Imágenes de páginas

by the loud crackling of the consuming fire, the fall of a building, or the savage cry of some Asiatic sentinel. The flames rose high from tower and grove, lighting up the destruction they were making; they darted in broad, red masses across the channel that divides the island from the main, and reflected on the black sides and lofty summit of Cape Karabournou. Then I saw consuming the beautiful city, the fairest, the politest of all the Levant, where, at different periods of my life, I had passed many a happy day; then I saw the ravage of the destructive element among those lovely gardens, the odor of whose fruittrees had so often saluted me across the calm waves, charmed my senses, and given me the pleasant assurance that I was approaching home. Many and many a time, as I have been sailing out of the bay of Smyrna, have I scented, at the distance of miles, the sweet blossoms of the orange tree, the citron, and the almond, that were prodigal of beauty and wealth to the dwellers in the happy island of Scio. What had the marble halls and inoffensive plants done that they should thus be destroyed! One would have thought that the love of possession would have saved them, and that the Turks, contenting themselves with wrenching them from those who had built and planted them, would have stayed the hand of injury, and kept them for their own use and enjoyment. But it is part of their brutal character to delight in destruction; perhaps, they are anxious to efface works they themselves know not how to imitate; they may have considered the symmetric, elegant, comfortable edifices a reproach to their own paltry constructions of lath and mortar: perhaps, but why speculate on the motives of their barbarity? the fact is,—and alas! how often has it been proved of late years-the Turk ever finishes with fire what he has begun with the sword, and so soon as he has pillaged the money and jewels, and secured such women as may have charms for his brutal lust, or who he

imagines will sell well, he hastens to render the scene of his triumph a heap of desolate ruins. To do this in Scio required hard work, and the perverse industry which the Turks displayed to accomplish their purpose was truly astonishing. The houses, being well built of hard stone and marble, with scarcely any wood in them but the doors and window-frames, were very difficult to burn; they had the barbarous constancy of purpose to return to the same building five, ten, or fifteen days, successively, and even after all, the strong outer walls are nearly all yet standing. I except, however, the palace of the Bishop, where the short assemblies of the Greek people were held, and the Greek college, in which, before our troubles, from four to five hundred youths of Scio, and other islands of the Archipelago, were educated; these two edifices were rased to the ground-not one stone was left upon another. It is a sad thing now, Sir, as you must have felt, to walk through that desolate town; to see those smoked, scorched, skeletons of houses that were once so beautiful. When I was there, a few days ago, I walked through street after street and did not meet a human being. I started a covey of partridges in the Strada de' Primati, which I had known so populated and gay. I saw an unowned starved bitch giving suck to her miserable litter in the corner of a marble paved hall, that had belonged to a wealthy merchant, and which I had seen frequented, in other days, by a large and handsome family, and numerous and smiling friends. Sturdy shoots of the wild fig-tree had sprung up within the holy church; the floor was overgrown with nettles, weeds hung from the walls, swarms of insects were seen rushing to their secret holes, and an odious black snake lay coiled on the very altar stone! I could have wept to see such changes.

I now, Sir, come to the night on which our brave Canaris took his signal vengeance on the Turks for the cruelties they had committed, and were then committing, against us. A

terrible night, Sir, it was. When I deck, the vessel was close asternlook back to it, it seems like some within hail. She was a large black horrible dream; such a dream as brig, but not a soul could I see on might visit a guilty soul, when labor- board except the man at the helm. ing under remorse of conscience, and Of my own accord, I cried out to the dread of everlasting perdition; a him to hold off, or he would be split vision of the day of judgment; a to pieces against us. No answer was scene of the deep abyss of unquench- returned, but, favored by a gentle able flame, from which may the Vir- breeze, on came the brig, silent and gin and saints deliver us! The Turk- sombre as the grave. Whilst fixing ish fleet was lying quietly and unsus- my eyes intently on these incomprepectingly at anchor off Scio, on a fine hensible proceedings, I saw the helmsnight, in the month of June; the hour man leave his post, having secured his was waxing very late; the coffee- tiller hard a-port-the next instant I shops on board had ceased to give out heard a noise like that made by the the chibouques and cups; the Turks manning of oars-then I saw a boat were reposing, huddled together like drop astern from under the lee of the sheep, on the decks; the Captain brig-and ere I could again draw Pasha had retired to his splendid breath, the brig struck violently cabin, his officers had followed his against our side, to which (by means example; no regular watch being ever I could not then conceive) she became kept on board a Turkish man of war. at once attached like a crab, or the I, and a few Greek lads, still lingered many-armed polypus. Before one on the upper deck, and, for want of third of the slumbering Turks were better amusement, were watching the aroused, before a dozen of them had progress of a dark sail, which we saw seized their pikes and spars to detach emerge from the Spalmadore Islands, the dangerous neighbor-she explodand bear down the channel in our di- ed!-A discharge-a fire-a shock, rection. She came stilly on, ap- like the mighty eruption of some vast proaching us nearer and nearer, and volcano, rose from the dark, narrow we kept gazing at her, without, how- bosom, and quickly she was scattered ever, apprehending anything, until we in minute fragments, high in the assaw another sail in sight, and per- tonished, but placid heavens, wide ceived that the vessel we had first over the sea, and among our decks made out was hauling up in such a and rigging-destroyed herself in the manner as would soon bring her right act of destroying, though we could alongside our lofty three-decker. I see the hands that had directed and then ventured to go below and speak impelled the movement of the dreadto one of the Turkish officers. This ful engine pulling fast away in gentleman cursed me for disturbing the boat. They might have taken it him, called me a fool, and after more coolly, for the Turks had other speaking disrespectfully of the mother matters to think of, than pursuing that bore me, grumbled out that they them-our ship was on a blaze-the must be merchant vessels from Smyr- flames were running like lightning na, turned himself on his other side, along our rigging, and had seized on so and fell again to sleep. Still the susmany parts at once, that the confused picious ship came on nearer and near- crew knew not where to direct their er; I spoke to some of the men, who attention. The Captain Pasha rushreplied much in the same manner as ed upon deck like a man who had the officer had done, wondering what heard the sound of the last trumpet; I had got into my head, to be running he did not, however, lose much time about breaking people's rest at such a in beating his forehead and tearing time of the night. What more could his beard; he proceeded with great I do? firmness of mind to give judicious orWhen I again ascended the quarter ders, but the fire was too widely

spread, and the consternation of the crew too excessive to admit of any good being done. While he gave commands to intercept the flames that were already playing down the maintopmast, he heard the cry from below that the lower deck was on fire, and numbers of his men rushed by him and leaped into the sea. It was in vain he ran from place to place, attempting by prayers and threats to establish something like a unity of action-the fellows had lost their reason in their extreme fear.-It was all in vain that he drew forth his splendid purse, and scattered its rich contents before them-what was money to a man who felt that, if he lingered for a minute, he should be sent into the air on the wings of gunpowder! Some of our boats had caught fire; others were lowered, and you will not wonder that these were all swamped or upset by the numbers that rushed into them. Meanwhile the fire spread, and spread at each instant it might reach the powder magazines-the guns too, that were all double-shotted or crammed with grape, began to be heated; and as the flames flashed over them, already went off at intervals with tremendous roar. The wild shrieks, curses, and phrensied actions of some of the crew; the speechless despair, and stupid passiveness of others; and their shrill, reckless maniac laugh (for many of them were downright mad) were horrible to witness. People may talk about Mahometan resignation, and the surprising influence of their doctrine of fatalism, but, for my part, I saw little result from their boasted equanimity or firm-set belief: they seemed to be affected just as other mortals would have been in a similar trying situation, and indeed (with the exception of a few of superior rank among the Turks) the despised Greeks showed infinitely more firmness and presence of mind than their masters. The far greater part of the latter leaped into the sea without reflecting whether

they could swim two miles—or, indeed, whether they could swim at all,(among nearly 800 Turks, you may imagine, Sir, what a number of fat fellows there were,) and without calculating the certain havoc to be committed on them in the water by the terrible discharges of the guns. I shall not attempt to vaunt my own courage; I was a worn-out, spirit-broken manI was going to throw myself overboard, when a Greek, a townsman of mine, as brave and clever a lad as ever lived, caught hold of my arm, and drew me aside. "What are you mad, like the stupid Turks ?" said he in an under tone of voice; "if you leap into the water now, you will be either drowned in the dying grasp of some heavy Osmanli, or have your brains knocked out by the cannon shot-the ship may not blow up yet awhile; and do you not see, that now as the cables are cut, and the wind is toward shore, we are every moment drifting nearer to the island? Come along, Yorghi!" I followed my adviser to the bow of the ship-here I saw a number of Greeks, hanging on the bowsprit and on the rigging outside of the bows. We took our station with them, awaiting in almost breathless silence the moment when the powder magazine should explode. I should tell you, though, that before I left the deck I saw the Captain Pasha make an attempt to leave the ship, in a boat that had sustained little injury. His attendants succeeded in embarking his treasures and valuables, and he was descending the ship's side, when a number of frantic Turks leaped into the boat, and down she went, mahmoudiers,* golden coffee-cups, amber pipes, shawls, Turks, and all! It has been generally said that the Captain Pasha was killed in the boat by the fall of a part of the ship's masts; but this, I can assure you, is not correct-he was blown up with the ship. As I was getting over the bows, I saw him through the smoke and flames, standing with his back against the

* Mahmoudier, a coin, value 25 piastres. 28 ATHENEUM, VOL. 2, 3d series.

bulwarks, his hands crossed on his breast, and his head raised towards the heavens, which looked pitilessly and on fire; and one of my companions afterwards assured me he saw him in the same position the very moment before the final explosion. Of the explosion itself I can say little, but that it was indeed tremendous.-I remember nothing but a dreadful roar, an astounding shock, a burst of flames that seemed to threaten the conflagration of the globe, and a rain of fiery matter that fell thick, and hissed in the troubled sea like ten thousand serpents. The shock threw us nearly all from the bows; some, though not many, were killed by the falling timbers, the rest swam off for shore, from which we were still distant more than a mile. My limbs had no longer the strength and activity that in former

times enabled me to swim from Stanchio to Calymna; but, with the assistance of a floating fragment, I did very well, and was among the foremost of the Greeks who reached the little light-house, that stands on Scio's ancient and ruined mole. On looking back at the wreck, the forepart of the ship appeared still afloat, and the foremast erect, but they soon parted, and the next day nothing was seen of the immense ship, but minute and innumerable fragments scattered on the water and on the shore of the island. Of about nine hundred persons in all, who were on board, only eighty-three escaped, and among these, as far as I could ascertain, there was not one Turk! Many unfortunate Greek prisoners or slaves perished with the ship, and among them, three young Sciote children.


CRUELTY to animals is a subject which has deservedly attracted parliamentary investigation. It is not beneath the dignity of a Christian legislator to prevent the unnecessary sufferings of the meanest of created things; and a law which is dictated by humanity can surely be no disgrace to the statutebook. Who that has witnessed the barbarous and unmanly sports of the cock-pit and the stake-the fiend-like ingenuity displayed by the lord of the creation in teaching his dependents to torture, mangle, and destroy each other for his own amusement-the cruelties of the greedy and savage task-master towards the dumb laborer whose strength has decayed in his service-or the sufferings of the helpless brute that drags with pain and difficulty its maimed carcass to Smithfield-what reasonable being that has witnessed all or any of this, will venture to affirm that interference is officious and uncalled for? Yet it is certain that Mr. Martin acted properly and wisely in excluding flies from the operation of his act-well knowing, as he must have done, that the feeling

of the majority was decidedly averse from affording parliamentary countenance and immunity to those descendants of the victims of Domitian's just indignation. The simple question for consideration would be, whether the conduct and principles of the insect species have undergone such a material change as to entitle them to new and extraordinary enactments in their favor?

Have they entirely divested themselves of their licentious and predatory habits, and learnt now for the first time to distinguish between right and wrong?

Do they understand what it is to commit sacrilege? To intrude into the sanctum sanctorum of the meat-safe? To rifle and defile the half roseate, half lily-white charms of a virgin ham? To touch with u hallowed proboscis the immaculate lip of beauty, the unprotected scalp of old age, the savory glories of the kitchen? To invade with the most reckless indifference, and the most wanton malice, the siesta of the alderman or the philosopher? To this we answer in the eloquent and emphatic language of the late Mr. Canning

No! Unamiable and unconciliating friend, citizen, and Christian, who is monsters! The wildest and most fe- on cushioned sofa composing himself rocious inhabitants of the desert may for his wonted nap, after a dinner in be reclaimed from their savage nature, substance and quantity of the most and taught to become the peaceful satisfactory description, and not undenizens of a menagerie-but ye are tempered by a modicum of old port. altogether untractable and untamea- His amiable partner, with that refined ble. Gratitude and sense of shame, delicacy and sense of decorum pecuthe better parts of instinct, have never liar to the female sex, has already yet interposed their sacred influence withdrawn with her infant progeny, to prevent the commission of one trea- leaving her good man, as she fondly cherous or unbecoming action of yours. imagines, to enjoy the sweets of unThe holy rights of hospitality are by interrupted repose. At one moment you abused and set at naught; and we behold him slumbering softly as the very roof which shelters you is an infant-" so tranquil, helpless, stirdesecrated with the marks of your ir- less, and unmoved;" in the next, we reverential contempt for all things hu- remark with surprise sundry violent man and divine. Would that (and twitches and contortions of the limbs, the wish is expressed more in sorrow as though the sleeper were under the than in anger)—would that your en- operation of galvanism, or suffering tire species were condensed into one from the pangs of a guilty conscience. enormous bluebottle, that we might Of what hidden crime does the mecrush you all at a single swoop! mory thus agitate him-breaking in upon that rest which should steep the senses in forgetfulness of the world and its cares? On a sudden he starts from his couch with an appearance of frenzy!-his nostrils dilated, his eyes gleaming with immoderate excitation -an incipient curse quivering on his lips, and every vein swelling-every muscle tense with fearful and passionate energy of purpose. Is he possessed with a devil, or does he meditate suicide, that his manner is so wild and hurried? With impetuous velocity he rushes to the window, and beneath his vehement but futile strokes, aimed at a scarcely visible, and certainly impalpable object, the fragile glass flies into fragments, the source of future colds and curtain lectures without number. The immediate author of so much mischief, it is true, is the diminutive vampire which is now making its escape with coldblooded indifference through a very considerable fracture in one of the panes; but surely the person who saved from destruction, and may thus be considered to have given existence to the cause of all this loss of temper and of property, cannot conscientiously affirm that his withers are unwrung! Mercy and forbearance are very great

Many, calling themselves philanthropists and Christians, have omitted to squabash a fly when they had an opportunity of so doing; nay, some of these people have even been known to go the length of writing verses on the occasion, in which they applaud themselves for their own humane disposition, and congratulate the object of their mistaken mercy on its narrow escape from impending fate. There is nothing more wanting than to propose the establishment of a Royal Humane Society for the resuscitation of flies apparently drowned or suffocated. Can it possibly be imagined by the man who has succeeded after infinite pains in rescuing a greedy and intrusive insect from a gin-and-watery grave in his own vile potations, that he has thereby consulted the happiness of his fellow creatures, or promoted the cause of decency, cleanliness, good order, and domestic comfort? Let him watch the career of the mischievous little demon which he has thus been the means of restoring to the world, when he might have arrested its progress forever. Observe the stout and respectable gentleman, loved, honored, and esteemed in all the various relations of father, husband,

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