Boissier on portrait bust of Brutus. 416 Cæsar & Pompey, or Cæsar's Re- Bold upon intruding upon.. Booth, Barton, as Brutus. Booth, E., as Antony.. 66 as Brutus.... 86 venge, analysis of.. 451 12 35 441 Cæsar's prowess in swimming.... .... 202 Caius Ligarius.... 124 434 414 240 Call in question=consider.. 94 Calphurnia contrasted with Portia. ΙΟΙ 63 221 8 119 39 'Calpurnia' for Calphurnia.. 24 19 281 66 of....... 134 Death's hour............ Decimation, allusion to.. 95 'Decius' for Decimus Brutus.. 260 noun. Cinna, murder of, Stapfer on. 150 91 24 136 77 DeQuincy on Cæsar's superstition. 99 409 Disillusion, confession of, by Bru- 60 tus Clock, striking, an anachronism,.. 99 'Distract' as past participle.. 179 205 218 161 Gardens of Cæsar..... 255 Holds on his rank.. tempt..... 183 'Honourable' ambiguously used by "where situated... 184 Cicero in 2 Philippic.... Genitive of proper noun ending in -ius....... Genius and mortal instruments.... natalis...... Gerundial infinitive. Gervinus on character of Cæsar.. on Brutus's character on the Play... Get thee gone... 48 173 102 on apparent irony in Hony-heavy-dew...... on the Date.. 127 on the Play. 37 on character of Brutus.....407 285 |