Imágenes de páginas

teftimony of Anovos in the Cyclops" of our Poet, mentioned by Canter, Barnes, and Mufgrave, in fupport of the metre of the fecond fyllable as long.

Verfe 411. Συμβόλαια.

The Poet delicately alludes by this expreffion to the matrimonial connexion of Xuthus and Creufa, and not to their former commerce with Trophonius, as Heath 3 understands it.

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I fee no neceffity for this emendation of Scaliger, inserted into the text of the Cambridge Editor, when the original reading was duxíos. Ariftophanes alludes to this cave of Pan at Athens, and ufes the very word duiov. κυλίον.

Ἡ το Πανὸς ἐςὶ τ' ἀυλίον. (Lyfift. v. 722.)


Instead of the fubftantive uvwv, Reifke ingeniously propofes to read van the participle.

Verfe 529. Οὐ τρέχων ὁ μῦθος.

The sense of this line, as printed in the different editions of Barnes and Musgrave, is very different: The former by annexing the mark of interrogation at the end has given a Not. in Trag. p. 136. 4 Animad. ad Eurip. p. 149. S 2 spirited

• V. 31.

fpirited verfion: The latter by making a paufe at du and def troying the interrogation at the end has deadened the force of the paffage.

Verfe 549. Δια μακράς.


Here Brodæus afferts, that Euripides alludes to the cave of Macrai; but there is no occafion to charge our Poet with this equivocal witticism.

Verre 595. Πόλιος.

The Attick Genitive Cafe, here admiflible inftead of ToNews, which the metre rejects, is móλsos, as rightly printed in the edition of Mufgrave: This word occurs in Sophocles, and is used in three different places of Euripides '; but the Ionick Tos in the Greek tragedians has no authority to fupport it.

Verfe 624. Περιβλέπων διάν

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The propofed emendation of Reiske of μuwv, instead of C in this paffage, whofe poetical verfion he then renders, "circumfpiciens præ metu trahit vitam murium trepidorum,' deserves our feverest animadverfion for its extreme abfurdity: This German Commentator, like the fabulous mountain of Horace, is literally delivered of a mouse.

In Ion. Annot. p. 107. 3 Ion. v. 932. Supplices, v. 30. ↑ Anun. ad. Eurip. p. 151.


Antig. V. 168.

Erechtheus, v. 74. ed. Barnes, p. 467. 5 Ars Poet. v. 143.

Verfe 631. Θεῶν δ ̓ ἐν ἐυχᾶις.

The fenfe of this paffage, which has fo varioufly tormented the Commentators, feems to imply, that Ion was fubfervient to the grief and joy of mortals in their prayers to the God, himself unaffected with any painful fenfation: This interpretation correfponde with the manufcript reading of ἢ γόοισιν,

Verfe 737. Εκγόνες,



If we apply this word to the fubfequent duréxoras, inftead of the preceding mahάes, and render the version according to Heath', ex ipfâ terrâ ortos, we shall avoid the objection of Reiske and Mufgrave to the Latin Tranflation of Barnes, who afferts, that it does not fignify majores or ancestors, but implies defcendents: And it must be allowed, that it occurs in this fenfe in the Hippolytus*, Heraclidæ, and Hercules Furens of our Poet,

Verfe 743. Περιφερή,

This word, tranflated lubricum by Barnes, and flexuofum by Mufgrave, fignifies spyyλov, or circular, as defined by Hefychius and Suidas; hence we derive the periphery of a circle: If this genuine fenfe cannot be here admitted, I fub

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mit whether we ought not to read Tagapopov, which has the fanction of Euripides in his Hecuba, πaрaq'ópw πodi: This is there explained by the Scholiaft, παραφερομένω καὶ ἐν ὀρθῶς Cadi Corti, in allufion to the uncertainty of the step: This idea would exactly correfpond with the neceffary fense required in this passage: And it is remarkable, that agapen was in the margin of Scaliger's and Heinfius's book; as we are informed by the Cambridge Editor; but Heath juftly obferves, that there is no fuch word: He explains however Tegen, quicquid autem rotundum eft, afcenfu etiam arduum eft: Perhaps it may be juftified, as the wandering step, fince Hefychius defines περιφέρομαι by πλανᾶται.

Verfe 883. Κέρασιν.


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Brodæus tranflates the word by nervis or the strings; and Heath fuppofes that it may allude to the plectrum or bow: but Julius Pollux 3, enumerating the distinct parts of instruments, mentions the νευραί, κέρατα, πλήκτρον, as different: Thefe Criticks are therefore mistaken: The true fenfe is well explained in the Note of Dr. Mufgrave.

Verfe 1109. Ξύνδαλο.

This word is erroneously printed both in the editions of Barnes and Mufgrave: It ought to be rude.

7 V. 1050.

I In Ion. Annot. p. 111. 3 L. 4. c. 9. fec. 02.

8 Not. in Ion, p. 138.

2 Not. in Ion, p. 139.

Werfe 1416. Η τόλμα με σκο

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The last fyllable of roua in this line muft confiftently with the metre be confidered as long, as conftituting a Spondee, and not a Trochee: Yet in this very play, it occurs in another line, where the Iambick measure in the second foot abfolutely requires it to be fhort,

Η τόλμα πᾶσ ̓ ἔνεςιν, (V. 1264.)

This is the true metre, and therefore in the present line there is an effential defect, which no Editor or Commentator to my knowledge has remarked: It may easily be corrected, by changing only the order of two words, and by reading,

“H γε τόλμα στο

Verfe 1424. Ἰδέ. τόδ' ἔσθ ̓ ὕφασμα, θέσφαθ' ως ευρίσκομεν.]

The Latin verfion of Serpa, in the edition of Barnes, is rendered by fatalia; and by Heath' quafi divinitus dicta effent: Neither of these fenfes connects well with the preceding parμa, and Dr. Mufgrave obferves, that in one Manuscript there were traces of the letter μ: He therefore fubftitutes doμa 9': But I would rather read spa, which is the very word before used by Creufa in a former line of this scene, and applied to the fame subject,

Ο σέμμαθ' ἱερα. (V. 1389.)

Not. in Ion, p. 142.

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