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pretended miracles, of the papists are well known to all proteftants. They were also fo barefaced and abfurd, that men who were really lovers of truth, and who were willing to take any pains in the investigation of it, would not have been deceived by them. But things were fo circumftanced, that it was the intereft of the temporal powers to act in concert with the popes, and to connive at their ufurpations, which acquired strength with time.

12. This judicial blindness is often mentioned in the Scriptures. In our Saviours' time it was the cafe with the Jews, as well as with Pharaoh in former times. It is produced by fuch perverfeness and obftinacy, as leads men to flight the ftrongest evidence of those truths which are unfavourable to their vicious inclinations and purfuits. That thefe difpofitions will blind the mind in the very plaineft cafes, we fee every day; and if there be any proper objects of punishment, perfons under this influence certainly are fuch.

13. We are not to infer from this, or any Similar expreffion in the New Teftament, that God acts immediately upon the minds of men, to fanctify them, without the use of their own endeavours, and the means that are naturally adapted to that end, fuch as are furnifhed in the gofpel itself. The holy spirit always means the miraculous gifts of the fpirit, by which the gospel was confirmed. They are the truths of this gofpel, and especially that of a refurrection and a future life, which was brought to light by it, that, operating in a natural way, reformed the world, and fanctify the hearts of men.

10. This

16. This is only another mode of praying that these christians may, obtain all the bleffings of the gospel, of which Chrift is the founder; and the expreffion is not to be understood literally, as if Christ had himself immediate access to the hearts of men, and adminiftered consolation to them. Indeed, God himself does this only by means of natural caufes, by fuch knowledge as is, naturally adapted to produce that effect. In like man ner God gives us our daily bread, but not in a miracu lous manner. It is always in the use of our own labour and induftry. We are, indeed, directed to pray for this, and alfo that God would cleanse our hearts, and give us a right spirit; but we shall deceive our felves if we look for an answer to any fuch prayers an thefe by a proper interference of God, out of the usual course of nature., Our bodies are fubfifted, and our hearts are cleansed, the one by bread, for which we fow the ground, and the other by those confideration with which we fhould carefully imprefs our minds; and we must thank God that we have a proper foil to cultivate, and the knowledge of those truths which are adapted to improve our dispositions, and fit us for future happiness; and withal we should be, thankful that he gives us skill to cultivate the ground, and capacity to difcern the truth, and act according to it.


This antichriftian power will advance itfelf by the moft wicked means, making ufe of pretended figns and miracles, and other unrighteous artifices, to raile his


power. By this means he shall effectually impofe up. on those whofe minds being abandoned to wickedness, and deftitute of that love of truth which leads men into the way of falvation, will render them eafy dupes to their impofitions. On this account God will be justified in fuffering them to be fo deluded and impofed upon, that they may fall into that condemnation which is the proper confequence of their indifpofition to receive the truth, and the pleafure they take in wickedness.

But this, my brethren, beloved of God, is far from being your character. We thank God that, from the beginning of our preaching the gospel to you, there were evident tokens of God's favourable intention with refpect to you, from which I have no doubt of your being deftined for future happiness; which can only be fecured by that holiness of heart and life which is the effect of true faith, of that faith which has been confirmed by the gift of the holy spirit. This is the faith to which you are called by the gofpel, the end of which is that glory which you will obtain at the coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift.

With this glorious profpect continue firm in the profeffion of every thing that you have been taught by me, either in person or by letter. And now may our Lord Jefus Chrift, the fame who will return with fo much glory, and who now influences your hearts by the gofpel; and may God, even our common father, who hath originally loved us, and has given us ground of the most folid confolation and good hope, through his goodness to us, comfort you in your tribulation, and


confirm you in every good principle, and in all right conduct.

Ch. III: 1. The apoftle concludes this epiftle with expreffing his good wishes to thofe to whom he was writing, and with repeating the admonitions he had given them before not to live an idle diforderly life, depending upon others, from which we may infer that his former admonitions on this fubject had not been sufficiently regarded.

2. In this the apostle probably alludes to the unbe. lieving Jews, who had driven Paul from Theffalonica, and cruelly perfecuted the chriftians in that place.

3. Here the apostle seems to use the word faith in a different fenfe, from that in which it is ufed immediately before, viz. for fidelity.

5. Some fuppofe this means the patience of Christ, as an example to us, the word coming not being mentioned.

10. This was probably a proverbial expreffion which the apoftle had made ufe of.

15. This does not seem to amount to a regular ex communication, for it is probable as I have observed, that the church at. Theffalonica was not then regularly conflituted. There were no elders or deacons then appointed, and no regular discipline established.


16. The Vulgate has in this place the reading To


17. It is propbable, as I have obferved, that fome perfons had pretended to receive letters from the apoftle, or had read one forged in his name to the Theffalonians. Therefore to prevent any impofition of this

kind, he obferves, that he fhould always write the falutations at the clofe of his epiftles with his own hand, having made ufe, of an amanuenfis for the body of the letter.


In the laft place, my christian brethren, pray for us, that our preaching the gospel may have the fame glorious fuccefs in other places that it has had with you; and alfo that we may be delivered from the ma ice of our enraged perfecutors. For many are fo far from embracing the gospel, that they do every thing in their power to oppofe the propagation of it. But God is faithful to his promife and if you continue your zeal in his fervice, will establish you in all good, and keep you from all evil. And I am fully perfuaded that as you have hitherto been obedient to the gospel of Chrift preached by me, you will continue to be obedient, and may God preferve you in his fear and love, and in patient waiting for the fecond coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift.

As I understand that you have not paid fufficient at tention to my former admonition, with respect to la bour and industry, I now repeat my injunctions on that fubject, in the name of the Lord Jefus; that you give no countenance to those who live in a manner fo contrary to every principle of duty, and to my precepts and example. You know your obligation to follow the example we set you, and our behaviour was very dif ferent from this. We did not live at the expence of any man, but laboured hard that we might not be bur


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