a Bureau of Cities be organized by that Society, it shall elect not less than three of its members to represent it on that Bureau.

3. The Board of Managers shall consist of the officers of the Society and of thirty other members, Laymen and Ministers, who shall be elected at such times as the Constitution of the National Union shall provide. The Bishops, the executive officers of each local Union, the executive officers of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, and three members chosen by that Board shall be ex officio members of the Board. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary elected by the National City Evangelization Union to conduct the correspondence of the Union, and in general to promote the interests of City Evangelization throughout the Church by

sions and Church Extension may be directive, the aim of the Board being in the cities of the second class to develop the local Societies so that to them, when duly organized and in operation, may be committed the Missionary work of the city, such organizations, as rapidly as possible, placing the cities among those of the first class.

In the cities of the third class, the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension shall directly or through its Bureau of Cities, should such a department be formed, actively undertake Mission work in connection with local forces, associating such forces whenever feasible into a local organization and having in view the efficiency of the work, the raising of the city as early as practicable to the first class.

§ 5. The local Unions shall have authority each in the territory covered by its Constitution or Charter to collect and disburse money for the objects contemplated in its organization.

III. Duties of District Superintendents, Pastors, etc. ¶ 406, § 1. It shall be the duty of a District Superintendent whose District covers in whole, or in part, a city or contiguous communities where there are three or more Charges, to coöperate with the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension in securing the organization of a local Union as herein provided, and he shall exercise special supervision over it until other provision be made for its superintendence; he shall include in his annual report to the Annual Conference a statement of the needs and conditions of the local Unions on his District.

§ 2. It shall be the duty of each Pastor stationed

within the territory included in the Charter or Constitution of any local Union duly organized according to the Discipline once each year to present the cause of City Evangelization to his Congregation, to take up a collection for the local Society, and to report the amount to the Annual Conference.

§ 3. The Annual Conferences are directed to take such friendly cognizance of the local Unions within their bounds as may promote their efficiency and facilitate their work and also to provide for the publication of their tabulated reports in the Conference Minutes.

§ 4. The General Committee of Home Missions and Church Extension shall coöperate with the National City Evangelization Union in its plans for agitation and education and shall promote, as far as possible, the work of the local Societies in the several cities.



I. Incorporation and Officers

407, § 1. For the promotion of the educational work of the Church there shall be a Board known as the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as now duly incorporated according to the laws of the State of New York, shall be recognized as said Board of Education until changed by the General Conference. And the said

Board shall manage its affairs and property in such manner as shall not be inconsistent with its Charter or the rules and regulations of said General Confer


§ 2. The Board of Education shall consist of thirtysix members, one half to be Laymen, and at least three to be Bishops, with at least one member resident in each General Conference District. These members shall be elected by the General Conference and shall hold office for twelve years; one third of the Board shall be elected at each General Conference, provided that upon the first election, one third of the members shall be elected for four years, one third for eight years, and one third for twelve years.

¶ 408. The Corresponding Secretary shall be elected by the General Conference. He shall, under the provisions of the Discipline and the direction of the Board, conduct the correspondence, and shall in all his official conduct be subject to the authority and control of the Board, by whom his salary shall be fixed and paid. His time shall be employed in conducting the affairs of the Board and, under its direction, in promoting its general interests by traveling or otherwise.

Any vacancy in this office, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Board, until the Bishops, or a majority of them, shall fill the vacancy.

II. Powers

409, § 1. No institution of learning shall be recognized by the Board of Education as under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, be inserted in its classified list of such institutions, or receive

aid from its connectional educational funds, unless it first have the approval of the Annual Conference within whose bounds it is located, and of the Conferences associated in its management, and unless also (if it is of collegiate grade, and established after July, 1896) it shall have secured the approval of the Board of Education before its establishment.

§ 2. In the case of any institution hereafter established contrary to the provisions in § 1 of this paragraph, the Board of Education, on formal complaint made to it by any Annual Conference interested, shall fix a time and place for hearing the authorities of the said institution, and other institutions affected thereby, and shall advise such adjustment of the relation between them as shall seem wise and proper under the circumstances.

§ 3. The Board of Education shall recognize as auxiliaries such Educational Societies as now exist, or may hereafter be created, provided such Societies prosecute their work in harmony with the principles and methods of the Board of Education.

410, § 1. The Board of Education shall receive, invest, and disburse the fund known as the "Sunday School Children's Fund" and such other funds as are now in its hands or may be specially committed to it for educational purposes. ¶ 414.

§ 2. The Board of Education shall administer the Children's Fund to assist worthy young people, members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in obtaining a more advanced education. The aid shall be granted only in the form of loans, but the Board shall have the authority to cancel said loans, in part or in whole, for protracted ill health, or for five years' actual missionary service.

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